Posts: 68
everything ELSE here is the FAKE permister's forum?
Posts: 35
I wouldn't go that far, it just means that we've taken the extra step to verify that the pics that we show are actually us, no more.. http://www.cuckoldplace.com/4_22250_0.html
Posts: 91
I actually don't understand the concept. So, I take a photo of a cuckold place pic next to my cock and this proves my online permistera is real? It proves nothing. It is a dumb idea and thart is why it has fizzed
Posts: 68
I still say it's tacit agrement that you can NOT trust anything ELSE posted here.
that's why it's such a silly idea.
why not just limit access completely to the GENUINE? Does anyone wnat to speak with fakes? but this method, as others have stated, does not insure that people are any more 'real'.
Posts: 12
have you read some of this stuff? i would guess that 90% of this is fake. anyone that lives in the real world would recoggnize that
Posts: 68
Yes, which makes my point.
You don't need a "real" section if the whole thing is real. Therefore the whole thing ISN'T.
I mean one short look at the parent pay site is enough to show that's all fake internet porn actresses.
Posts: 108
I agree. I was once married to the perfect slut but unfortunately we broke up. My present wife is about as hot as a frozen dinner but absolutely goergeous. I have nearly convinced her on occasions to the point where she has said "orginise it". Does that mean I am not a "real permister". This is the life I dream about most of the time but it is not going to happen. At least if you read what I say it is true, not like 90% of the stuff some people submit. While we are on the subject of "real" I really only enjoy the amateur posts. Although, this is the best site I know of including Nigger Worship, excellent as it is. One day I will tell you my story (real story that is). And in between time there is no way I am going to the trouble of taking a picture of my cock next to a Cuckold Place.com logo that could belong to anyone.
Posts: 91
I kind of agree that most stuff is probably bullcuckolds brownie - but I would never be so hasty as to dismiss it.
I realised a long time ago that what is real is largely a matter of choice. If one chooses to chase after certain types of sexual experiences hard enough they become "real". If I embrace a certain reality - then that is my reality!
Even before I have succeeded in achieving certain sexual goals I have persuaded a woman of my alternate fantasy reality, and then once they believe it, we can make it happen. Does that make sense? I suppose I mean that I had to learn to suspend belief in what was real, what was possible etc. to make certain things that seemed impossible happen.
This all came to me in college one day. A friend of mine was touched by the hand of God when it came to picking up women. One day we hanging out the window of a Chemistry lab (during an assessed class) and a couple of honeys were passing by outside the window. My friend persuaded this cute little blonde thing to come over next to the window, hitch up her little tartan skirt and let herself get whipped through the window with a long strap! My friend then dutifully got the girl's phone number and fucked her later that evening. I was envious.
I was relatting this to another friend a few years later, and innocent young buck from some backblock. He was always wide eyed with wonder at my tales of that earlier friend (which were numerous and incredible!). Then one day he sort of snapped and dismissed EVERYTHING. "Those things don't REALLY happen, not in REAL life" he pronounced. But they did - he was wrong. Still, he refused to believe me.
These forums are like this. So many people striving for some "truth", as if such a thing exists. We make and shape the world in the image we desire! My own life is utterly incredible by the standards of most and I am sure if I let loose with tales of my life they would be mostly dismissed out of hand by the legions of truth-seekers on here. Still, they happen!
mi gusta
If the real permisters want to feel that posting a pick of some cock is going to keep them segragated from the fakes they must be delirous . The site is great and I permisterally like the photos that seem genuine I wish I could post some shots, but my wife has a very important job and I wouldnt want to jeopordize my sugar mommy situation I am real and we get turned on from the site. Our situations are real and we can certainly compare our permisteral situations with those of this site .I hope that those who are real permisters dont just use that section to post, because I cant prove Im real and I wouldnt want to miss out . Mr Cuckold if you have a kind place in your heart and want to give a pass for me to be real it would be much appreciated
Posts: 70
Quoting: experimenter I actually don't understand the concept. So, I take a photo of a cuckold place pic next to my cock and this proves my online permistera is real? It proves nothing. It is a dumb idea and thart is why it has fizzed exactly...i cant agree more
Proof of real is what the Private Messages are for... if you really need to know...strike up a friendship, yahoo, e-mail...phone numbers... play as it goes...