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Ideas to get wife with others

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Hi guys would love my wife to fuck other guys. She is a pretty hot 35 year old. Now our kids are a bit older and i'm not working nights anymore she is starting to go to Melbourne about every 6 weeks or so as we live in country. She goes down to catch up with her friends and have girls nights out. They normally go for dinner and takes and then end up at clubs dancing and takeing to 80's music and not getting home till about 5 am. She is very open with me telling me about all the guys who try to pick her up and even last time her friend picked up and took the guy home so there was jus the 3 of them at the house. I'm looking for ways I could get my wife to take someone back to the house to fuck while her friend fucked the other guy. Just before last trip away she got me to totally shave her pussy which she has never done before and she is starting to wear all her sexy lingerie when she goes out so I think she is thinking about but I want her to take the next step and start relaxing with other people.
Any ideas would be helpful. I will also try to post a few picks from the home computer when I work out how to get them off my phone as I have been taking secret naked ones of her in shower and bath.
Any ideas would be great and it needs to be without her knowing i'm setting it up.


Posts: 19
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how about blackmail??
I'll fill your wifes pussy full of cum


Posts: 18
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Hi VicGuy

Im from melbourne. maybe we can catch up


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Email me at [email protected]

Love to talk talves

Also Asian how do we blackmail her???
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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Why do you need to set her up? If she is getting you to shave her pussy and wear sexy lingerie to go out, then I don't think she is going to take very much encouragement to have sex with other guys.

I tell her during love-making how turned you got shaving her and knowing what sexy underwear she had on for her night out in the city. Let her know that she is allowed to fuck new men at her friend's house, as long as she comes home and tells you all about it.

I reckon she's about to do it anyway, so you may as well give her your permission and enjoy it. At 35, your wife is at her sexual peak. Ask her what sort of guys try to pick her up and if she fancies any of them. Maybe she would be flattered if a much younger guy hit on her.
Peter C


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Watching good porn together always worked for me. I have turned three different women into full blown sluts that way. At least they credited me with it, although one or two of them were pretty nasty before.

While you're both super aroused, ask her if she'd like to be the star...what else she'd like. etc. Then you can slip in what you'd like to see. Just don't rush it. Feel it out and you'll be fine.
If its a drippin', I'm a lickin'


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are you kidding me? i hate to tell you this, but she already is. she just isnt telling the math, shaved pussy, lingerie, ect.any girl will tell you lingerie is very uncomfortable. they wear it for only one reamister., to take it off.its possible that she is intentionally leaving you hints(again-shaved pussy,lingerie, story about her friend,ect. either she's feeling guilty, or she's testing your reaction.try having an intimate talk about trust with her. tell her the most important thing is being able to trust her. tell her you want her to be happy. tell her you could even handle her relaxing with oher men if it makes her happy. let her know the important thing is that she trust you enough to be honest with you about it.that should do it.seriously, she's already doing it. that couldnt be more ovbvious. try thiis approach and you might get to be a part of it


Posts: 17
#8 · Edited by: CB3Ksub
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Although inexperienced, I agree. She has either already cuckolded you (and you just don't know yet), or she is looking. If the latter, you cannot and should not rush it. Let her find the right guy at the right time.

This is how I have seen it best explained, although we have yet to experience it completely. Ultimately, the transition will occur --first on her part, and then on yours-- from doubt, to realization, to confession, to acceptance, and then to final presentation.

You are obviously already through the DOUBT phase where you began to think you were not on the same sexual level as your wife. Either you cum too quickly, or your little cock feels too loose inside her with very limited vocal display of pleasure and satisfaction on her part. That is when you start encouraging your wife to seek a relationship with an outside lover. You are on the path to becoming a cuckold, whether you realize it or not.

Then comes the REALIZATION phase when you know for certain that it is true. It hits home the first time she takes a real Bull and you either listen outside the room or are allowed to watch her experience orgasms that you were never able to provide throughout the years of your marriage. You may even try to re-exert control in the bedroom after this experience, which only results in great disappointment on both your parts.

Next comes the CONFESSIONAL phase when you communicate with your wife, and perhaps to others, and are more or less outed as a beta type male. At this point you are willing, or even anxious, to admit to your wife that you are inadequate and unable to fulfill her sexual needs and desires. It is likely that your wife will give you a permanent gift at this stage as a reward and reminder of your new position in her life. She has already made her decision now.

Finally comes the ACCEPTANCE phase when you give in to your wife and quit attempting to be anything other than what you are, a submissive cuckold. You stop fighting any desire to return to your former status as the “lover” in her life, and accept the fact that your wife no longer wants you to be her Alpha male in the bedroom – and does not even want you to try. She has her Alpha male, or will whenever she wants one. Your traditional husband role is over. Instead, she needs you to be a devoted submissive cuckold husband who has completely accepted his new position.

Once you reach the FINAL SUBMISSION phase, you have fully accepted your status, and a kind of peace and contentment envelopes you. You ultimately realize your only responsibility is to please your wife and the men she may ultimately want to be with.

This is a transition that is destined to reach final conclusion as soon as the REALIZATION stage is passed. There is no turning back. She doesn’t need or even want you as her Alpha lover anymore. Conflicts arise only when the cuckold fights transitioning through these levels and fails to get to the final levels of acceptance and permanent presentation. Both you and your wife must work together to help or power you through this transition. Remember, it is now your destiny just as night follows day.

So be careful what you wish for!



Posts: 83
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Mine has started wearing G strings recently at age 43, any opinions on that> She also changed her hairstyle at the same time.


Posts: 1096
#10 · Edited by: jamesriske
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Quoting: CB3Ksub
I agree. She has either already cuckolded you (and you just don't know yet), or she is looking. If the latter, you cannot and should not rush it. Let her find the right guy at the right time. Watching x-rated DVD's with cocks that are larger than yours will surely wet her appetite!

So your advice is to sit around watching porn with her?

hahaha! That's ridiculous advice.

Most women don't like porn and she might be insulted by it. I really have to wonder if you have experience with women at all. I doubt it.

But even if she was the 1% of women who do watch porn, simply watching it isn't going to do anything. You have to have open and honest communication with your wife if you want to do the cuckold lifestyle. You have to bring the subject up and talk about it. You have to reassure her that it does turn you on and you're not going to get jealous, freak out, or use it against her later. And more importantly, assure her that you are not going to want to fuck other women.

Here's some advice I gave to another poster in a different thread. While everyone is different about how they go about things or what they want to do, it might be helpful to others on here. It worked for me.



Sounds like you're already there, you just need to do the right things at this point to ease her into it. Go slowly but surely, step by step and it will happen.

Everyone has different ways of doing it and only you know your wife but this is what I did and it worked for me.

Rent or buy the movie Animal Instincts with Shannon Whirry and David Carradine (make sure you get the first one, the one with David Carradine, Animal Instincts part two and three suck). It's kind of hard to find but I'm sure you can do it. I went to five rental places and finally found it, it's expensive to buy:

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It's about a couple where the woman is oversexed and the man isn't. One day he comes home to find her fucking the cable guy and it turns out that he likes to watch. So they set up cameras in the bedroom and she puts an ad in the paper and he watches her fuck men from the other room. No kidding, it's total cuckold stuff and it's a mainstream movie. It's a perfect way to bring up the subject. Perfect. Start talking to her during the movie, use it to open up dialogue between you both. Tell her that you like to watch too. Tell her that you would happy just to watch and that you wouldn't want to swing with other women and that you would be faithful to her while she can pick out men to relax with while you hide and watch (or watch in the open, whatever you like).

Then as you talk about it more over the next few days and during you sex sessions, tell you that you would prefer that she find black men to swing with as that would not make you jealous. You know that she would never fall in love with a black or get serious with them and that it's only sex.

Then, start with something small. Just have one of the black guys come over and have her give him a hand job while she's wearing something sexy. Don't go all the way. Tell her you want to do something small so you can both explore your feelings and make sure everything is ok. Keep things light and fun, no big drama.

Then the next time, have her kiss his cock or suck it a little. When that goes well, have her give a blowjob. Then have sex all the way. Work up to it.

Doing it that way worked perfectly for me. I've watched her have sex with black guys over a dozen times so far and it's hot as hell.

Good luck and keep us posted.


Posts: 8
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Quoting: jamesriske
So your advice is to sit around watching porn with her?

hahaha! That's ridiculous advice.

Most women don't like porn and she might be insulted by it. I really have to wonder if you have experience with women at all. I doubt it.

Well, think what you want. Maybe only 1% of women do like porn, but I seem to have only found the right ones. As for experience, I played in a road band in the 70's and 80's and there was never a shortage of willing females. True, things have tapered off since the mid 90's but my wife and I still step out occasionally and share bodily fluids with both friends and strangers.

The key is to have discussions during a movie. While arousal is high anyway.

And I agree that Animal Instincts (both 1 & 2) is a great icebreaker.
If its a drippin', I'm a lickin'


Posts: 12
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mine likes to watch porn too. sometimes she prefers a softer type but every now and then, she'll go etreme


Posts: 212
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We have been talking about it heaps lately and when we are having sex or she is takeing she is pretty warm to the idea but then when shes not takeing or fucking me she goes a bit cold on it.
We really talked about the guys who try to pick her up and she did this last time when I was eating her pussy and Ihave never seen her so wet. so I think it is getting very close to happening I am just working on it still and we will see what happens. I have also brought a few tantra books and she really wants to read them after me whick also shocked me a litle as I didn't think she would be into that


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Any ideas???


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mate...I really don't like the assertion that you are trying to get her to....
surely its up to her??

Now the people on here expressing the need to talk it through are the ones you need to take notice of. Only by sharing the decision can u be included, otherwise you run the risk of powering her into something you both may live to regret.

Just be real, reassure her that this is really a turn on for you and that she has your permission and then just back her...NO MATTER WHAT her decision may be.

Oh and as for the guy saying women only wear underwear to take it certainly don't know my wife mate!! She buys expensive lingerie and wears it everyday, loves fact she's in a g string right now!

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Ideas to get wife with others
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