I watched a prgram on the History Channel last night. I know I am not the only pervert that watched it. But, I would like to coment on the program. It was a couple Hour long shows strung together. Going back through human history and the sexual side of great past civilizations. I have to say that The Hindus have it right. They were looking to achieve enlightenment through sex. And they had male's in there society that were just like thier female prostitutes. These men would attend parties or clubs and bring home women. This is where The hindu's differ from other civilizations looking to achieve enlightenment through sex. You see the Musslims Praticed Paligymy. Wich ment that if you were a single male or of second class then you weren't able to take wives. Some of these men were even castrated. And then trained to be the Guardian of a harem. The Chiness cultrue Also had Homosexual prostitutes. Because women weren't allowed "work" Alot of the actors in thier threater would dress as women. Leaving the theater a place were Samuri's and weathly men could pick up homosexual prostitutes. In roman times they had Sex slaves period. If you were deamed a slave male or female then you were open to being penitrated. during the Crusades the Anglo-Saxons Adjusted thier beliefs to the oposite effect. They believed that in order to achieve enlightenment humans should refrain or deny thier insticts. Before the Crusades Anglo_saxon priests were allowed to wed and rais families. This was ended quikly for the thought that they were sending the wrong impression to thier Parishners. This led to alot of protests.
My views on sex are typical i suspose. I do objectify women, however I don't not opress them. I think about having sex with women all the time. I am not afraid to approach thoes women either. But, i do understand that they will not always be intersted in me. Of all the Religions Hinduism had the least amont of homosexuality. because Hindu woemn were able to expiriment as much as hindu men. meaning that it was socialy acceptible for women to have sex with single men. In hinduism Men and women were encoraged to find Enlightenment through sex. We all know about the KARMA SUTRA. All of these religions accept catholosim and christianity held female prostitutes in high reguard. Wich bafles me because it was siad that Jesus was in fact married to mary Magdline. I will say this when you are able to become close friends with a women or man through expirimenting with eachother sexualy. You will achive a close bound that will last. And knowing someone so well can teach you things about yourself.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
I've seen that set of "Sex Throughout History" shows 4 times now, including the other night,,,good stuff. One thing though Justin, Mary Magdeline wasn't a prostitute, she was demonized by the leaders of the church because she was a woman, facts appear that she was closer to being the 13th apostle, and even Christ's wife, not to mention his second in charge so to speak.
Posts: 208
#4 · Edited by: Ceasar_India81
Quoting: Justin68 Of all the Religions Hinduism had the least amont of homosexuality. because Hindu woemn were able to expiriment as much as hindu men. meaning that it was socialy acceptible for women to have sex with single men. In hinduism Men and women were encoraged to find Enlightenment through sex. We all know about the KARMA SUTRA.
Me being a Hindu can very well comment on this. Agreed that Hinduism has a particular branch where sex is very central in the search of enlightenment but this has absolutely nothing to do with Hindu women having the approval to "experiment" as u put it with single men. Ur views of men and women being "encouraged" to seek enlightenment through sex is very wrong I must say. Kamasutra had nothing to do with enlightenment. It was written majorly to enhance the quality of sexual union between man and woman.
If u want to read about the concept of enlightenment through sex then please read more on tantra though I am not sure u will get much on the internet as this is a very esoteric concept and one can gain real knowledge only through the guidance of a guru rather than just reading. U r also correct to some extent that sex is not extremely taboo in Hinduism as many of our Gods n Goddesses do have spouses though ofcourse the union is considered to be between the souls than in the physical state. I think with my dick and fuck with my brains :)
You would know more than I. But, I haven't read the karma Sutra. My reamister being that it would be more fun for me to expirement with a woman. When we come up with are own ideas. That is not to say that thoes ideas haven't been done before. But, i think you know what i am trying to say. That is the picture the show painted though. They even discussed how some men woul relax belly down on cots and hang wieghts form thier cocks.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
You are right, that there is a beliefe that mary magdeline was jesus's wife. But, As long as I can remember Caticasim, Confirmation classes, Bible studies church youth groups. They all say That she was a prostitute. And was being condemned for relaxing with married men. "HOMEWRECKER"
As for my beliefs....... I will say this that the type of closeness and friendship and caring. You would look for in a life mate. Can be reached through physical attraction and relations. That happens when two peole trust each other implisitly. There is nothing I love more than when a women is able to tell me the sexual fantisies she has about me. And then trying them out. Alot of people do not realize the trust that is involved with something like that.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Justin68 They all say That she was a prostitute. And was being condemned for relaxing with married men. "HOMEWRECKER"
Both my hub and I were raised catholic, and experienced all the teachings you mentioned and maybe more (back when mass was in latin my hub was the epistisle reader for his church), the bible you refer to is the same one the church definatively decided on after leaving out the books that disagreed with the message they were promoting, and ultimately the one that has people willing to do anything to uphold the idea that Adam and Eve were born 10,000 years ago, Eve was made from a rib, people lived for 700 to 900 years, evolution is a lie, etc. Quoting people that claim these things to be true is like qouting the latest guy to see a UFO. I don't want to start a war, and you didn't say you were or weren't one of those people, you merely said that what you were taught (along with us), but honestly, I can make a much more rational plea for accepting the UFO's than the bible. I know,,,that's what faith is all about, believing in the "divine mysteries" as the nuns used to say. My problem was that was always their excuse for something they couldn't explain. When I step out the door and lift off the ground, or put my hand in fire and don't get burned, then I'll start questioning the science, until then that's where my faith lies these days,,,in reality.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Quoting: Justin68 As for my beliefs....... I will say this that the type of closeness and friendship and caring. You would look for in a life mate. Can be reached through physical attraction and relations. That happens when two peole trust each other implisitly. There is nothing I love more than when a women is able to tell me the sexual fantisies she has about me. And then trying them out. Alot of people do not realize the trust that is involved with something like that.
My husband turned me on to something when we first got together, don't know if it's in any handbook, only saw a referrence to it once a couple years ago. But it did involve a little bit if trust till you got the hang of it, it felt strange at first, but them I felt a closeness and bonding like never before. When we were making love, I got on top while he sat up, facing each other I took him all the way in, then we kissed, sealing our mouths together I stopped breathing and relied on him draw my breath through my nose, into my lungs and out my mouth into his, without breaking the kiss he exhaled, and with no exertion on my part at all I found I was getting the air I needed, we would swap control from time to time and do it all while gyrating till orgasms were achieved, never removing our mouths from each other. It's not autoerotica, but you don't have to worry about waking up dead, and it's something different, and it IS bonding (we've been together for 22 years).
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
hot really. I like to change positions when I ever I start getting the sensations of orgasm. I pull out and manuver girls in to the next position. I will usually make out"kissing" or use my mouth an a body part till the sensation goes away. A guy needs to have alot of control to do that. That I learned from masterbating. LOL.
It is funny. When the European "BARBARIANS" invaded Rome at the fall of the Roman empire. The priests would find a Christian King. And finace his army to take back Rome. And when ever they lost control of that King they would simply Finace another "Christian King" To over throw the one that became a corupt dictator. You aren't starting a fight trust me. Although I will say this nuns and priests have always said that God is inside you. The bible says your body is a temple. And thta is thier reamister for treating slutty women like cuckolds brownie. Because "obviously" she doesn't respect herself. But, seriously I don't know any type of permister that takes better care of thier bodies than porn stars. Even some profesional athletes don't take care of them selves that well. Of course not all porn stars do that. but, the ones that last in the buisness do. My reamister for bring this up. Is that Self respect comes from inside you. If you take care of yourself. Then you obviously love yourself. But what your last thread said is what I am saying. A man and women do grow alot closer and trust eachother alot more when they expiriment with eachother Sexually.
Posts: 219
Ya know, there's also evidence that Jesus had siblings, which means the Virgin Mary wasn't a virgin forever. As Chris Rock said in Dogma "To believe in the virgin birth is faith, but to believe a man and wife never got down, well, that's just plain gullibility" Don't think that's EXACTLY what he said, but, it's the gist.
Posts: 691
Probability is that Christ was wed as Talmudic law demands all Jews marry, even the "addlicted". Because women in Semitic societies were sequestered and under the control of a patriarch (man, mister, husband, brother-inilaw) it would be very difficult for a woman to be independent. A woman not so protected (because she had no close male agnates or affines) was assumed to be a "prostitute". Women may have enjoyed more sexual freedom in Rome (Christ was a Roman citizen) they were legally defined as property. We still have that legacy I feel. I would agree with, Mr Monkey Christ probably had siblings but in no way would they be considered devine. Interestingly enough until the middle of the last century Greek Jews were the inveterate whorehouse proprietors in the middle east as indeed they became in 19th century New York City. They remained within their religion without censure from co-religionists. Because early church mans were it seems misogynists Christians both revere and despise women. I say ditch the dogma and keep the faith. Faith and quiet good works are all that is required to be a true Christian. Sorry about the polemics!
Posts: 249
Another erudite posting by Thug. Suspect his nickname does not reveal all about him