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How did we become cuckolds???

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twisted one


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This question was brought up by a member in another cuckold forum that I belong to.

What in life caused us to become cuckolds?

Care to discuss??
She left me for another man and
divorced me. Haven't heard from
her since. Would love to know the fun she's having and what she's telling him about me.


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I have always been insecure i'm quite chubby have a small cock and so when i met my hot wife got married etc. i would do anything for her
A few years into marriage and we would talk about fantasies while having sex she would always talk about having sex with a guy with a big penis. as time went on i really wanted her to try it as i know my penis is small and since then she regularly gets fucked by big dick guys and i eat their cum from her pussy


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My wife found a boyfriend while we were still married. My choices were to be cuckolded or divorced.

While my wife was seeing her boyfriend, I found myself attracted to their relationship. I wanted to know more about what they did, but it wasn't until after my wife died that I went through her things and found out more about her relationship.

I would like to be married again to a woman that wants to have other sexual partners and wants to share that part of her life with me.


Posts: 181
#4 · Edited by: drfarmer
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I, too, would like to know the answer to this question. Last weekend, I discovered I'd been cuckolded by the wife early in our marriage (25 years ago!) while she was pregnant with our second young (she insists it really is OUR young) AND after she was born, for at least a half dozen times, each time bareback, in two different states, in our own bed and elsewhere.

I'm not angry that she fucked outside the marriage, we'd even talked about it many times, before, then, and since. I am pissed that she professed reluctance about it to me at the time while she was fucking him and still not admitting it to me. I would absolutely have gone for it if I had been in on it. She knew that then (I said so then) and has known it since. I even know who it was, and guessed it the first time. (I'll explain that part another time, if anyone wants to know.)

A good friend of mine with whom I've consulted about this situation had the same philosophy about his wife, but she did not give him the opportunity: She cheated, then promptly divorced him! He says he would gladly have let her fuck the other guy all she wanted if only she and he remained married.

Her main objection then was that she did not want to play with a guy the first time if I was around, that is, she wanted to fuck him one-on-one before doing a threesome or foursome. I thought that was unfair (still do), and told her I would fuck others only with her knowledge and (presumably) permission. Hence, despite dozens of opportunities and propositions from other women over the past 25 years, I have not bitten (would like to have, though). Had I known what I now know, I certainly would have bitten on a few of them! And will in the future.

Still, I have given her my explicit permission to bite when she wishes, but I must know about it before and during. I am assumming the same permission from her, don't care if she doesn't like it. We are both in our 50s now, but both still get hit upon. She's still an attractive babe, and I'm not half bad myself.

I found another thread in this forum whose cuckold story and resulting advice (see the thread under "overwhelmed") is similar enough and overlaps enough with my situation that I'm using it as a vehicle to get the wife to fully fess up (I don't know any more details yet than I have related above) and open up. I am very sure there have been other men, for example. Maybe even threesomes or moresomes. Who knows just yet.

Just how did I become a cuckold (willingly) without knowing it? Looking forward to hearing other's ideas and comments on this question.


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Good question, twisted one. I asked myself the same question lots of times. I also came up with sort of an answer. Not 100% sure it's a valid permisteral explanation, but it is one I can live and deal with.

So here goes...

Me, I'm not 'blessed' with a small cock. Mine is of average size (ie app 15 cm/6 inch in length, 5.5 cm/2 inch circumference when erected). I'm rather good looking too, so that's not a problem either. I didn't have many girls in my life, but I had a fair share. I know there are women out there that really like me.

So my problem is not that I'm some kind of loser. I do have other problems, though.

To begin with, I absolutely adore women. Right from when I was very young, even before puberty,
Guys my age wanted to be firemen or policemen or famous football players (no, not the whimpy game where "men" wear protective clothing, but the Real Thing, Americans ignorantly call soccer).
Not me, though. I couldn't think of anything more beautiful, more fullfilling, more satisfying, then to be with a girl. I'm not talking having sex here, I'm talking genuine relationship.

I'm a romantic. Always have been and always will be.

I was twelve, maybe thirteen, when I had my first crush. We went steady for a year and a half. And it was great. We were together whenever we could, walked hand in hand, the usual stuff I guess, apart from that I was really young compared to when other guys started having 'real' girl friends.
We kissed a lot, French kissing too, we touched genitals and on one occasion we even made love. We didn't fuck. We made love, We were smart enough to use a condom, but we were so young that neither of us really knew what we were supposed to do. We new 'it' had to get in there and needed to be thrusted, but that was about it.
So we did it. Very carefully in the beginning, because it hurt. Both of us. But it felt so good. Not the physical part; that was okay, it felt nice, but it was nothing compared to what it did to me (and her) emotionally. We were so much in love. We were feeling so together, so attached (pun absolutely not intended!; please try to understand what I'm saying here -it's important).
It was over before we knew it. Perhaps half a minute after we started, she got anxious. She said she got wet. We didn't know that this was supposed to happen, so we thought that maybe the condom was leaking. (it's okay if you laugh at this point; I can laugh about it too).
So we got dressed, went downstairs, stared in each others eyes and I felt so enormously good. So in love. We went to the docter's and he explained whay what happened wasn't a problem. I must have lived on cloud nine for days after out little adventure.

Now, one of my major problems over the years has been that I'm a lousy lover. Maybe what happened with my first girl friend caused this; maybe not. Fact is, I can't fuck decently. I get so excited, that I orgasm within seconds. Sometimes it takes a minute or even a minute and a half, but that is seldom. Usually I don't even get to thrust number ten.

That hurts.

When I grew up, my feelings towards women advanced. I still adored them, I still loved being with them, but I also developed a healthy sexual interest. And I couldn't do anything with that interest. I longed to make love a lot and for long periods of time. But my body betrayed me time and time again.

I never fucked my second girl friend, with whom I dated for about half a year. Not because we didn't want to, but because I alway came even before I entered her. The day after I broke up with her, she told me she was pregnant. I didn't believe her: I always used a condom and I never even entered her. Nonetheless, every now and then I wonder... what if....?

Off course, there's more to sex than just fucking. With my third girl friend there was a connection: she absolutely loved the way I licked her. We could do that for hours and that was very satisfying for the both of us. But we never fucked. I didn't dare. We had something going for about a year. After we broke up, she had a new boy friend within a month. They married a few weeks later and she was pregnant when they did.

Then came a dark period when I didn't have a girl friend at all for seven straight years. I did leave the house, I did have friends, I was a singer in a band, I went to see football matches with "the guys", so I wasn't a poor guy, I wasn't alone, but still I felt so miserably lonely. I was desperately in need of a woman. Not just for sex, but for the whole package.

At the end of those dark years I met the first Woman Of My Life. She was so stunningly beautiful. So was so ... well, I can't describe this in my native tongue, so let alone in English. Let's say I was devastated. Is that a correct word to say that in a fraction of a second my whole world was about her? Nothing else mattered anymore; only she was important.
We saw each other for a few months. They were heaven and hell both at the same time. Heaven, because I saw her regularly, because we did things together (we visited -normal!- clubs, concerts, went to the movies), we visited each other, and when I was at her place, I even slept by her side, in the same bed. But it was also hell. She was my friend, but never my girl friend. We never kissed, we never had sex, we were close but never the 'lovers' kind of close. Never the 'romantic' kind of close.
Can you imagine? Being with The Woman, seeing her closeby, talking to her, even relaxing in the same bed with her, but contracy to the short physical distance, such an enormous 'romantic' distance. Believe me, it was hell. She liked me, really liked me, but she couldn't love me. And I adored her.
One night, in desperation, when we were in bed getting ready to relax, I started rubbing her shoulders. She liked it, so I -with hands shaking like Elvis' legs- expanded my investigations. I pulled down the sheets and now rubbed her back. She wore no bra, she did wear undies. She was so ... well, I would have given my life right then and there if I could only make love to her once. And I mean that literally. I would have given my life.
To my utmost surprise (I was stunned, horrified, everything), she turned around and started kissing me. French kissing me. I believe I didn't start crying, but I was that close (even now, when I think back, it takes effort keeping my eyes dry).

Then I made The Mistake Of My Life.

I started caressing one of her breasts. She let me do it for a while and we kept kissing. I got more and more excited. I got overly excited. I started massaging her breasts and I think I did that too hard. Way too hard.
This was over. She gave me one more kiss -just a kiss- and said we should go to relax. She turned around, I turned around and I silently wept.

I did see her again a few times, but the magic was gone. There was a distance between us, that wasn't there before. Shortly thereafter was the last time I saw her.

I grieved for almost ten years. The very worst thing that ever could happen to me, actually did happen. I had met The Woman Of My Life, got to know her a little better, and lost her even before i had her.
This all happened in my late twenties/early thirties, so I'd say a very important period of time in the life of a young adult.

There was another woman after The Woman Of My Life. Right after.
I liked this woman. I had feelings for her. But naturally, compared to The Woman Of My Life, they were peanuts. Nevertheless, we had something going for about ten years and life wasn't too bad. We even got married, a year before we broke up.
The first five or so years, we had a reamisterable sex life. We fucked. It was never really good, mostly because of my 'handicap', but we did do it. Quite a lot in the beginning, later on the frequency faded and after those five year we hardly had any sex at all. But it was fun.
It was with her, that I was first cuckolded. I wasn't into s&m back then and I had never heard of other men being aroused by their girl friend having sex with another man, but that's exactly what happend: it turned me on. She would go out with a friend of hers, and late at night I would receive a phone call her asking me if I really liked the idea of her being with another man (I had told her a few times that I liked the thought). When I said 'yes', she asked again 'because it is about to happen'. She had met this guy and was attracted to him. She liked him and he had asked her to come home with him and she was about to do just that.
I was so thoroughly excited. I jerked off all night and when she got home the next morning tried to get every detail out of her. She didn't give me very much, but she gave enough to get me high. They had gone to his appartment and started kissing the minute they got in. He fucked her on the couch, using no protection, and she said he was good. Not outstanding, but good. Well, compared to me 'good' is a hell of a lot more, isn't it?
Anyway, when they woke up they had breakfast and she had a shower en went home. That was the only thing I didn't like about what had happened. I wanted to smell him. I had no idea of what was happening to me, but I actually wanted to smell the sex she had with another man.
Anyway, she met him one more time and after that she never had another guy again during our relationship. We did do a threesome on one occasion though, and I remember just sitting on the edge of the bed and watching him fuck her. That was so arousing.

So after a relationship of almost ten years, the last months of which we were married, we decided we should seperate. That hurt. I didn't deeply love her, but I did have feelings for her and breaking up was not a joyful thing to do. But we both knew it was necessary.
Within a week she was fucking another guy. We weren't even divorced yet. So I guess technically I was cuckolded again, but because our relationship was over it never felt that way. To me, she was a free woman. He apperantly did a good job, because within a month (and technically we were still not divorced) she was pregnant.

I couldn't care less. Because I had my own dose of sunshine those days. I was lucky enough to meet the second Woman Of My Life. I never thought that it could ever happen, but there she was. My griving days were over. I had been grieving for the loss of the woman that I never had for ten years, and now the wound was about to get healed.
I was such a lucky basterd! How many men get to meet The Woman Of Their Life? Far too few, I think. So what are the chances of an ordinary guy meeting her twice?!

It wasn't easy. I'm not your regular Don Juan. When it comes to women, I'm a pretty shy guy. Well, very shy to be honest.
But I fought like a lion. I knew I would never forgive myself if I didn't even try to win her. I had to try. I had to give everything I had. If it *******ed me. Because I knew when I didn't even try, it would definately *******ed me. My life would have been over.
So I fought like a lion. And for once... I won gloriously! There couldn't have been a better moment in my life for me to peak. I had the world in my hands. I was King of the world. I had her!!!
Man, I can't begin to describe the joy I felt. I was so much in love. My life became so meaningful, so thrilling, so... I finally Lived!

There was just this one thing. I didn't know what to do with my lousy bed qualities, so I decided I just should tell her. I did. She didn't believe me, thought I was pulling her leg, but after we first made love (yes, it was love making!) she knew I was not. She laughed at me. Teased me with my 'capabilities'.
Luckily, she didn't leave me. I told her in an early stage that I didn't mind if she had sex with other men. And you know what...? The very first time that she started flirting a bit with some guy, I got sick of jealousy. That never happened to me before! I was never jealous! And now, when she was merely flirting a bit, I got so torn by my jealousythat I couldn't stand it.

So, I reckoned, apperantly this woman was so dear to me, that I couldn't stand the idea of her with another man. I loved her too much. I just couldn't handle it. And thus I withdrew my offer: perhaps I'd rather she wouldn't have sex with other men.

Our relationship evolved quite well. But off course there was this thing with our sex life. On an emotional basis it was very, very good, but technically it sucked. I sucked. And one day she said that I had to do something about it. So I went to a psychologist and we tried to improve my s*******s. It didn't work. Believe me, I tried. I wanted nothing more than to give this woman, that I loved so much, everything she wanted. And more. But I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. So I came to the conclusion that I'm just not the kind of guy who can lift a woman out of bed and fly her to heaven. I'm a lousy lover and I had to deal with that.

Now, when our relationship evolved, elements of s&m entered. She became the dominant of the two of us. This all happened in a very natural way. We never agreed on something, we never even sought it, it's just how it was. It was the natural flow of things.

She liked it. I liked it. And we got more and more into s&m. And I found that there was this thing that worked really well for me. It was called 'offense'.

I don't know why it works for me, I only know that it works for me. And I came to accept it, because it solved a lot of problems. It solved the problems of my sexuality.

I had a long history of bad sex. I had a long history of not being able to please a woman in bed. And that hurt. Because, like I said in the beginning, I adore women. I love them. I'd really, really love to have good sex with them. But I just couldn't. All through my life, I grieved because of that.
And now, finally, with the woman I love most of everything in the world, there was a way to cope with this.

I'm a lousy lover. But I am a hell of a cuckold. I feel sadness, I feel jealousy, I feel fear, I feel pain, I feel all those things when my wife (yes, we got married about seven years ago).is with another man.
But, through our s&m I managed to confront my problem and mold it into something good. Something I can enjoy. Something I now even crave.
Yes, I am a lousy lover! Thank God I am! Yes, I can feel jealousy and pain and all those unpleasant things. Thank God I can! Because she can use these things to humiliate me. And it turns me on when she humiliates me. It is the most powerful aphrodisiac you can imagine.

So, in conclusion, I guess what I'm trying to say is that through cuckolding I can take something bad en make something good out of it. Through cuckolding I finally got myself a healthy sex life. And I don't care how sick anyone thinks this is, I feel healthy. I feel fullfilled. I feel that I don't just play cuckold, but I am a cuckold. It is my natural state of being. I am the beta-male. I am to serve the woman I love most and whatever partner she chooses.

I dare to say, that cuckolding makes me 'whole'. It makes me proud, it gives me self confidence, it makes my life so much better.

So that's my story and if you've read every word of it then I sincerely thank you for your time and attention!



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Quoting: drfarmer
I'm not angry that she fucked outside the marriage, we'd even talked about it many times, before, then, and since. I am pissed that she professed reluctance about it to me at the time while she was fucking him and still not admitting it to me. I would absolutely have gone for it if I had been in on it. She knew that then (I said so then) and has known it since. I even know who it was, and guessed it the first time. (I'll explain that part another time, if anyone wants to know.)

Ouch! That must hurt! I hope the two of you can find a way to deal with this.

My wife once did sort of an opposite thing. She faked being with another man. She did it because she loved me so much, and I love her back for that, but it felt like she had cheated on me. It caused a lot of pain and grief.

You do't fuck around with someone's cuckold feelings. What happened to you is (on an emotional level) much worse than just cheating.
I really hope you two can work this out, because from the few paragraphs you wrote, I think I feel a lot of love between the two of you...

Hang in there! Good luck!



Posts: 181
#7 · Edited by: drfarmer
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Thanks, renebe, for the support. Yeah, it hurts mightily , but it is also exciting , and a confirmation about what I had always assumed about her (that she had fucked other men) . That assumption is one I make about all women in general, not to mention her specifically, and I told her so last weekend during an interlude of sexual romance. That is when she admitted it!

So, I do feel more than merely cheated upon I was lied to, repeatedly, at a time when, so far as I knew, the marriage was rock solid. There have been 4 periods since then when it was on the rocks (all of them her fault, by everyone else's independent judgment, involving money (twice), vehicular recklessness, legal recklessness), all of them more than enough for divorce, so the irony is thick.

Hence, I had expected her fucking around later in the relationship, just not so early. Tonight, she has a lot of explaining to do. Yes, she is worth keeping. Not every husband has a bass player in two local bands as a wife. Anyway, I'll let you all know.

By the way, that assumption about all women in general fucking around is continually reconfirmed in my permisteral and professional experience. It certainly is to her credit that she actually admitted it to me (even if not much detail yet), when we all know that the vast majority of women will not admit it.


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I'm sure it's a complex issue for me (and all of us.)

One clue is that I have been in therapy for Gender Identity Issues because I have always felt that I should have been female for as long as I can remember. My thing is a little different than a lot of folks in this forum because my feelings of female identity are not a matter of offense for me, but rather pride! I have (and still) considered going through gender reassignment surgery but at this time it's not the right choice for me.

Combine my female identity with the fact that I prefer to be with women sexually, and it might explain why I enjoy and feel comfortable surrendering myself and my wife to an alpha male. I don't feel like a male who is broken by a superior male, but rather a female who submits to a man.

Also, when I was younger (around 15) I heard stories about a girl who was gang banged. While my friends thought it was gross, I was intrigued and found myself seeking relationships with women identified as "sluts." To some degree I am turned on by a woman indulging in her sexual desires with reckless abandon, but I also enjoyed seeing a girl humiliated and "used up" by guys.

Finally, on a more basic level, I really enjoy that feeling in the pit of my stomach when my girl is with somebody else and I don't have a say in the matter. It's almost a kind of BDSM where I am being whipped from the inside. It's so very painful, but in a very erotic and pleasurable way. Why I ended up sexualizing that pain is beyond me, but that's just who I am.
[email protected]


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Looking back at my response, I see two things. I really got too carried away with those damned frownie face things (not used them before), and I completely ignored your situation. Too caught up with my own plight. You seem to have successfully "made lemonade out of a lemon." That gives me hope, as I hope to do the same. I've obviously got mixed feelings about all this, but I'm trying to figure out how to inject some rum into that lemonade after she makes it for me.

I don't think I'm a bad lover, as I always made it a point to have her satisfied before me. I bet you aren't that bad either, really. You said "Through cuckolding I finally got myself a healthy sex life," and I think that says it best for you.


Posts: 69
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I think several factors made me a cuckold, to start I was never particularli interested in the social norms. I questioned just about every thing as a kid and a young man from polertics to religion to social expectation and of course sex. I was no rebel but I think open to something different but of course I didn't no what.

I sufered from an icredible lack of confidence around woman so when I found one I stayed with he no mater what. Put up with just about anything to keep her happy.

I also lacked confidence with men, no not sexualy something different. I once mad a statment that I would never be a leader but I would be the best follower around. I was laughed at for that statment but I didnt realy understand why I believed that I understood my place. I also dont have a ego or at least it is very small.

I grew up in a male dominated world were you had to be tough, we were all footballers who loved to take and fight and woman were conquests that were used and put aside. I learnt to cover my true self as a kid, the fact is I am very weak and scared of the world. I was never interested in being in controle I wanted to shower my woman with anything she wanted, I was a nice guy weak easy to use. Of course I lost girls to better guys and the few I had didn't last long, this was not so unusual go out for a month find a new one, not so easy for me.

I found a book that was full of sex stories many about wife sharing, this was just after my marrage and I became fixated with this. Over the years I tried to discuse this with my wife but she was never interested, in all the years we were married she never cheated on my once. Now to most that would be a worthy thing but to me and Im sure you a little dispointing.

By this time a need had built up in side me and I had to know, I set out to find a man to go to bed with. I learnt a lot about bi and gay sex but what I learnt about me was that although I am happy to suck a cock I was not bi or gay. I like woman I like to worship them in every way but if I find a man who is worthy a mans man confident, strong, a leader I will joyusly serve both him and my wife I will do anything to make there time together as enjoyable a posible.

I have been living as a cuckold now for 7 years I happily serve my wife who has a boy friend and a few casual lovers. I am not a wimp I still would be concidered a mans man by those close to us, only a few know the real me.



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I have no idea and it gives me a headache trying to figure it out...........I am what i am and cant help it!


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BillG's comments have finally nudged the little gray cells back into thinking mode. I think I am coming closer to understanding why I am a willing cuckold, even for all the mixed feelings.

I have always done and said things differently than others, have seen social and political trends long before others, have discovered critical details in developing situations upon which predictions were made that others thought at the time were crackpot, asked questions that no one has asked before, .... You get the idea. I am one of those "outside the box" thinkers, a free thinker. So is the wife. But these traits surface not only in my permisteral life, but also in my professional life. You might think I'd be appreciated for it, but aside for the wife, rarely am. Much more often, I'm ostracized, criticized, sometimes even disciplinary attempts are made. Never mind my exemplary track record. It seems most people have short memories.

Anyway, my acceptance of swinging and wife sharing (my particular version of cuckoldry) is "outside the social box." I see past the hypocrisy of the "social norms" and into the history and biology of the human and natural experience (we are all just naturals essentially).

Hence, we are broad (even deep) thinkers, us cuckolds. We are less judgmental, more accepting, smarter, and easier to get along with than others.

How's that for a start? Comments?


Posts: 181
#13 · Edited by: drfarmer
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Quoting myself:
Quoting: drfarmer
Just how did I become a cuckold (willingly) without knowing it?

Well, the short answer is: He was HUNG! Much longer and thicker than me at the time. (I'm now much thicker but about the same length, 6.5 inches length, 2+ inches wide. Vacuum pumping definitely does work!) She fessed up pretty completely last night.

Apparently, a coworker had mentioned to the wife how cute he was, and the cunt hound he was, the rest was inevitable. The wife insisted upon telling him she had to be faithful to me (except for the kissing, hugging, snuggling, and nipple sucking!) but the first time he dropped his shorts and she saw the weapon, she resolved to try it. And try it she did! Repeatedly. And enjoyed it immensely, by her unprompted admission.

I keep telling her that was OK by me to have fucked the hung one (but not OK to have kept it secret from me. Hell, she even confessed to a pastor 15 years before I found out. He ended up making passes at her, too!), but she still professes to be ashamed of it. I told her I was glad she got a taste of a really big cock (at the time she had no idea a cock could be so big), and would have said so even at the time had I known.

There are clear cracks in her responses of shame and guilt, e.g. she sometimes smiles when talking about him, she admits it was unfair to me and was also afraid until now that I would be unduly jealous of that big cock, asked me if I would now consider fucking another woman, and wouldn't blame me if I did. I said I might but I would do so only with her prior knowledge (I did not say anything about her permission, though). We even talked about specific women, one in particular. Also, by the end of the evening, she had not ruled out threesomes or her fucking others one-on-one in the future, a reversal from earlier in the evening.

She wants to do some sex counseling and I have agreed. She has reverted back to some version of the Puritan attitude toward sex (sex is dirty with some exceptions) and chosen "celibacy" except for what I have described back to her the "pity fucks" she grants me. I hope the sex counseling can address that also.

More later.
twisted one


Posts: 161
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Some very good responses. In all fairness, I should add my own story.

As a kid growing up, I lacked a lot of support from my parents. They believed in bullying, threats, and shame are the tools to raise a good kid.

I think the kids in school saw all this, and as a skinny kid, I was chased, beaten, called names, threatened, and intimidated constantly. Not exactly a good learning environment. It was like this all through my school years.

It helped me to be shy, insecure, and feel really inadequate about myself. As a result of all this, I didn't have much of a love life during or after high school.

I got married when I was 25 to an Italian national....Sicilian to be precise. That was a rocky marriage from almost day one. We were married for 17 years before she left me for another man. There were several cheating incidents on her part during that time. And me, being the insecure permister that I am, took the complete blame for it.

I did tell her that it would be okay with me if she enjoyed other men. But when she did, she would always feel guilty about it. She, nor I, knew anything about this lifestyle, its practices, and that its okay to love each other while enjoying sex with other people.

It was only after the divorce that I learned anything about the lifestyle.

I don't plan on remarrying, because the breakup of our marriage was ugly, with lots of hurt feelings, and I don't want to ever experience that kind of cuckolds brownie again, but would like to one day find a girlfriend that does enjoy this kind of lifestyle.
She left me for another man and
divorced me. Haven't heard from
her since. Would love to know the fun she's having and what she's telling him about me.


Posts: 181
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Quoting: twisted one
I did tell her that it would be okay with me if she enjoyed other men. But when she did, she would always feel guilty about it. She, nor I, knew anything about this lifestyle, its practices, and that its okay to love each other while enjoying sex with other people.

Twisted, do you think she might have thought differently, and the marriage survive, if you and she had known about the lifestyle at the time? I ask this because this is similar enough to my situation. See my earlier posts for my details.


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For me it was when I found out about my wifes past and really started to get turned on by the thought of her with these other guys. Just being compared to them in all aspects was ahuge turnon for me. The fact I knew most guys quite well was also a turnon and there was a little feeling of offense thrown in. If anyone wants to know details just let me know.


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Tell us the details. I, too, am turned on by the wife's fucking some one I knew, even though I did not know of their fucking at the time. Just wish I did know then, so I could have been in on it.

Tell us your thoughts and feelings when you found out, and how you now handle being around the guys she dallied with (or still).
twisted one


Posts: 161
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Quoting: drfarmer
Quoting: twisted one
I did tell her that it would be okay with me if she enjoyed other men. But when she did, she would always feel guilty about it. She, nor I, knew anything about this lifestyle, its practices, and that its okay to love each other while enjoying sex with other people.

Twisted, do you think she might have thought differently, and the marriage survive, if you and she had known about the lifestyle at the time? I ask this because this is similar enough to my situation. See my earlier posts for my details.

Thats hard to say really. No telling what she may of thought or choice she would have made. Before we were married, I knew she was quite the party girl.

At the same time, we both knew a couple that was married, but living apart in the same community. They both took lovers, but I noticed that his wife would bring her's around, introduce them to their friends, and flaunt that she was fucking them.

I did ask the EX if she wanted a lifestyle like that before we separated, but she denied that she did. Then again, she may have actually wanted it, but denied it to make herself look good.
She left me for another man and
divorced me. Haven't heard from
her since. Would love to know the fun she's having and what she's telling him about me.


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Quoting: wimpsubhub
I used to fuck her with big black strap ons

After the wife and I hashed out things the other night, I asked if she might be interested in big dildos. She said "yes!", the strap on ones. Then wondered where the old one I had bought many years ago went (she admitted she probably threw it away in some fit of (possibly feigned, I suspect) piety), then immediately suggested I go get another one or two. I asked "What color?" and she just smiled! I'm looking forward to this turn of events, a clearly different direction!


Posts: 63
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Quoting: renebe
or famous football players (no, not the whimpy game where "men" wear protective clothing, but the Real Thing, Americans ignorantly call soccer).

Obviously you've never played this so-called whimpy game.
Now soccer! That's a pussy sport!
twisted one


Posts: 161
#21 · Edited by: twisted one
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Quoting: nmasterc
I was thinking about why people get so aroused by the offense of being a cuck, and I think I came to a pretty good conclusion.
It may not apply for all, but I think the vast majority of cuckolds are very insecure about their sexual abilities.
Deep down inside, you cuckolds know that what really turns you on is what you lack--sexual confidence. You're in awe of the bull's ability to completely dominate your wife. You're in awe of the bull's ability to control you and your wife. You feel that the bull is a superior male just because of his higher sexual confidence. If the bull is hung, you cuckolds subconsciously see this as dominance over you, because if he has a big cock, you intuitively believe he's a lot more sexually confident than you are. You cuckolds get mesmerized because you see how much your wife wants the bull, and you know you couldn't get her to want you that much.
The offense is added with the black bulls. You cuckolds subconsciously feel that blacks are supposed to be inferior. When a black bull fucks your wife, however, you cuckolds see the completely opposite. How humiliating...a black guy is in control of you and your wife, simply because of his sexual confidence. You're sexually inferior and you know it, and the fear & arousal of exposing that truth makes you yearn to be a cuck.

There may be some truth to what you say. Speaking for myself, I never had any problem bringing a woman to orgasm when I had sex with her.

I just spent the extra time and effort focusing on her pleasure, before mine.

In fact, one of my EX's girlfriends came around one day and told me that she (my EX) had told her I'm pretty good in bed, and she may want to have a shot with me.

Unfortunately, nothing ever came of it, which is okay.

In regards to the racial issue. I believe that is up to the woman to decide. As a submissive and a cuckold, that not my choice to make. All of my EX's lovers were white, which again, was her choice to make.
She left me for another man and
divorced me. Haven't heard from
her since. Would love to know the fun she's having and what she's telling him about me.


Posts: 35
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i just found this thread, and there is much truth to what NMasterc says, and it is true, even if our cock/clitty is not that small, if we perceive it to be inadequate. As i have posted before, my first Wife was cheating on Her third husband, when i hired Her as my secretary. One day, we ere talking, and She told me She was going to divorce him, cause She caught him sucking a friends cock. i actually defended him, by saying She was screwing around, so why shouldn't he have fun too. She insisted it was different, cause She wasn't doing it with a woman.

Skipping ahead, we dated, She kept seeing Her lover, and She realized i knew and enjoyed hearing about it. To make a long story shorter, one night we drank a lot, and went to bed for the first time. i came in about 20 seconds, and She told me even Her fagot husband was better in bed than me. i was humiliated, and went down on Her to get Her off, the only way i could. She teased me to no end at work for eating Her after i came in Her.
i defended myself by telling He ho hot She got and how much She enjoyed it at the time, and that i would be happy to get Her off any time.

Skipping ahead, we ended up married, i disclosed to Her that i enjoyed wearing Her panties, and She told me i was useless. She left for a visit to Her parents, i sucked my first cock (He was Black) in a video booth, She returned, i told Her i truly loved Her, and that She should get satisfaction from Real Men, i would not interfere. W/we tried swinging, but i was no better with the other women, and i just became the bartender, dishwasher etc.. At home, i took on these same tasks, became more like a girlfriend, as we talked all about Her sex. i admitted giving the blow job, She got turned on hearing He was Black, and that is where She went too.


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Hmm. I have also thought about this often. For me, being subjugated by a strong woman and stronger man completely probably goes back to younghood. Both my parents would not give me an inch, and would often team up in emotionally beating me down.

This led to insecurities in high school, making me completely inept with women. I was well into my twenties before I lost my virginity. In high school I was amazed at the alphas that could easily entice, conquer, and then throw out any girl they chose. All the while, the girls would think of me as a 'good friend.'

Right before I lost my virginity I was cuckolded for eight months with my sort-of gf, who told me she had to fuck her ex on weekends. Also, he and her past bfs were very well hung sexual naturals, which she liked.

P.S. I think my first hard-on was watching the karate kid get his ass kicked in front of Elizabeth Shue on the beach. He was totally humiliated and subjugated right in front of his love interest.


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It's simple- you were probably born genetically, sexually deficient and lacked the strenghth or will to disguise this palpable fact from your dissatisfied wives, who therefore did the decent thing by wrapping their legs around the most worthy and best hung young stud they could find in a hurry.

Blame you parents, or yourselves, nobody really cares- your wives are getting the fantastic sex they crave from better men who are only too happy to oblige, and you just enjoy jerking off in their honour. Celebrate, congratulate, and thank them.


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I believe your born to it... whatever circumstances trigger a reaction, something about me/us as cucks causes it to happen.

Two mating strategies for men... A: Be big and dominant and agressive about screwing women... these guys ... the Bulls make bad parents very often... B: Be a care giver, tend to the family...

Cucks come from group B: maybe a fringe of it, but for alot of Mammal... when a bull comes a callin, many mammals will raise thier rear in presentation...

The desire to "clean" is a survival thing... you bitch to the bull... waste some of his seed then clean the rest and drop yours...

Sure you will get some Bull kids, but they will be strong youngren...and you will live and reproduce more

I think on some level... if your a really sub beta, that it's in you... getting picked on in school, women wanting you as boy friend but cheating all the time, all of it.... Bull know a sub when they see one... so do women looking for that kind of mate

Most women just cheat, being open isn't that common yet... but I like being honest

When did I become a Cuck...How?

Always... I have a decent cock, i'm not a small guy, I have alot of balls... but when a guy who is Alpha bothers me Not around a woman..I fight... but when I go out with a woman... and a bull approaches, my whole body language changes does hers...

Guys always go after my girls always have... it's just what I am


Posts: 1040
#26 · Edited by: I_A_S_P
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Just bumping up this very good thread of some insightful and candid cuckold thoughts.
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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Early in our relationship my girlfriend told me about the men she'd had sex with. After we were married I found correspondence with a guy she'd had sex with often and was jealous just reading it but it started a train of thought that has stayed with me ever since - imagining my wife being serviced by other men. As to how I actually became a cuckold, she decided to allow a guy from her place of work to fuck her and I had no say in the matter.


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I discovered I am a cuckold when the first time we were fucking around with another couple, swinging, I couldn't get hard with the lady I was with, not until I looked over and saw my wifes legs spread eagle and the husband of the couple just fucking her hard. Love the body slap sound of a good fuck. That got me hard immediately and right then I knew I was a cuckold. I didnt know the word at that time, so later that week I started to look up husbands that like to watch their wife have sex kind of search. Obviously that opened up Pandoras box for my wife and I, which we love. Right now she has two boyfriends, one white and one black. The white guy is only about 3 minutes away for the wife to play with, and I have never met him. I found him on POF, and they met for takes about 7 months ago and have been playing about every other week or so since. The black guy I also found on POF but I was able to go on the date and watch, help, them have sex the other day. We are planning a second date at this time, not sure if I will be there or not, but he already has plans on introducing her to his friends.


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I think that Cuckolding makes sense from an evolutionary biology viewpoint. It is species and populations that survive and thrive or shrivel and die, not individuals. From the biggest alpha male to the wimpiest wimp, in a hundred years each of us individuals is identically dead. The warriors, great hunters, etc are important for species/group survival, but in a strictly monogamous culture they'd often wind up dead before they reproduce, certainly before their youngren are raised. So instead, in successful societies they also impregnate other men's wives. Maybe women choose choose stable sub-males as husbands/helpmates, and also submit to dominant males. Thus they raise both the next generation of leaders/warriors/alphas, and because guys like us also impregnate our wives, the next generation of cuckold husbands/helpmates.
Old Enough to know better...but I don't!


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forget all that... hell... most of us begged for it!
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