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What are some signs she might be cheating?

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I'm white, and I've been married to my Beautiful Black Wife for 3 years now. (Second for both of us.)

Before we married we went on vacation, and we had lots of sex. She even let me watch her with another guy (at my request). It was great.

If my wife not having sex with me is a sign of cheating, it started before our wedding. We didn't consumate on our wedding night. We had sex once on our honeymoon. When we go on vacation for a week, we have sex once in that week. We rarely have sex at home. In three years of marriage, I'd guess we've had sex less then 15 times.

I don't have any recent evidence(in the last 5 months), but in the past I've seen emails from a friend of hers on where to meet, how to get there, and other emails describing how great the sex was in the past (before I met her). When we started dating, she told me she'd been with him, and she showed me the hotel once as we walked past it. Now she denies having sex with him, and only admits to having a take there with him. Then when walking by the hotel again, I mentioned us staying there sometime, and she said she didn't want to because it was "their place, and of the memories of Him". I thought okay...that's cool.

I've told her many times it's okay for her to "have fun" with other guys, and she even calls me little cucky, and she has thought about changing my nickname to pee wee. She jokes about me coming quickly, after all that, she still denies "having another guy".

All I can figure is she likes the excitment of cheating.


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Reply to your post. My girlfriend always asserted over and over how she only could relax with one man at a time. The most vehement assertions were when she was relaxing with me and her boss at the same time.

ergo, my experience is the same as yours.

"Methinks thou dost protest too much...."
I will make you crazy.


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My advice - trust your intuition. I found out about my wife when she went to a business conference. I had never had any thoughts about it at all but I just had a feeling so I checked around. Her diaphragm was where it was supposed to be but I knew she had another one in her panty drawer. I looked for that one and it was gone. Only one use for it. When she got back I asked her why she took her diaphragm with her and at first she tried to tell me it was right where it always is. Then I asked her about the other one and the look on her face was obvious - she was caught. The rest is a long story but I have been a cuckold for several years with her and the same guy.
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What are some signs she might be cheating?
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