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Montreal Dom Almost Got Cuckolded

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Montreal Dom


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Alright, I have been a Dom for many years. Recently I realized I really am a Bull, though frankly I don't like any of those labels. About three years ago I went on vacation with another guys girlfriend to Jamaica (he thought she was visiting relatives in St. Johns). I picked her up at a bar a while back and took her back to her place and fucked her that night. I got her number and called her a week later for the trip.

So we get to Jamaica and things are going well. We go to a bar the first night and she's flirting with everyone. It doesn't bother me because I'm a swinger and I know full well, more than most, that this girl is a total slut. She goes around the corner with this black guy and starts making out with him. I still don't care ... in fact I'm thinking maybe the two of us will fuck the cuckolds brownie out of her that night. Anyway, we leave together (no third permister) and go back to the hotel for a night of some great sex. I had her do a few things she says she's never done before, and since she's only 21 that doesn't surprise me much. I like them young (I'm 37) because although I am average length (6 inches) I am very thick. There is nothing on this planet as good as watching a girl get properly fucked by her first thick dick. Next day is pretty much the same thing, but I can tell she's trying to top me from the bottom. I ask her if she knows what a Dom is and she says no. So I let her topping slide because she really doesn't know who I am, she thinks I'm just a good fuck. She tells me she has the black guy's phone number and I tell her if she wants to fuck him to go ahead, maybe we could even do a threesome. So anyway, the third day she's moved from trying to top from the bottom to completely trying to top me. Now I don't care what she knows about the whole lifestyle I am into. Sorry, but I cannot stand what she is doing. I let it go on for the afternoon and as soon as we get back to the hotel room I throw her out. I then proceed to cancel her flight back to Montreal. Before this I was sure to get to know the black guy at the bar the first night and got his phone number (that wasn't the only tricky thing I did, I have a very high IQ and put it to use quite devilishly at times). So I'll fill in the rest of the story with details I got from him afterwards. She knocks on my door Friday morning (the morning after I threw her out) at 5:30am, twenty minutes after the black guy left her room after fucking her. She tells me she loves me and wants me to take her back. I told her it was too late. She begs and pleads but I don't care how hot this woman is (and boy was she hot). I'm a Dom and what she did totally repulsed me. The only thing going through my mind was that I might fuck her up the ass and then throw her out again. The reamister I didn't was because of the next thing I was about to tell her. I told her I cancelled her flight back home and she starts balling. I locked the door and went to relax.

I have fucked many many girlfriends (other guys girlfriends) and many wives (I never did wives until a few years ago). Sometimes I fucked them in front of their partner, some times alone with them knowing, sometimes without them knowing, and sometimes I've gang banged a girl. I have never really thought much about the girl's partner, though. I have always thought if that is how they get their jollies then two thumbs up for them, we all have our fantasies. Having almost been cucked I have to say I now think the situation cucks put themselves into is pathetic. There is no way in hell I'd let a woman treat me like that without getting even and dumping her sorry ass. I have had women I have treated as equals and many more that have been my sluts (I trained two to become sluts). Since that trip I realized it isn't possible to have a 'down' time; you always have to be on the ball with women.

One final piece of advice for you cucks. As much as possible don't let your women go out with ordinary guys, at least until the two of you have settled comfortably into your cuckold realtionship. Bulls like me have absolutely no desire to steal your wives/girlfriends away from you. No offense, but I'm not going to have a slut as my wife. You can have her and I'll just use her. Once she's broken in by a bull and you guys find your comfort zone then you can encourage her to go out and fuck whatever she sees.
twisted one


Posts: 161
#2 · Edited by: twisted one
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Montreal Dom,

Thanks for sharing that.

As a submissive male thats been involved with the lifestyle for several years (thank god I have been around quality people), I have learned that I don't have to be a doormat either.

I have my hard limits, and expect them to be respected as much as I would be obligated to respect a Dominant's hard limits.

My approach to this particular lifestyle is this, each one of us is different, but this works for me.

1. No going behind my back. If your going to do it, fine, but lets talk it over as adults and work out rules of play beforehand.

2. The Bull is the "Third Man", or outsider in my relationship. He will not be allowed to interfere with our relationship.

3. Safewords a must. Know and respect each permister's limits.

4. Communications and respect for each other. Rules of play may change but they need to be talked about and agreed upon beforehand. (Consent).

It may seem that I'm topping from the bottom, but I have to disagree. I'm merely working with the other permister so that we may engage in activities that are fun and safe for everyone, and hopefully doesn't destroy a relationship in the process. In short, following the last line of advice you offered.

It seems to me, that if she wanted to play with others, and you were her Dom, she would have discussed it with you beforehand, and obtained your consent or refusal. If she was serious with you, she would have done that automatically. She didn't, she played the game and lost.

You were nicer than I'd would have been. I'd cancelled her reservations, and left town without telling her. ;)
She left me for another man and
divorced me. Haven't heard from
her since. Would love to know the fun she's having and what she's telling him about me.
Montreal Dom


Posts: 86
#3 · Edited by: Montreal Dom
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Hi Twisted; I think your rules are more than sane. As a bull I'm amazed at the pathetic situations cucks often put themselves in - and its usually them that drive their women to it. I'm not much into humiliating the cuck, I just like taking their wives from them for sex - and in that there can be some offense. As for cancelling her reservations and then leaving town the problem with that was I was staying longer, and didn't want to cancel it just because of her. However, I knew she only had enough cash to pay for maybe two nights accommodation and, more importantly, her credit cards were maxed out - and that's important because you need a credit card to book the reservations. I thought about 'pretending' to take her back and then seeing her off to the airport where she'd arrive with no flight to take off with - that REALLY would have screwed her up. However, the sight of her repulsed me, so I couldn't have pretended to like her. The black dude told me the next night he was going up with another woman and walked by this girls hotel room and there were two plates, two forks, two knives and two cans of coke outside the room from room service. He assumed we got back together. I realized it obviously meant she fucked some guy for a flight home. Like I said, this girl was a real slut. My kinda girl in that sense, but too many mind games.
twisted one


Posts: 161
#4 · Edited by: twisted one
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Montreal Dom,

It amazes me as well the sad situations people place themselves into with this lifestyle. It seems as if "Common Sense" is tossed out the window in favor of the juicy offer a fantasy provides. People are thinking with their sex organs rather than their brains.

I've said it before in other threads, "There's a huge difference between reality and fantasy". Learn it!!!

Kudos to you Montreal Dom, for being so forthwith and honest about things. More of it is needed from all of us. If I could, I'd shake your hand.

May your next cuckolding experience bring you much joy and happiness for you, and the others involved.

If I were married and in the lifestyle, I'd certainly be trying to interest my wife in you.
She left me for another man and
divorced me. Haven't heard from
her since. Would love to know the fun she's having and what she's telling him about me.
Montreal Dom


Posts: 86
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Thanks twisted one. I guess I hope you find a hot wife then.
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Montreal Dom Almost Got Cuckolded
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