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How lucky I have been.

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I have only rescently found this website,and after scrolling through it realize just how lucky I have been.I have been married to two attractive women (12years & 7years respectivly),who both loved to have sex with other men,with my encouragement of course,and by although probably not being a true cuckhold in the sence of the word was soon given short shift whenever i got in the way of their conquests.(being told to leave the bed to give them more room,give us time to finnish before you come in,why dont you go out for a while ect,).This i was always happy to do as it always confirmed to me just how horny they were and how much they were enjoying it.
This lifestyle started with the not so mysterious disapearance of my first wifes nickers from the dirty clothes basket in the bathroom every time my best mate came to visit.After much discussion on the subject with my wife i relized how much she was turned on with my mate when she came up with the idea that if john supplied the nickers she would wear them for him,thus saving her continualy replacing expensive underware.This of course ended up with me bringing john home with me one night after a session at the pub and him fucking her .This night i will never forget even though i wasnt allowed in the bedroom until after they had fucked for the first time.(i could hear everything from out in the hallway anyway).This has led to hundreds of sexual adventures over the years plenty of cum filled vaginas,wet nickers,large wetspots on the bed,the wonderfull look and smell of a women after sex all of witch i have now found after finding this site is not so strange.(thougth i was as have only met one other husband who has thought the same as me).Any regrets,only that it coudnt happen again 10fold.My advice to anyone considerring this type of lifestyle,there is nothing like having a wonderfull contented women that has her sexual freedom,you will just love them all the more for it.
QueenB and He


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Lovely story and we agree with you that giving a woman sexual freedom will make her partner love her even more!
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How lucky I have been.
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