Posts: 164
A Job with a Bonus...? or should that be Boner?
Dr. Chartham permisterally measured handfuls of erect penises of gropes of men from different countries .
The largest erect organs he handled for precise measuring of each nationality were:
English - 10� inches
West German - 8� inches
Danish 8 inches
French - 7� inches
American - 7� inches
Swedish 7� inches
Negro - 7� inches
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NOT quite whatmany of you expect OR claim is it?
But it is documented PROOF of differneces in penis size. My wife wants to got to the uk TODAY!
Posts: 684
That is what myth means - something that is untrue and does not stand up to inspection.
can u dig it
Posts: 157
next your gonna tell us that the french win wars!!!!
can u dig it
Posts: 157
oh and by the way Negro isnt a country dumbass!! 
Posts: 164
Quoting: can u dig it oh and by the way Negro isnt a country dumbass
Touch a nerve, did it?
Has your "only small break in life" suddenly dissolved in the myth of its own existance?
The truth hurts those who only get laid by promoting lies, my little cigarillo-dicked friend!
It was a quote - not my words - hence the reference, moron.
By the way, France (a country) HAS won wars...whereas Africa (a continent) has not...
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Quoting: clive My wife wants to got to the uk TODAY
By all means send your wife to the UK! Having read so much about Anna-Karin, I love to spend some time with her. She may be a little disappointed though, as I "only" have a 7 inch cock. No match for Ted, I'm sure! Peter C
can u dig it
Posts: 157
I would post a pic to show ya my 9in however i dont get off on men salivating to my dick! France has not won a war sinse the Industrial Revolution Franco Prussian WWI WW2 IndoChina etc. Go suck some cock and have your wife watch you suck dick like the fag you are! 
Posts: 68
Among other wars, France is how they won the American revolution.
without them you'd all still be English, and have bigger dicks!
has a point ou guys. almost all the guys you see in porn use some type of enlargemnet process. Surgery, pumps, pills, I even heard that some guys use steriods. Who cares.
Posts: 6246
French wars...Oh sorry,
I thought we were talking about french whores...
I've never been to Negro, but I do know a Nigerian..
Posts: 164
"I would post a pic to show ya my 9in however..."
However? However what?
However it's 6 inches less than 9?
However people say it, "I WOULD do it if I wanted too...I just don't want to...yeah, right...that's why..." it always sound as lame as it did in 3rd grade!
Posts: 225
I thought you where all here to get off on a strange stud fucking wives!!! Why do so many people care who has the bigger dick? As long as it is deep inside some hungry married women who really cares. 
Posts: 164
Quoting: bigblackmaster9 I thought you where all here to get off on a strange stud fucking wives!!! Why do so many people care who has the bigger dick? As long as it is deep inside some hungry married women who really cares
Correct! But the guy was acting like an a''hole over a simple reference to something I found on the web. White cock or black cock as long as it's BIG cock!
It doesn't matter who has the bigger dick as long as it's a bigger dick...
Geronimo Samson
Posts: 1135
do these studies really matter......
the only thing that i know is that i have a sub standard cock and some guys have cocks which are way better than who cares if thsose cocks are english, indian, african, american or from any other place.....
i used to keep track of all these studies myself also...but have realized its useless..... i suggest all of u all also do the same
SO!!! I should be looking for a nice ENGLISH guy, Is that true? Everything I find on the "NET" is factual from what I understand......
Posts: 200
Posts: 137
I am English an have only 3.5 ins, anyone else small like me. My wife needs and gets more.
Posts: 31
im english just ove 4'' hard is that average
Posts: 684
There are anatomical differences of course, but within any group there are the extremes - ear size, nose size, hand size, and penis size. I am sure if a search was made there are a few Chinese guys with 10" and as there is no such scientific thing as "race" to suggest all black men have huge cocks is simply a myth. Some have and many don't. Perhaps people of African origin are less shy in showing their equipment.
The French no longer win wars is true - they do rather better by winning the peace.
Posts: 684
I thought [u]all[u] myths were by definition incorrect
Posts: 1
That's why your name is whtslut because that's all you are and that doesn't even begin to decribe the lifestyle...Keep being a nasty uninformed whtslut. By the way, I need a place to park my RV, can you open up?? I think bigblackmaster9 pretty well summed it up!! Mbw
Posts: 203
wow, what a spiteful little thread.
survery slike this are of no interest because they are not controlled scientific measurements.
whtslutforblk would be a more reliable source of data I think. all sluts I know say the same thing. some kind of pattern seems to be emerging
Posts: 32
Sorry, but i'm italian, i'm 19x19 cm, and i do it better. Madonna says. 
If the average brit is 10" there must be some biguns about I dont make 4"
Posts: 33
haha beer makes her think its bigger