I am the husband of Anne Marie, I have for some time been trying to get her to cuckoould me. She shows little or no interest in this. She does however fantasise when we make love of having a lover.
I have just purchased for my self a CB300 and am wearing it now for the first time as Anne is out with her girl friends bowling. We have been married for over 30 years, and still have a reamisterable sex life; sadly my performance has dwindled over the past couple of years.
Anne has orgasm but only orally or using our extensive range of false willies, I find it difficult to maintain an errection and when I do it is quite small and weak.
If any one out there has a fool proof method of getting their wife to take a love PLEASE, PLEASE help. Anne is still very attractive; the photo I have posted is only two month old.
Any advice would be very grateful, I have signed on as Annemarie as it is my deepest wish to be dominated by my lovely wife and hopefully, with your help her lover.
I tend towards TV and sissification although my wife knows, she is look warm, she does however allow me to do all the ironing, clean the bathroom and some cooking.
I will report back on any suggestions, my thanks in advance
Hubby, Annemarie
 AnneMarie in Septemberr 2006
|  AnneMarie later in September
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