Phoenix MWF Carmen
Posts: 48
I get such a kick out of the mental meanderings of men at times. I have been the wife of a cuckold for over 12 years now, I lost count of the amount of black cock I have had in me, and beleive me, for me, size does matter.
A woman's vagina opens and closes contingent on her excitement levels and of course, in accordance to what is causing that excitement. If a woman does her Keegle's, and is not getting horse dicked every day so that the Keegle's work, she can open and close according to the lover she is with.
My cuckold is only 6" long and about 1" thick and I can tighten up on demand to make sure he gets the best that I offer. Of course, not tightening up is my ultimate way of psychologically demoralizing him - something I enjoy. I love to remind him that he is not as thick as the lovers that I usually have a couple times a week. When he gets in me with his little thing, I just let him have it relaxed, just as that reminder. But believe me, for love and my adoration of him for standing down as the Alpha Male for a more viral and stamina based black man, I find myself tightening up and giving him the best he has had.
Remember guys, the pussy is an amazing thing. It opens for delivery of babies, and when necessary, for that huge endowed black cock and sometimes 2.
Now, the rectim is not as accomidating. Although, those muscles can be trained as well - think about it when you are squeezing off the next time.
I guess you all have to have your NET fantasies and momentarily post things that in reality make no sense at all.  If the girl is willing, she could take a VW, if not, a finger is hard to get in. Either way, a reamisterably in shape female can make even the smallest diameter dick feel in heaven.
Dick Diva
Posts: 314
Someone once told me the words in rock and roll sometimes don't mean anything
I said they where missing the point entirely
I hear you and I know � Heck, the company I am part owner of bring in presenters to teach the odd class every now and then to a large community of kinksters on things such as fisting to anal insertion and we all understand the way muscles work on any part of the body with the right practice.
You said, �If a woman does her Keegle's, and is not getting horse dicked every day so that the Keegle's work, she can open and close according to the lover she is with.�
Got it.
What if my lover put me in chastity for two weeks, had me fist her to orgasm every night before bed and didn�t do her Kegel exercises � might it not have an opposite affect? Even if it doesn�t, there is a �head space� around this that, combined with the denial of being allowed to satisfy her without a fist or huge toy, runs way deeper than the reality of it all. The biggest sex organ is the brain.
The �ruined� part I talk about has more to do with head space.
When you say, ��not tightening up is my ultimate way of psychologically demoralizing him - something I enjoy�. I just let him have it relaxed, just as that reminder�, that�s what I�m talking about. You put him in a head space, it�s something you enjoy and we all are happy in our own little kinks.
Not a lot of people post on this subject anyway so I don�t know how long it�s going to stay but�
It�s one of my kinks, I�m happy with it and maybe you�re missing the point. There is a lot of stuff on here I don�t get but I leave it to them because no matter how out there it may seem to me, it turns their crank.
PS: I suggest stop doing the kegel exercises. But hey - that�s just me. ;) Vancouver BC, Canada
Phoenix MWF Carmen
Posts: 48
Dick Diva:
You have not said anything that is not true. Different strokes for different folks, ya' know? For my husband and I, cuckolding is that avenue for role reversal, power exchange in the bed room. As you may have figured out, it is not a 24/7 thing, but as you can also figure out, that once blacked, that is always on your mind to some degree.
I like you obviously love the wide, stretch feeling, and also adhere to the attitude that good sex does not always happen because of tightness of the vagina. I agree, most of sex happens between the ears, and as with you and presumbly the big and loose feeling is intricate to your satisfaction.
Take care
Posts: 48
Finally someone comes along and tells the truth, so now other guys who are thinking of trying this can relax and enjoy seeing their wife fucked by men with big dicks! 
Phoenix MWF Carmen
Posts: 48
You know, I have said all the time that the Internet pushes the BS of this subject matter to extreme and is driven by the idiotsy of the men behind the bogus posts, the "I think that's what I want" thing, and of course, those that sit around one-hand-typing at the expense of the genuine people in the lifestyle. Bottom line is that you are absolutely right, one should commit to being in the lifestyle for permisteral reamisters, not use it as a titilation for men to sit around jacking off, and to nurture the cuckolding environment as it should be - as I do. It is not a NEED as the male population would like people to believe, it is a WANT. I have all I need in my husband, my friend and lover - the little dicked white guy. What I want is to once in a while, have my world rocked by a black cock (funny, I rhymed), and to have my cuckold (hubby) clean the pie, clean the cock, take it up the ass for me while I sit and watch as pure permisteral entertainment, and to once in a while remind my cuckold that his dick is small and pitful in comparimister to those black guys that I have sex with. It is just a "free-woman's mind candy" and nothing more than a power exchange between stereo typical male domination of the bedroom and a sexually liberated woman. Men have been sticking their dicks in multiple women all their lives and are considered "real men". Women fuck more than 5 men in their lives, and they are whores, sluts, etc. Well, I am here to say that I am a "real woman" and yes, like most men, I have notches on my belt that rival any man out there!

Dick Diva
Posts: 314
This site is a forum.
A forum about cuckolding.
It contains everything from how-to and other helpful information to fantasy and pronography along the lines of cuckolding.
I try to help when help is asked just as much as I post porn, (which is based on fantasy)
It's just the way it is. Vancouver BC, Canada
Phoenix MWF Carmen
Posts: 48
I respect your position of course. I elect to write on a non-porn level, hopefully, if there are any women here that actually want to learn about the lifestyle. Different strokes for different folks, huh?

Dick Diva
Posts: 314
I was reading one of your threads and I see where you are coming from. I can see it's hard to get the point across that Cuckolding is a woman's sport. If men get turned on by it then it's a beneficial side note but not the be all and end all.
Too many men here are trying to top from the bottom by either telling the bull to do his wife or the wife to do a bull - and it's for the cuck's pleasure? I think not. When I see a post that reads, "Now I want my wife to stop" I think, now there is a real cuckold. I hope that he can come to terms with the reality and learn to like it in the end but all in all, it's her decision and most likely - he started it. Makes me smile.
I will be posting more porn as well as commenting. I should ask if there is anything you might want to see.
carbonsmudgeers Vancouver BC, Canada
Phoenix MWF Carmen
Posts: 48
I agree - just another attempt at men controlling the pleasure of women, where actually women now have found a nicarbonsmudge that they are the one's in total and absolute control, with the willing partner of course.
Even if you think about swinging in general. It is hardly ever the woman that instigates that. I have seen it so many times. The man wants to get some strange, and manipulates the wife into thinking that it is for her, just so he can get some. Yes, there is that exception, but generally swinging is nothing more than a man's sport, dragging the wife along.
Now, cuckolding is leveling that playing field. The wife gets what she WANTS, the husband goes along for her benefit and whoops, he becomes a cuckold and likes it, because at the end of the day, the psychological benefit for the husband is that he gets to let go completely and allow someone else to drive.
And as we women all know, men's egos don't allow them to use maps .... for anything, including finding out where the climax is at on the female map! 
Posts: 225
#10 · Edited by: bigblackmaster9
I'm a 9" long 6" thick black bull, and cuckold. My wife does'nt understand this new fetish of mine, but she has no complaints about the big black bulls that I find for her. I love her, and I love watching her cum all over bigger men than me, but I'm not a sub. I have been fortunate enough to have many women fall in lust with me because I just happend to be a little longer, and or thicker than their current, or ex-boyfriend. So I kinda understand the power of what I call COCK SHOCK. It's all love baby! Just enjoy your life.;)
Posts: 9
From a BULL'S perspective: Sadly the majority of the "dates" "contacts" are set up by the male cuckold. Have been in this lifestyle for 11 years. During which time have played with probably (50) couples. Not a lifestyle thing for me per se. Am married only do this when I travel. My wife is aware of my high sex drive and doesn't care as long as it's nothing more than sex - with only married women. I'm the alpha male whether in the bedroom or the boardroom. Not a switch type scenario - that separates the real from the wannabe. Cuckolding is not interracial sex. As a former athlete I have many black buddies who fuck married white women. Some, the husband knows what's going on and at times is even present. This act does not necessarily make him a BULL. Of the majority, not all but many, this is a novelty. If I invest time in the couple, it's done for a different reamister - not a novelty. That's cuckolding! I do agree that many that seek me out are size queens. Unfortunately for average size guys that is a feeling you'll never be able to give to your woman. Also I mentioned in my first post on this website the new craze is younger (infertile) married couples posing as quasi-cuckold couples to get her pregnant (no strings attached) because IVF is so expensive and not covered by most insurance. This type of guy has a profound love for his wife, her wants and needs that he doesn't realize his actions are far more cuckold-like than the middle aged guy that just wants to see his wife screwed by another male.
Hope you take my comments objectively. I never cuckolds brownie on anyone's preference or decision making. Do understand however a permister's skin color does not automatically make him a BULL. If anyone wants to communicate further my Yahoo Messenger screen name is the same (URWife4MeUse) - look for me sometime.
Posts: 182
Phoenix MWF Carmen
Posts: 48
 I have permisterally never liked the term BULL. I guess the net has influenced that usage. For me, cuckolding is a lifestyle, that only includes men-of-color. I am not interested in white men, regardless of size, psychological Alpah Male s*******s, etc. I have a white man. For me, the contrast of skin color, and yes the MYTH, which I know is subjective, and the fact that I believe the following to be true in an interracial third party sexual relationship, "White husbands make love to their wives ... and black men fuck married white sluts". For me, being free to be that slut with a man-of-color, to be used while using, and have that mix of the previously stated things, along with a little of the "If Daddy could see me now" thing, makes me all wet and gooey, both between the legs and in the brain.
Posts: 9
Then that's a preference for interracial sex - not cuckolding. As mentioned above I've been around this proverbial block. Mainstream has adapted black doms/white wimps as cuckolding - to sell memberships to websites. Can tell you first hand having done this over the past decade very few true cuckold couples play with black on a regular basis. For both parties it's more of a novelty factor. Sounds like you're content doing what you're doing - and enjoy yourself. Seems the taboo element plays a big role in what you're looking for. ENJOY!
Posts: 9
Neglected to mention, of the BULLS that I've had conversations with, we don't involved our wives in this type of play. The married BULL of today wears two hats - husband and BULL. Of course I "make love" to my wife - because that's what she deserves. BUT when I'm done, she is as spread open as the cuck's wife I fucked the cuckolds brownie out of.
Posts: 1285
With all respect, URWIfe4ME2Use, there are many instances in which preference for interracial sex comes ONLY in the context of cuckolding. Phoenix MWF Carmen says:
I believe the following to be true in an interracial third party sexual relationship, "White husbands make love to their wives ... and black men fuck married white sluts".
Presumably, Carmen would not feel the same way if it were not a third party relationship; that is, if she were married to a black man. For her, the psychological baggage of race in our society makes the experience of cuckolding potent. She says cuckolding would lack that potentcy without the racial element, but it does not follow that interracial sex would do it for her without the element of cuckolding.;) Whether it does or not is for her to say, but there are women who would not be interested in the interracial angle if there was no cuckolding involved. (And that is also true for some cuckolds.)
One last thought I would add is that a lot of cuckolding fantasy (and a few experiences) revolve around impregnation by the other man. In this context race becomes quite important because the interracial appearance of the young makes manifest to one and all that the cuckold is not the man, providing a public and on-going shame.:shame: Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
my wife says bullcuckolds brownie size matters
Posts: 15
Greetings everyone! This is my first post in Cuckold Place. I'm 56 years old and my wife is 46.
Approx 10 years ago I witnessed, first hand, my own initiation into cuckolding, a day before I found out what a cuckold even was (did a web search on 3-some). I was amazed (and RELIEVED) to discover that I wasn't the only man who enjoyed feeling humiliated; that there was even a fairly significant Inet cuckold cult. In my case, cuckoldry shocked (probably much like the COCK SHOCK bigblackmaster9 mentioned - her lover wasn't black but he did have a 9"+ x 6"+ insatiable woody that litterally sent me into shock the instant I saw it disappear inside my 5'1", 110, petite wife's little pussy) me into acknowledging a submissive side of myself that I had NO idea even existed. In fact, I discovered, and have been adjusting to the fact ever since, that I am primarily a pleaser, rather than a leader. I can lead, but much more effectively when I'm doing it for someone else, who also takes the credit. Essentially, I've learned how to allow myself to feel with my heart, instead of my head.
Dear Carmen,
Thanks a bunch for discussing cuckoldry from a "real" perspective, which is my primary interest.
I disagree, imho, with cuckoldry necessarily being directly related to interracial sex. Perhaps, for you, that's a way to maintain a safe separation between making love and fucking (I agree pretty much with what URWife4MeToUse's opinion on ths issue).
I also partially disagree with your following statement, "Yes, there is that exception, but generally swinging is nothing more than a man's sport, dragging the wife along.". I agree the husband probably initiates the discussion, but I believe that the swinging wife's bisexual interests are usually the determining factor in going forward. In fact, I believe that wives almost always enjoy signoff authority on most major family/marriage decisions; which may not be that obvious, since they know how fragile their husbands' egos are. The first thing I tell prospective lifestyle men, women, couples we meet is that I, in no way, would ever attempt to coerce my wife into doing anything. Before we were married I told my wife that, as far as I'm concerned, she would always be able to do whatever, wherever, whenever, and with whomever she liked - with or without me being present, or ever finding out. I don't even care if she falls in love with others, simply because I don't believe that her love for me would be adversely affected. The only reamister, imho, that it would cause a problem is if I had a problem, which I wouldn't. In fact, I'm deeply moved by URWife4MeToUse's statement, "This type of guy has a profound love for his wife", something I've never seen or heard relating to cuckoldry. Also, even though I'm beyond middle age, I'm fairly certain that if I had it to do over again, knowing what I know now, that I would opt for better genes for my youngren. What better gift could I possible give them?
I entirely agree with you that, at least in my case, cuckoldry is a decision, rather than a need. I feel entirely comfortable taking responsisbility for my embracing my submissive urges. But I can certainly empathize with the millions of men, I'm certain, in the USA alone, who are trapped (probably most, like me, unwitingly) behind a domish facade; because they are terrified of being ostracised by western society's *****ile belief that real men must be leaders, or else they must be wimps who deserve disrespect and even ridicule. In Shakespear's day, Joseph, man of Jesus, was the favorite character to portray a cuckold, which was the most popular subject in comedy. Even Hamlet was a cuckold.
Anyway, thanks again for the chance to express my permisteral opinions. I could go on but I need to get some relax.
Posts: 94
Phoenix MWF Carmen sorry my englsih is not good as yours but what is "rectim"?
Posts: 93
not ruined but she is not the same
Posts: 239
I am always amazed by the number of men who question my sanity when it comes to being cucked by my wife. By the way, most of these men who ask me what is the benefit to being a cuckold are the white ones who just dismounted after fucking my wife in front of me. The black and latino guys are only interested in how soon they can do her again.
My answer is always the same: orgasms, hers and mine. I also remind them that after all the sex is done with, I am the guy she goes home with.
Note to Carmen: No use trying to educate the ignorant, they just will never get it. A man has not lived until he watches another man fuck his wife!
Posts: 684
I admire Carmen's tenacity and veracity - no quaisi psychologizing. An honest woman.
Posts: 684
Amazonking - unlike Carmen all you seem to be doing is reinpowering stereotypes and mythologies. From what you write you patently are not a cuckold, just a guy getting off on his missus being nailed by other men.
Posts: 673
She is right from the womans perspective. Do some reading about vaginas. Maybe you will learn something usefull. stupid questions dont exist...
stupid answers however....
Posts: 3
whats the fasination with black cock?
Posts: 516
Now this is one of the best forums I have read.....way to go....such as it is....Missy
Posts: 762
#27 · Edited by: joranc
edit because i am stupid with a little brain... i have little knowledge and understand nothing.....
Posts: 762
#28 · Edited by: joranc
a worthless feeble man......breathing your air..wasting your precious time...
Posts: 516
joranc....talking about breathing once was determined that every breath we take has at least one atom....of the air breathed out by J. Ceasar after Brutus stabbed him......and he said "et to Brute" or something to that you are not breathing just my air but many peoples air....doesnt that just excite your little brain...such as it is....Missy
Posts: 762
 gee wiz Missy19you sure are harsh..i am absolutely flabbergasted  crushed... that you would think that  and yet again offer apology for the fact that you find offense at my pitiful existence. though grateful of the knowledge..and the benevolence shown by the giving of it.