Posts: 218
jrswing Good. That's what this thread is all about.
Posts: 218
London Couple Too bad ya seem to be so far away from Me. I'd make her belly round for ya next time, otherwise. ;)
Posts: 2
captainjackLovely shape belly and tits must be a wonderful fuck. [email protected]
Posts: 8
great looking woman
Posts: 21
Thanks to everyone who posted pictures of their knocked up wives. Very hot, especially the ones who were pregnant with other mens' babies! My wife is still really good friends with her ex and I'd love it if she came home one day and told me she was pregnant with his baby.
London Couple
Posts: 356
Here's a pic of my wife pregnant in the shower. I forgot I had that one. I assure you it is my wife not a fake!
Posts: 218
#37 · Edited by: MrMonkey
Posts: 924
very nice 
London Couple
Posts: 356
Thanks for the compliments. Here are two more of my hottie. The baby is mine, but it almost could have been a close call. True story. We had decided to start trying for a baby and quit the swinging lifestyle while trying. She had intended to have a last fling with two of her long time lovers even though she was now off the pill. Many of her girlfriends had told her that it takes a month or two to get the effects of the pill out of your system so she figured it would be fine make love to those two guys one more time. They are both white males, well hung, and rock her world. We talked briefly about her making them put on a condom, but she said everything would be fine and that in both cases it had been so long since they had worn condoms with her that she couldn't ask them to put one on or pull out since they both really enjoyed cumming inside her. (Who wouldn't?). We both were really turned on by the idea of risking pregnancy. Well, after her last period ended, she stopped taking the pill and she wanted to line up a date with her one lover on the friday and her other lover on the Saturday about a week after her period ended so she knew she would be safe from getting pregnant. In both cases her lovers live out of town and in both cases they couldn't make it for another week. That would put her 2 weeks into her cycle and the risks of getting pregnant much higher. She figured since it would take a month or two to get the pill out of her system, she would have some fun and risk it. She went ahead with the idea anyway but when that second weekend came, both of her lovers had to cancel yet again. She was very dissapointed and had expected a lot of sex that weekend so I got all of the rewards and we made love 4 times that weekend. Well, wouldn't you know it, she became pregnant that weekend! Really scary when you think about it because we had no idea she was that fertile. We are so blessed as we have friends who have been trying for months with no luck. Just be warned, it's BS about needing a month or two to get the effects of the pill out of your system. My wife had been on the pill for years and never missed taking it, and then two weeks after stopping, she was pregnant. Here's the other neat part. She wasn't going to tell her lovers until date night that she was off the pill, but since both of them cancelled, they didn't find out until after she was already kncocked up by me that they could of had a chance to put a baby inside her. We asked them both what they thought of the idea and to our suprise, they were both really turned on by the idea. They know that I'll be a good dad and they've both already told her that when we try for baby number two, they would love to know about it and have some fun if we are all in agreement! When my wife and I have sex now, and talk about risking pregnancy with her lovers for our second young, she has the most intense orgasms I've ever seen. She loves all of us and says that when the time comes, we will have to talk about it some more and see what happens. Translation, after a few glasses of wine, she would be up for anything. I just can't believe that if either one of those two guys had kept thier date with my wife, she very well could have been impregnated by them and not me! When I think of how many times they have cum inside her bare pussy and made her beg for their cum over the years, and that if she had ever missed taking her pill during any of those love sessions, she could have been knocked up by any of them, it drives me wild. Don't get me wrong, I'm one very happy husband to have put a baby in my wife on the first try, but I also consider myself lucky that one of her big bulls didn't beat me to it. I'm not so sure I will be that lucky in a year or two when we try for the next baby!  Another one in the shower
|  Dressing up for me
|  |  |
Posts: 209
Very nice reading thank you for posting pics too.
Posts: 218
London Couple
I would happily put another bun in your wife's oven.
Posts: 21
I know it's been over two weeks since the last post, but I just wanted to say that I really liked London Couple's story. Nice pics, too!
Posts: 4
Nice to see these cows as they were meant to be, but better still is what becomes of their bodies after dropping a few babies; flabby and saggy! They fear they are no longer attractive, so can be thoroughly used without fear of them leaving.
Posts: 360
She shaved too Justin?We all want to see 
Posts: 367
after reading the post about wife alomst getting preg to one of her two bulls i think my wife and i who now wants a young migh play baby rollete also, god that seems soo exciting andf if her lovers get her preg the humilation and excitmemt would be lifelong
Posts: 581
For a wife to be impregnated by a stud of a DIFFERENT race to that of her cuckold husband must be one of the most thrilling sexual acts imaginable!
Posts: 218
Let's see some more, folks.
Posts: 209
Posts: 40
dag1974uk She is beautiful pregnant! Thanks for sharing : )
Posts: 218
Hello, let's see some more!
Posts: 10
My wife wants me to bull another woman....we have 3 youngren together and I have impregnated 11 others since 2000. Contact me if interested. I am 29 years old; 5'10" 160 lbs. Caucasian male...7" dick...very fertile! I hope to hear from you soon! DAVID Auralie and David....
Posts: 218
WhyteBull78 Any pix of the women you've knocked up?
Posts: 10
Here are some pics.... Auralie and David....
Posts: 218
WhyteBull78 Don't seem to see any...
Posts: 10
#55 · Edited by: WhyteBull78
My 18 mo. old 'cucked' mister. Auralie and David....
Posts: 10
Another 'Cucked' woman by me! Auralie and David....
Posts: 10
Posts: 218
London Couple
Posts: 356
Some pictures of my wife pregnant with our baby about a year and a half ago.
Posts: 4
some pics of my horny pregnant wife