TJ Smith
Posts: 110
Well my gf who is 40 that I am very serious with has a date tomorrow night to go to a wedding with a "friend" who is 61. I encouraged her to go with him, I am very excited about it.
Posts: 2117
Let us know how it goes! Maybe you shoudl encoaurge her to go out more often with other men who ask (e.g. neighbours, co-workers, friends).
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
I am starting to do that, this guy is a coworker and he is taking her to a wedding. He picked her up a little bit ago I havent heard anything from her so far......
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
She just text me saying he had his arm around her all during the wedding ceremony, and she has been touching his arm mmmmmmmmm
Posts: 209
hot. keep the updates coming!
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
She text me saying he touches her lower back a lot when they are standing up and he gave her a rose.....
Posts: 1511
how romantic ............
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
Ended up they danced a few times, he kissed her twice and they held hands on the ride home. I know not real exciting but it was their first date and I am sure he was being a gentleman. I hope they go out again soon.
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
It is exciting for me as I would love for him to have her. She will not be bolder that just isnt her, but I think he could be and hope he askes her out again soon
Posts: 182
Hi TJ,
Why don't you get his phone number and ring him up and tell him to get his arse into gear and fuck her!!
Posts: 648
Maybe something a little more subtle would be more productive.
First of all, how did she feel about the date? Was she ok with him kissing her? Did she enjoy it?
I'm assuming he asked her to the wedding because even though he knows she has a bf he needed a date, has no one else he can ask and has a thing for her. Tell her if he ever needs a date for some occasion again you don't mind if she goes "to help him out". Ask her to let him know that and I bet it will encourage him to ask for another date.
Get them out on a few "innocent" dates and the sex will eventually follow.
Posts: 648
The text is a good idea to let him know everything is cool with her and you.
Since she kept you posted on what was going on with them touching and kissing I take it she knows you don't have a problem with that. Have you two ever talked about her having sex with someone else? Does she know it excites you. She may not be bold enough to take the initiative, but she seems receptive to what he did try with her and is willing to share it with you.
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
Sorry its been awhile things have been so busy, she invited him over last Friday night for some takes. We sat around a fire and talked for awhile I then went in the house and took my time coming out and when I did she was sitting on his lap. She stayed there when I sat down for a bit. Then he went in to use the bathroom she followed and he kissed her in there. I made sure they had some a lone time and she touched him a lot. He is taking his time with her thats for sure. He kissed her often but never in front of me.
I am hoping he asks her out for this weekend again
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
Well I happen to see her phone last night and they were sexting, she told him that she was going to give his cock a lot of attention, boy did that turn me on. I encouraged her to let him know that she was interested in dating him too but they had to keep it quiet as they work together. She said she would so I said just text him, she said no she wanted to tell him face to face today. So she just text me " Just got done talking to him", then I asked what did they talk about but she hasnt responded yet ugh its *******ing me......
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
Ok well I didnt think she was going to see him this weekend, but she just left to go to his place to "watch a movie" yes it is 10pm on a Saturday night........I am hoping to have some news tomorrow........its going to be a long night........
Posts: 1288
Can't wait to hear all about it. Good luck.
Posts: 90
This is very interesting
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
Well I travel for work and she was home with the kids last night and he stopped over and stayed for a couple hours, not sure what the kids thought. He kissed her in the garage on the way out.
Tonight he asked her out for dinner they met at 7 at the restaurant and I havent heard anything from her since.....
Posts: 198
Very very hot!
Posts: 417
Any updates TJ?
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
No update so far, she starts feeling guilty I think but yet texts him every night from about 6 till she goes to relax. I try to read her texts from time to time and last night she was talking about a "movie night" again and he is all for that. Then he told her he was dancing in his underwear to led zepplin and she said she wished she was there and wondered if she would have to dance in the same. Then she told him what kind of panties she wears, which is usually thongs or nothing depending on what she is wearing.
So I am not sure exactly what is going on. Some times I wonder if she isnt seeing him and not telling me, but I really dont know.
Posts: 274
This is hot! Keep the updates coming TJ!
Posts: 281
Hey TJ, how's it going for you both. Has she brought home a creamy surprise for you yet?
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
No news, she still texts him but hasnt gone to see him in awhile sorry
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
Sorry its been awhile but nothing has been happening except the texting every day, but last night she asked me if it was ok if she went to his place this weekend to watch a movie with him. Last time she was at his place for a movie he had her nude. I of course said sure that is fine not a problem at all. So I am hoping to have something this weekend.
Posts: 281
Yep, hoping you get some good news that they're taking it all a step further
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
She asked my fantasies this morning when we were laying in bed and I told her to help her get dressed for a date then to wait for her. I hope that helps her go through with it
Posts: 218
It's just a matter of time man, I've been there!
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
so far its not looking like she is going, i dont want to ask as i dont want her to think i am pushing her ugh
TJ Smith
Posts: 110
She didnt end up going over there for some reamister ugh