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Boys watching their mothers

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I am your typical cuckold involved in a long term interracial cuckold marriage. Pretty typical if perhaps a little more advanced than some. I am celibate, completely, often in chastity for extended periods, only et to masturbate occasionally with her permission and only if I am cleaning her after sex, cleaning one of her lovers, or (this part may not be too typical) takeing his, or her urine after they have sex. I am always in panties, and have to squat to pee.

As I say,for the most part pretty typical and I love my life.

What makes my story a little unusual is that I am a second generation cuckold. My lady actively cuckolded my man with black men, and I found this out when I was 11. I came home frm school early one day, not feeling well, and to make a long story short was able to serreptiously watch my lady fucking a huge black guy for about an hour. I was shocked, but also turned on out of my mind. I masturbated three times while watching. I still think those were the most intense orgasms of my entire life. I thnk I masturbated about 5 more times that afternoon and night running the images through my head.

So my sexuality was set. If it wasn't already by the simple fact of a very small penis and premature ejaculatory issues. Over the next 18 months I managed to spy on mom with different black men many times. I of course became obsessed with it. Eventually, after 18 months, so caught me peeeking and playing with myself. There followed some VERY tense and awkward conversations (for me at least, she seemed comfortable with it all...). She expained how things had happened, my dad's little dick and PE and at times, ED, her discovery of black sex, ded's eventual acceptance of it and now total devotion to and enjoyment of it. The fact that she believed it saved her marriage. She examined my penis and told me n no uncertain terms that I would also be incapable of satifying a woman with it, and should focus on learning to be proficient with my mouth and learning to enjoy being a cuckold (I already did, interms of the amazing orgasms I had been havng watching her and well endowed black lovers).

She forbade me to watch her without permission, which I promptly ingnored, getting some awful (and wonderful) spankings from her and her lovers when caught, but promised when I was a little older she's let me watch and perhaps even begin the process of training me to be a cuckold.

Which all came to pass, but those are tales for another day.

Does anyone else have similar experiences? If so I would love to hear abut them and I would also be willing to share more from my past.


Posts: 430
#2 · Edited by: TinyCockWimp
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Awesome story! Your mom really understood what us cucks need and crave. I like the fact that she removed any misconceptions you may have later developed about being able to satisfy a woman and function as a real man. Like me you were destined to serve as a pussy boy faggot.

Question: did you ever get any mommy pussy?
Faggot Pussy


Posts: 19
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Well, I'm a little ashamed to go there. Probably wouldn;t be able to if it weren;t for my years of cuckold therapy with Dr. Pentock. But, being raised as a cuckold, certainly not in the sense of intercourse. But she did teach me, eventually, about cuckold cleaning duties and had me learn directly on her.


Posts: 293
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I don't think I'm alone in saying this... I would love to hear more.


Posts: 42
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interesting indeed


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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WOW..... interesting cuckolds brownie here! Would love to hear more of your upbringing and current situation.

There's another member on here who learned early in life about his family being into cucking.

Please do tell us more.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 19
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After that things changed. She woud allow me to watch some times. But only oof my behavior had warranted it and my school work was complete with no cut classes. She used her sexuality with black lovers and my addiction to watching it to get me back under control.

Then slowly she started a process of training me to be a cuckold, while simutaneously underining any last vestige of masculine ego I may have had left.

But more about that later. I am exhausted and need to relax.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Please do continue...........
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 361
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With all respect, this looks like a fantasy story.
Watching mom with 70 different men and not getting caught once? Sounds difficult.
And, a chastity device on your man? They are quite recent, unheard of until 2000 and just getting more known in the last 5 years.
Sounds difficult, again.


Posts: 336
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Chastity devices were around in the middle ages for christsake nothing new there.


Posts: 361
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Men chastity devices appeared in the Victorian era (meant to control boys) and disappeared in the same age. In modern times actually getting one before 2000 was impossible. I have 25 years of BDSM experience, trust me...

In Ancient Rome male slaves were infibulated, basically sewing penis foreskin.

Oh, and middle age female chastity belts were a myth.

They are impossible to wear for extended time because of the female period; this is just one of the reamister why even nowdays almost nobody uses them except for occasional play.

Also, a pure metal female chastity belt, if not made of modern stainless steel or covered in plastic, would cause labia inflammation via metal poimistering. I have seen it happen. Leather, exposed to bodily fluids, would rot and cause infections. No way to have one of these working in middle age.


Posts: 120
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I hate to be pedantic, and not for the first time, but your mom cannot cuckold you. A cuckold is someone who is aware of and tolerates/encourages his wife's adultery. You may[i][/i] have enjoyed watching your mom but that doesn't make you a cuck, voyeur yes but not a cuck.


Posts: 430
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Your post suggests that you may still be struggling with guilt issues. Please remember that, while the cuck lifestyle and the way your lady raised you doesn't fit into mainstream practices, it gives you more pleasure and permisteral gratification than most "normal" people.

I think your mom recognized your true nature early on and gave you the kind of education only she could have. Permisterally, I think she did you a favor. How awesome to see your lady being fucked every which way by countless different men- all while you jerked off like a jack-rabbit!!
Faggot Pussy


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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I would love to hear about your wife and some of the things the two of you have done as a cuck couple.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Hope to hear more from you............
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 195
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love this


Posts: 103
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This is a wonderful story of LOVE, I hope you can tell us in more detail of the times she got you to clean up and how she helped you find a wife.


Posts: 19
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I will post more. I promise. I have actually written some more, just been a little reticent about posting publically because I feel so vulnerable and I've never talked about this puboically before. But I know I need to. Soon. When I'm ready.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding. Without it I wouldn;t have come this far or shared this much. Again, remember that 99.99 percent of America would be horrified by my history and see my lady as nothing less than a complete, horrific and vile monster, and me a pathetic victim irretrievably damaged beyond redemption. Only hear can I get past those labels and share my very, very human, if truly odd or unique, story. Pussy_muncher, you calling it a love story was oe of the most meaningful and affirming things ever said to me by anyone, especially one who knew something of my private life and history. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. THis gives me the courage to carry on and share more.



Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Glad to see you're still here. Looking forward to hearing more about your upbringing and cuck training.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 19
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So of course things changed after she caught me. During that confrontation she went back and forth between an almost blatantly seductive attitude as when she asked me if it turned me on to watch her fuck black men, if I liked to watch and play with myself, with my little tiny pee pee, and then cut through my confusion and hesitation to answer her byt reaching down and squeezing my rock hard boner staring right into my eyes and smiling so sweetly and lovingly; and a much sterner, corrective, angry approach. Scolding me in no uncertain terms for a gross *** of her privacy, her lovers’ privacy, just to satisfy my own base lusts. How dare I, she thundered, and I quaked at her tone and pitch, knowing full well there would be some dreadful repercussion. A boy your age should be out dating girls my own age, experimenting sexually, dare I say, she mocked, maybe even getting laid? But no, not you, you watch your lady have sex and beat off like a little boy. Again, she reached down to grasp my little penis, still rock hard, and said, oh yeah, that’s right, you got your man’s hair, his facial features, his build and his sense of humour; but you also got his tiny little pencil dick. You probably can’t get any girls to fool around with you, at least not a second time. And certainly none who’d ever bother to fuck you. Not with this little pathetic thing, she spat out and she squeezed it again.

While her words cut deep to the core of heart, they also somehow, weirdly, turned me on even more. Somehow the shame of knowing she was right, that she was confirming all my insecurities of my life, that had only gotten worse since puberty and into high school, knowing my cock was really small, smaller even than most of the other white guys my age, and certainly no match for the black students or what I’d seen in her lovers.

And of course the memory was still fresh of the doctor visit…. A couple of years earlier, after I had already entered puberty in that I sprouted underarm and pubic hair, my voice cracked endlessly and ultimately lowered itself a little, and I got some minor approximation of facial hair, I was still wating my penis to grow. I was sure that puberty would bring a growth spurt to it, and I wouldn’t be shamed in the locker room, at camp, etc. by this little boy’s inch and half long flaccid dick, which only grew to about 3 and half inches erect (I’m being generous with myself here by about a quarter inch). But no, that didn’t happen. My shame and insecurity grew, but not the source of it, my tiny pee pee.

One day, my lady accidently walked in on me in the bathroom while I was urinating, She showed the appropriate embarrassment and regret for such a social faux pas, especially when it’s a mom walking in on her pubescent mister. But I felt her eyes going stringht to my tiny pecker and boring a hole through it she stared so hard. Little did I know at the time, as I was just now finding out, that she had reamister to be concerned about my penile development because of my dad’s lack of genital stature. I would later learn their were other reamisters for her to worry about it. Two days later she walked in as I was coming out of the shower, before I could get a towe around me. Again she looked right at my equipment. She seemed to nod to herself, and then walked out without a word. Two days later? That seemed too coincidental. I had a feleing that this time it happened purposely, and the way she looked and nodded imperceptibnly, then left without a word, seemed as if she had confirmed something for herself.

The next day aftrer dinner, dad gone on a business trip, she sat me down in bedroom to talk.

“I’ve made an appointment for you with an endocrinologist,” she said. We’re going the day after tomorrow. We have to see what we can do about this.”

“About what?” I asked, not acutally knowing bt havng a sinking sensation I knew where this is going.

“About your penis.” Dead silence followeds that statement, the utterance of which seemed to suck all the air out of the room.

“What about it?”

“Well we can pretend the problem doesn’t exist like the elephant in the room, or we can start to deal with it by admitting it. You now darmed well what I’m talking about. Don’t you?”

“Uh, I guess. Maybe. “ I was literally physically squirming. Wishing a huge hole in the earth would open up and swallow me whole before another word was said. But no such luck.

“Then say it. It’s important. Don’t make me spell it out. The first step is admitting there’s problem. What’s your problem?”

“well, I guess my penis is on the small side…”

“Don’t! Just don’t!! Don’t minimize this. It’s a serious issue and it could have crippling effects on your life, on your relationships to women, on your marriage. This is a big deal for a boy entering teen age years and the dating phase of his life. It’s not going to go away by magic. No say it again.”

“I have a really tiny penis….?”

“Why say it as a question? Come on, admit the truth of what you must know. You have a micropenis. It’s, I’m sorry to say, freakishly small. So small you wont be able to have normal intercourse if we don’t get it addressed, and now. This could determine your entire outlook on life when you realize how small you really are n relation to other boys and men. It’s serious problem, but hopefully Dr. ** will be able to help. She comes highly recommended.”

“She? I have to see woman doctor about this? Mom… I can’t.”

“Stop that right now. She the best endocrinologist around. She’s doctor. She’s going to help you. Her sex doesn’t matter in the least. She’ll examine your little penis and hopefully have a treatment that will help you become more… normal. I really hope so for your sake. The appointment is at 10 AM on Thursday.”

And so, on Thursday morning e went to se the doctor. Things started off badly when the receptionist was talking to my lady, and asked the reamister for the visit. The waiting room was fairly full, more women then men, and a couple of hot high school girls. My lady made no apparent attempt to modulate the volume of her voice and she said, in what seemed to me to be an incredibly loud voice: “my mister here has underdeveloped genitals. He’s in puberty but his penis hasn’t grown. It’s like a little boy’s.”

I wanted to die. Not for the last time that day.


Posts: 19
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I want to share what I just wrote to another forum member because its a brief summation of my thinking of being a second generation cuckold:

I would certainly love to hear more. Sharing similar experiences is useful, as we ( love you term "boy cuckolds") are an anomaly even in the cuckold community. We have an extra layer and level of shame.

I believe the essence of being a cuckold is a psychological process of eroticizing abject shame and offense. Shame and humilation at being sexually inadequte. The only way we can survive with that shame and humilation is to eroticize it and get excited by it. For us, the boy cuckolds, this is a process tat starts long before our early dating disasters or marital dissappointments. So it is very, very deep rooted. I don;t honestly know if there is any other way fr us to get turned on or sexually aroused. The shame is very deep, immensely deep, because our MOTHERS for crying out loud are the first sluts we love. The humilation is very, very deep because we learn wew "are just like our mans" at a very young age, sexually and genitally underdeveloped, and unlike other cucolds who may only slowly realize in early adulthood that they are not capable of providing sexual pleasure or relief to women, we know from younghood.

You know?

Or at least that's how I see it at this point in time.

- lildickles (the nickname my lady gave me).


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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I would love to hear more about your life as a young cuck wantabe, and how your wife as expanded on your ladys training.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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I would love to hear more about your life as a young cuck wantabe, and how your wife as expanded on your ladys training.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 373
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please can we hear more about your visit to the doctors, this is so hot for us small cocked little boys


Posts: 19
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Warning: UNedited:

An incredibly attractive young nurse brought me and my lady back to an exam room. “”You can undress now,” she said to me without even glancing my way, just looking at my chart. I felt my heart jump into my throat. I looked up at my lady, as if I could get some help. She just glared at me and nodded. I looked up at the nurse, but she continued to look only at my chart. I began to unbutton my shirt, slowly. She finally looked up at me. “Come on, now, hurry. Everything. Now. You’ve got nothing we haven’t seen before, and from what your lady says, not that much of it.”

That was the second time that day I wanted to die. I blushed. My lady’s glare became more severe and she virtually barked “you heard her, let’s go now. Chop chop, missy.”

Missy? What the hell? What was this? I should stand up to this. Having to strip in front of a nurse, a pretty one not too much older than me at that, telling the nurse I had a small penis, calling me missy? What was up with this? I should stand up to her. Now.

But I didn’t.

I stripped. Totally naked, and to my total offense found myself getting semi erect. The nurse smirked and went through the motions of weighing and measuring my height. The smirk never left her face, She then set me on a gyn exam table and took my red pressure, Then she said “now for your temperature,” and the smirk seemed to grow even more, I prepared myself to open my mouth and raise mt tongue, when my heart stopped as she took out a thermometer and put vasoline on the bulbous, not tapered end. No! Not…

“Here, put your feet in the stirrups, “ she commanded, I looked with pleading in my eyes to my mom. I don’t know why. She continued to glare. Thoroughly beaten I spread my legs and put my feet in the stirrups. I closed my eyes and tried desperately to will my semi-erect, tiny little penis soft. No go, as I felt Nurse Susie’s plastic gloved hand lift it away from my butt hole while her other index finger, also gloved smeared vasoline all over my anus, and then, oh god, dip past the sphincter and grease the inside. I twitched obviously and shut my eyes even tighter. She withdrew her finger, sniggering softly, and I felt the thermometer going in. I was totally erect now in her hand, all 2 ¾ inches. I swear I felt her give it a little squeeze.

“This is it?” she asked. I didn’t know if she was asking me or mom. But I was totally pre-occupied with trying desperately not to shoot off in her hand. Mom answered anyway, “yep, that’s literally about the size of it.” They both laughed. And I lost it due to the sick eroticization of shame in my nascent cuckold mind. I shot my wad all over her hand.

“Shit,” Nurse Susie said. What a fucking mess.”

“Jamister!” Mom barked. “How dare you? You didn’t have permission. And so quick, you see what I mean?” she asked the nurse. “No control, like a little boy, in addition to the tiny size.”

Nurse Susie handed me a tissue to clean myself as she peeled the soiled latex gloved from her hands and disposed of them in the biohazard bag. “Clean yourself, you silly little thing, but DON’T expel that themomoeter yet.” Turning to my lady she added “as pathetic as he is with that loss of control, and baby’s size, he was obviously turned on by my finger and then the thermometer up his butt.” She looked at me and I swear she smirked again. “That all bodes well for Dr. Spencer’s primary treatment option. The fact that he gets pleasure by anal penetration will make the transition easier as he progresses through puberty and the transformative process.”

“Yes I see that,” my lady said. That implies a good prognosis for that option, doesn’t it?”

“Well, I’ll leave that to the Doctor to discuss with you ladies,” Nurse Susie said and clearly smirked at me this time without even bothering to hide it.

What the fuck were they talking about? Ladies? Treatment options? Transformation? Prognosis. I had noidea what it all meant but I wasn/t at all liking the sound of any of it. Though I loved coming in the nurses hand, ashumiliating as it was. It was the first orgasm I’d ever had that wasn’t in my own hand and it wasthus the most intense of my life. And the shame,,, all mixed in with it. I wasn’t sure if I’d moaned out loud but I think I did.

This is where I should have demanded an explanation or walked out. But the fact that I was involved in wiping up my own semen after a decidedly premature ejaculation, was naked, with an anal thermometer still stuck up my butt hole, in front of my lady and a very attractive young nurse into who’s hand that ejaculation had come after about 10 seconds of contact, and my penis rapidly shrinking back to its flaccid size of under an inch, and in fact, trying desperately to shrink up into my abdomen in shame, I thought it better to keep my mouth shut rather than subject myself to further ridicule.

She replaced her gloves, removed the thermometer, and wiped my anus with a wipe, smirking to herself all the while.

“Doctor Spencer will be in in a few minutes. You stay right there, Missy, and keep those feet in the stirrups.”

There was that Missy again. This time from her, not mom. What the fuck was going on. But it’s really hard to be assertive with two women when your less than one inch flaccid pee pee is dangling in the wind with your feet in table stirrups, and you’ve just shot off in a nurses hand after ten seconds of contact with a thermometer up your butt. With your lady watching and commenting. “Missy” was the least of my problems, as much as I hated it. I was much more concerned with the immediate problem of finding a big enough hole to crawl into that would hide me totally, and perhaps I could never come back out of.

As she left the room, the silence between mom and me was stony and intense. From my perspective, well, you’re sitting there on a gyn table with , completely naked, with your feet in the stirrups, in front of your own lady, you tiny junk flapping in the wind, after having just prematurely ejaculated into the handoff a nurse who had a thermometer up your butt. What exactly are you going to say?

For her part she kept looking at me with an expression that lay somewhere between pity and contempt, her eyes seeming to dart constantly back and forth from my eyes, and face, and my genitals. I thought at one point maybe I hard her softly laughing to herself, but I’m not sure.

I was cold. More shrinkage of course. More humiliaton. Finally I started to stir. “Can I get a blanket, or gown? I asked.

“You stay right where you are Missy. And keep those feet in the stirrups. It’s time you earned to unquestionably obey ladies.”

Huh? Missy again. And what the hell did she mean about tis unquestionaing and obeying? I averted my eyes and waited.

I didn’t have to wait long. The doctor came in authoritovely. A woman, which I knew, but hated due to sitting there with my feet in stirups, naked as a jaybird, and my shriveled little package of shame, well not exactly dangling, or even hanging, but on display as it were. She was older, older than my lady, dressed very primly with her white lab coat and glasses. She looked vaguely familiar, but mom said I’d seen her before. She seemed very much in charge, and in that reminded me of my aunt. But that was the last permister I wanted to be thinking about now.

You think it;s bad to have a baby’s penis and testicles when you’re supposedly in puberty, and to be sitting on a gyn table naked with your feet in stirrups with your mom and a bossy looking lady doctor in the room with you, then try this one on for size: behind the doctor, like ducklings behind their mama, trailed the pretty nurse into who’s hand I’d just unceremoniously shot my load, with no self-control at that, and five more young ladies in the their twenties, dressed professionally and with lab coats. All of them pretty in their own way. Or at least sexually attractive, to me. All waltzing right on in, smiling, nodding to acknowledging my mom while basically ignoring me, except that every last one of them at some point as they entered stared at my junk, and I swear each one had to stifle a laugh, a giggle, a gasp, or an exclamation of disbelief. What the fuck? I don’t know if they were medical students, interns, or residents, and I frankly didn’t care, what I cared about was the way they all sized up my genitalia and collectively couldn’t decide whether to laugh, cry, or call Guiness’ Book of World Records. My self-esteem and self worth as a male was tanking. Big time. So why the fuck was my little weiner starting to twitch and stiffen a little? Oh God, please, no, not now.

The incipient erection was immediately stifled, although I know every one of them noticed, although only the nurse, the doctor and dear sweet mom actually sneered at me. But it was totally stifled by the booming, authoritative voice of the doctor who invaded my vulnerable space and with her solid physical presence, while she effortlessly pulled on latex gloves (no!!) and boomed out:

“Well hello there Jessie, how’s my little prettie?”


Posts: 3281
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funny story...welll written...
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 373
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very good, it got my tiny 4 incher stiff straight away.


Posts: 19
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WTF? Her little prettie? That was worse than Missy. And who the hell was Jessie? I’m, Jamister. Part of my brain was enraged at the way I’d been treated and was screaming at me, inside my head, to get up, tell her in no uncertain terms I was Jamister, not Jessie, and nobody’s fucking prettie or missy. But, well, er, I was naked, with my feet in the stirrups, and a tiny little penis and scrotum that I was ashamed of, and that seemed to be vacillating wildly between ”full” erection, all two and half inches of it, and shrinking into my abdomen and disappearing completely. So this sudden urge to a firm display of manly behavior went nowhere. So instead of: fuck you bitch, my name is Jamister and I’m nobody’s goddamned prettie,” as I slammed the door behind me, I mumred: “I’m OK, Ma’am. I guess.”

Damn, was my voice always that high pitched and squeaky, I wondered as I watched all eight pair of female eyes fixate on my little pee pee which responded by seeming to shrink and retract even more, and for about the fifth time in the last hour wished the earth would swallow me whole.

The doctor turned to face the five female students or interns, and as if I weren’t even there, started addressing them.

“So I was the attending pediatric endocrinologist in the hospital when this young… permister was born. Called in for an immediate consult due to the baby being born with ambiguous sexual assignment and profoundly underdeveloped male genitalia. The subject met the criteria for a diagnosis of micropenis,” turning to look me briefly in the eye, then dropping her gaze to little Mr. Shrivel, continued “and obviously still does.”

Giggles all around. Including dear old mom. Pointedly excluding me. I know my penis is small but what is “the criteria for micropenis?”

Her eyes are back to the students, theirs still taking me in, making a vague, polite attempt not to let me see them staring at my penis, but not trying too hard.

“The subject was in the bottom 500 hundredth percentile for penile size for a new born. Off the charts, really.” She clearly grinned. “And of course that hasn’t changed, now has it, sweetie?”

“You all know that the history of attempting to treat micropenis is essentially one big medical failure, if you look at the goal of treatment as being the stimulating of penile growth as to more clsely resemble a true penis. Massive doses of testosterone and other hormonal interventions have never succeeded in helping the, uh, young men, so to speak, to have anything close to a normal sized phallus. As you can see…”

Have I mentioned wanting a hole to open in the earth and swallow me? This was my so-called cock she was discussing, and describing as freakishly small, The young women students, I assumed, all took her cue and looked right at little Mr. Willy, who couldn’t wuite make up his mind how to handle this total embarrassment and offense; to shrink up even more and virtually disappear inside my abdomen, or get hard, some being weirdly, shamefully aroused as anything by this. Having a crisp, curt, business like lady doctor point out how hopelessly small my junk was to a gaggle of pretty young women who were staring at it, and mostly doing terrible jobs to hide their smirks and stifle their giggles. So he compromised. He shrank, if that was even possible, and visibly twitched. Just a bit. But they saw it. I knew it.

“Medicine having failed to help these creatures become physically normal, to develop enough to ever be able to engage in any sort of meaningful sexual activity with a woman, so that even if intercourse wer even possible, which as you can see is highly unlikely, there is the problem of complete lack of any sexual satisfaction or enjoyment on the part of their potential female partners.”

What was she saying? Oh my God. Was it true? Was I doomed to never have sex with a woman, or if I did, to not be able to please her? To fail utterly, and be a sexual loser, a wimp, a little dick nothing all my life? Damn, another twitch, and two of the students, staring right it, smirked again.

“Having such seriously deficient penises and growing up aware of it by the usual locker room comparisions, these young… people tend to develop great anxiety and performance panic. The inevitable result of this sexual lack of confidence and esteem is of course premature ejaculation. So if they ever manage to convince a woman to go through with an attempt at intercourse, and mange to get it in, its over before it starts. That’s strike two.”

Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck. I’m sure I looked sick at this point. A little green around the gills, and anaeseous expression my face, adding to the fact of being completely naked in front of seven women with my feet in stirrups on a GYN exam table, my tiny penis, now labeled a clinical micropenis, shriveling up into my abdomen but twitching every 10-20 seconds at what I was hearing under the watchful eye of the smirking young girls. Could this nightmare get any worse?

Never ask that question. When you do it always does…

“A freakishly small penis and premature ejaculation… not exactly the picture of studly manliness, eh sweetheart?” she seemed to aim that at me, but really had no intention of waiting for an answer. “So now the young… permister’s sexual esteem and confidence is thoroughly shattered, sex if even possible becomes a nightmare of massive anxiety and performance panic, a struggle to pretend to be something that they are incapable of being, a real man in the sexual sense, and so erectile dysfunction inevitably begins to become the norm. Small, non-functional penis, premature ejaculation, and now increasing episodes of impotence. Strike three, and you are, as they say, out.”

Why in the fucking world did my little pee pee respond to this by suddenly becoming half hard and erect? They all noticed. I groaned in shame, and yes, excitement. The doctor smiled. And walked right up to me and between my spread legs. She reached out a gloved hand and took it between her thinb and forefinger.

“Typical,” she began, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “While some of these… subjects wallow in despair and holy waterism,” and she seemed to glance at mom as she said this, “with a high suicide rate, others go through a fascinating survival mechanism of eroticing their shame and offense.” She was twqirling my little guy between thinb and index finger. I was now fully erect, and in dange or shooting off immediately. She appeared to sense this and suddenly clamped down hard on the base or it, bringing me back from the premature edge. “The shame of being so small where it counts, of being a premature ejaculator, or being impotent at times, at being less than a man, not a man at all really, not able to please a woman, this offense rather than destroying these… subjects, instead excites the. Lke nothing else. They love it. They crave it. They seek it out. With the help of contempory methods of sex therapy, specially Cuckold Therapy, if they find the right woman, they can lead quite happy lives as sissified cuckolds. No intercourse for them, they are not men, after all, not really. But if they can stop pretending to be, they can find a a form of happiness as sissies, as cuckolds. Perhaps this one can find this path, eh, sweetie?”

I was so hard. All three inches (not quite) worth.

“But the better treatment is to catch them at birth, and is what O recommended in this case. Immediate sexual re-assignment surgery. Surgically remove this little thing, useless as it is. Construct artificial female genitals using plastic surgery, begin immediate therapy with female hormones, and raise the baby as a beautiful baby girl. It is by far the best chance for the young’s future happiness.”

I was twitching madly in her hand. Only her continual hard grip on the base of it kept me shooting off/ Why the hell was I aroused, and had she really advised my parents to turn me into a girl. I groaned out loud. The students giggled. My lady glared. I blushed and wanted to die.

“However the patient’s man objected. IN part I believe based on the typical American male fantasy of a mister, and teaching him to ride a bike, play haseball and all that, and part, I believe from what the lady has told me,” she made eye contact with mom, who appeared to give her the slightest nod as if to grant permission to proceed with what she was saying, “that while perhaps not quite meeting the clinical criteria for micropenis himself, the man had… well, size and performance issues of his own.” Te room erupted in giggles. I moaned again. Poor dad.

“In that sense man over identified with both the young’s alleged maleness and his deficiencies in that area. And therefore was not capable of making the best, rational, informed decision. Agreeing to sex reasssingment surgery on his baby “boy” was too much akin to admitting the serious defects in his own so-called manhood and felt lile agreeing to having is own penis cut off. He therefore refused. Hormone therapy to attempt to facilitate penile growth was tried for one year with basically no results, as you can plainly see,” a squeeze, a twitch a moan, a series of giggles, “and so at age one, as per the agreement which was reached when the young was born, the young was abruptly dressed as a girl, had its name changed to a feminine equivalent, and raised for a year as a little girl”

Twitch, twitch, TWITCH. Moan and groan. Not just giggles, open mocking laughter.


I looked at mom, but she looked away and wouldn’t meet my gaze.

“And what a cute, darling, pretty little girl she was, weren’t you precious?”

Squeeze. TWITCH. Moan, Clamp down on the base…

“He looks like he’d make a pretty little girl,” one of the students interjected. “He’s soft, and feminine, not at all manly.”


“And he came as soon as I took his temperature anally” the nurse added, to a new chorus of laughter.


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