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Anklet for Xmas

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Ronald Curry


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Considering getting the wife an anklet as a Christmas gift (Or Birthday which is a few weeks after). We haven't taken the plunge yet but there are indications that this lifestyle may be in our future. I'm not sure how shell react but she loves jewelry as any woman does and I'm concerned about the symbol of an aklet? Does it universally mean something or is that a myth?
Ronald Curry
frustrated husband


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You can look at this article. The short answer is "no", wearing an anklet has no universal meaning, especially today. However, you can always buy charms to attach to the anklet to give it a meaning, like these below.

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if an ancklet really means 'hot wife'...I don't know...however, it is what YOU put into oit that matters...

some people/men may take it as a hot wife symbol and act/ask/hint/approach on that basis...surely...

that is...if she will be wearing it in the right places...

BUT...if you two put this meaning into it ... I am sure she will feel this...feel exchited and sexy wearing it...

One time a couple of years back....I met a woman in a bar with an ancklet...I approached her in the bar, and offered a take...we sat there talking for a while...and for sure...I brought up the issue...

"do you know what wearing an ancklet means in some circles?" I asked her...she did I told her that it means that she is "available" sexually...she was very surprised, and started to laugh....

"I better not tell my husband...he will take it back" she said with a big grind on her face...

After some more talking (I actually had to tell her that some men turns on by their wifes fucking other guys...she did not know...) she asked me if I had approached her because of the ancklet...I told her yes, and she said she was flattened by that...then she blushed in a very sweet way...

When we parted, she thanked me for the conversation and for telling her she said "I am married, but not fanatically...there has been some few men after I, wearing this ancklet will maybe give some new oportunities? least it will rise the sexy feeling wearing it to a new level"
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Is a Hotwife who is available for extramarital sex suppose to wear her anklet on her right or left ankle?


Posts: 1748
#5 · Edited by: popeye1
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Wearing on the left means hot wife available for sex with blacks only, on the right means least that is my understanding.


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Researching this topic I have found many definitions ranging from no meaning at all to very definite meanings. It appears that most agree that wearing an anklet by itself has no meaning on the street. However if in a sexual setting it has a very difiniate meaning. If you see a woman with an anklet bearing a charm of a key, spade, letters: HW, Q, MFM, FMF, MMMF etc then it is safe to assume she is into the lifestyle. Now for individuals in the lifestyle it appears that to wear an anklet on the left ankle means that the wife is willing to have extramarital sex without her husband knowledge ie a Cuckold situation. Wearing her anklet on the right ankle means she is having sex with other outside of her marriage with her husbands knowledge and approval ie a Wittol relationship.


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James Avery has a line of silver bracelets that accommodate these initiatives!
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Anklet for Xmas
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