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Sophie dans les bars

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une petite série de Sophie vêtue en soubrette et offerte dans un bar de sa ville...le cocu attend vos commentaires.


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Sophie assume avec application mister statut de vide couilles à blacks.


Posts: 52
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jolie photo, et bravo pour le fist vive la corse!!!


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From Blackcockchurch (as posted by George)

"White America’s naturally violent. They’ve learned they should internalize violence because that way they’d be free from becoming slaves and being dominated. So, they’ve dominated american natives and africans who had been brought there to work as slaves in the plantations. Next, they had to release the blacks to work in industry that was growing. Out of slave work, they built a big economy and enslaved other peoples (latins, for instance). The next step was to go global and so they did, taking profit that Europe, the former international slave master, was at war. By enslaving more than half of the world they created the ‘american way of life’ for a few and the ‘american liberty’ (for those who have $) and sold it to the rest of the globe as a dream. That’s how they helped destroying socialism. However, comunism beat them: China’s now the biggest industrial nation in the world – no country can rival its prices and volume of production. China and India are growing at 10% rates a year, and the US is worried about Iran (maybe not that much – what they really want is iranian oil, of course). American white society, owned half by jewish (Rockefellers and other millionaires), half by others, sells now it’s own ruin to blacks, who want to take part in ruling the world and imposing their will by weapons. Half of american army, at least, is composed by afroamericans who throw bombs and missiles wherever they’re told by their white masters (still the majority of officers are white). That’s how it stands, that’s how I see it. Cuckoldry’s a valve to release tension and some new kind of degeneration to sell to the world. Just like decadent Rome … "
Comprennez-vous comment ça marche?


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Répassez a vos listes sociales ... (Abbas Kiaroslami's enfants vous remercient)


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pas beaucoup de commentaire ! Quand à la diatribe en anglais, je ne comprends pas ce que cela vient faire ici ! ni d'ailleur les enfants du grand cinéaste irannien !!!
j'exhibe encore cette belle femelle prête à tout pour le plaisir...comme une bonne jument !


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elle aime ca !!! a la voir avaler ces bites !!


Posts: 108
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Hey Member, I don't think the French readers understand what the fuck you are on about because I certainly do not know what your comments have to do with this post????


Posts: 108
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Sorry I meant Name


Posts: 1284
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C'est justement l'Iran qu'on veut atacquer maintenant! Avec ses enfants, ses vieillards, ses femmes envoilées, etc. Au pretexte que Ahmadinejad est un fou, on veut bombarder l'Iran maintenant pour voler mister pétrole.
C'est évident, mais le monde encore accepte ça: d'abord, les campaignes dans la télé, pour ensuite commencer les bombardements comme si ça était justifiable, cet spectacle de mort. Dieu!


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What the fuck!!!


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elle delire ta page raffaelli
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Sophie dans les bars
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