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Viagra, Cialis, etc.

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bei sovielen sexorientierten menschen hier muss es doch auch welche geben, die erfahrungen mit viagra oder cialis etc. haben.

wie ist das gef?hl? als lover? oder auch nur als zusehender cucki, der evtl. sowas eingenommen hat?

viele gr??e
consenting husband


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hello, can you undersatnd english?
consenting husband


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sure, i understand english.
what are you experiences?


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I have used both viagra and Cialis, and I found as my doctor at the time said, that the viagra gave a harder erection but the Cialis lasted longer.

However, I also thought that they both seemed a bit of a rip off for the price given the Indian made generics were a fraction of what the big pharmaceaticals were selling them for. I also thought maybe a herbal alternative could be found. I tried a few but the two fairly outstanding ones were "Alpha Male Ultimate Formula" from herbal powers, and "Instant Hot Rod for Men". these were both bought from their respective websites and both gave great assistence for up to 3 days! I only ever used the one capsule instead of two, generally pulling it apart and dropping the contents in a bit of water and swallowing, it then acts quite promptly. I tried a formulation from a local Chinese shop, it also worked fantastic but consisted of taking blue capsules every day and 2 red ones before sex, so this pretty quickly used them up and worked out quite expensive.

I would be very interested too if anyone can relate experiences with a particularly good sex enhancing product (life is short - let's check we're not missing out!). Funnily enough I get very hard when cuckold/hotwife themes are being explored but the more standard vanilla sex I am beginning to need assistence! I hope this is helpful, there are so many rubbish/rippoff products out there that anyone's experiences of great products is useful to share.

consenting husband


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Some years ago I started to have erection problems. I tried Levitra and Cialis. Levitra is good and hard as long as you take a great dose but it does not last long (only an hour or so). Cialis lasts longer as long as you take it regularly (at least 7 days). However these products are not 100% efficient (some times it works sometimes it does not?. Therefore we decided to try "substitutes" once in a while with my wife. We meet, about once a term, other men who do not have erection problems and who can satisfy my beloved. It i funny to see that while I masturbate looking at the scene, my erection problems fade away!
consenting husband
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Ehenutten und gehoernte Maenner / Ehenutten und gehoernte Maenner /
Viagra, Cialis, etc.
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