Posts: 7
#1 · Edited by: Biggifmm
Posts: 5861
#2 · Edited by: MrBigCuckold
thanks for the story;
here is translation into English (using The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! ):
This true occurence we wrote already in a German Swingerforum and to have because of the haves bad protests do not receive we are also for haves however it have ourselves to stop to course-carry in such a way.
I want to describe one evening of many here which we with our house friend of many years at that time to have experienced.
I stand now times on it if a man my wife forwards mean eyes hard take and he also something is dominant.
As nearly each Saturday should come our acquaintance to us. My wife and I made us happy already again much on the evening. It made itself by right, black of nylon with seam of short lacquer mine High Heels and an easily transparent blouse for foot small chains and two Aufklebetatoos. We waited already for a while my wife drank already times Glae it were anyhow already something angeheitert.
Because our acquaintance was already 2 hours over the time.
But then we heard come a taxi we looked from the window and it truely our friend however it had still someone thereby.
And both seemed to me nevertheless already easily takes. I wanted it only at all do not reinla*sen my wife was however nevertheless very hot nevertheless on our friend. I did not have however to consider I it gladly have if someone stranger thereby am there and my wife am as dressed have I still inhibitions and our acquaintance had none to show if he something had takes there in which relationship he to us stand was there it him all the same whether it someone stranger receive even if I stand there afterwards as a nincompoop, but made me also unterschwellig geil.
Well both came purely the stranger placed themselves before both were very good on it and as turned out had them the white powder which one by the nose take taken,
Our acquaintance so or so always much geil was, that was now still worse drauf. It lasts not for a long time and its hands moved completely uninhibited under the skirt of my wife. I wanted to pull it again and again there away in the hope of the foreigner perhaps directly would go.
Our acquaintance said then to me now read times your hare with us stands here it is already spoiled there.
There my wife was also not more completely sober stood it between both and it lasted not for a long time and the foreigner had its fingers already everywhere with it.
The two behaved as if them all belonged, I had still beverages from the Kelller to get which eat make and these two
Coke noses befummelten my wife that it probably much pleased it in to stand by both were abgefingert.
I seemed myself like the employee in this evening and in such a way treated the two me also, her took myself which her wanted and it made me even still correctly geil still more geiler than otherwise and my wife enjoyed it probably very much.
It alternates from the front and from the rear over the bar stool taken without consideration for losses. Then all three in our bedroom disappeared and procured it to my wife into the early morning hours and I stood behind the door and wichste to my tail glowed. With one smile left both and against mornings with the comment now can you your old permister through clean-leaking and the geile beast also times pull.
The evening was super however we it nevertheless not in the Zusammensetztung repeated.
Perhaps we describe here shortly also still times different experiences of our meetings.
Many greetings to all Gleichgesinnten Biggi and Peter from meals
Posts: 7
Thank you for the translation MrBigCuckold.
Its great.
Ich k�nnte noch von anderen Abenden berichten wenn du sie �bersetzt.
Schade das ich nicht alles Storys hier lesen kann.
Gr��e von einem geilen Cuckold und seiner geilen Frau
Posts: 703
Wow klingt nach nem oberaufgeilenden Erlebnis. Schade find ich nur das du die Typen die es deiner Biggi so gut besorgt haben nicht n�her beschreiben hast. Wenn das so f�r dich so gut war wie du sagst und auch deine Frau drauf abfuhr solltet ihr das wierholen. Aber lass mich euch sagen es erh�ht noch den grad des Erlebnises wenn du deine Biggi von z.B. einem oder zwei T�rken, Albanern oder so was durchnehmen l�sst. Die wissen n�mlich wirklich wie man deutscarbonsmudge Frauen durchfickt. Feste dran, feste druf, feste rein.
Posts: 5861
do we need special German forum here? like the Dedicato alle coppie italiane?
Posts: 703
A German forum is a nice idear Feste dran, feste druf, feste rein.
Posts: 7
H�rt sich ja geil an das mit den T�rken und so aber es birgt ja auch ein gewisses Risiko aber in Gedanken macht es mich schon ganz sch�n geil.
Das mit dem Deutscarbonsmudgen Forum haben eins gefunden unter:
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Posten dort auch mit Pics vielleicht schaut dort mal rein
Posts: 5861
Neil or Biggifmm i can setup yours as moderators. is it ok?
Posts: 5861
what the name setup for German forum?
Posts: 703
#10 · Edited by: Neil
<<Hast recht das Forum ist auch ganz lustig>>
That was a mistake that shut not be the name.
The name shut be <<Eheschlampen und gehoernte Maenner>>
can you change it please. Feste dran, feste druf, feste rein.
Posts: 5861
done. you are the moderator of this forum.
thank you :)
Posts: 703
Welcarbonsmudge Art von Risiko meinst du denn Biggifmm. Feste dran, feste druf, feste rein.
Posts: 7
Das es in eine Vergewaltigung ausartet oder das diese Typen nicht unterscarbonsmudgeiden k�nnen was gespielt und was ernst ist.
Posts: 703
Okay man muss sich schon die richtigen aussucarbonsmudgen. Feste dran, feste druf, feste rein.
Posts: 19
Neger, T�rken, Albaner, Russen: das sind die besten HERREN f�r deutscarbonsmudge Ehefotzen und uns Ehem�nner. Wir sollten vorher vor ihnen kriecarbonsmudgen m�ssen, deren Schw�nzen steif lutscarbonsmudgen m�ssen und sie darum anbetteln unsre Ehenutten t�glich mehrfach zu ficken und auf den Strich f�r sie zu schicken.
Posts: 703
Kader Loth hat neulich bei einem Interview gesagt "richtige M�nner das sind f�r mich T�rken Russen usw."
Die geile T�rkin hat recht!
Nichts is geiler als wenn eine kleine blonde deutscarbonsmudge Prinzessin von nem Neger benutzt wird. Wenn T�rken und Albanern ne �bungsschlampe braucarbonsmudgen sind deutscarbonsmudge Muschies auch f�r die gut zu benutzen. Feste dran, feste druf, feste rein.
Posts: 1
ich find es auch sehr erregend, vorallem mein kleinschwanz ehemann
habe leider keine erfahrung mit black oder t�rken/albaner. wenn ich meinem mann erz�hle dass ich von einem o.g. gefickt werden will, platzen ihm fast seine kleinen eier!
midget-slut + kleinschwanz
Posts: 10
habe als cuck selbst die erfahrung gemacht dass wir von t�rken benutzt worden sind, die sind gut, keine frage, aber das spiel wird von denen bald mit der realit�t verwechselt, leider.
aus einem sind dann zum schluss 3 geworden, gottseidank hat meine dass dann beendet. Jetzt hat sie einen russischen lover der uns gut behandelt. 
Posts: 45
t�rken und araber sind einfach hemmungsloser und sie schw�ngern gern
Posts: 11