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Update on 2018 from Deb and I

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Well I/we were not going to post here anymore as I felt what Debs adventures do not really fit the forum, but on reflection here is a place you can kind of feel at home even if you don't fit exactly into the forum genre; plus Deb wants to share stuff here as she feels loved here. Deb also genuinely likes the people here and the emails she received last time, I thought it mad posting her email last time but she tells me she got nothing but love; yes sexy comments and most importantly understanding at the time.

I would guess a few here will remember Debs "want to take on a challenge and win escapades" to include her biker meeting ? I am posting a few photos of my love to remind people of her as it's been a while.

It's only now after just chatting with a 99% recovered from her final challenge Deb that I can start to reflect with anything approaching normality; her final challenge was a *********** "ordeal" way beyond extreme and challenged my understanding of "why would a woman; in fact my wife agree to what amounts to ridiculous extreme pass out ******* and get off on it?". However it's been a healing and momentous time as it's great that Deb is back to her agile and very good love making self.

Deb is past the age of 40 now and at the beginning of the year decided that she would take on 3 last crazy challenges and then return to the normal wife next door girl (my lovely wife) forever, we met a guy I chatted with that would help. Deb spoke to other women that he had dealings with as did I and I guess we trusted him. He was spoke of as ****** and exceptionally extreme but also protective and a medic which in my mind was an uneasy fit but ok.

Deb's 3 challenges where firstly to be dressed classy yet provocative, be picked up in an upmarket hotel and have sex with a guy which may seem easy, but to Deb that's been "unfaithful to me" as she would have to chat loads and give more than just her body.

Debs second challenge was to be the "entertainment" during a 24 hour session at a World Cup summer bbq; a football come sexual use of Deb event at his house earlier this year. This World Cup challenge proved to be far harder for Deb than she or I ever anticipated; this challenge made difficult due to the sheer number of men, especially men fuelled with ***** and excitement, plus the lengthy period of time that my lovely wife had to be available in every way for them.

Debs last challenge was to take on a 48 hour extreme BDSM session where she would have a safe word, be medically monitored but take more *************** etc than he had ever administered or witnessed. This was the last challenge and one she actually wanted to take on and in her words "win" the most. This challenge ended up getting postponed as she swims and runs a lot in the summer months in a bikini etc and her body would be severely marked so stopping her work outs, in Debs words he was given permission to do his worse while trying to not leave too noticeable lasting scars (this took my head to places I tell you - a husband protects full stop)

I am getting Deb to write down about her adventures and I may post here on the first two in the New Year (we will have a chat about it), but if we do post we perhaps we will not the post events regarding her last challenge, as extreme BDSM and especially what happened doesn't fit this forum and is far too extreme and possibly upsetting even though she somehow managed staggering orgasms during taking pain and many ordeals that left her body so broken it all but destroyed me never mind her; her mind must have been taken to hell and back so many times yet she somehow returned back to her normal bubbly and giggly gorgeous loving self. She so loved it which I tell you takes some understanding for a man, if I am really honest, I don't really get it.

I would urge anyone once again that anyone wanting to step over to a real situation to think very long and very hard; as the person you love the most leaves your home or is dropped off and is going to be used sexually or take part in something that is not really in your control to protect, its intense. You feel like you have abandoned, let down, put in danger your deepest love. You feel jealous; abandoned yourself, yet excited and in my case exceptionally proud; you will get zero ***** and be upset and yes cry and feel lost. Reality is real emotion and not just an erection. For me it's far more as Deb is an extreme woman in her "other self" this other Deb is so far from how she is in the normal. The dropping off/your loved one leaving moment is heart wrenching believe me; you question your own sanity really. You will have emotions you have never have had once things move too actual infidelity; perhaps intimacy away from you by your loved one or in my case an extreme event with another or others, a different level so to speak; then so does your angst move on to new levels. Even though you think it can't feel more intense and yes more upsetting than previously, it can. With it does come excitement and I guess that's what this forum genre is about really.

I would also say that if this cuckold as it's called here stuff is the main thing in your relationship then think again as love for one another should be the most important thing in your life; yes cuckold or in our case my wife's "other side" is exciting and will create an extreme love life before any infidelity or infidelity plus in our case (I realise that may differ in how it manifests differently in each unique relationship; but you will be in high arousal which intensifies the nearer the date ). However I would urge you that this "craziness?" Should yes be part, but should never be the most important thing in your relationship. Life is balance and love, family at forefront. A loving and closeness that others have no access to is of utmost importance; my advice would be never forget that.. That way things are decided and done in one another's love and not self gratification or dare I say *****, love I believe is caring and protecting your partner above yourself; putting them first. A man should be the one that protects; loves and leads in a home and in my humble opinion if that's not the case life could be like a ship bouncing off the rocks. I also realise this is our opinion and others may well disagree.

Deb kind of feels she would do anything for you guys on this forum as correspondences she received from you guys made her feel both sexy/wanted and most importantly normal. She mentioned posting an update for you guys this Christmas. My apologies for the waffle and perhaps heaviness of the post.

Wishing you all a superb and safe Christmas along with a brilliant New Year.



Posts: 525
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What a fascinating woman.


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I exchanged a couple of quite frank emails with Debs a while back. She seems a charming person, but one that's up for a challenge too. I can understand your concerns, but within those concerns there's a strong feeling of cuckold angst and wild excitement too, and it shows. Debs is obviously happy taking on these challenges, whatever form they are, nobody's making her do it, so give her some slack and allow her to fulfil her own personal challenges, she'll respect you all the more for it.

I shall write to her again, I'd love to hear in greater detail just what those challenges were. She's a special girl, willing to go that extra mile for her satisfaction I think, Good on her!


Posts: 70
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What a fascinating woman.

She sure is ! 😀


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Debs is obviously happy taking on these challenges, whatever form they are, nobody's making her do it, so give her some slack and allow her to fulfil her own personal challenges, she'll respect you all the more for it.

I shall write to her again, I'd love to hear in greater detail just what those challenges were. She's a special girl, willing to go that extra mile for her satisfaction I think, Good on her!

You're correct, but I can assure you, as for cutting Deb slack, I actually encourage and support her to take on anything she wants to do (it took a lot of love and encouragement for her to be confident to do adventures believe me!) , yes please contact her, she tells me she got nothing but good from all she got last time we posted


Posts: 755 Pictures: 3 
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Cannot wait to learn more about her challenges and hope you some pics of your beautiful wife before, during and after each of her three challenges


Posts: 755 Pictures: 3 
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FCannot wait to learn more about her challenges and hope you some pics of your beautiful wife before, during and after each of her three challenges
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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Yes, a bit heavy, but wise words none the less. Everyone's situation is different of course, but I wholeheartedly agree with what you say about taking that step from fantasy to reality. Even though it is now 19 years since my wife - another Deb - first dated and s1ept with another man with my knowledge and approval, I still remembered feeling things I didn't expect afterwards. An insecurity I guess, a realisation that once the deed has been done, you can't change it and things can't ever be quite the same again.

The was to be a 9 year hiatus after that before we both felt strong enough and wiser with age to re-embark on the cuckold lifestyle and this time, thanks to the advent of the internet and social media, my Debbie had more men and more sex and I found myself better able to enjoy the benefits and knowledge of having a naughty wife. That said, we separated in 2012, later divorcing, but I don't put the cuckolding down as a reason for that. I was happier knowing she was getting extra cock elsewhere and her telling me about in bed later than having her feel the need to cheat behind my back, which in fairness I think she would have done anyway. In the end though, for reasons I don't understand, she did become secretive and only now am I finding new things out from other people (her female friends and an ex-workmate I have on Facebook who fucked her). We just drifted apart I guess.

Anyway malebiker, I was very pleased to see an update from you here. I remember Deb very well, her previous escapades and I too was lucky enough to share several e-mails with your lovely wife. We even made tentative plans for her to come visit one weekend, but that didn't come to fruition. It is good to hear that she has completed more challenges, even if the censored words have baffled me somewhat, and good to see photos of her again. I'd be happy to chat to her again too if she fancies a catch-up.

Merry Christmas to you both and a happy, healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2019!
Peter C


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Hiya Deb here, sorry for not being here much lately life takes over for a girl and I don't do the internet much hehehe. I guess hubby and I chatted lol and I chatted to him about me letting my naughty side out to do stuff for one last time heheh I can be a bit well you know not a slut but sometimes one if that makes sense? Hehehe . Golly my blond head makes no sense to you guys I bet. I love hubby he's the best and best lover and he understands I have a well other side to how I normally love to be. I wanted to do 3 more what I call challenges that I knew I could win and not give in and hubby encouraged me to go for it if it made me happy.

Golly I was a lot broken after the very last challenge and never got so excited and all that sexy pain scary hehehe but hubby says tell about the other 2 hehehe golly I get wet typing I bet your girlfriends and wives will tell you how it turns them on writing about stuff or chatting about it heheeh first one was to me to be a easy pick up in a hotel and stay the night and you know I get sexy lol. Blush, a girl does get red,

I ran off from the hotel on my first try as it was being unfaithful to hubby to chat with a man for ages and be well romanced, that felt out of bounds for me I thought it's not just sex it kind of meant a girl giving more of me if that makes sense. Golly I am a strange girl.

Well I tried again a week or so later and had a few wines before I went and hubby was great giving me the ok. Golly I would be so upset if he picked someone up and hubby is a hunk and easily could still scares me he will one day stray lol. He is so good but golly my head can worry. Gosh anyway after wine and been dropped off at the hotel me wearing the clingy cotton dress and no bra golly I naughty lol gosh I glad of wine as I get nervous and nipples stick out and I can feel real embarrassed hehehe, well an older business man very lovely and smart chatted with me and he was so interesting golly nice guy. He ended up sat next to me and arm around me golly he liked cuddles and his hands wandered on my legs and bum. I was turned on pussy tingles you know like nervous excited tingle can't help get a bit damp but try to cool down and started to get thoughts to put coat on to cover boobies nipple up as in bathroom mirror I could see the shape of me through my dress and dealt like I best run off but I felt kind of comfy even though other men were looking, golly we went to his room tipsy I went to the bathroom and slipped my dress off I was tipsy and looking forward to it,

I text hubby and he was so lovely encouraging me to do what I wanted hehehe golly I was damp hehehe my boobies out just in my panties gosh naughty blond lol. Golly he undressed but he was wet round his bits and it limp golly why he cum without touching me I thought , really felt odd but ok. I tried in bed but he did not get very hard enough so frustrating lol he kissed my body all over and said lovely things to me that made me feel good and excited me but he cum a bit but just in my mouth hehehe I tried all night but he couldn't push it in me even though I was wet lol. He managed to get in a tiny bit and he cum lol Maybe I wasn't sexy enough for him to go for it hehehe but I felt good because I had done it was my first win of my 3 challenges even if I didn't get to go wild hehehe hope you understand. Hubby picked me up,from the car park and we went home for proper you know hehehe

I have started writing about the football challenge which was so hard golly lots of them and stuff I will get hubby to copy it here soon. The last one was me doing what I think is called hard bdsm and ******* stuff that I kind of like the pain hehehe told you I was odd hehehe golly it was so hard and my body was just battered and stuff but I liked it so wet hehehe hubby said it's not for this forum or something.

Thank you all for making me feel normal. You are all lovely and I am a girl that owes you all a favour for making me feel ok. Thank you again , the weekend is nearly over and I hope you all had have a lovely one, much love Deb xxxxxxx


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Debs, I promised a little while back that I would be in touch with you, we spoke a few times on email if you recall. I've been up to my ears with work and it slipped by without my getting in touch - sorry! I will contact you, we need to talk at length. You're one very sexy girl, and you need to be reassured of that fact. xx
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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Golly he undressed but he was wet round his bits and it limp golly why he cum without touching me I thought , really felt odd but ok. I tried in bed but he did not get very hard enough so frustrating lol he kissed my body all over and said lovely things to me that made me feel good and excited me but he cum a bit but just in my mouth hehehe I tried all night but he couldn't push it in me even though I was wet lol. He managed to get in a tiny bit and he cum lol Maybe I wasn't sexy enough for him to go for it hehehe but I felt good because I had done it

Hi Debs. Good to see you both posting here again. Like kennyboy82, you and I shared the occasional e-mail awhile back. Reading your recent experience above I'm sure it wasn't a case of you not being sexy enough for him. More a case I suspect of either nerves or erectile dysfunction if he was an older guy like myself. I sometimes need a little help these days from a little blue pill.
Peter C


Posts: 279
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I just say more power to you Debs for going with your desires, and hats off to your hub for being so understanding and supportive of you.
The communication between you and the love is what has made for a wonderful experience for you and allowed you both to have those memories and look forward to the future together.
Mark Lura


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Hi Deb's and Hubby of course, love your life as they seem very real. As if it needs saying again, Deb's you are an incredibly sexy woman and the fact that you recognise your naughty side and let it out sometimes, whilst still realising that real life and hubby need to be protected is evidence that you have thought this all through. I think you are both lucky to have each other, and long may you carry on! X Now spill the details
M Lura
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Update on 2018 from Deb and I
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