Home now, really good night, really don't want to lead anyone on so, here's the truth of it ... I arrived there straight from work at about 10:45, only my wife was dancing, My sister-in-law, bought a new boy friend with her, who is a really nice guy ... the average age of people there was about 60! ... however, the music was great, I had been there 5 minutes and I had two of the bar staff dancing with me (getting people to dance is our super power apparently), one very cute and friendly ... my wife across the venue saw this any countered with talking with the event organiser who was a very good looking guy in his thirties, too busy to dance , but recognising her from a similar event a few months back and paying her some real nice compliments, he pressed an invite into her hand for a new years-eve event he was organising with the promise that he'd have the time to "make sure she had a good time!" when they met next! He was very happy that once we got on the dance floor a load of others followed which livened it up a lot
We danced together until it finished, and headed home talking, apparently there was a "roadie" who had caught her eye earlier, but when she caught up with him, his band were busy loading up to head off for another gig ... my wife, a bit flustered by his attention (apparently he was very hot) failed to ask where they would be playing again ! but I'll keep an ear to the ground ... bed in a minute have a good night all