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Wife touched on fishing trip and her account of further biker "events"

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Peter C


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My advice would be to let Debbie take things at her own pace. Don't push, but encourage as karty1 suggests. Also expect blips along the way because there will be things that happen differently to how you had it in your head, merely because as well as Debbie, there is going to be another man's feelings and actions adding to the mix. It won't always go as you thought or intend, but you have to go with the flow and enjoy the ride.

As long as your wife is sure that you're not allowing this because you don't love her anymore (a common fear of wives offered this lifestyle) and that you are not using this as some ploy to have affairs yourself, then she'll relax and soon find herself a suitable lover. Available married women seem to send out signals to men on the look-out for pussy!

But keep talking. No secrets. And discuss any fears or insecurity as they arise.
Peter C


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Peter C
Every word here rings true; yes she is apprehensive that it would give me the green light to have an affair. Something I am slowly reassuring her is not the case.

You speak with wisdom ....
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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You speak with wisdom ....

I speak from experience.

My wife needed reassuring that I would remain completely faithful to her and that my sole wish was for her to actually get to sample the young cock that so tempted her with no recriminations from me and that my excitement at the prospect of her having a toyboy "bit on the side" far outweighed any jealousy I might feel.

Your situation is somewhat different to mine as you have already been present when your wife has been fondled, fingered and played with 3 men's cocks. All my wife's activities occurred without me present. Sometimes, with a third party involved now, things won't go as you expect which in my case led to some insecurity issues. In hindsight, I should have dealt with them better at the time, but later I was able to overcome them. I still got that "cuckold angst", but not to the point of wanting her to stop.

My being present was never a high priority and Debbie doubted I would have been able to cope with seeing her in action, but did once suggest that if I were to walk in and catch them at it in our bed, "You wouldn't even try to stop me would you?" No, I wouldn't! A threesome - Debbie, me and another guy - was spoken about, but never materialised. Away on holiday with someone we'd never see again was Debbie's preferred scenario there.
Peter C


Posts: 70
#34 · Edited by: Malebiker
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Peter C
I guess things won't always go as planned however as long as you are both in something together to enhance both your enjoyment; then it's about communication and "trust"

Thanks for the honesty - appreciated.
Peter C


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How are things? Anything to report?
Peter C


Posts: 70
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Peter C:
How are things? Anything to report?

Deb as done a few tame things like wearing no underwear to work and bars etc; this evening she is going out into a bikers bar on her own to "mingle" with a view to perhaps going further in a month or so. It's very much baby steps but however very intense and exciting.
Peter C


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Deb as done a few tame things like wearing no underwear to work and bars etc; this evening she is going out into a bikers bar on her own to "mingle" with a view to perhaps going further in a month or so. It's very much baby steps but however very intense and exciting

Thanks for the update. I had been wondering how things were going. Your post is in my "Favourites". I hope she enjoyed her visit to the biker's bar. I bet your stomach was in knots whilst she was out!

You're doing things absolutely right with baby steps and "tame" things such as going out without her underwear will help her self-confidence as you progress into the cuckold lifestyle. Men will pick up on that, which in turn will boost her ego. I found my wife's skirts got shorter and her tops got lower as she revelled in men complimenting her and chatting her up. Keep up the good work!
Peter C


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wow i love this girl pl. more1


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Well we are out tonight for a meal and Deb actually broached the subject of her perhaps attending a local bikers meeting ( she has a huge soft spot for those that ride bikes ); it's something we have fantasised about for ages.

It's a fairly tame meeting in November with older guys but we are talking about her staying overnight.

It's certainly a very sexually charged evening chatting about stuff; I really can't complain.

Crazy thing is she feels she is not naturally pretty; yet tonight I see many men glancing at her.

Anticipation ...

Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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You haven't said how your wife got on at that bikers bar recently, but I'm wondering if she perhaps got chatted up and has been invited to the meeting you mention. Even if that's not the case, it's good that Debbie is clearly fantasising about the possibilities and confident enough to broach the subject with you over dinner to gauge your reaction and discuss the implications. I would say everything is going just fine. You're not rushing her and she seems comfortable setting the pace.

As a matter of interest, how old is Debbie? I wouldn't say she is a raving beauty, but she certainly isn't unattractive. My ex-wife was the same, but I found that given the freedom to go out and get some extra cock they get a glow that guys pick up on. My own Debbie had great legs and a reasonable pair of tits, which she started to show off more once she knew she had the "green light". Your wife has bigger tits than mine did and her legs look nice, so coupled with a confident smile and that long fair hair, she'll have no problem attracting men.

I used to love catching guys eyeing up my wife's legs when she wore her shortest skirts or admiring the view down her cleavage. I'm guessing it arouses you too.
Peter C


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Peter C:
You haven't said how your wife got on at that bikers bar recently, but I'm wondering if she perhaps got chatted up and has been invited to the meeting you mention.

Yes she went in a week or so ago for an hour while I was in a bar nearby. She ended up having a ***** on a table with a number of them. They treated her well be it the odd wandering hand on her bum etc; they mentioned the weekend meet to her. She is 50/50 to go or not. We will see come the weekend. Certainly a huge turn on hearing her tell me the details of how she was treated and she explained that she even gave one of them a kiss before leaving the bikers bar. He will be at the meet and said he would look out for her.

We shall see


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She will get there eventually - all in her own time
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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She is 50/50 to go or not. We will see come the weekend. Certainly a huge turn on hearing her tell me the details of how she was treated and she explained that she even gave one of them a kiss before leaving the bikers bar. He will be at the meet and said he would look out for her

Debbie is no doubt cautious of taking the next step, knowing what is likely to happen. Encourage her to go, but don't be pushy. Tell her you're cool with it, show her how aroused the thought makes you, but if she chooses not to go, don't get annoyed with her. She'll do it in her own time, as Fantmstr says.

Maybe one of her concerns is being too far away from you should things go pear-shaped. My wife once travelled from our home on the South Coast to Oxford to spend the weekend in a hotel with a guy who'd chatted her up online. He either got cold feet or didn't fancy her in the flesh, as he put her in a taxi to the hotel and said he'd follow on his motorbike. He didn't, leaving my wife to pay the taxi AND make her way home from Oxford. Could you not go with her, not to the meet, but stay in a different hotel nearby. If things did go tits up, you'd at least be close at hand, plus you'd enjoy "sloppy seconds" much sooner!

Anyway, I hope she does go. And I bet you do too! I'm really enjoying watching this unfold.
Peter C


Posts: 70
#44 · Edited by: Malebiker
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Apologies for the late update, life gets busy !

Up until the day of the Bikers meet Deb was unsure as to go or not; I constantly told her it was all ok and whatever she decided was good with me.

It got to 11AM and Deb appeared in a denim skirt and white blouse with a lacy white bra showing through the thin material, Deb also had nice long boots on, "let's do it" she stammered. She needed a glass of wine before we set off and she explained that if it meant giving me the go ahead with other women she would not go. Also she explained nothing may happen other than an" hello" and she would come home. I told her it was all up to her and I wasn't going to play away ever. She told me she had condoms with her should something happen and she had a fair few so not to worry about STD's. she had a large bag with her that she said had overnight things in it along with a few bottles of wine. It looked heavy but she insisted in carrying it along with a tent that she had practiced putting up the week before.

Deb was fairy quiet was I drive to the camp which was just a field really; she asked I be "on call" and I explained I could be with her in about 10 minutes if needed. This calmed her a I could see she was nervous and a little shaky.

When we got there people where just arriving and I took a picture through the bushes; Deb asked if we could wait a while so we went to a bar and she had another wine which relaxed her and gave her a bit of courage. I said I would watch her walk in from a distance then leave; she nodded nervously then kissed me and told me how much she loved me

It was now 2PM on the Saturday and I could see more bikes arriving and also a few of them putting up a large marquee. The meet usually attracts about 50 to 70 mature bikers.

Deb walked towards the camp with myself a fair way away just watching on; I must admit for the first time I felt a little surreal and nervous myself. Not enough to stop the situation but it was now rather real. I could see a biker walk towards Deb and he walked with her towards the marquee which was clearly for music and a beer ******** area.

I returned home which felt extremely strange and waited, I wasn't sure what I was waiting for but I waited alone with my thoughts.

Deb text me to say she was safe and in the marquee chatting with the bikers and fairly chilled; she said a few ladies where there and that helped her. They were getting on well and she was getting "attention" from the bikers. I asked if the guy from the bikers bar was in attendance but she text back that he wasn't. One of the bikers was putting her tent up for her; well I thought she intend on staying! She told me about 8 ladies where there and the rest men between the age of 40 to much older.

I then went for a walk to kind of calm down, you wouldn't believe how erotic it is and how ones mind races thinking all sorts.

Deb rang about 8PM and I could here the party going on; she said "you sure about me staying"; she was a little tipsy and I gave her my blessing. She explained that she had danced with a few men and rode on the back of a bike; she mentioned a camp fire going. She explained that the ladies where been teased to do a wet T shirt for the men later and she may do it. I told her if she wanted why not however my mouth was dry saying it. She was clearly getting loose and the attention doing her confidence the world of good. I said there was no need to contact me unless she was in danger or wanted too; I told her it was fine to let go and let the wild Deb out. She giggled and agreed. I quickly said to try and record a bit of action if it was to happen in her phone; she said if it happened she would try.

The night went slowly for me, you actually get turned on with the situation whilst also in a kind of unsure state of mind about the whole situation; hard to explain really.

Just after midnight I received a clearly tipsy text saying she had won the wet t shirt competition and had ridden topless on the back of a bike. I replied enjoy and was left with my thoughts; again you imagine all sorts and it's a turn on. I think I would recommend doing this to others but only if you are very very sure it's what you want and your relationship is rock solid. Reality is somewhat a mixture of emotions rather than a warm glow fantasy emotional state.

I tossed and turned and kind of slept but only dozed really; it was 7AM and the text came; Deb was obviously in a very aroused state as the text was almost unreadable. However it was clear action had clearly happened or was happening. Her text ended with "sorry"; I replied no it's absolutely fine.

At midday she asked to be picked up; she met me just outside the field; I stayed in the car. She was wearing a coat and carrying her bag and tent. She wobbled all the way to the car and slumped in. She stunk of wine and beer; her hair matted with what looked like beer and sticky; big love marks on her neck; she was still tipsy and she just hugged me. She stunk of sex and party. She was crying but I told her I couldn't wait to here about it all.

She said I love you all the way home slurred and emotional; once in she took her coat off and all she had on was a cum stained baby doll nighty. I could see love marks on the top of her firm breasts. She said here you go and passed me her phone; she ran to the shower.

I went to recordings and it fair shocked me; Deb was clearly in a tent with around 6 men; I cant go into all the detail because this post would be more book than update. She was taking all and in the 15 minute recording I heard her come and come and come. The men cheering her and totally relieving themselves all over her, grunting and swearing and ravaging her; however one thing struck me they all said condom and Deb would blurt do it. Not one came in her pussy without one. I have a friend from this actual site to thank for that who along with me drilled it into her. However she must have swallowed copious amounts of cum and taken it over her boobs and head. The recording left me numb but you would not believe how hard it made me; surreal and unreal feeling.

She returned from the shower naked; her body red and slightly bruised from the total fucking she had taken. Marks on her tits, neck and thighs. She smiled and I just bent her over and well you can guess what I did; however I came far quicker than I ever have and it was clear her pussy was very sore from been pounded and the side of her mouth swollen from sucking. I tell you this is a very real awakening and emotional; very emotional.

Over the next week we made love so many times as more and more detail came out; it was clear about 10 men were up for it and the rest watched or did not get involved (with partners or married and not going to go there other than watch on when she was topless and dancing etc)

All the actual intercourse happened in a large tent with the men who wanted; however hearing about topless dancing and her getting touched and touched at the party was equally erotic.

Deb, well we as a couple have put a desire to do something like this to bed; Deb likes bikers and as such this was a perfect situation. I believe we will have other adventures come the summer but not just yet. Deb as said she really enjoyed letting her "slut" out for the weekend and also enjoyed been able to make them cum. It's done her confidence heaps of good and she is starting to trust that I will not stray. Deb is now the prim and prosper wife again but we know what is inside her and what she us capable of. She also mentions she would enjoy to be restrained and taken; along with pain she seems to get off on pain. But that would be another adventure.

For those thinking about having there wife used by another or others again I warn you; be sure as reality is far different to fantasy. Do I have regrets ? No not at all !!

Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe.

1st bikers arriving >>



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Congratulations to you both. I am very happy it went well. Please give he my compliments.
Peter C


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you wouldn't believe how erotic it is and how ones mind races thinking all sorts.

The night went slowly for me, you actually get turned on with the situation whilst also in a kind of unsure state of mind about the whole situation; hard to explain really.

Peter C:
I tell you this is a very real awakening and emotional; very emotional.

For those thinking about having there wife used by another or others again I warn you; be sure as reality is far different to fantasy. Do I have regrets ? No not at all !!

Thank you so much for your post. It's a great read and you have clearly taken a lot of time composing your thoughts and emotions. I can relate entirely to how you felt from my own Debbie's exploits.

I was expecting your Debbie to go and probably pair of with a guy, but these bikers clearly had other ideas, especially once she was paraded topless. You say about 10 guys were involved. How many of those do you think actually fucked her?

You have handled this perfectly and I congratulate you both. Deb will enjoy her newly found confidence and feel safe in the knowledge that you are happy for her "inner slut" to surface now and again, whilst you stay faithful to her. I expect a nice quiet winter will ensue now [unless a bikers Christmas party is mentioned!], but you may well be in for a fun spring and summer. You may meet your fishing friends again!

Thanks again for your excellent post and well done, both of you!
Peter C


Posts: 70
#47 · Edited by: Malebiker
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Peter C:
How many of those do you think actually fucked her?

It was 7 separate men (3 others were perhaps given oral or fondled her but did not enter her)

Thank you for the encouragement & advice


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That was an awesome update as I read it on.e handed!! I didn't expect her to go so far! She is a real go getter and she made a lot of great memories all involved.. You're handling it well and seem to have done all the right things.... Good job!! My wife also got a huge dose of confidence and the closeness between us now is something I had never thought possible. Congrats!! So glad she is your soulmate!

Thank you for your kind words; I am glad you enjoyed the update and yes she is my soulmate and your right we have never been closer.

It's very clear that this site is an excellent diverse community; I am sure as time goes on I will be sharing other adventures


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Deb here thank you so much for lovely comments about me. hubby just showed me this wow you are all so lovely here. Makes me feel less odd hehehe glad you all enjoyed it. I will try and pluck up courage again sometime. Have a lovely weekend everyone. Love Deb xxx
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
#50 · Edited by: Peter C
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Deb here thank you so much for lovely comments about me. hubby just showed me this wow you are all so lovely here. Makes me feel less odd hehehe glad you all enjoyed it. I will try and pluck up courage again sometime. Have a lovely weekend everyone. Love Deb xxx

You're not odd at all Deb. You clearly have a strong, trusting relationship with your husband and from my own experience, this lifestyle only serves to bring you even closer together. I found my wife's ego was really boosted and her self-confidence grew when she was being chatted up by a young guy and knew she was okay to act on it. It even dramatically improved our own sex-life, not just hers!

I really hope you do pluck up the courage to do it again. Maybe in the spring or next summer, if we get one haha! x
Peter C


Posts: 70
#51 · Edited by: Malebiker
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Deb again. Thank you Peter yes spring or summer when it gets warmer I love springtime all the flowers and life that wakes up. Plenty of time to plan naughty things hehe love Deb xx


Posts: 159
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I'm one who will certainly be looking forward to hearing about future adventures - the description of Debs night with the bikers was fantastic mate.
Love to see the comments from Deb as well, would be nice to get her perspective of that night if she's willing to oblige


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Back to me (makebiker)

Thanks arthurarthur I will pass in your comments to Deb

Love to see the comments from Deb as well, would be nice to get her perspective of that night if she's willing to oblige

I will have a word with her and see if she will write something down over the next few days about the experisnce. If she does I will post it here. I may have to put a few paragraphs in if she writes something, she can get excited writing and it can end up one big note bless her lol, she is just ace and lovely
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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I will have a word with her and see if she will write something down over the next few days about the experience. If she does I will post it here.

Maybe, now this has moved on from a fishing trip encounter, you should start a new post if Deb wants to share an account of her biker's camp experience or perhaps just change the title of this thread to encompass both.

I hope you are still enjoying the afterglow of your naughty wife's new status and looking forward to her being tempted again. Just be sure to keep talking and discuss any worries or insecurities with each other. Be honest and completely open with each other and you will be fine. Roll on spring eh Malebiker? Unless Deb has any Christmas or New Year parties she gets invited to...
Peter C


Posts: 70
#55 · Edited by: Malebiker
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Hiya everyone Deb here. Wow thanks everyone for the lovely words and things. I want to try and write down about how it all went but I know I twitter on so please understand. I am normally a bit shy which may seem unbelievable heheh but I have a side to me that likes a challenge kind of love winning. I like doing things like big not little when I do naughty stuff may as well if you are going to I think lol. So lots of naughty if I am to if makes sense, I also get very scared that hubby will stray so something I always thinking about. I know I am lucky to have my husband as lots of pretty girls want him and I would be lost if he left me.

I had lots of encouragement from hubby and another person to do biker meeting which helped but I was really scared also exciting but scary hehehe. I like the idea of going and taking everything and not giving in and real let go of my normal self. I wanted to go but not if makes sense. I think about it a lot get turned on but thought never happen. I do like bikers they are nice but also bit wild so lovely. I changed my mind lots and on morning thought no but then thought can I. I got a shower and packed stuff. Lots of condoms hehehe and tent and bag with more daring clothes than normal. I got dressed denim skirt and white top put skimpy bra and nicks on heheheeh. Then grit my teeth as thought now or never in my daft head. I went to see hubby and said lets do it I was scared and my legs felt wobbly but excited damp excited. I also felt like I might burst into tears but kind of stayed quiet to not give in.I knew what was possibly going to happen but said to myself say hello don't have to do anything. Hubby took me and was great he is so lovely and let me have wine and told me he could come get me quickly which make me feel better much better. Wine made me calm and I went in it was sunny and not cold.

A guy met me as I walked in and chat to me compliment me and helped me get someone to put tent up. I had wine but he took me to big marquee thing and I sat with a few and had ******. I felt bit relaxed and let 2 of them put arms round me and rest hands on my boobies hehehe. You know what they like lol I liked it and they pinch my bum and stuff chat was sometimes about sexy stuff and other girls turned up which was lovely.i agreed with 4 of girls to do wet T shirt well maybe heheeh golly it was wine lol.

I had a ride on bikes which was fun and the bikers clapped me and other girl I felt appreciated and good. They had fun splashing beer at us and stuff and I laughed and said not to waste it. I was getting giddy and text hubby again make sure all ok. He told me do whatever makes me happy I felt kind of on edge of the naughty Deb taking over heheheeh.I text him few times while there made me feel safe and ok to do stuff he is flipping amazing.

I ended up need to change as beer everywhere heheeh I walked to the local club house pub building with Dan and Hugh, they had arms around me and kept complimenting me on how sexy I was it made me feel good and relaxed. I needed a shower stink of beer;I got a shower and just scrunched my hair with mouse left a bit damp and put a cotton tight white strappy gypsy top on with a white cotton short skirt on with a pink belt golly for bikers meeting. Also nice perfume smelt better. I put naughty sheer nics on and I had no bra on. I check in mirror nipples kind of just show but not bad I thinking but deep down was thinking win wet t shirt I am so want to win heheeh I cam e out and boys had a beer and wolf whistle me make me feel good. They walked me back hands all over me even touched my bare bum up skirt I thought nice and knew I was so loose now hehehe I grabbed there bums back and Dan smiled a really naughty smile.

I noticed a campfire going and we ended up dancing to music and I seemed to be passed from 1 biker to another turns a girl on hehehe Gill and Steph and I think Sarah came up and we danced as men cheered dance sexy or tried to lol. I knew I was damp between my legs and noticed the colder air was making my nipples stand but not bothered anymore. Golly naughty. We end up in big marquee beer tent and boxes to stand on. We had an audience hehehe about 60 men and 10 ladies not sure as it was lit up and hard to see off stage bit. I was excited but my knees wobbled bit nervous. Gill went 1st and she danced to music and men had a flippin hose pipe and hosed her top was thick and jeans on you could not see much when wet but they cheered she ran to her tent to change I think. Then Steph and Sarah got same treatment Steph had big boobies and her top so see through when it soaked both had jeans on and both ran to get changed. Then me last golly so nervous but smiled and start to dance which made me feel less nervous men cheering me so loud. Then water hit me nearly fell over lol cold water golly soaked and was so turned on with cheering. My top totally see through and skirt same golly my head now full of naughty thought you not believe it. Also shaky same time. I danced and 3 men came and kissed me feeling my boobs. Other girls came and stood with me they changed and I wet through near naked hehehehe they cheered and biggest cheer was winner. Golly I got such a cheer I won couldn't believe it felt lovely. I had to ride on bike round camp and a guy picked me up and sat me on bike. My top was so wet I said it was cold golly he took it off me hehehehe boobies now out as he rode around the engine was vibrating I know I had a soaking wet pussy. Now i was in a world that was not me but the other Deb.

I went and ran to my tent as skirt wet and cold I put a white gypsy dress on no underwear hehehehe but dried off. More ****** I was so tipsy but loving the men touching and kissing me dancing men's hands on boobs and some up dress and touch pussy golly I was so wanting well you know heheheeh

I text again had to go tent as phone in there put it in pocket of dress. I sudden felt scared as I knew what was happening and then felt no I can take it all no way give in. I prepared myself in my head to take all they could give and enjoy it but make sure I keep going I knew this was what I was always scared of but excited too heheheh golly I knew time was near it was getting late a lot had gone into groups near tents and fire. I was in beer tent with 9 men golly. My mind not ***** but tipsy so funny to try explain. I wanted men so much now. They where egging me on to come back to the tent I calmed myself a bit or tried. Said yes but need to go to my tent and I grabbed condoms and my nightie not sure why nightie blond head hehehe. I walk slowly to tent I could here men and my mouth went dry but I went into tent. They cheered and I laid down. Excited in my head this is my challenge what I went for and just enjoy and win hehehehe Dress off shouted one I said ok anything goes, but cock in my pussy and bum must be with a condom and you shout condom or no I refuse. Golly so strong I don't know where my strength came from. They each like puppies said yes all quiet for a bit. I slipped my dress off and smiled. Then they suddenly all undressed and hands all over me golly then it happened someone said condom and it was thrust in my pussy my head stopped that's it I have done the deed and I don't know who it even is hehehe I felt a slut but liked it and didn't like it because of hubby. The like it took over and I respond grabbing mens cocks and one now in mouth came so quick try swallow splutter then another golly I cum screaming out I grab my bag and put phone on record I had button ready hubby ask silly but remember. Man came in my pussy and replaced by man with bigger cock was becoming a blur and I determined to make them all come quickly suck and wriggle about grab cocks cum on my boobs felt it sticky then on face condom word kept been shouted and then one under me in bum felt comfy not big then one on top in pussy golly felt cocks as in and out me bum and pussy I come and as come cock in mouth nearly ***** but suck and suck he came .one shouted she us air tight and it was ages until I understood lol. I grabbed phone press stop. Then condom word so many times lose count. On and on not real but real some men left tent golly did me good less of them think 4 left.2 of them I am sure did not enter me just in my mouth and face all the time I thought I am winning but I was just coming and coming and feeling feint but awake as well. I wondered what time it was hours passed I think I here bird singing outside. Golly. Seagull I can here. Then big cock in pussy again I rode it and then 2 tried to enter my mouth my face was feeling sore, felt sick with cum in my tummy and both cum splatter on eyes it stings. Kept going and they stopped puffing panting one said cant do anymore and other said same. I laid there my boobies stung my back ached and my face eyelids stuck with cum. Golly what a slut I thinking. I notice only 2 left. I put nightie on and went to my tent dragging bag and dress. Walking and a little stagger to my tent giggling and crying same time hard to say emotionally so high and my head spinning. I crawl in and got wipes out and unstuck eyes and wipe face and boobies. I lay down quiet and felt a glow like I have never ever felt ever.felt amazing just golly good..Gosh I actually ached so much felt beaten up but glowing feel winner feel throbbing pussy. Golly.

I put nightie and coat on and wiped down again. Hubby was text and was coming for me, golly want to see him but so scared my legs wobble he may leave me I cried a bucket load hehehehe. Men came and chatted and said I was brilliant and please come to Easter meeting I said maybe hehehehe tears gone I was in the car with my hubby who was lovely to me. He has heard recording and stuff but I think I have remembered stuff writing this down. Things are now even better than before and we were so good together before. So close so good golly even more sexy together. Feel better about it all and could do again or do something heheeh but in a bit not right now. So sorry for waffle hope it ok love to everyone Deb xxx

I wore a gypsy top like this hehehe , hubby says you can email me [email protected] and I might reply or I will ask my hubby to pm my reply hehehe please be nice if you do mail me and don't be mad if I am slow to reply or I do not reply. Thanks xxx

Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
#56 · Edited by: Peter C
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Hi Deb. Well done for writing us all an account of your version of events at the biker meet. It's unusual and refreshing to get the wife's side of things and I for one thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I bet hubby did too! That's a great photo by the way.

You definitely need a strong, trusting relationship for this lifestyle to work and you two clearly do. You are spot-on when you say how it brings you closer together and makes sex even better. I experienced that myself with my wife Debbie. Our sex-life was greatly improved and I liked nothing more than seeing her with a contented smile on her face and a spring in her step knowing damn well it was because of another man (usually some young lad) sorting her out the night before!

Thanks again Deb. I'll be e-mailing you soon. And Malebiker - I see you took my advice on the title change!
Peter C


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Wow, fantastic Deb. As Peter C has said it is refreshing to hear the wife's side of things. My wife is similar to you - she has a naughty alter ego that comes out when she has been with another man (sadly that is nowhere as often now as it used to be). She will do and say things that her normal self just wouldn't do.

It is great to read of the relationship that you two have and hopefully more naughty adventures ahead.

Cheers from Down Under


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Peter C:
Thanks again Deb. I'll be e-mailing you soon. And Malebiker - I see you took my advice on the title change!

I am sure she will look forward to hearing from people and yes you are right - title needed changing

Thanks again for encouraging comments


Posts: 81
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Wonderful telling of events and you did exactly the right thing. If you're going to do something like that dive in at the deep end and go for the full experience. Sexy girl.


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Deb here, just a big hug and thank you to you all, you make me feel normal lol and happy. You are all such lovely people. Golly Arthur you make me blush a nice blush heheheh luv Deb xxx
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Wife touched on fishing trip and her account of further biker "events"
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