five inches
Posts: 64
I'm having a few friends over next Saturday night. I was thinking putting the small condom variety pack in the bottom cabinet with the bathroom paper, and leave no bathroom paper on the holder. When one of the women goes to the bathroom I'll tell her where it is so she will see the condoms. This thought makes me very horny. Hope I don't chicken out. Good ideal or not. What do y'all think? Has anybody done anything like this? jake
Posts: 2117
Go for it and let us know what happens
Posts: 1782
hope it went to plan keep us updated let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please
Posts: 899
make sure you dont have paper towels in there,they may use them..I myself dont care for the idea,I dont rummage through others stuff..I would just come out and say hey little dick your out of toilet paper..
Posts: 3581
Linda38DD: ..I would just come out and say hey little dick your out of toilet paper.. Then say..... get on your knees and lick me clean! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 264
And? Any update??
five inches
Posts: 64
Hey thanks for the replies. Its tomorrow night and still planning on doing it as crazy as it sounds. jake
five inches
Posts: 64
It went better than I thought it would. The first one that had to use the bathroom was my neighbors wife. She is very good looking. I told her the guest bathroom is not working and told her to use mine. when she started to go in my bedroom I said crap I forgot to put some paper out. Its under the sink on the right. As she walked on in my room my heart was pounding so hard. I placed the condoms beside the toilet paper with the writing faced away from the door. They were in the a clear bag they came in and I also let the receipt inside. It says smaller size condoms. When she came out she was really smiling. I waited a few before going to check. When I did the condoms were facing a different way. There's no doubt she picked them up. My heart was still pounding thinking she knows my little secret. I was feeling so submissive and wanted her to see that so the rest of the night I was really helpful to everyone especially her. A couple of times her husband was going to get a ***** I said don't get up I will get it for you. When I came back she was whispering in his ear and they were both laughing. She really noticed my submissive side because she said that I was so nice and a great host. She was smiling and said there is something different about you. I asked what she meant. She said your not like most guys because my husband wouldn't get nobody their beer for them even if the party was at their house, and I don't think most guys would. Then she said I should get you to come over and help me at our next party. She started laughing and said I'm just teasing you. I know my face was red but I said I would do it. It was a great night. I don't understand why this turns me on so much but it does. jake
Posts: 2117
Are you married? What did your wife say? Maybe you could mention to the neighbour that she find it hard to satisfy your wife.
Posts: 264
Great stuff!!!! Keep us informed 
five inches
Posts: 64
Hey brainbox1 I'm single and I was out of town for the 4th so I haven't seen my neighbor. Hope when I see her she will say some SMALL things to tease me. I would love for her to make me her bitch!! thanks for the replies. jake
Posts: 117
five inches - that was an AWESOME plan ... I love it! Simple, sly and cunning yet it sounds like it worked real well.
To come up with a plan like that I might have gone a bit too aggressive, perhaps leaving my smallest chastity cage behind the toilet paper roll and the ONLY keys to the chastity cage I'd be currently wearing right next to it. Perhaps she takes the keys? It would make for an interesting call to the neighbor's wife to get them back.
Like I said, my idea would probably be too over-the-top ... I really liked your plan. Let us know if there are any updates.
five inches
Posts: 64
Thank you johncuckold for your reply. Wanted to let y'all know I ran into my neighbor at the mailbox yesterday. She was jogging and looking very hot. She said her and her husband was having a party sat. night and asked if I wanted to come over and help her out. She laughed and said she was joking but she did want to invite me. I told her I would be there and that I really didn't mind helping her out. I really want to say something about the condoms like I'm sorry I didn't have the toilet paper out for you I'm embarrassed that I had forgotten what was in there or something like that. Any advice? jake