Posts: 1241
I am many things to many people. I can provide any fantasies you desire, but often my swarm members and other worshipers need a place to go to be punished. To feel used. This is that place.
Feel free to mock and degrade them. They deserve it. Don't hold back. Let it all out. All those pent up feelings you have. Release it on these punished cocks!
Mistress Kitty
Posts: 1028
As You order Mistress, can i ask that You use them for humiliating caps? italian sissy cuckold
Posts: 199
My goodness, hubby it.
you are really really tiny. you call that a cock, it is more like a clit. Well, it resembles a clit, but they are normally bigger than that.
It is no wonder that there is not a woman on earth that would want to have anything to do with something so tiny and ridiculous.
you better stay on Mistress Kitty's good side if you want any female attention, or use.
your swarm sister,
Posts: 454
#4 · Edited by: fredo
I can be as cruel as I want ? Really ? Really ?  Hubby it... poor thing, when I look at your pictures, I'm so ashamed for you. You are so ridiculous. Come on, you are supposed to be Italian, Cornuto ! A real man, fucking like a rabbit all the sluts, all the female tourists coming from the whole entire world with a nice big cock. English, French, American, Russian, Chinese... that's the Italian way ! But no, you're taking up poses like a pathetic and horny schoolgirl, showing your... little thing like a glorious medal. You disgust me. How dare you impose this to our Mistress ? Her beautiful eyes on this ugly thing, what a repulsive idea ! Shame on you ! You pussy. TUTTA ITALIA SI VERGOGNA DI TE ! Fratello
Posts: 364
#5 · Edited by: tianju
I should always be punished and ashamed for posessing a tiny penis
Doug Sakic
Posts: 90
Do you think I am manly enough that my wife will be faithful?
Posts: 454
#7 · Edited by: fredo
No one for doing the job ? All right, I'll do it... because Mistress Kitty allows me do this (and because it's funny  ). Tianju : Yes you should be ashamed of this laughable thing between your legs, but also ashamed of your whole body. You're nothing more than a fat pig. Look at yourself, all that disgusting white meat... stop eating while you are jerking off in front of your computer, loser ! It's good for your coordination, ok, but think about all that fat flooding inside your body and filling up your arteries... I'm sure you can't be hard enough to fuck a woman now ! Even your dick looks like jelly ... I believe it's a British delicacy, right ? Little Lucy : I don't care about your slave's fantasy. Who could want a slave like you anyway ? Mistress Kitty is really forgiving with you... I'm not !!! You know what ? You really piss me off ! :mad: English is your native language, you don't have to check every single word, every single expression in a dictionary before sending a mail to your Mistress because you don't want to look dumb or disrespectful, and yet you are not able to show respect. When I think that I have to share her attention with you, it makes me sick. You don't deserve her feet, nor the shadow of her feet... You are even not a good toy (And I'm not talking about a dildo !). Your pictures are just pathetic. Again, no respect ! At least have the courtesy to be hard as rock on every photos ! What are you ? A worm ? I hope it's Mistress Kitty's body you have in mind when you are "fucking" your girlfriend, because I suspect she prefers girls to you, especially when she's inside your head. sissytinycock You know, my first thought was "wow, it takes courage to show oneself in such a degrading position"... but I realised how much you enjoy this... no, you don't have balls for doing this, you are just a sick pervert. "look at my micropenis, look how pretty I am dressed like a girl so I can jerk off all day long"... No, I don't want to give you this satisfaction. Do you really believe that you are sexy ?  Not a second, perv. I will have to forget all those pictures if I want to be hard again... hopefully, I have Mistress Kitty's pictures to help me in that struggle against your filthy fantasies. I need to take a shower... I feel dirty... Doug SakicI get it, I get it ! You like to use Photoshop too ?! I mean, that's not a real cock, that's not possible to be that small, even with the winter's cold. It's a photoshoped picture. It has to be. Right ? Of course, the panties are real... yeah, that's so classy ! I know the sales are on, but there are stocks for men too. Did you know this ? You are a grown man, if you need help, ask your wife... I'm sure she will be of a great help, but you have to disturb her while she's looking for a big black dildo in the shop. I'm sorry pal, I'm afraid you're not manly enough for her. Especially with that RIDICULOUS lingerie. Are you ok, guys ?
Posts: 1241
I've decided Thursdays will be poll day. I know everyone doesn't like to take part in things but this I thought might be fun. This poll is based on one of the swarm members who doesn't like that I make permisteral remarks to him that are degrading unless they are about his cock. What do you all think? Take the poll!
I was going to say a few things about each of you on here but I think I'll save it for another day. I like all the things Fredo has had to say. I think he will be my official enpowerr on here. Feel free to talk about each other, though. Don't let Fredo do all the shaming.
Oh, but hubby_it write to my swarm email and I will do a few pic stories on your pantied penis.
Oh well, I can't stop myself I have to say something:
Tianju : It looks like you can't even get one hand on that thing!
Little Lucy : You must feel like a giant among these micro cocks. Don't get any ideas though! You aren't.
sissytinycock: You have a HUGE clit! ; P
Doug Sakic: You're the hairiest little boy I've ever seen!
Mistress Kitty
Posts: 454
#9 · Edited by: fredo
Dear Mistress, I feel strange. I hope I didn't really hurt anyone... but It was so fun to let this sadistic part of me express itself freely... and they asked for it. It's confusing.
You can call me whatever names you want. I'm not very fond of that, actually it's quite painful sometimes. But.... it's you, my beautiful Mistress. You are the only one who has the right to insult me. I like to feel your dominance.
Posts: 364
Mistress I can get a hand on it
Posts: 7
Thank you Mistress for allowing me to post. Thank you for humiliating me. I know it is the only way I can please you.
Posts: 364
#12 · Edited by: tianju
Toilet roll test of my erect penis
Posts: 86
My dicklet for your laughter
Posts: 86
this is when its rock hard at nearly five inces
Posts: 454
#15 · Edited by: fredo
LittleLucyI talked about your casual attitude, of course, not your writing style. You know... "Kitty". If you really want it, you are able to kneel down with elegance in front of your Mistress thanks to your knowledge of the English language (something I can't do yet, it's very frustrating to express myself so roughly). After all, you are here because of this, lazy boy ! But.. Ah ah, that's the spirit, you've got me. Criticize my s*******s is a very smart move. My pride is one of my biggest weakness. Well done... little sister (I'm sorry, I can't call you brother... I saw your pictures...  ) All right, I won't give up... let me wear my devil suit, take my fork, put some flames around me, swallow a pill of Vitamin H, and use an appropriate musical ambiance("Am I evil?" played by Metallica)... ok, I'm ready, let's go for an other round : So, you really want to worship Mistress Kitty ? Kiss her glorious feet, put your face between her round, tasty buttocks, and lick her womanhood until complete exhaustion ? I know, you would like so much to enjoy her heat, her warmth on your cheeks, like a summer's wind blowing inside your frozen mind. Enjoy her taste spreading in your mouth. Maybe one of her feet could tease your cock... oh yes... feel her hands petting you when you are worshipping her ass... and of course, of course, hear her sweet voice whispering horrible things about your pathetic, ridiculous lack of masculinity. Can you feel the need growing ? Getting stronger each day ? How helpless you are because of this desire ? Ah, ah... it's so cute... and so silly. Do you really believe that you can arouse her ? Look at your crotch. Come on, do it, don't be afraid of yourself ! So, is it really sexy ? Try to be honest with yourself. That little thing of yours was of a normal size when you were 10 years old, sure, but is it still true today ? I know, I know, you are a grown man... but not there. Not at all, and you know it. You can't escape this reality, you are not a real male. And don't forget that Goddesses are no machines. There is no button to make them come. Caresses are good, but if you can't arouse your Mistress, it's useless. Even the most talented tongue can become irritating. At least, you have the clarity of mind to bring a toilet paper roll. It's useful. Not because you are allowed to have an orgasm, but because you will weep over your impotence. Tears of frustration, tears of sadness, tears of despair... they are your reward for being so useless to your Mistress. My Mistress. Unattractive little boys deserves only to get their ears boxed. Have a nice day, little sister.
Posts: 454
#16 · Edited by: fredo
Oh, I shouldn't do it... I've got a lot of work to do... but I can't help it, it's hard to stop being evil. And it's relaxing  (Thank you Mistress Kitty for allowing me to do this) subboy19I have to warn you, it's very cruel. If you are too sensitive, don't read. When I compare your avatar with your pictures...  That's priceless. Do you know what Snow Leopards are ? They're beautiful naturals, full of strength, nobleness, majesty and courage. They fight each day for their lives in very harsh conditions. The highest mountains of Asia are their territory. They know nothing but bitter cold, hunger, and loneliness. It's really difficult to watch them, because they are very secretive beings. They know how to disappear thanks to their white fur. Even when they are hunting, it's almost impossible to see one of them. I deeply love snow leopards. Those blue eyes in the whiteness of the snow... it's Nature itself... You are... the perfect inverse of that wonderful creature. Small, vulgar, gross. It's obvious that your belly is full, you are comfortable in a warm and secure environment, you could fight your weakness, but no... you enjoy it too much. You are so small, and the worst thing is that you like to expose your smallness to the whole world. You have no decency at all. Very small white dick, very small will. Maybe that's an explanation. Just like a crying baby who needs his next humiliating feeding, you are unable to control yourself. Yes, you look like a big baby with no genitals. Well, maybe there is one thing you share with Snow Leopard : they are a dying species. The stupidity of the human kind is *******ing them... but it's your own fault if you are doomed to extinction. Small balls... no babies... However, you are smart enough to surrender to Mistress Kitty. Will she enjoy to dismember your mind, piece by piece ? I hope so. She's the one who should use your avatar. She's the hunter, and you're the prey.
Posts: 1241
#17 · Edited by: KittenMD
tianju- HAHAHA barely! Oh and fitting to put a toilet roll next to your piss poor penis!
subboy19- Of course! I see no other way for you to please anyone with that penis.
Cuckoldaidy- HAHAHA So gross! And funny. You are such a cute little bitch.
And most important at this moment. FREDO and LITTLE LUCY! ENOUGH!
Fredo- You've done nothing wrong. You did what I said. But it is time to drop the humorous cat fight with little lucy. Everyone is different and he is still learning. He is sensitive and does not like his permisteral character attacked. It is a turn off to him. You may tease away at his tiny wee wee. You may NOT attack him any other way. He has done no wrong since making up for his "little mistake" Therefore, we must be understanding of others and tolerant of each other. You are still the enpowerr on this board, though, others may step up as well.
Little Lucy- Fredo was only doing what I asked. When you say "Let me break character" you have to understand. This is not a character for most of these micro cocks. This is their lives. I am not a character. I really do enjoy a***ing them just as they enjoy being used in a way that I understand them. I KNOW what they need. They KNOW that I own them. It is not easy for some to understand use as love. I enjoy fantasy as well and understand that not everyone needs the same things. I adjust to what people need based on what I feel is best for them. You are right that this form has turned into something else. That is the beauty of the swarm and of life. We have to go with the flow. We move together and enjoy. Emails are private. Emails can be more permisteral. Formed for you permisterally. In the form we must tolerate and understand that if you don't like something pass over it and move on. You think you can do better than Fredo? Step up and challenge him. Rain verbal use down on the micro cocks in this thread. Battle THIS way.
Mistress Kitty
Posts: 454
#18 · Edited by: fredo
I had never done this before... sometimes experience is more valuable than intelligence. I understand your sensitivity, because I'm very, very sensitive too. Just like Mistress Kitty said, I'm not a character (even on this thread). I am what I show, and every message I post here is sincere. When you are looking at my creations, your are looking at my true self. And when I write "I love you Mistress", I mean it... really. A very specific form of love, very uncommon. I know that sounds crazy, but it's quite real, and it feels very very good. She knows it (after all, she owns me). Now, would you like to join me and be an other bad guy here ? It's fun, creative and relaxing 
Posts: 49
Hi everyone, I'd just like your opinions please. I have had an idea from another sub guy on here that was made to use a nettle on his penis, I just wondered if u all think I should be made to do this to myself? It is only 2" when flacid, n when erect it is very thin n pathetic, I know all it's good for is for others amusement, n thought the nettle treatment may be appropiate? subbiemale
Posts: 31
Hello Fellow sister
Im jojo =) an asian cd hehhehe. I love ur penis Lil lucy heheh, its cute. +)
Hello Mistress Kitty +)D
Posts: 454
LittleLucyhum... I think I understand what you are saying, but you like to use expressions I can't find in my dictionary (Harping ? Egging ?). You are mean subbiemaleNettle on your penis to increase it's size ? Well, if you are talking about stinging nettle, all you'll have is pain. Nettle contains mostly formic acid and histamine. It induces an inflammatory process (urticaria) ending with the creation of small oedemas, small spots if you like, where the skin touched the plant. It's painful and the itching is not fun at all. That's all... no magical power able to increase the size of your penis. On the contrary, the pain could turn you off... and your penis will become even smaller. Forget it.
Posts: 7
Thank you. The truth is painful, but it is what I need to hear. My little penis is too small to satisfy a woman. My only hope is to be a cuckold to someone wonderful like Mistress Kitty.
Posts: 364
#23 · Edited by: tianju
Mistress I am glad my photos of my 'handfull' and toilet roll amuse you. This is me in panties. See no bulge.
Posts: 1241
subbiemale- Come talk to me by email. I know what you need!
Tianju - Those panties fit you so well. I think I can see your camel toe ; P
jojo- Show them your penis little Jojo.
Fredo and little lucy- You two are becoming quite the comedy duo.
Mistress Kitty
Steve Ellis
Posts: 90
My tiny pinky and pea-balls. I like dipping them in ice-cold water.
Posts: 454
I don't think that Mistress Kitty is laughing, or amused. On the contrary... so, I'll keep my mouth shut.
I'm very busy right now. I'll continue my job here soon.
Posts: 364
#27 · Edited by: tianju
Mistress a ruler I made for us all to compare against. The first one is US letter size the second is A4 size
Posts: 454
#28 · Edited by: fredo
Steve EllisIce cold water... why ? Don't you think you're small enough ? I see, you're one of those guys who love to wear ridicule pants full of little pink bears, small hearts, flowers and kitten...  I wonder if there's a factory of Sissies somewhere between Europe and USA. What are the 3 characteristics of a typical worthless sub-male ? - A microscopic penis, - A plump body - Some ridicule pants. Congratulation, you've got the complete package ! 
Posts: 364
Anyone else brave enough to print and use my Ruler?
Posts: 364
no one willing?