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Do White Boys Grows Weaker & The Black Man Stronger?

Rating: -2


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My wife has been blacked for a long time now. My tiny little white dick is totally unable to 'perform', thanks to her & her black stud. Non-use for extended periods of time (3+ years now) will indeed lead to shrinkage (heck, I was barely 3" full-up anyway! No more erections for this weak, white boy!) My babysized testicles are tiny & hang weakly in my always-on cb2000 - clearly seen through my sheer pantyhose at my wife's orders - she derides them ALL the time as she strokes her stud's monster black cock as I leer at her enormous boobs, knowing that they're for a black man ONLY. Their goal, they have been repeatedly telling me, is the extermination of all white boy's baby dicks! Since, she laughingly says, white boys sperm is so weakened by time & worthless anyway, it's her duty to eliminate my ability to procreate. Her 19 year black stud laughs his ass off as I kneel at their feet unable to do anything about it! We all know my muscles are useless to defend myself & that I've become too feminized by the pantyhose & occasional blasts of estrogen to even speak up...My little white testicles are dying, they're laughing & all I can do is accept it - she WILL get pregnant, but this is another extremely weak-spermed white boy unable to get it done...and again, it WILL be the black man that DOES get it done. Time for some estrogen treatments, I think - we gotta make sure that any terstosterone I do manage to have left (HA! she says) is quickly *******ed...


Posts: 12
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u aint white or black.. ur sick
get help


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Nice spelling retard. Oh...and go to hell.
Bob Dobson


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hey wacko go ******* yourself freak. youd be better off dead. what a disgusting insult to the white man.


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It's called Cuckoldplace for a reamister. He's where he belongs and he's just doing his thing. We all got our "thing", don't we? Well, he's just doing his, that's all.

It's the nature of fantasy over time, to push limits and go well beyond them to the point where we don't even recall that something was once even a limit. It's still any fantasy though and all in our mind. We incur no true consequences from it and that's one of the reamisters we fantasize. When someone posts a message that's gets over zealous like this, it's always been clear to me that they're typing out something they're fantasing about (and maybe for the first time). The only problem is, when they hit the "Post Message" button, they're done fantasizing and it gets posted. If they realize afterwards that it's not their finest work as an author, they can't just erase it themselves and everyone ends up reading something that's just not everyone else's "thing".


Posts: 1096
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Exactly, DaniSub TV, thank you.

This is a cuckold fantasy forum. Some members do it for real (like me) and some don't. When you read things here, you're going to read things that are not PC and may be offensive. This is not a place for us to get offended at words like nigger, whiteboy, etc. or to nitpick other people's post.

If you're offended, click the back button.

As with this post, OBVIOUSLY white men do not grow weaker and black men stronger but it's his fantasy game that he's playing with his wife.

Why do you guys try to spoil the forum by trying to censor and critisize other people for their posts?

Relax, have fun.


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Yeah, if any forum should be uncensored... it's this one


Posts: 526
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I think the future is obvious.

Vote that all white bois should be totally sissified sex slaves! ID=104



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Janice, do you cuck your husband?


Posts: 526
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Using another white boi



Posts: 5
#11 · Edited by: Ninablondiegirl
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You people are disgusting. Go get a life you idiots.

White, black, asian, its all the same. Stop blaming your moronic behaviour on your skin color.


Posts: 526
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Girl you know it's true!



Posts: 368
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for Lorraine,it doesnt matter which colour,creed etc.
I am totally inferior to most men,probably all men.
I am made to wear cb3000 and knickers etc every day.
on special occasions hold ups too.
my tiny pencil dick is gradually getting smaller,as its kept in cb3000 24/7.
this turns Lorraine on,and when guys visit,i am made to show them why i am cuckold by showing them my tiny dick in its device.
i am not at all embarrased by this...i am not a REAL MAN,i wish I was...
i love and adore Lorraine...she loves me...but not as a man,but as a true cuckold,sissy servant.
Thanks for reading this,
sissy cuck alex.


Posts: 47
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To be perfectly honest, as long as they're out there workin' construction & playin' football, and we're all stuck behind computer monitors surfin' porn & playin' video games...


.. that trend will continue.


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kittensucker do you have or know where the rest of the series is for the pics labeled your future? if so please or let me know. thanks
Rating: -2, 1 vote.
Interracial Cuckold / Interracial Cuckold /
Do White Boys Grows Weaker & The Black Man Stronger?
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