in recent months my wife although against sex with black men, has at least opened up to how sexy some are.
my very shy, inexperienced girlfriend took to visiting online clubbing sites during lock-down here in the UK and being into garage and hip hop music, these sites tended to be frequented predominantly by the black community. This led to her adding some to her Instagram account, notably two black men who she still exchanges messages with now 2 years on. I made sure I didn't come across as jealous or possessive about these chats which helped her become comfortable with it and open with me about it.
Eventually I plucked up the courage to suggest to her in a text that it was about time she asked me if it was okay for her to have a black boyfriend in London. Her reply both pleased me and surprised me : "I have 2 black boyfriends actually lol xxxxxxx" Although she's never met either of these guys, we have played with the idea that she should and I told her that I approve of her having black boyfriends on the side.
She told me she was pleased that I approve and that she'd tell them. She must have done as soon after she suddenly started calling me "white boy", clearly at the instigation of one of these guys, presumably testing the water to see if I objected to the "insult" before attempting to get some of my girlfriend's tight white pussy. I didn't object, told her that I like being her white boy and she's called me it several times since.
I asked her if this meant I was now allowed other girlfriends too. "Definitely not!", she replied. When I asked her if she was bad for having 2 black boyfriends or if I was the bad one for approving of it, she texted me, "We're both bad." I wonder how far this might go. I doubt she'd fucked them, but you never know.
Peter C