Posts: 334
wondering what you guys think?
Posts: 267
I think women prefer a good relationship. In the end love matters. Not all women have to have huge dicks. I know there are a lot who do but like I said my life experience doesn't show this is true. I do enjoy this site and think it's very titillating. And enjoy reading about those who do enjoy this lifestyle. I had a hot wife and girlfriend back in the 70's . We had lots of fun but it ended . In the end she married a fellow researcher. A typical white guy nerd.
Posts: 6938
brucea: Do white women prefer black guys Seriously? What do you think?
Posts: 3142
Any that ever had BBC gon allways want and prefer BBC
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Obviously there's more to a relationship than a big dick,,,so it's much better to shoot for the qualities you really need,,,plus someone who's okay with you getting some big black dick from time to time. Hey,,,guys marry small breasted women all the time, and they're happy with everything else,,,most of them wish she had bigger tits though!
Posts: 6938
The grass is always greener the other side of the hill, until you actually visit there and find there ain't no grass at all! Life's full of surprises, not all of them are good though!
Posts: 542
I think it's fair to say there is at the very least a certain percentage of women that prefer black men sexually. There are literally thousands of different amateur wives on the various tube sites that are married to white but fuck black men for sexual pleasure. And I think the lifestyle is catching on but that's just speculation. I also know from observation (my wife, reading, talking to people) that it's not unheard of for married women approaching middle age who've never been with a black man sexually to be curious about it. Societal taboos have changed a lot for women in their 40's since they were younger and I think many of these women have always been curious or somewhat attracted to black men but wouldn't have been comfortable having a relationship with a black man when they were younger due to outside factors. They don't always have those trepidations years later.
Posts: 6938
I totally agree with you. Wives in their 40's or more are becoming much more adventurous than ten or twenty years ago when they would have been a lot slower to experience BBC for various reasons. It's almost like there's some invisible 'bucket list' in their mind that includes 'fucking black' at least once!
Posts: 93
There's two parts to this... let's talk about the size thing first.
Black men are on average bigger than us - most research I've seen says that the average advantage is 1-3". Doesn't sound like much, but consider that the average penis is 5", this puts the average black man at a big advantage, size wise.
Do women care is a question a lot of people ask. To quote my ex:
"It'd be weird if it didn't... can you think of anything else in the world where you don't mind how big or small it is?"
She also explained that 'size doesn't matter' is something disappointed women tell small men. We were going through a femdom phase at the time but i could tell it was stuff she liked to get off her chest. Another great quote of hers "there's a reason they dont make 4" dildos".
So most women want bigger cocks and most black men have them. However the women I've known who like black men usually only cite that as one of the things on a laundry list of qualities that make black men better. Again, I think she told me a lot of stuff that's true but women don't normally say, because most women don't want to hurt us.
I agree that is changing, though. Women are rightly putting themselves first more often and get less hung up about whether telling the truth will hurt white guys feelings. It's a great development IMO.
Posts: 16
kennyboy82i definitely prefer black men [email protected]
Posts: 195
I think that there are women and their male partners who think that black is more exotic somehow and they need to try it. But size? I remember overhearing two women who worked at the same place as me talking and one said " Anyone who says size doesn't matter has never had a big one." There is this perception that blacks have bigger cocks but research has shown that on average they do not have bigger than white guys. Once a woman has had a big cock and really got used to enjoying it, that will remain more alluring than thinking about black or white. c benson
Posts: 16
Multi_Orgasmic Maryyes but big dick i so important if you have had it once tou are going to itch for it always in the future [email protected]
Posts: 6938
maryann660ac: I definitely prefer black men I'm pleased to hear it - enjoy! In general there is this perception that all black guys are hung, not true. There are plenty of 'average' sized black guys just as there are some truly huge white guys. I believe it's at least down to the mans technique as well as sporting an 8" plus cock. In some ways, the thing that sets black guys apart is many of them seem to be so aggre$sive sexually, they fuck hard and that turns many women on, and makes then cum! It helps if you're a Bull, to have some of that sexual aggre$sion yourself, irrespective of what colour you are.
Posts: 93
kennyboy82 I knew a black guy in college who was a massive player and the aggression/confidence thing is a huge factor, but it's also a feedback loop. He got laid a lot because he was very confident and assertive... and he was very confident and assertive because women had been throwing themselves at him for years. FWIW, he was larger than average but not porn star size - which tbf is what women seem to want.
Posts: 16
i was 13yo and my first black sex he was 15yo and all the girks were so jealous as he was a very dark and handsome we continued to have sex and then he introduced me to sex with his friends i loved it that first summer in the park i must of had sex evert night [email protected]
Posts: 17
I used to travel to Africa with my former GF and she loved african men by far for several reasons. We also met other women with whom we openly talk about this issue and almost all of them confirmed they preferred black men
Posts: 265
Multi_Orgasmic Mary And I for one prefer small breast