Posts: 542
Great caps! Not as great as the video clips of you getting fucked by big black dicks but great nevertheless. I've started encouraging my wife to watch videos of hot wives and black lovers with the husband present including some of yours to get her lusting for a big dick. She needs to see how incredible the sex between them is to start getting comfortable with the idea. It won't be long. Thank you!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
I have one other pic of her that I know of, might be from the same set, she's sucking a cock in it. As for DFWK,,,(William), has been around a while, that moniker stand for "Dallas/Ft.Worth Knight". He contacted me a couple of years ago, but I was already retired,,,shame really cause I always thought about doing him but it just never happened. We were going into a joint venture together that he was building, but taking care of my hub and also working I couldn't give it my all. Oh yeah,,,that's not him!!! Yes, I'm sure,,,
Posts: 636
Multi_Orgasmic Mary Fantastic ...I'll think I have a little look, see what i can find ... remember very clearly finding those pics and except for a small tattoo could have been my wife from a few years previous ... very funny how things have worked out in recent months, guessing that these pics and the similarity sowed a seed in there some where ... always enjoyed your pics btw XXX
Posts: 1207
Multi_Orgasmic Mary Hi Mary, I've been a fan for a long time. I sure wish you would have fucked DFWK, I would love to see that. Hope you are doing well, and I love to see your comments on this site.
Posts: 108
Hi Mary. I love the the caps! It's wonderful to see you and hubby are still sharing fun and sexy hobbies. =P ~*jamie*~
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
like2wacher66 Hey Babe,,,one thing about DFWK, he usually likes to finish from behind, I have a rare few where he finishes in missionary, I happen to think they are better for creampies shots, plus I usually get the full crux of my orgasm that way, so if I got with him that would've been agreed upon before hand,,,other than that I like the way he carries himself throughout any particular encounter.
Posts: 1207
Multi_Orgasmic Marythanks, Mary, you just made me come real good.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Nice foreskin,,,decent girth too, can't see the length so I'm afraid I can't give you a AAA rating,,,the jury's still out, till more info is gathered,,,LOL
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Posts: 636
Very cool ... would love to see some caps featuring you Mary as we'd know that they were all true xx
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
oldrope I'll see what I can do, have to pic out something applicable, then have hub do is magic,,,
Posts: 246
Mary, you and your husband are just wonderful! I dream of my wife giving me the gifts you have given your husband.
I especially love the t-shirts your husband creates in these posts.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
JustWishin2 Thanx Babe,,,I'll tell my hub what you said, he'll appreciate it, he loves doing the Tee-Shirts, try to make them look natural, sometimes distressed.
Posts: 1207
Multi_Orgasmic Mary Thanks Mary, the length will disappoint you but the big load i would shoot just for you will fill you up and make you smile. And all of us love that smile you have after you've been filled with come. Uh oh you made my cock stiff already.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
like2wacher66 Don't sell yourself short (LOL),,,you've got a nice foreskin, and good girth,,,my hub's only 6 inches.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#171 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Posts: 636
Love the little details in the backgrounds, posters etc ... clever horny stuff 😎
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
oldrope Yeah,,,all that background stuff is my hub, he's sees things and possibilities that just need a little boost to make them viable,,,like a white guy in the background with a confused look on his face, suddenly gets a T-shirt that makes him a cuck in the throws of watching his wife choosing to cuck him,,,,he'll find a pic with a black guy bumping the ass of a white chick while she's bent over with a surprised look on her face,,,next thing you know her skirt is at the top of her ass, his pants are mid thigh, and she's sporting a wedding ring,,,that's when I come in and verbalized the story he just created. We could do like most people and just write text to existing pix, but we have more fun creating what should be, or could be by doing it our way. Some of these take hours, my hub smooths the complexion of all the women, takes away scars, blemishes, some tattoos, adds eyeliner sometimes, lipstick and blush, then adds sparkle to the rings (sometimes adding the rings), eyes and jewelry where the flash would normally create it, when the ring finger is on the wrong hand, he has to flip the pic, which means any and all items that show it's been flipped, have to be flipped separately, and then skewed to match its original position, shirt buttons, zippers, beer labels, clocks, everything,,,then he has to make the women as white as possible, and vice versa for the men,,,hands can be moved from stomachs to crotches, all sorts of ****** have a blast doing these together.
Posts: 246
SO appreciated! These caps you and your husband make, and reading your replies to us, makes me SO hard! Thank you!
Posts: 636
Multi_Orgasmic Mary They are by far the best caps I've seen here or anywhere else for that matter ... always good to see your work xx
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340