Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
He's also got folders from 2015 of pix he hasn't see much of since then so he's perusing those too, just for something new. Fortunately there's many facets of this genre for him to write about, but lets face it, there's only a certain amount of ways to describe the same thing,,,every cock and every pussy is just a tad different, yyet we keep looking at them to see if there's something unique,,,it's the same with descriptions I guess, so who knows when it will end, even the earth has to stop spinning someday, so,,,,,,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
I see he's already thrown me into pic #2, even if it's only in the story line, and on their laptop,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
He's already halfway into the next gallery so I guess I'll be back with more soon, till then,,,,,,,,,,
Posts: 3133
Multi_Orgasmic Mary 1,503 Truth #2 I Did create it.She told me once, You created a monster ( In a Good way) I told Her,I didn't create it, I nurtured it. I LOVE my wife being a Whore and I LOVE being Her Cuckold!!!
Posts: 3133
I also Love being Told to Take Her panties off for Her Bull!!!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Hub surprised me by telling me he finished another gallery,,,I took a few days to post the last ne, so in real time he finished this one a week later,,,enjoy.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
My hub reads the comments so he read where requests were made to include more pix of me depicting my own little escapades, so pic#2 in this group is me and a guy named Marlin,,,when we were done and he left the room, my hub looked at me and said "well,,,that was different",,,I knew exactly what he was referring to, who could imagine, from the time we met him at the theater, he never spoke a word, for all I know he was mute, which would've been good for him that I suggested he follow us back to the motel, cause his game totally lacked conversation,,,maybe he just went through life relying on the size of his cock.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Okay,,,don't know what's more popular when it comes to lube, there's a lot to choose from, but I'd imagine the race is between "Wet" and "Astroglide",,,I'm an Astroglide girl myself, whatever the case, go get it and rub one out on these so I know we're not wasting our time, LOL
Posts: 72
Mary, You guys have some great photos and captions. I like all of the ones on #1511 and especially the one with you in it in 1501.  1509 #1 was also pretty hot. Thanks so much, PLJ
Posts: 655
#1504-2 We're at home watching TV. The phone rings and she talks to whoever it is for a couple of minutes. When the call ends she gets up and starts getting undressed. When I ask what's going on she tells me it was her new boyfriend on the phone. "I told you how he insists I answer the door", she says. Very hot!
#1504-3 If we'd lived near a club where my wife could've quickly hooked up with a black cock I'd have wanted to go every weekend.
#1508-2 You two were very fortunate to find each other.
#1509-3 She is gorgeous! If she was my wife I'd want to know what she was up to. It would be hot wondering where she was spending her lunch hour on any given day.
#1509-4 What she needs now are a few more black men to teach her new things. She's on her way to being a perfect wife!
I like a lot of the others, but these are my favorites from this batch. Thanks!
Posts: 246
Wow, it's been over a month since we've heard from Mary. Hope she is just busy, and that she, John, and their dachshund are all OK.
Posts: 655
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Hi guys...sorry for being gone so long, back on October the 13th (Friday the 13th), my husband's doctors nurse called and said they needed a new Pet Scan, looks like your cancer's back! Needless to say we both were thrown into a panic. The last scan was by my hub's request cause he had lost so much weight, he had just been given the all clear in May, so the original cancer couldn't have come back so fast. We had to wait the whole weekend to get his doctor to prescribe some Ambien so he could ***** without thinking about dying all the time. His doctor called personally and apologized claiming he was so sorry for putting us through that,,,what she was supposed to tell us was there was some irregularities, and that a Pet Scan as opposed to a Cat Scan had more clarity. So we got the Pet Scan, saw his surgeon who insists that cancer isn't back, it's done! At 75 it wouldn't be a surprise for something else to be wrong,,,my husband say when you replace the alternator, the coil goes, when you replace the coil, the fuel injectors go,,,and on and on. He still has his sense of humor (and his Mustang GT),,,his single piece of joy that puts a smile on his face every time he turns the key, he's him self, his disability is a non issue when it comes to driving a 100 miles an hour. All the rest of the time we've been missing has been filed with Oncologist visits, lung specialist, dietitian, bl00dwork and another Pet Scan, and more evaluations. The dietitian and the lung guy are working on his breathing and weight loss, all he knows is what felt like a death sentence (on Friday the 13th), has been taken off the table, at least until his next scan 6 months from now. So,,,that being said,,,here's the next gallery, hpe you guys feel it measures up. 
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Love the goings on under the table,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Love all four of these,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Love the pantiless dress in #1, love the situation in #2, number #3 is a common occurrence,,,and #4 could be me any day of the week!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
The 1st pic really does it for me,,,because I've kinda done something like that.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
BTW,,,his name is Bubbles
Posts: 246
Mary, so relieved to hear from you!
How is Bubbles?
I'll try to comment on latest batch of caps soon, but right now I'll just say these are really different in style and very exciting and most excellent! Some of your (and hub's) very best work!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#1,523 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
JustWishin2 Thank you,,,he's leaning towards more descriptive and longer texts,,,keeping his pic size in height he's stuck with about no more than 400 pixels,,,putting the text on the side is more difficult to work the text into it, plus it has to be longer in order to fill up the text box. That alone dictates a longer story, but he's working with a 27 inch monitor and it's a true 16x9 format. The text in the box is always meant to be read first, with added text within the confines of the pic,,,sometimes more space is required, and even though no one may notice it, tables, lampshades, signage, walls, and pictures hanging on them, all have to be added to to fill in the background after he's enlarged it to fit the extra text. Sometimes if it's more work than it's worth, he decides to assign different colors of text to the various people in the pic and just take turns changing the color back and forth as the conversation or description takes place,,,it can be tricky. There's only a handful of our fans that realize "that wasn't really there,,,was it? And they'd be right, things like mirrors with lines of coke, bongs and joints, slits and holes in dresses applied to make it obvious the wife isn't wearing panties (something that I did all the time and was much easier in reality than it is in photoshop), or some "side boob",,,sometimes he sees a pic and knows exactly what he needs to sell it, so he'll go get the images he needs and then just build it, then write the text that came into his mind when he first saw the pic. I'm always so happy when I see a story and tell him "all this needs is a —————, and he smiles and says "no problem! He also likes to take a pic where the guy has his hands on the wife's hips, he'll take the black guys whole arm, change the shape of the material of the hem of her dress, and voila,,,black hand up the dress, and assumed its on her pussy,,as long as the expression on her face fits the action in the pic, he's happy.
Posts: 655
I'm picking just my one favorite out of the last group to comment on and that is #1519-2. Watching is always great, but there's something about dropping her off to be used and not knowing who or how many or how many times or for how long that is very hot.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#1,525 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Long time followers may be aware of what qualified my husband for disability, he was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. Due to two crushed disks in his lower back (3 and 5), he's gone for 6' to 5' 9 1/2",,,pressure on his spinal column is cutting off his nerves, his legs are numb from his toes to just below his knees. A few days ago he fell asleep at his computer and when he work up, the outside of his forearm was numb, as was his pinky,,,but the real problem is his thumb, it's totally dead,,,he can't hold a fork, or a pen, can't sign his name. You may know he's an artist,,,or should I say he was an artist. Needless to say he's not a happy camper, all I hear coming from the computer room is cursing and yelling,,,of course there's a "back" button on everything he does, and since on top of all that he has no control over his hand shaking,,,so everything takes three times as long to do. He's a hard ass sonovabitch, but try to imagine a singer, an artist, a musician, who suddenly has his God given talent yanked and you can imagine his frustration. Doing these for him is like giving a 9 year old a coloring book and setting him in a corner, except this is like the adult version, so he's still determined to hit that 3,000 mark (probably keep going after that), but it's all gonna take him even longer now,,,fuck'n golden years my ass! Nothing can replace what's been stolen from him, but to help get him outta his funk I bought him a new 75 flat screen for XMas,,,he still has his sense of humor though, he said "its a good thing he switched to his left hand when he was 34,,,now he's thinking rubbing one out with his numb hand might be interesting", his three other fingers are all that actually work normally, but strength has left the building. Spending his entire life as a sheetmetal mechanic his hands were the strongest thing on him, he was capable of squeezing a bathroom scale to 240lbs,,,no he can't hold the spoon to stir his coffee. He's also worried he can't hold his gun,,,like everything else about him, his gun is a canon, it's a Taurus Judge that's capable of firing 4:10 double odd buck shotgun shells,,,it literally explodes anything he shoots at,,,strictly for self defense of course,,,but I don't want to be around when he goes to the range, just in case his remaining three fingers aren't strong enough,,,$hit!!!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Okay,,,that's it for now,,,I'll see ya when I see ya, hang in there, we're not done yet!