Posts: 1207
Multi_Orgasmic Mary #808 pic4 is the one i dream about happening to my wife. i would have a really big wet spot on my pants from my ejaculation.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Hi guys,,,did ya miss me? Sorry for the big gap in posting, been so busy,,,to show you how busy, I've had this album done since Saturday, and it's taken me this long to find the time to post it. So, without any further ado,,, Pic #1,,,one of my hub's favs,,,his type for sure. Pic #2,,,I loved it when my hub did this. Pic #3,,,for me I used to tell my hub "I feel like anything could happen tonight", and he knew it was on. Pic #4,,,being a dealer you usually have your foot in the door to begin with.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,This guy's shirt pretty much wrote itself. Pic #2,,,it won't be long now till hub is a full on cuck. Pic #3,,,this is a three pic set of a wife broadening her horizons. Pic #4,,,the second pic to the series.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,Last of the series. Pic #2,,,gotta love the fact that you hardly ever see any white guys dancing with the white wives. Pic #3,,,it doesn't get any hotter than watching your wife do what her lover tells her to. Pic #4,,,I love the beach, but I've never brought back a guy with a hardon,,,I usually did that in clubs.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic# 1,,,my hub took about 20 years off this MILF, but it's still a hot scenario. Pic# 2,,,after a rough day at work, looking forward to a nice weekend, and you come home to this,,,I know it would get the kinks outta my tense muscles. Pic#3,,,a lot of cucks cherish the memory of when he first recognized the moment when he relized his cuckolding was a "fait accompli". Pic #4,,,for other cucks it comes as a surprise, yet it's still definitely a memory that would be constantly wanked to,,,you know you'd do it,,,LOL  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,Looking back on this you might recall how innocent your wife once was,,,after a few months she was probably calling all the shots, and things become more matter of fact. Pic #2,,,I seem to be in a pattern here, just another great arrival home after a hard days work. Pic #3,,,the so called "unwanted creampie",,,there's no such thing, the possible results may be unwanted,,,but the pie itself? Pic #4,,,a wonderful realization for her,,,for him, maybe not exactly how he was hoping it'd go,,,but he'll come around.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Posts: 658
Good to have you back!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Only one comment in 24 days,,,guess this thread is approaching over saturation,,,oh well, it was fun while it lasted, maybe I'll quit when I hit 2000 (this post takes us to number 1706), we'll see, maybe most of my fans got Covid-19,,,hope not! Aaanyway,,,Pic #1,,,standard size shaming, hub did a great job on her face. Pic #2,,,This girl was so orange, she looked like an escapee from a pumpkin patch. Pic #3,,,chances are pretty good the neighbors are aware of what's about to go down. Pic #4,,,Yeah,,,why begrudge her anything, a pool, a bigger cock, whatever she needs!  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,This seems like one of those moments where the cuck wanted this, but rapidly lost the control he thought he had (he never really any once he let them in the same room). Pic #2,,,Yeah Mon,,,send your white wives to Jamaica, and every single ting will be fine Mon. Pic #3,,,Don't use this as a fantasy because you think it will never happen, once a woman gets fixated on something, she'll figure out a way to make it happen. Pic #4,,,Woof!!! This is a pussy stretcher, I had one like that, it was fun to play with, when it was in my hand, the weight difference alone was like a sixteen ounce Pepsi vs a one litre Pepsi,,,the fucker made me *****.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,He's trying to get his face in any other direction than where she's shoving him,,,but yet he's still there, so I guess we know the answer to that question. Pic #2,,,Yeah,,,speak up,,,everybody in the club is curious, they've been watching her pants gradually slide down for a while now, they're curious where its gonna wind up (doesn't this guy look like Charles S. Dutton?). Pic #3,,,First time black for a blue eyed blonde wife,,,yes it is gonna change everything. Pic #4,,,I like the job hub did on this one, the bland look on the face of the wife who finally just gave in and is about to become a completely different person, and the black guy my hub added to the scene looks perfect for the scenario.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,Apparently one of these two informed the other one about the universal cuck sign,,,so I'm guessing she let him cum inside her. Pic #2,,,My hub's ex wife was like this, except she'd tell him everything that happened, but in her mind he shouldn't want to be there, he's not supposed to be turned on by it, he's supposed to be devastated, that's toxic,,,hence his divorcing her. Pic #3,,,this one is all my husband,,,he loves Rubenesque women, pale and soft, the only thing her like more than fucking her is sliding in after a black guy came in her,,,hell, I'd like to eat a bit of that up, but it's been years since I had a woman, they tend to want some of the cock that I've been looking forward to. Pic #4,,,For every person in this picture, I'm sure this website has someone that would want to take their place.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#822 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
No pix here, I hit load before I loaded them, they're right below this.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,this is my favorite pic of this 20 pic posting,,,it gives a little insight as to what can go on is some women's minds while they're catching their breath. Pic #2,,,I have to apologize for this one, it came out a little tall, that's because my hub was done with it when I told him to add the bottom part,,,there's been so many times when guys thought they were doing so good my hub didn't realize they were obviously capable of taking me from him. They forgot I chose the name "Multi-Orgasmic Mary" for a reason,,,my hub can make me cum with his 6 incher,,,I'm one of those easy to cum women,,,probably why I'm such a slut. If one glass of wine gets you wasted, you can afford to go out every night. Pic #3,,,This reminds me of my days at the park in Orlando,,,after I discovered this was actually possible, I couldn't understand why more women weren't doing it, then I started paying attention,,there were other women doing it, other women taking prospective cock right from my pussy,,,competition,,,so I started going to Glory Holes, where my only competition were gays, and I had the edge. Pic #4,,,Tell me that guy doesn't look like "Pajama Boy" from the Obama Care commercials. That's it, enjoy them while they're fresh, hub's already got some in the can for the next gallery.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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|  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 658
Hey, Mary, sorry about no comments. This site has become kinda lame and I haven't been on very much. I only check every now and then to see if you have posted anything new. Liking #820-2, it's hot he has her pants down and boobs out in a public place while her husband looks on. #821-3 is a close second. I like that she knows she can look to her husband for affirmation that her body is good enough for a black man.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Mac100 Well,,,it looks like it's just you and us Mac,,,oh well,,,he's already got like 14 pix in the can. So another post should be soon,,,
Posts: 72
Sorry Mary, I haven't been on the computer as much in the last few weeks, but your posts are the first I check when I get on line. There are only a few post I follow on this site and yours is on the top of that list. I think you and your husband have done a great job on these captions and especially your husband's work on the photos is outstanding. Thanks for the effort you guys put in. I hope you continue to post, but I can understand if you don't. It's a lot of work to produce these photos for them to not be appreciated. Thanks for the hard work,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
plj Thanx Babe,,,those are kind words and also appreciated,,,it is hard work sometimes, but it's a labor of love. Not to mention when we're doing them together it kinda gets me wet tossing the scenarios back and forth, seeing how much they can match the pic. Sometimes I'm sure most of them come off as redundant,,,but hey, it's what I like, what I've done in most cases, so,,,about a 20% of the time he does go a little off the rails with something just because it strikes him, like his Cheaters parody, or his Jake from State Farm pix,,,to him they're more like comic relief. I'm posting another set below this, in case you're interested. LOL
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,This is representative of my husband's humor. Pic #2,,,Oh boy,,,so is this one. Pic #3,,,My hub would've shot these guys first, but someone out there might've actually found themselves in this situation, I know for a lot of women something like this happening makes for a great excuse if she was so inclined, and she can blame it on him, his guilt meter must be on full tilt. Pic #4,,,I've often used the "Tits Out" style of seduction, I love how my hub came up with the count down she gives him, a definite green light,,,make sure you read his response (in yellow), after the first panel, then her response to that.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,This is a dominant white wife,,,if she had more time, she could chew up another three guys like him and spit them out. Pic #2,,,Been there, done that, exactly,,,many times. Pic #3,,,The deeds already been done,,,but the night is young, and you're gonna catch the midnight show this time, hopefully you'll get to see why she's giving you the cuck sign. Pic #4,,,Her husband's probably torn between his gorgeous wife being a black cock slut,,,and his cum dripping onto the seats of what my hub assures me is a '63 or '64 Impala.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,Exactly the way it should be,,,if you're not letting them cum in you, you're not cucking anybody,,,you're just cheating. Pic #2,,,Sounds like hubby didn't think this one out,,,the cat's not only outta the bag,,,it's running around the house,,,ain't putting him back in it. Pic #3,,,This is something I would do,,,I've never had to, my hub knew I wanted it in me, he wanted it in me, and I instruct all my Bulls where I want it, just so we're all clear where the cum goes. Pic #4,,,Hmm,,,can you spell Rohypnol? This too has happened to me, except it was spelled Qualudes,,,but most of the time it happened when I feigned being d5unk,,,but was awake for the whole thing.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,Ah yeah,,,the wedding night,,,hubby must've known, so I imagine he's a happy man with a great future ahead of him. Pic #2,,,Him with his confidence, and her with her husband's permission, I guarantee you when she gets outta that back seat, she's gonna want to go straight inside,,,as fast as she can. Pic #3,,,While you're still racking your brain trying to picture them casually lying side by side discussing you, he flips you the horns. But hey,,,at least it sounds like they're okay with you watching next time. Pic #4,,,This one's my hub's again, but hey,,,millions of women call their boobs "the girls",,,and the girls are having a night out,,,literally!  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,She seems a little annoyed,,,some cucks,,,they have to constantly be reminded of their place, they should take more initiative. Pic #2,,,I've seen her videos, her hub's totally subservient, so,,, Pic #3,,,Good wife, she's looking out for her husband,,,mine prefers them fresh too, when they get all frothy they get all caught up in his mustache,,,much better when they just slide out. Pic #4,,,It does my heart good to see a member of her generation flash the cuck sign knowing what it means,,,as opposed to something Ozzy Osborne did at a concert one time and rockers adopted it.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Well,,,I guess traffic must be low,,,when I post these on "Imagefap", I not only get responses (men and women), actually add a page to the scenario we've created,,,sometime's it's exactly what I would've said if I had more room, other times they take it too a more extreme direction. Aaanyway,,,here's another set for most of you to ignore,,,enjoy. Pic #1,,,Another enthusiastic wife just learning the joys of cuckoldry. Pic #2,,,We've all seen those wives who indulge a bit too much and lose their inhibitions, then get all touchy feely. Pic #3,,,We all know who'd wear the pants in her house,,,if she had any. Pic #4,,,Another husband who thought his wife was bringing him to a place called the "Black Rooster Club".  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,I know when I wear a satin dress with nothing on underneath it makes me feel sexy, and that means horny. Pic#2,,,Nothing hotter than finally realizing what's been building up for awhile. Pic#3,,,what cuck wouldn't want his face right at that intersection? Pic #4,,,when us women really want something, we figure out a way to get it.  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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|  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#835 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Pic #1,,,If you're a cuck, you know this is gonna be a good night. Pic #2,,,Seems like she had different plans than what hubby thought. Pic #3,,,Those outdoor cigarette breaks at the club are always satisfying. Pic #4,,,funny how once they become a black cock slut they just do what they're told. on a separate note: The guy with the "Dragon Tattoo" was in my volume #14 video, we shared kisses while my hub sucked his cock, then he fucked me and came inside me,,,never pulling out and not missing a stroke he fucked me for almost an hour straight ending with another load in my hub's pussy,,,he had one of those barbells pierced in his tongue, loved all the kissing, but it kinda broke the moment every time it hit my teeth. That's him in my avatar,,,  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Pic #1,,,Game night will never be the same. Pic #2,,,This one's self explanatory,,,and hot as hell. Pic #3,,,Once they let hubby in on it, it'll be smooth sailing. Pic #4,,,How could you feel like more of a cuck than to have an audience watch your wife give away your pussy?  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#837 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Pic #1,,,Your typical housewife about to find out there's more to life than the PTA. Pic #2,,,,Jamaica offers great times for couples that have freed their minds. Pic #3,,,If this isn't what you were expecting, maybe you should pick up your own weed. Pic #4,,,Even before I met my husband, I used to have parties at my house, I'd announce that I had too much and I had to lie down,,my bathroom was at the end of the hall, they had to pass my bedroom to get to it,,,so I'd remove my panties, lay flat on my stomach, lift my skirt just enough,,,making sure the door was half open and wait for the sound of a zipper,,,Jesus I was such a slut!  Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Posts: 1207
834 #3 made me come in my pants. thank you so much, Mary.
Posts: 658
Great as usual, my fav in this batch is #837-2. Hot that she and her husband accept that Shawn has the right to give out her pussy to whoever he wants and no questions asked.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
like2wacher66 Don't feel bad Babe,,,my husband was dribbling after he finished that one (the girl is pale and soft, and that's his Kryptonite),,,I got wet from seeing it, but all my juices stayed inside, LOL