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Multi-Orgasmic Mary's captions

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Fantastic !


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#749 - 3 is my favorite of the new batch. Love the idea of them getting together again and again. There's something about the bull expecting that he now has the right to her body whenever he wants and her complying that does it for me.


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#753 · Edited by: kennyboy82
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Mary, this last multiple batch of caps is absolutely outstanding - thank you babe xx


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Mary and Hubby 746 x1 brilliant pic and caption I love creampie pics thanks
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#755 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Mary, you could really show off John's talents (with computer, not anything else!) by posting a couple of examples of before and after photos ... like what you described in post 736

Hey Babe,,,I've kinda thought about doing that several times, after your post I decided to,,,then reality hit me in the face. It turns out my hub has acquired over 98k pix on this subject alone. It didn't take me long to give up finding the original pix to match up with his manipulated ones. What I did do was tell him to put a few aside from the next batch so I wouldn't have to search for them, since he renames the ones he's finished,,,so look for that in a future post (not this upcoming one though).
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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I know it took awhile,,,but my hub's in that dangerous age group and is "sheltering in place",,,so he should have more time.
Pic #1 I think this girl is hot (I like girls too, but not fake boobs),,,pic #2 is cool, love the "Cuckoldry for Dummies" book,,,pic #3 blows me away, hub flipped the script,,,and took off the wife's blouse (you younger guys might not know who Jake Steed was,,,he was a contemporary Ray Victory and F.M. Bradley,,,there's a guy I wish I could've fucked). Pic #4 is just a typical Alpha
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pic #1 is pretty blatant, in your face kinda cucking,,,love pic #2, this threesome is about to cross a line and change the dynamic of their relationship forever. Pic #3,,,this is how I showed up for all my dates, everyone knew why I was there, and heading to the motel with nothing on underneath always got my juices flowing. Pic #4,,,sorry, couldn't resist another "Jake from State Farm", LOL
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pic #1,,,I've actually set this trap several times myself, neighbors, a work friend, and a friend of my hub,,,being a woman is great at times like this,,,I'm the only one who really already knows if there's gonna be sex, LOL. Pic #2,,,
my hub and I have similar tastes when it comes to women,,,we'd both crawl on our hands and knees for a shot at this one. Pic #3,,,she has all the info she needs, and decides to do it anyway, love it! Pic #4,,,I was with a black guy once who fucked me three times, after the fourth time he spooned me and we went to ********* his dick still in me making sure his load stayed in,,,I woke up to him fucking me again,,,I'm guessing he was trying to hedge is bets on knocking me up,,,people get off on all sorts of things.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#759 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Pic #1,,,I've actually set this trap several times myself, neighbors, a work friend, and a friend of my hub,,,being a woman is great at times like this,,,I'm the only one who really already knows if there's gonna be sex, LOL. Pic #2,,,
my hub and I have similar tastes when it comes to women,,,we'd both crawl on our hands and knees for a shot at this one. Pic #3,,,she has all the info she needs, and decides to do it anyway, love it! Pic #4,,,I was with a black guy once who fucked me three times, after the fourth time he spooned me and we went to sl33p,,,with his dick still in me making sure his load stayed in,,,I woke up to him fucking me again,,,I'm guessing he was trying to hedge is bets on knocking me up,,,people get off on all sorts of things.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pic #1,,,just a beautiful story of total surrender. Pic #2,,,my hub's a little irreverent, but I can't blame him, it actually looks like she's having a religious experience. Pic #3,,,another sweet surrender. Pic #4,,,okay,,,you inner
city kids should forget about college, just get a job as a pool boy.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pic #1,,,there's nothing wrong with the piano instructor tickling the ivories,,,except when your wife's named Ivory. Pic #2,,,the fact that she's married to a loser turns out to be the best part of her marriage. Pic#3,,,Ahhh,,, betrayal,,,caused by desire,,,true cucking. Pic #4,,,First time fuck, and instant conversion. Let me know how you liked these, it lets me know what direction to take for most of you,,,that doesn't mean I only go in one direction, we kinda let the pix dictate the story line, sometimes it's as simple as a snarl from the bull, or a smile from the wife,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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761#3 ... You've brought me around to really finding betrayal motivated by uncontrolled lust (plus the bonus of cheating on her husband) to be so incredibly hot. Of course it really doesn't work if there isn't also a deeper understanding about it all between husband and wife. I really enjoy your personal stories about how you weren't supposed to do some guy, but you caved and let him in you anyway, then John found out or you told him, etc. Very hot!!!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Mary, you could really show off John's talents (with computer, not anything else!) by posting a couple of examples of before and after photos

Here ya go,,,these aren't his most elaborate works, but at least they show some of what he's working with. First I'll post the originals, then below them in the next post his versions,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#764 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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First off you'll notice he doesn't believe in orange women,,,in pic #1 he went all out on the eyes and makeup,,,the rest are pretty much self explanatory,,,pic #4 he felt needed more exposed boob,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pics #1 & #2 are a set,,,I've been meaning to do more of these, it gives me a chance to tell more of a story, look for more in the future. Pic #3,,,you'll never look at soccer mom vans the same way,,,if only 1 out of a 100 is like this, you never know, it could be that one next to you in traffic. Pic #4,,,my husband would be so upset that he missed the action, but his face would be planted in my pussy so fast that would rapidly fade away,,,LOL
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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I told my hub I liked the dialog in pic #1,,but if that cock was that close, I'd be speechless, cause my mouth would be full. Pic #2,,,this is like something I might say,,,problem is just saying it would make me horny all over again, so I'd have to be sure the guy had another round in him. Pic #3,,,what can you say, something must've got lost in translation. Pic #4,,,been here many times, except if it needed to be wetter, I had hub to step up, he knows to leave it wet before he guides it back in.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pic #1,,,never push that myth stuff,,,or tell us 6 inches are 8 inches,,,we're gonna find out eventually, then there's hell to pay. Pic #2,,,I love this one, wish I was there right now instead of her. Pic #3,,,oh yeah,,,if I hear that I know at least I'm not risking it all for nothing,,,I'm all in. Pic #4,,,sometimes you just have to bite your tongue and keep your mouth shut.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pic $1,,,I wouldn't be surprised is she dealt him the winning hand, she looks more than ready for this, like she expected it for awhile now. Pic #2,,,She seems a tad presumptive to me, but hey, it really feels good, not many women can experience having a pie eaten out of them,,,you gotta have a cuck for that. Pic #3,,,Ah yes, the "student/teacher" fantasy,,,two sides of the same coin. Pic #4,,,legs spread wide, buried to the hilt while nutting, right about now I'd be rocking my hips and milking that bad boy for all it was worth.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 72
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You guys did it many good ones in this bunch I can't say which one would be my favorite. Keep up the good work.
Thanks so much for the hard work you guys put into these. I work with Photoshop and I know how hard it is to do what you guys go.
Thanks again,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#770 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Thanks so much for the hard work you guys put into these. I work with Photoshop and I know how hard it is to do what you guys go.
Thanks again,

My biggest problem is creating (and re-creating), text that can fit into the allotted area, first I draft it, then edit it to fit, sometimes I have to figure out a different way to say something, usually frustrated that it couldn't be the original text. My hub does all the photoshop stuff, he's spent as much as three hours on some of his most elaborate creations,,,but we appreciate your appreciation,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Okay,,,hope everyone is staying healthy,,,I'm beginning to think most of you guys do your surfing at work,,,lets
hope that's why hardly anyone commented on my last post,,,cause you're all staying home and don't want this stuff on the home PC.
Aaanyway,,,here's today's post,,,this first line is some of the originals, to be followed with the finished projects immediately below. Hope you like em,,,hope you see em,,,hope you say something so I know you're not on a ventilator.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pic #1 is that old "wife being taken from hub to turn tricks". Pic #2 was basically a typical "seduced in front of you" scenario. Pic #3 Trust me,,,on Ladies night this happens way more than you men think,,,I know, I'm a Lady,,,sorta,,, Pic #4 as usual, if there's a TV in it, I can't resist reliving some of my own adventures.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pic #1 is a little political satire with a black dick and a pale wife. Pic #2 Been there, done that,,,a lot,,,seriously, that scene is right up my alley. Pic #3 Honestly, they both look $hitfaced. Pic #4 I personally am one of those women who loves to be in the same room as an Alpha and a Beta,,,the interaction between moments of lust make it all the hotter.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pic #1 I've been felt up and even fingered in clubs,,,but the only time I ever fuck in front of a large audience was in a movie theater,,,and I wound up fucking most of them (15). Pic #2 Careful what you wish for,,, Pic #3 Every man who ever got cheated on wishes he had a video of how it happened. Pic #4 Somebody made a "Wrong Turn"
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pic #1 I just love it when the Alpha takes what he wants,,,sometimes it could be a little scary,,,but exciting. As long as hub assumes the role of Beta, and I spread my legs, everything's good! Pic #2 "you can lead a horse to water",,,after that, he'll know where to go if he gets thirsty. Pic #3 I love when my hub does these, he added two of the three couples, and the signage. Pic #4 This is kinda my idea of a "Public Service Announcement"
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pic #1 Reminds me of the days before the internet, when I'd get all dolled up and go out hunting,,,never had any patience for ads in swingers mags. Pic #2 Maybe they got some of the coke on it, it'll break down the latex,,,but everybody's had a broken condom scare, or so I'm told,,,I never use them anyway. Pic #3 Nothing like an impromtu gang bang,,,especially when it becomes a regular thing. Pic #4 A pale redhead, a hung really dark black guy, and everybody's head in the right place,,,sounds like a great afternoon.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Amazing collection Mary .. you've been an living legend of this world since .. the internet ! We love 💕 you ! Thanks to both of you for sharing, spending the time to be so creative and inspiring us all !!


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#772-1 is my fav of this new bunch, liking the idea of dropping my gf off to her pimp and finding out when I should be back to pick her up. #775-3 is a great piece of work, I can't tell at all it was shopped and he added two couples. I love the story line -- White husbands hanging out all knowing why they brought their wives there. I assume such a club would have rooms available for the black men to take the white wives.


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766 #4 - MADE ME C0ME. Sure would like to do that with my wife.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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You're welcome,,,it's a labor of love!
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Multi-Orgasmic Mary's captions
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