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Multi-Orgasmic Mary's captions

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Multi_Orgasmic Mary

Thank you for the wonderful words of wisdom. I have always struggled with the fear of what others think about me. I have wondered if it had anything to do with growing up with a disapproving, inebriant ******.

Congratulations to you and hub on 1279 captions! I am amazed you haven't ran out of ideas or gotten tired of making them. I certainly haven't gotten tired of reading them.

Sometimes when I read your captions, I add a few punch lines in my head. For instance...
#596.2 "Tell Ted you are bringing home dessert..."
#598.2 "His name isn't really Lionel... I call him that because his choo-choo train is long and black and goes deep inside my tunnel."
#599.3 "That should be enough cash to buy instruments for our garage band... Dick Petty and the Pussywreckers."



Posts: 72
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Another great batch and it happens to touch on one of my fantasies also....Keep up the great work. I always look forward to seeing what y'all come up with.

Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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I understand the desire to add more,,,my hub is a bit of a wordsmith, and constantly finds himself frustrated that he has to shorten these up, get his message across is a shortened, sometimes less descriptive manner than he feels is necessary,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Another great batch and it happens to touch on one of my fantasies also....Keep up the great work. I always look forward to seeing what y'all come up with.

Great,,,but you never mentioned which ones, so I could take them into consideration when composing new ones,,,


Posts: 246
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Yes!!! Post 596 #4 is just perfect! I think that desire to have the decision to cuck be made for her lives deep in my wife. Love it!!!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#606 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Yes,,,I like that one too, in particular cause it brings to light somethings that's in all of us,,,we want what we want, but have a hard time justifying it, at least where our mate is concerned. Having one that realizes this makes cuckolding work (meaning it's easy to maintain),,,for the rest of you, it's a minefiled of manipulations, deceit, and Machiavellian machinations to achieve the elusive world of "having your cake and eating it too". Although this can end in good results and a more open and communicative relationship,,,it abounds in possible prattfals,,,if your mate is on the same page and just needs a shove, it's champagne time, but if you read the room wrong,,,oh well,,,LOL. My hub is the one who laid it all on the line for us (glad he did), but he took a really big chance. He brought me to an adult bookstore with videos and Glory Holes,,,while in a booth he pointed out the hole to me, on the other side was the biggest black cock I had even seen (up to that point, LOL), he asked me if I wanted to suck it (which of course I did), but this early in our relationship I thought it was a test, so like any good girl I declined. Then he took his chance and rang the bell that couldn't be in-rung, so to speak,,,he asked me if I minded if he did,,,slightly caught off guard I said no,,,sticking his finger through the hole (I was to find out later this was referred to as "finger fishing"), soon after that cock came through the wall,,,he sucked it for awhile and then paused and asked me if I was sure I didn't want any? I was on my knees before he finished the sentence,,,from that moment on we were off to the races. It's rare that two people that feel the same way actually get to live their life the way they want,,,more often those two people spend their whole lives with their fantasies living in their heads, not knowing,,,or fearing what comes after the declaration. The bottom line is, no matter how you feel about someone, if you can't be who you are around them, you're with the wrong person,,,you only get one life!!!


Posts: 656
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I love 599#3. I love watching, but dropping her off for the weekend to be used by several men who neither of us know might be even more exciting.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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And the beat goes on,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Love the school teacher one, pic #4
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Nice pie in #1,,,and what can I say about #4 except "poor cuck"
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Love #2,,,it brings back fond memories,,,I know somebody out there had to deal with the problems of #3,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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I love all of these, especially #4,,,that "Ace of Spades" sign came out great,,,now I'm off to watch Temptation Island,,,this season's even hotter than last,,,a woman who wanted to make sure her boyfriend was really faithful brought him to the Island, she laid down all the rules,,,no kissing, no touching, no rubbing up against,,,then she met this super hunk of a black guy (she was black too), she swooned when she asked him what size shoe he wore, and he said "13",,,next thing you know she's in bed saying "what did I get myself into",,,when he comes out of the shower, gets in the bed under the covers,,,you hear her say "oh my God",,,do you want me to stop? NO! Next day there talking about what happened, she says I broke every rule, and then some,,,he says maybe it's time to move on to bigger and better things (chuckle chuckle), to which she responds "definitely bigger and better" This guy got the **** cucked outta him on national TV,,,wait, I'm pretty sure the cutest babe on the show who had the same insecurities is gonna do the same thing,,,I can't wait,,,I'm wet with anticipation.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 108
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#608.1 I love the logo on the black man's blue shirt. I think she may get more than a creampie from him!
#610.1 Nice, thick pie. Yum!
#610.3 Foreskin on a big cock is sexy. Do you like foreskin?
#611.3 Jan B is one of my all-time favorites! As are you Mary.
#612.4 The Ace of Spades sign is off the chain! Nice work hub.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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#608.1 I love the logo on the black man's blue shirt. I think she may get more than a creampie from him!
I do too, I'm constantly looking for, or have hub creating stuff to put on Bulls and hotwives shirts
#610.1 Nice, thick pie. Yum!
Yeah, it's a good pie, but more of an "evidence" pie, than one for eating, not the best position
#610.3 Foreskin on a big cock is sexy. Do you like foreskin?
Yes,,,my favorite is the kind where only half the head is visible when it's hard,,,there's sex with a cut dick and sex with an uncut dick, they are completely different, although I personally never used condoms, putting them on an uncut dick is almost sacrilegious,,,turns them into dildos, takes away the best part,,,nothing like the glide of an uncut dick when you stroke it either
#611.3 Jan B is one of my all-time favorites! As are you Mary.
Us too,,,she was the only one out there when we started that did it bareback and internal,,,like we did, occasionally Milton put out some amateur videos that had creampies, but rarely interracial
#612.4 The Ace of Spades sign is off the chain! Nice work hub.
Yeah, I thought it came out great too, looks like it was always there,,,look for that and other signs in the future,,,he's been subtly throwing in a "Keep Calm and Fuck My Wife" sign in the background of a few pix

Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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My hub enjoys watching too much for him not to be there,,,plus I can have a better time cause he always provided safety,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#616 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Sorry this one took so long, I've actually had it for two days, just didn't have the time to post it,,,number 4 got me
wet just thinking about it,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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#3 reminds me of something I saw on Cheaters,,,I liked the scenario in #4 when I read it,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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#4 is for a fan, Lepricanus,,,it's his wife Helen, who should probably not go to parties alone,,,especially without panties,,,LOL
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Here's the last batch,,,hope you guys liked some of these, haven't heard from anyone in a bit?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Wow,,,I waited a whole week for someone to acknowledge they've seen my last post,,,I've always said something (be it positive or negative), is better than nothing. If it's negative I can see what I can do to correct it, if it's positive I can produce more that will be appreciated, if it's nothing,,,then I guess that's what I should be doing?


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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I just notice your last post. I love them.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 72
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Another set of great pics and caps. I really like #616 number2. Always wonder how my wife would act if alone for a period of time with a hot guy.


Posts: 17
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When I ever I get a chance to get on the sight, the first thing I do is check to see if you've updated this thread. You and your hubby's caps are the best around. Thank you both so much for taking the time to do them.


Posts: 108
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary:
Wow,,,I waited a whole week for someone to acknowledge they've seen my last post,,,I've always said something (be it positive or negative), is better than nothing. If it's negative I can see what I can do to correct it, if it's positive I can produce more that will be appreciated, if it's nothing,,,then I guess that's what I should be doing?

Sorry Mary. I have been very busy and am way behind on my reviews. I always enjoy and look forward your hot captions.


Posts: 108
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#619 - 2 and 3 Reminds me of the time my ex-wife cheated around with a black army sergeant while I was out to sea for three weeks. There was no way I could have walked in on them. She said it, "sort of happened" the first time, but he came around several times after and she couldn't resist. Thank you for triggering that memory. It is always hot to think about. My only regret is that she waited until we split up to tell me about it.

BTW: The "Happy Birthday Ted" banner is CLASSIC. Nice work hubby.

#616.4 I think is hot too. I was cucked long before I knew I was cucked. For some reason, knowing she cheated on me with a more capable men turns me on - even though it probably shouldn't. go figure.

#618.2 Hahah. I love the look on the guy's face. He's like, "Oh yea-aaaaa... I'm getting some hot, white, married pussy tonight!" LOL

#620.4 Hot house guest for wifey! Sexy to think about him taking her every day while hub is at work. Maybe he will end up moving into the master bedroom and hubby will move to the guest room? =P


Posts: 246
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Sorry Mary! Been very busy. I come to this site almost exclusively for this thread.

Loved 620#1 ... I wonder sometimes if I could get my wife to cuck me this way. Pretty sure she has to be able to pretend to herself that it is not something she is choosing to do. But just choosing to allow a black cock in her if he won a game or challenge ... that she might do if she were ***** enough.

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TED!!! I dream of my wife presenting me a video of her for my birthday. She knows I want her to fuck BBC, so without telling me she does her first time and has the guy video the whole thing holding her phone with one hand while taking her doggy. She very nervously presents me with the video. I LOVE IT and find it was just hours ago and eat her creampie!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Thanx,,,that's all I need to know
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Probably the same way most women would, given the right circumstances,,,time on my hands, orgasms around the corner, what's to question?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Thank you,,,he works really hard on some of them,,,some of them almost write themselves, but the photo manipulation takes the longest, that he has to do by himself, the captions we work on together.
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Multi-Orgasmic Mary's captions
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