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Multi-Orgasmic Mary's captions

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Multi_Orgasmic Mary:
It's more like "passive nurturing",,,ask questions, make suggestions, assure them I'd be alright with it, even turned on a bit,,,convince them I'd be there to back them up,,,everything will be fine,,,it's just meat,,,try just a lick,,,see, nothing bad happened, try another one,,,ohh, you made it twitch, you're doing great,,,now open your mouth,,,a hand on the back of his head help to push through those last seconds of doubt,,,afterwards when they see the world didn't end, and how excited I was over seeing them do it,,,he'll get on his knees before I even ask him too,,,

Mary, you paint a fabulous mental picture of teaching a cuck to suck cock. You wouldn't believe the initial trouble I had with my sluts husband when I first started fucking her. She persuaded him in the end, now he's a real eager beaver!


Posts: 246
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Loved the cock in 522 #1 and the lovely evidence that it was just inside that wife (and left behind his sperm). Blew a gasket over 529 #4 because my wife (who is 100% monogamous with me) went through a black phase in her early 20's when single, and my favorite stories are of her and one of her black boyfriends named ... Andre! I've longed for her to get back in touch with him, so the vision of me shooting while watching them like in the pic was very erotic for me. Finally, 531 #1 was very erotic. The idea of my wife going over to the neighbor's and sitting on his cock like that while I'm ignorant of what they are doing is awesome!

Finally, I don't like cruelty to husbands, but I did not find your last set bad in that regard at all.

Thanks! More please!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#543 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Thanx,,,as for knowing how to teach a cuck to suck, I've not only had years of practice, but willing participants,,,they just needed a nudge to realize their potential,,,LOL
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Glad you didn't find them over the top,,,you have no idea how horny I get creating some of these,,,depending on the pix my hub submits for my approval, I get into a certain mindset, so sometimes it's like I'm in a groove. The next batch has a couple of extreme situations amidst them, but hey,,,all sorts of **** goes down once the clothes come off and the door gets locked,,,I know, I've seen it,,,in fact, I've seen things I can't unsee,,,LOL
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Okay,,,new batch,,,I like all these,,,hope some of you find a couple that appeal to your particular piece of the world of cuckoldry,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Pix #2 #3 & #4 are a sequence,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Okay,,,pic #1 isn't gonna be everybody's cup of cum,,,I mean tea,,,if not just move on to the next one,,,there
are those that will like it. Besides,,,I'm not here to worry about who I offend, I'm here trying to please as many as possible,,,We're already working on the next batch, keep checking, it usually takes a week to ten days on average.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary:
willing participants,,,they just needed a nudge to realize their potential,,,

It's always surprising just how many would be cucks have hidden and not yet discovered talents when it comes to fluffing, clean up, and so on. It must be something deep down in a cuck's genes I guess, M0ther Nature makes sure his real self comes to the fore at the right time. I enjoy helping them see the right course to take in life!


Posts: 246
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Thanks again! Really enjoyed 456 #1 (wife fucking neighbor by pool and I don't know again), 456 #3 (love the thought of getting surprise text, pic, call, or video when wife is with black dick), and 458 #4 (she's feeding me creampies later on his orders). But the one that most got me off was 545 #1. The thought that all of my sharing of my cucking fantasies with my wife could result in her setting me up ... WOW!!!


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I'm with JustWishin. The situation of my wife getting sexually active with a friend on a frequent basis whether I'm there or not, but with my knowledge, is a big turn on.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Both you guy's appear to be of a similar mindset, so this is for both of you. My hub and I had an agreement we could do this so long as trust was able to be maintained. I was able to trust him, but I made it difficult for him to trust me,,,okay, I may have slipped more than a few times. The first time I said I thought that was only black men, since we had just started with them and I though the rules applied to them cause it was a special shared experience,,,the next time I claimed I thought that was only for guy's I'd never been with before,,,then I thought it didn't mean women,,,who also had a husband she wanted to share,,,then I thought single women were okay,,,and on and on, constantly finding myself in situations where I was wrong,,,again! Oh well,,,you can't take back a fuck,,,I always did maintain that premise of "it's better to ask forgiveness than permission",,,LOL


Posts: 108
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Fantastic new batch! How do you keep coming up with all these amazing ideas?

#545 - 1: Sexy mini story. I love the twist at the end.
#548 - 2, 3, 4 pic series is really hot. It covers a lot of sexy themes: pussy owning, creampies, cuckold surrender, impreg risk. The dialog between the two lovers seems natural too.
#549 -1: I'm not offended at all... =P
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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To answer your question, my hub finds pictures, based on content, quality, and what they might suggest to him,,,he shows them to me for my thoughts, I come up with a scenario, and he tries to make it happen,,,then together we compose the actual text,,,which sometimes has to be constantly adjusted cause it's too big. After 35 years together, both my hub and I have developed similar styles in writing, he taught me the "three comma" pause for effect, a small quite time for something to sink in,,,I like it! We're both Italian, so we use our hands and facial expressions to communicate,,,text presents a whole new problem for people like us to convey any giving situation, so if you read our texts the way they're written, you can put yourself in the picture and imagine exactly what's taking place,,,that's our goal. As for ideas, like I said, I've been around the block, and although I've lived most of my fantasies (certainly more than most have), there's still some I didn't manage to pull off,,,but this gives me an outlet to at least live them vicariously,,,I know I get wet when I write them so,,,I guess it's working.
I'm beginning to consider more series pix,,,it give me more room to establish how we got here,,,what took place,,,and some form of result. I feel that might be more rewarding for me, and in the long run give me the opportunity to create more short stories with making the pix so big that you have to scroll, been trying to minimize that.


Posts: 108
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Multi_Orgasmic Mary

I think creativity flows better when you have another like-minded person to bounce ideas off of. You and hub work great together!

Change of subject: How do you feel about people posting your video clips on the Internet? Just the other day, some guy on a group I am a member of shared a short clip of yours. He obviously didn't know it was you and your hub. I was like, "I know who that is!" lol
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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For years it drove me crazy, cause I sold them online, first as VHS, then as DVD's,,,meanwhile I'm paying for three Go-Video duping machines, then DVD burners, a $3,000 SONY Vaio Video Studio, and finally started running them on PPV. Imagine seeing 450,000 hits on one of you're videos that runs :53 minutes, that you should be getting .09 cents a minute for,,,and with your disabled husband no longer working and you need a new alternator for you 25 year old T-Bird,,,so you can go to work to pay the rent. So yeah,,,if I could've I'd have been excercising the hell out of my second amendment rights,,,at least I wouldn't have to worry about transportation anymore, LOL now days it no longer matters,,,I do get pissed when websites make money from them though, having done none of the work, none of the equipment cost and over head, just stealing content and raking in the cash. Kinda got upset when the whole country seemed to jump on my Glory Hole wagon though, I literally am the person who set that off. HBO Contacted me about doing a story on it, they were gonna put it on America Undercover. I did however enjoy when someone put together a compilation video (3 hours,,,damn), of all the fluffing and pie eating my hub's done over the years,,,finally his star got to shine,,,LOL


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary

You and hub truly were trailblazers. Heck, even now you are pushing boundaries. You are the only real hotwife/cuckold couple I know of who does cuckold/interracial captions.

So... Where can I find this 3 hour fluffing and pie eating video? It sounds like an instant classic! =P


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary:
I do get pissed when websites make money from them though, having done none of the work, none of the equipment cost and over head, just stealing content and raking in the cash.

Hi Mary, I'm not familiar with how the system works in the States, but surely there must be some way you can exercise your rights over your intellectual property by placing a copyright on them? If anyone wants to use your videos or pics for PPV then they should pay you a royalty for doing so, not too disimilar to a songwriter's rights over his/her work. Just my two cents worth!

If they made sucking and fucking an Olympic sport (now there's a thought!) then you've already won the gold medal.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Here ya go babe,,,its in this forum under Multi-Orgasmic Mary's Orally Bi Hub,,,its on page 2, but here's the link,,,

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#561 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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No,,,you pretty much have a handle on it, in the beginning I hated the fact that they came out with the "2257",,,but the penalties were so high,,,not for stealing, but for not having signed model releases. So when you're looking at 2 years for the first offense and five for the second, it tends to stifle some people. I even had a few sites literally taken down due to repeated vi0lations. But it like holding back a tidal wave, people on e-Bay selling them, when you report them they close up shop and create a new name and they're right back at it. The PPV people paid me, none of them ripped me off, too much to lose,,,but all these sites that are either members only or free, like Xhampster, pornohub, and a 100 others, allow random posters to post what they want, if I should find one they remove it, then Joe Schmo comes alongside and posts another one. I made 24 videos, 5 Glory Hole and 19 IR Cuckold,,,there's only the same five or six constantly being recycled, so,,,at this point who cares. To be honest, when I was in the business of selling them, I went though as much crap as I could to make the best product,,,I spent wads on Go-Video machine that lined up the bars of resolution so each copy had zero loss,,,shot my videos witH SONY DigiCams, uploaded them to my SONY Vaio Video Studio for editing, then onto disc, maintaining the digital quality throughout. Then these assholes come along and start selling copies of copies, and all I'm worried about is people will believe that's what they get when they buy from me,,,so it had a double effect, not only taking the food off my table, but destroying my reputation and hindering future sales. Okay,,,I'm done, my bl00d pressure goes up every time I think about it, LOL


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Mary, I hear you, it's a crock. I'd like to come round and fuck some calm into you, despite the distance between us!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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Okay,,,here we go with the next batch,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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My hub did #2 without even consulting me, he wanted to see if I got the joke,,,having already seen some of their commercials I got it right away,,,it was a no brainer!
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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Here's the last set,,,#3 is something I've actually done, lots of times,,,#4 I can't resist a TV or a flat screen,,,I have to throw a pic of me in it,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


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That #3 pic above reminds me of once back in Orlando, I was in the Fairvilla XXX Cinema,,,I had just finished sucking off three guys in the back row when we decided to leave. One of the guys was also leaving, he came up to me and thanked me, then gave me a kiss,,,the suddenly turned me around, lifted up my jean skirt and started fucking me. My hub was already in the car and I was leaning inside the passenger window,,,he asked me what the hold up was and said get in already,,,I said I can't,,,I'm getting fucked. After he came inside me I spread my legs to let it drip out, I turned and he was already halfway across the parking lot fixing his junk. That was one of the few times I actually felt like a cum dump,,,but I was horny as hell after all that sucking and didn't give a $hit,,,I got what I wanted!


Posts: 108
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Outstanding Mary and Hub! You have a talent turning me on in one sentence, then making me laugh out loud in another. So... where is this "Zebra Lounge"? LOL!

By the way... I have watch about a third of the orally bi hub video so far. My goodness, I don't think I can make it all the way through without hyperventilating! ;)


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Another great set! I agree with Jamie, I wish there was a real Zebra Lounge.
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Multi-Orgasmic Mary's captions
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