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WSTA Alumni


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Know one has a right on private property to express what the owners thereof, deem disrespectful. And if you thik the owners are the players or those corporate shills who profit from the true owners..., the People, watch what happens when the people of the united States refuse to p[ay their salaries at the ticket Gate!!!

I am color blind to the offense being perpetrated. Racism has utterly nothing to do with disrespecting men & women who have given their lives for this great Republic. You think you live in a democracy!!!

Think again, when congress puts teeth behind the ***** of people who have sacrificed their last drop of courage so you can live free if you choose! These athletes are pussies compared to those Men & Women who have sacrifices their lives, wealth and sacred honor, just so you can spit on their graves!!!

Just read Title 36 United States Code (U.S.C.) section 301. Soon very soon, people who are disrespect the fallen who have shed their ***** for your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness shall find themselves facing the strength of a Nation only honor can provide.

All our best,
WSTA Alumni


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popeye1 your comments in this thread are spot on. Protest does not equal disrespect.
WSTA Alumni


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No People kneel to respect. Humans kneeling, is only indicative of their unnatural willingness to be subjugated or otherwise evinces of being ****** against their good will thereby.

As for honor & kneeling, germane to any national anthem or banner which are symbols of those who have Stood honorably and given their last drop of honor Standing in the defense of those precious liberties each Stand in symbolic accord thereto, has been solely to pass the torch of freedom to future generations willing to Stand in like kind.

The above stated rationale is why it is disrespectful to kneel during any national anthem! In HONOR of those who have STOOD & DIED for those who STAND in perpetuity thereof. PERIOD!!!

The millions of people down the eons of history, who have given their lives to Stand honorably before tyrants, whether via secular or religious perfidy, were often ******** by the enemies of freedom, by ******* people to their knees just before their beheading as their lives were taken upon the altar of freedom, from which their lives were freely given up in honorable defiance or defense thereof.

So, taking a knee claiming such actions as honorable or respectful, if the lowest disrespect possible that any one can show for those who have given all & only represents both ignorance and a willingness to be subjugated by the idiocracy of tyrants your willingness symbolically or willingness to serve freely in subjugation thereto.

All our best,
WSTA Alumni


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Nice pose WSTA Alumni
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 874
#35 · Edited by: eponymous
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WSTA Alumni:
when congress puts teeth behind

Congress hasn't done sh|t for 8+ years and they are not going to start over this.
WSTA Alumni


Posts: 69
#36 · Edited by: WSTA Alumni
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Thank you for taking the time to express your kindness to Stand for those who have given so much to each of us, in a country where freedom, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness allow us to enjoy life with gusto.

Our country is not like those lost in the idiocracy of religious pettifoggery. No, our country allows me to express my opinions without regard to those who wold seek to dishonor our freedom to enjoy women open to the pleasures of life, free from being solely property of men unable to enjoy givine the ladies a good savage tongue slaking, or enjoying their sweet creampies or helping to keep each lover fluffed in the hopes of so much fullness for more, more,

So, I will always honor my country with my last drop of ***** or breath of life hopefully standing in honor thereof. While I continue to praise the sacrifices of Men and Women who stand by me equally living life to the fullest via variation by agreement that each are willing to experience honorably in the fullness thereof.

Including the role playing I so much enjoy, that both the ladies & gentlemen so eagerly

All our best,
WSTA Alumni


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Well, if you still watch the NFL, the networks aren't televising the national anthem at all. Kind of takes the wind out of the kneeler's sails. No more tv face time for them. Ha!!!!! In your face, bitches.

Maybe the millionaire kneeling pukes should go out and donate some time and money to stop whatever they are protesting about, but we know that won't happen. Ya know, if they feel that strongly about it, now that is what they will have to do.

It's a shame, because I am a patriotic American that still feels pride when I hear our national anthem, but now that I don't have to see those over privileged, lazy pukes kneeling, it's worth it.


Posts: 13
#38 · Edited by: thebitbucket
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This proves just how racist this "fantasy" is, including the people who actually live it out.

Yeah, nothing should get in the way of precious fucking football. Certainly not the fact that black men are still disproportionately the victims of police violence, and that the 600 years of horrific systemic oppression the black community has faced has left an indelible dent in black communities that isn't washed away because some people make it out and become millionaires entertaining white people.

As for this worship of the flag, and by extension the military, that conveniently creeps up any time white people find black or brown behavior uncomfortable, the whole armed services advertising crap, including the anthem, going on at sporting events was added mid 20th century to drum up recruiting so we'd have more bodies to throw at pointless foreign wars that create enemies and accomplish nothing beyond making impotent white people feel like superheroes while they swill beer on Sunday.

Now let's just wait for a racist privileged white person to bitch that their jack off time shouldn't be interrupted by "politics" either.

At least there is one sane, compassionate, decent human here (Pops) with a sense of real perspective. His comment cuts to the bone and the circle jerk here congratulating each other with their asinine "MAGA" posts lack even the basic modicum of self awareness needed to see it.

Its great to use black men to fulfill some sexual fantasy, but dont let them dare attempt to actually become societal equals. At least not during football sunday. What a bunch of disgusting BS. Shows how many white people havent evolved *one fucking iota* in terms of human decency since the goddamn plantation era, made even more twisted by all of the weirdo superiority/worship garbage that fills these pages the other 99.9% of the time. Apparently issues affecting the object of this "worship" (black men) in the *real* fucking world aren't even important enough to warrant a minor disruption in white comfort during leisure time. Free white married pussy isn't really "enough".
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
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First off,,,this subject is what the post is all about, and people interested in it click on the link,,,so you won't find anyone complaining about an interruption of their sexual fantasies. Try posting this crap in every other link on this site and watch not only your popularity go down the tubes, but so will your cause. Perhaps the decide thing is like the "chicken and the egg",,,which came first? Let's say it was a few racist cops who probably shouldn't have been cops in the first place, and a few racist whites that clung to their belief that blacks were inferior. Okay,,,so as a whole what did the black man do about it? "The squeaky wheel gets the oil",,,why do you suppose that is? Cause it makes the most commotion and demands attention, while the other wheels just keep turning. The majority of blacks (and this no doubt comes as a surprise to you), are fantastic citizens that merely want to live their lives and raise their families, while a small (but squeaky), amount of blacks don't. They have no respect for law, for women, for seniors, for themselves. Now let's go back to those racists, and bad cops, they believe the only good black is a dead black. Meanwhile you've got regular cops who aren't racist, but want to return to their families at night. Now when these two meet, usually during some type of disorder, they are tense due to the air of violence these individuals have embraced. America is a melting pot, we take the unique parts of other peoples culture that we find enriches our society, and frown on that which doesn't. If you were a white Neo Nazi who dressed in bomber jackets, suspenders and jack boots, went riding around in pickups looking for innocent blacks to attack and string up, and you're wife walked around the house on eggshells and occasionally sported a black eye, no one would appreciate your culture, and that's exactly how it is. Now when you come across a black per*** with his pants down around his ass, a 40cal stuck in the waistband, his baby momma is referred to as "his baby mama" cause he hasn't married her, doesn't support his kids, beat her whenever the mood strikes him, calls women bitches and ho's, and just like the Neo Nazis, the majority of the country doesn't appreciate that part of their culture. Now you move on to statistics,,,13% of the country is black,,,that includes women and ********, grandmas and grandpas, aunties, and working ****** and ******* trying to raise their families. Now out of all those people, an even more minuscule amount are responsible for 60% of all the crime in the country (that's that "squeaky" part),,,there is a percentage of this country that doesn't abide with "PC",,,they have a name for those people. Now our racists are spread out here and there, and they always will be until education and shame finally gets rid of them, but they ain't going nowhere until they have a blatant rea*** that proves their type of thinking is wrong. From where I come from, if someone does something that brings the rest of you down, a few of my friends and I set them straight. I can't imagine people crossing the street in fear of me cause I'm white, that's because most of the white people dont present that air about them. You complained about the projects, public housing,,,they're covered in graffitio halls smell like urine, windows are broken and they're crime ridden. Well,,,they were new once, we didn't piss in the halls, write on the walls, come into them and commit crimes. Tell me what black communities are doing about Chicago. LA, New York, Detroit,,,for that matter any large city. What you have done is glorify criminal activity with your music, reward gang mentality under the guise of solidarity, and let loose several generations of single parent ******** with ******s that actually say things like "you didn't have to shoot my *** just cause he was robbing you,,,how else is he supposed to get stuff"? That single statement should tell you just how absurd your argument has become. We soaked up your jazz, blues, Motown, dancing, and humor like we were sponges, and made it our own,,,while you look to people like Jesse Jack*** and Al Sharpton to help you with an easier road because you think somebody owes you something. You know how Jessie Jack*** became a millionaire? Do you know how he made his fortune? It goes something like this,,,Jessie shows up in a town in Iowa, finds himself a Coca Cola bottling company with 500 employees, 8 of them are black,,,Jessie goes to the CEO and informs he percentagewise he's not up to code, he has to hire more blacks. Well,,,let's not even consider the fact that as far as Iowa is concerned, every black in the state is already working there, that doesn't really matter, what does matter is Jessie can have two bus loads of blacks in front of the company with signs and megaphones in a day. The CEO says "what's it gonna take to make this go away Jessie"? That's when Jessie says "about a 150 large",,,that's how Jessie became a millionaire. I am not a racist,,,I'm a culturist,,,you my friend "can't see the forest for the trees",,,what are you, 16? Grow up and look at it ALL for a change,,,the "angry black man" schtick isn't cutting it anymore, you made us numb to it.


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Would people please stop using the word disrespect as a verb?

Don't let ghetto talk creep into your vocabulary and knock you down a notch or two on the totem pole. Just because others say 'disrespecting' doesn't mean you have to as well.

And don't say 'baby bump' either.


Posts: 70
#42 · Edited by: vanilla_thrilla
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edit as original post was not read
Mis fortune leads me from last to first , and sadly spoken before thought was added.
America is a great place.

Just posting to agree with this one.
WSTA Alumni


Posts: 69
#43 · Edited by: WSTA Alumni 
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Germane to Multi_Orgasmic Mary's comments provided hereunder and our supporting response & concerns:


"Grow up and look at it ALL for a change,,,the "angry black man" schtick isn't cutting it anymore, you made us numb to it."


I honor people who are capable of living in good will both free & knowledgeably with one another and this, via variation of agreement that allows each peacefully to enjoy all that life has to offer each in their proper setting so to speak.

As far as the "Antifa" Movement & "Black Life's Matter" movement, please consider that these social phenomena are being foisted upon America by globalist to bring America to her knees. Those who are willing bow to these efforts, whether in the sports venue or otherwise, have fallen for a communist plot long afoot in America.

And remember, the 1st judicially recognized Slave Owner in America was a Black Man, who owned 4 White Slaves & 1 Black.

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The current suffering of America has been brought on by so-called Non-Profit Organizations for more than a hundred years or more. See: Congressional Reese Report or Cox Report and you will see how the National Lawyers Guild is the main culprit as a communist front.

But, what is really hidden from American people, is how their elections are being stolen on the locale, state and national level by those who count your votes in hidden back rooms, which historically, is the tool of political hacks seeking to stay in power. In an effort to foist upon the unsuspecting American people a "Deep State" most are totally unaware of so to speak.

Consider how votes are counted as money:

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Most of you have probably never heard of the Battle of Athens, dealing with how people claim to be elected but was proven otherwise, when the American Veterans from WWII came home in 1945 to confront such voter fraud.

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Or the Allegheny Uprising in the 1700's starring John Wayne:

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Bottom line, American people must wake up before its to late and your knocked out, completely by efforts to take away your only defense against such absurdities - The Second Amendment. If this amendment is legislated away by deceitful politicians under whatever guise or your willingness to be socially engineered to trust government to defend your natural rights, then your doomed!!!

My wish, is to remain free but to do so, you must read. Freedom is not free and should be spelled "Freadom" just to remind you...., ignorance never votes or stands honorably.

This forum is about freedom of expression in its proper setting for all people of color, whether white, black, red or yellow so to speak. If you see it otherwise, then why are you here in the first place. Without everything in its proper place, chaos ensues and everyone loses. Both those we love & the future for those future generations hereafter-ward. Choose wisely my fellow Americans.

By the way, there never was any Obamacare Mandate; Read: Title 42 U.S.C. 18115.

Remember, we do not have involuntary servitude (see U.S Constitution - Amendment XIII) in America.

Just because you've been socially engineered into voluntary compliance by social engineering, you will always have the natural unalienable right to revoke such voluntary elections.

To prove a point, I have never lost an I.R.S. income tax in the United States Tax Court ever!


Such taxes are expressly& explicitly voluntary. And, reading U.S. law reveals how to revoke any voluntary elections both peacefully and in If the law did not allow revocation of elections, then Congress would be in breach of Amendment XIII. But because the back door exist in law, for those who comprehend these matters, Congress can not be charged for treason against the social compact and her true sovereign's, the American people.

So, please wake up America and lets party on dudes with our lovely ladies & men we love to cherish each in our own agreeable gusto..., and, live free as Americans that each are created honorably to be.....

If you don't, this could happen to you:

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The greatest want of the world is the want of honorable people, --people who will not be bought or sold; people who in their inmost minds are true and honest, people who do not fear to call injustice by its right name, dishonor; people whose conscience is as true to duty as a needle to a Pole, whether shifting or otherwise; people who will stand honorably for what is naturally right though the heavens fall.

Shall we dance by the pale moonlight in unanimity bravely, before a world fast approaching oblivion or failing?

Consider this dance of truths & lies spun to uncover the truth or those who lie just to socially engineer you into giving up your natural right to bear arms in you own defense:

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Choose wisely, which reality is honorable.

All our best,
WSTA Alumni
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