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Update #3 White Wife Black Impregnation Support Group

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Hoping that you guys will be understanding about how hard it is to resist the temptation of continue updating a situation in which one is so heavily invested! Felt an obligation to not leave anyone hanging (pun intended) who has invested time towards reading about this situation as WELL!

My original post was published on this sited on Oct. 10th, followed my the first update on Oct. 14th and the second on Oct. 26th - it might be helpful to read those in sequence to fully appreciate THIS post?

As hubby and I have talked a couple of times since my last update - mainly, yesterday - I felt that the additional info he had relayed to me was worth passing on.

In reference to my hesitancy to continue updating their story based on my concern over whether or not I might be violating their trust, I am thinking about inviting them to the site to read my reporting of their situation as a way to show them how much interest you guys have in following their story?

Realizing that I would be taking a chance on a negative reaction from them, as I have relayed no information which would identify them PERSONALLY, my hope is that they would APPRECIATE the amount of interest which has been expressed towards them and would come to view this site as a valuable resource of support?! I would welcome any suggestions, either posted publicly as a reply to this post or PM'd to me as to whether or not I should take this chance?

Back to the update, Hubby's friend's wife must have given birth to her new-born a couple of weeks ago by now. He says that the same bull was acknowledged as the ****** of the wife's new-born besides having already been acknowledged as the ****** of the ********* ***** previously. When I asked what was the reaction of people in their circle, hubby relayed that this couple/family didn't have any relatives which they are close to; therefore, there was not a whole lot of explaining which they had to do. When asked if the bull was still in the picture, hubby answered in the affirmative, stating that he (i.e., the bull) had 'serviced' her during her pregnancy!

Not sure what prompted me to ask, but when I inquired whether or not hubby was sharing this info with the wife, he answered in the affirmative, stating that the two wives had conversed on the phone a few times and email each other. When asked if the wife tells him what they talk about, he says yes, he has been there when they talk and that his friend's wife tells the wife "congrats and how amazing it is!"

I jokingly (or rather, I should say, WISHFUL-THINKINGLY) told hubby to tell the wife that I would be GLAD to make a trip to 'service' her during her pregnancy!

Hubby indicated that the wife has gotten her sex drive back and went on to state, "But after sex the other night I could tell what was in her head but doesn't want to talk about it." I responded that I believed that I knew what he was referring to, but hoped that he wouldn't mind spelling it out? then I asked if he believed that she was thinking about BBC, to which question he answered, "Yes". When asked what makes him THINK that, he says that she hasn't had an orgasm since that night, going on to say, "When we have sex she tries to push me all the way in but I can tell it doesn't work."

When asked if she has given him any other sign of her being frustrated other than not having an orgasm, he answered, "No but I can tell that she can't really feel me.", going on to state, "She looks like she is trying too hard to try to enjoy it!" When asked how did that make him feel, he answered, "I don't feel bad or anything"

If it wasn't clear by now from anyone's having read all of my posts up to this point, hubby's MAIN EMOTION towards having introduced the wife to BBC, taking into consideration mixed emotions during the act ITSELF and complications introduced via the pregnancy, is that he is ELATED about it, looking at it as a once-in-a-lifetime gift which he gave to her!

Attached is a pic which he sent to me of them during the act - I figured that, since it doesn't PERSONALLY identify her, it can't be any worse than what I have already relayed about their story in WRITTEN form?

Getting back to whether or not I should invite them to this site to check out how much interest there is in their story, I am fairly confident that I could pull it off; however, the risk of losing their trust after all of the time and emotion they have invested is what would prevent me from taking the chance?!

Again. any helpful feed-back would be appreciated!
In the Act
In the Act


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My wife is very cute but she is 55 years old to be impregnated, but I love it when her black lover fuck her!!!


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This the single most exciting story I've read on here. I know a LOT of us would enjoy seeing more pics of the insemination (excluding faces, of course).


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So bummed that this thread is dormant. It started as one of the hottest, most interesting topics I've read on here in a long, long time.


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Hey guys, sorry that it's been so long since I last posted - so much has transpired during the interim! I've been so busy with my business endeavors that i haven't made time to sit down and compose the next update - shooting for before this weekend is over!

Hubby and I talk often. I finally got up the nerve to inform him that I had posted their story online, copying-and-pasting the narrative from my online posts to an attachment to an email which I sent to him. He read it to the wife and to my relief, hubby (and as best I could tell, the wife ALSO?) was pleasantly surprised that I have captured their situation so accurately!

They were quite impressed the the number of members on the site who had expressed interest towards reading their story! Hubby expressed interest in joining the site; however, due to both of our being busy, I haven't made to to prompt him to create a profile yet - hopefully, soon!

I promised hubby that I would run any future update(s) by him (and by extension, his wife) before posting (more of a guilt-relief measure on my part, as he didn't ask for me to do that!).

Being the good word-enticer whom I am (smile!), I trust that you all will appreciate my including in my next update a more-clear pic of the wife which hubby took for my eyes only, revealing her in all of her heavenly lusciousness - my heading is throbbing thinking about her, even as I write this! - as well as the poem which I composed for her hubby first showed me a pic of her, which was the motivation for my making up my mind that I HAD to be the 'chosen one' (sigh!)!

She is due the last week of March and they are apprehensive but believe that they will get through this!

OMG, what I have found out about their friend-family some of you won't believe!

My intent is to get the update composed before this weekend is over, run it by hubby and, hopefully, have the pic of her included from my having convinced him/them of how much you guys would be forever grateful for the opportunity to gaze upon her heavenly countenance as I have!

Stay tuned!


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I would love to be the one to shove this black cock in her Mark Styles [email protected]


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Stallion - thanks for the update! Can't wait! Will it be a pic of the wife solo, or in the act of accepting the seed that took in her fertile, married pussy??


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Radio silence? Was this whole thread a fake story?
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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Update #3 White Wife Black Impregnation Support Group
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