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Update: White Wife Black Impregnation Support Group

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Sorry if this should have been a reply to the original post (dated oct. 10th) - Just figured there was a greater chance that this update would be missed there.

Believe it was this past Monday or Tues (Oct 11th or 12th) when hubby last contacted me and we conversed at length. Based on our conversation, I felt that I owed anyone who read the original post an update:

My original post was written based on the assumption that they were going to play it straight, not intending to employ any 'strategy' which might shield them from the harshest criticism. In this past conversation, I inquired if the two of them had thought about what answers they might give to curious questions certain to be coming?

Just to fill in a little of the back story, hubby had a vasectomy after their third ***** (she is allergic to birth control I am told). As this wouldn't have been relevant to the fact that the ***** will be born multi-racial, it wasn't mentioned in the original post.

In hubby's reply to my question, he mentioned that his wife and he have considered the strategy of indicating artificial insemination. I advised him that I believed that was the best strategy to go with - just make sure that they had thought it through and covered all of the bases in order to give plausible answers to any questions?

I am relieved - especially, for the kids' sake - that they are seriously considering employing a 'ruse' to shield the family from any potential negative criticism. He indicates that she fills guilty sometimes and he has to assure her that she has nothing whatsoever to feel guilty about, with which I strongly concur! He also says that she has never ONCE blamed him, indicating that HE has felt guilty a few times for introducing her to this!

As they have talked to each other about what each of them was feeling during this experience, he says when the brother asked her to relax when he was about to cum inside of her, you could see in the film how her body went limp! He says that she indicates that she knew what was about to happen (i.e., that he was about to detonate!).

Based on what he is telling me, they have spent (what seems like) HUNDREDS of hours discussing this and have developed a stronger bond than they ever could have IMAGINED without this experience!

I am only guessing, since I've never asked; however, I BELIEVE that they may practice the Catholic faith, based on what I understood to be their strong aversion to abortion as an option?

Bottom line: I have faith that the bond between them is strong enough to weather whatever storms might come their way?

Thanks all who sympathized with their situation. I'll post any additional relevant updates which may come about?


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Thanks for the update - keep us in the loop.


Posts: 243
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Good for them. Please keep us posted.
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Update: White Wife Black Impregnation Support Group
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