Posts: 139
Hey guys!
Long time since I posted on the site. Seeking help with a situation if anyone is able to point me to some useful resources:
In a nutshell, I am attempting to flush out resources, free or paid, which may be useful towards providing moral and any OTHER kind of support a young, white couple may avail themselves to, to weather the storms which are virtually CERTAIN to buffet anyone in their position who has made a conscious decision to carry to term a black-impregnated baby, where they ALREADY have three toddlers?
Long-story-short, I responded to hubby's ad (without her knowledge) looking for this. Out of the I'm sure HUNDREDS of responses he received, he selected ME as the 'chosen one' Finally getting up the nerve to approach his wife about this desire of his, I pulled out all of the stops towards winning her over, including writing a poem specifically for her, complementing her heavenly countenance, etc.
Ultimately, it was too overwhelming for her to take in, resulting in her having a 'melt-down', as he described it. Consequently, he dropped the subject.
While on a mini-vacation a couple of months later, she was approached by a 'brother' who was obviously flirting with her! She ignored his advances until finally ending up in a slow dance with him.
They ended up in the couple's room, hanging out. Hubby left them alone a couple of times, pretending to go to the bathroom. Returning, he was asked by the brother to talk to her, and hubby asked him to wait in the lobby for the outcome of his talk with his wife?
Admitting that they had kissed (which was obvious to him judging by her beet-red face), she acknowledged that he wanted to 'take' her, but she had refused. Hubby indicated to her that it was totally up to her whether or not she wanted to go through with it? When asked, he confirmed to her that this was POSITIVELY what he wanted!
With her having agreed to go through with, hubby called the gentleman to come back to the room.
Having discussed this experience many times afterward, along with viewing the film hubby recorded, Hubby has indicated that she felt as if she was going to pass out a couple of times, the ecstatic bliss was so overwhelming! Hubby indicates that he almost emotionally exploded as the brother was about to cum inside of his wife, experiencing a combination of excitement along with a sensation of almost throwing up!
The kicker is that I am the one who 'fertilized the soil'; however, it was someone ELSE who 'planted the seed' (sigh), as he acknowledged (with her concurrence) that this would NEVER have happened without my prior 'input'!
Hubby has indicated that they together have decided to carry the pregnancy to term and rear the ***** as part of the family (having already passed the deadline to abort), accepting that they are going to lose some so-called friends and suffer gossip and behind-the-back talking!
Having bonded with hubby over the past five-or-six months, I really feel for them and want to do whatever I can to steer them to whatever helpful resources which I may come across? I just don't know if they realize how much ostracism and negative aspersions are going to be cast their way - other kids taunting their kids, co-workers talking behind their backs, neighbors gossiping and ostracism from their church, etc.
I was hoping that their is some equivalent to ********** Anonymous geared towards white-wives-bringing multiracial-babies-to-term which they may join for moral support?
Thanks in advance for any help?
Posts: 6938
Unfortunately it's almost inevitable that there will be some @buse shown towards them. Some people are sufficiently narrow minded and won't accept what others find quite ok. There are others on this site that have been through this (you're already getting positive comments from Mywifeforyou, also speak to Linda38DD) Unfortunately real life often means that despite all the groundwork you've put in to this, some other guy gets to sow the seed. On the positive side it's more than possible it will make the wife mush more ready to fuck you the second time round. keep in touch with them and have a positive attitude, you never know what the future will bring!