Posts: 159
ok guys, we all enjoy seeing black men fuck white women. Lets realize though that for the most part, black men hate our guts...because we're white and somehow we're responsible for slavery and them having no money and "oppressing" their black asses. This site is fantasy but have some goddam respect for yourself. Blacks are for the most part usless wastes of space, as are Puerto Ricans (had to throw that in). I enjoy the cuckold experience as much as the next white boy but it pisses me off to see blacks in everyday life being useless, obnoxious, bootylicious wastes of welfare checks and oxygen. Of course we should give everyone the benefit of the doubt and be courteous, but if some spook is all thugged out talking gettho ryhmes and wants respect....he aint gettin it and doesn't deserve it.
A lot of posts on this site are also from French people. Did anyone see the riots in France when they were protesting the government law allowing business to actually fire a French worker if he/she is not performing well? (in France an employer cannot legally fire anyone). The spooks in Paris were running around the streets like wild naturals and I couldn't help but wonder....what the fuck is the matter with those frogs? Can't they see their city is overrun with thugs? Proof also that blacks are worthless troublemakers overseas as well.
So as we celebrate the 4th of July and our independence in America, realize that white peole founded this country, freed the slaves that were brought to America by the Spanish and sold to them by black tribes in Africa, and are responsible for everything good in our society. The blacks represent lawlessness, rap music, welfare, and a hate for whitey. It's a good thing they have big dicks because otherwise they would be COMPLETELY fucking useless. And lets face it, white people (especially our women) are better looking. Thanks for reading....and for those of you who think I'm racist, I would say YES im prejiduced but thats not a bad thing when other races of people blindly hate whites. So basically, fuck you.
Sir Wolf
Posts: 8
Bravo very well said and so very true !
Posts: 386
You must be the dumbest piece of cuckolds brownie I've ever read a post from. Did you actually watch the riots in France on TV? Most of the little bastards that were rioting looked caucasian to me. BTW, French employers CAN fire employees. The riots were due to legislation allowing French employers to fire any employee under the age of 24 WITHOUT reamister within the first two years of employment. Sounds pretty unfair to me. It probably sound fine to you, but then again, you're a fascist prick. Before you go accusing me of being a minority, I'm white, Irish/German.
Don't bother yourself... just look at his nickname.
Posts: 159
HEY ANOM...employers SHOULD be able to fire employees for any reamister if they're private owned companies...thats called free enterprise you immature socialist PRICK! And there were jigaboos running wild during the riots, along with white people as well but hey, its FRANCE! theres a lot more white people in France than blacks, but the blacks were still out in power to cause mischief...typical. Oh and Kodder, my name is a farce...dumbass
Posts: 159
Thank you Wolf for your support, you put good use to your brains unlike Anon and Kodder who probably wack off and are high as a kite from weed 24/7.
Posts: 19
I completely agree with your statement, and anyone that thinks that Blacks are superior should go voer to Africa to live for a year. Let's see how long they think they're so wonderful then; when that country has the highest rate of disease and genocide in the known world. Fucking morons, have some respect for yourselves!!!
Posts: 386
Africa isn't a country, it's a continent comprising many countries. Come on back when you get a fucking clue. Ignorant fuck...
Posts: 1096
I'm amazed that I was flamed so much for my comments about the troubles we were having in finding a black bull. I just made the TRUE statement that the blacks we were dealt with were dumb as doorknobs and flakey as hell. And my wife, IN THE CONTEXT OF CUCKOLD FANTASY PLAY, called the blacks she was going to have sex with 'nigger pets'.
Oh, I was flamed to no end by overly sensitive PC whimps.
And here's this thread completely untouched by the PC whimps.
Come on guys, have at it. Where are you?
Look, here's my take. This is a FANTASY forum. Put all the racial fighting aside for once. It's a FANTASY forum. Get it? NO? Read that again:
It's a FANTASY forum.
This is not the place to get PC correct, anti racist, or white supremist.
It's a FANTASY forum.
Posts: 19
You know what Anon? you're the ignorant fuck you dipcuckolds brownie. You're lucky I don't stomp your goofy ass into the ground you fucking excuse for a human. I know that Africa is a continent, I just made a typo. I bet that I'm about 10 times smarter than your candy ass, you fruit. Do us all a favor and move to that "continent" and then tell us how much you still love the niggers you fucking idiot. You wimp.
Posts: 386
HAHAHA, I love it when some backwater hick tries to act tough in the forums. You're gonna "stomp my goofy ass"? Tell everyone how you're gonna do that, when you don't even know where I am, dumb ponce. Go ahead and keep making a fool out of yourself, I'm getting plenty of laughs. Nothing better than a dumb hick...
Posts: 19
You're not even worth my breath to even bother with. You go ahead and think that I'm a backwater hick, fine. Yeah, I'm sure that a backwater hick could write this articulately. You're a fucking moron, that's all there is to it. Of course you're getting great laughs from this, it's the only enjoyment besides playing with your small dick that you get all day. Why don't you THRILL us and write more of your ever-so-fascinating commentary!? I'm sure you have something so witty and important to say. Face it, you've probably been thinking about writing back all day because it's the only thing you have to look forward to. Go ahead, write back!!!
Posts: 159
JSON YOU'RE MY BOY! Anom is out there calling us hicks and dumbasses when he's just some idiot who wouldn't know truth if it fell in his lap. Anyways he is just the problem with a lot of white guys today, completely submissive to the black propaganda that says they are superior and white women don't want white cock anymore. Well everyone has their preference, but the fact is that blacks for the most part are butt ugly ignorant selfish jigaboos that are all about being a badass in life and want as little responsibility as possible. Thats why once you get past the interracial fucking, there's not much left to consider.
Posts: 159
JSON YOU'RE MY BOY! Anom is out there calling us hicks and dumbasses when he's just some idiot who wouldn't know truth if it fell in his lap. Anyways he is just the problem with a lot of white guys today, completely submissive to the black propaganda that says they are superior and white women don't want white cock anymore. Well everyone has their preference, but the fact is that blacks for the most part are butt ugly ignorant selfish jigaboos that are all about being a badass in life and want as little responsibility as possible. Thats why once you get past the interracial fucking, there's not much left to consider.
Posts: 386
Wow jmister944, you surprised me. I was sure you'd come back and continue to throw meaningless, albeit entertaining, threats of physical violence. Congratulations for showing a modicum of intelligence. Notice I only credit you with a small amount of smarts. If you weren't an ignorant bigot I might actually confuse you for someone who has a head on his shoulders. Are you and WWB getting together to screw chickens and watch NASCAR? After all, he says you're his "boy".
Posts: 19
Wow Anom, "modicum". Are you keeping a dictionary right next to your computer, or do you have word of the day toilet paper or something? That's a big word for a small little ignorant permister like yourself. You're right on one thing, I do have a good head on my shoulders. If you were smart enough to read and comprehend correctly, you would notice on my last post that I did not use any threats of "physical violence". Talk about calling someone a bigot!?!?!?!?!? you have never even met me, and yet you're calling me a "backwater hick", and "I'm going to screw chickens and watch NASCAR". You're really smart, yeah. I am not a bigot in any sense of the word. I would welcome any permister regardless of race, creed or color into my home if they were a smart, respectful permister. The fact is, most blacks are not like that, no matter how much we wish that they were. Some are educated, yes, but for the most part they degrade their own race and want to blame it on the White Man. Before you go on being hypocritical, you might want to read posts correctly. That's all.
Posts: 159
once again, jmister is correct. It's unfortunate that more blacks aren't regular people....as in NON ghetto fabulous with a bad fucking attitude. If they were, they could have pretty much any white girl they wanted because white women are definitely attracted to black men, its just the stereotypes (which are mostly true) that keep them at arms length, and also prevents alot of white guys from allowing them to fuck their wives/girlfriends. Everyone knows most blacks are more bigoted than whites but its easier to call whitey racist than it is to call a thug racist. Why? Political correctness!!! So let me just say FUCK ALL YOU RACIST BIGOTED WORTHLESS PORCH MONKEYS out there.....and if I offend any decent brothas reading this, my apologies.
Posts: 2
my girl is really going to get with a black man soon, real life not fantasy, even with all your points about that....
hmmnnn... all the points but he's gonna own her pussy in bed. much more than I could, sux for me but hey it happens....
Posts: 159
good luck with it b4, seriously that would be great if you both enjoy yourselves. white girls should experience a black man in bed to see if they like it. I'm just saying its too bad blacks dont offer anything outside of the bedroom. but if all youre looking for is a hung brotha to satisfy your girl then thats cool.
Posts: 315
If you're going to be ignorant and racist, at least get current with all the others that perpetuate hate and move on to Muslims and illegal aliens. You sound like you're stuck in the 60's.
A few years back I was driving through Mississippi and stopped to get gas and eat. While I was eating, this old white woman (probably in her eighties) was sitting across the aisle from me and shaking her head as she looked out the front window of the restaurant she said to me, "You wouldn't have seen that 50 years ago."
I looked out the window and had no clue as to what she was talking about. She was waiting for me to agree with her when I realized she was talking about these two young black boys (they looked like brothers, maybe 5-7 years old). They were playing, just having fun and to her, it was like pouring salt in a wound. How dare they have fun, right out in the open, in her town, on her street. It made me wonder if she had any youngren, what she taught them about hate and if they were passing it on the their youngren.
Posts: 225
Let me try to get this all strait in my head... Give me a second please, I'm just a dumb NIGGER! Black people are dumb, and white people are smart. Is that it? Well, how smart do you have to be to spend your time on earth trying to make smart people think that the idiots will harm or ******* them at any given moment. Then get your smart wife to fuck the idiots for your perverted thrills. Then get more thrilled, the more that she enjoys the idiocy. Please think about what you say. "We are not all relaxy.":shame:
Posts: 1096
It's the thrill of seeing your wife being so slutty as to fuck an natural.
Posts: 1096
Sure, that's because the population in the U.S. is 70% white and 12% black.
Posts: 140
i completley agree with weakwhite and jamesriske. I wish other people would wake up and see the truth,THE REAL TRUTH, not what the media wants us to see. does anyone remember the experiment years ago that coke did at the movies? where they would put cans,bottles,food etc in the movie and our minds subconciously reacted? sales of pop and snacks rose like 60 percent. the media is doing the same thing to destroy the white race. every movie,tv show,commercial,ads etc all have a white woman with a black male all of them. even look how they keep showing the black males as being a good decent strong faithful caring etc etc bunch of crap we all know the truth but to speak it and suddenly we are racists and for dkei44555 do some real math if you have 100 white ladys and 20 of them are on welfare thats only 1/5 but if you have 10 blacks and 9 are on on welfare thats 9/10 . so see blacks make up the higher percentage.
Posts: 49
#25 · Edited by: motomike96
Now that I have read the entire post I will make my contribution. Now I being a white male my self fell that JSON and WWB are some what right. But to say that it is only blacks that are useless, ignorant people is in itself ignorant. Because I myself realize that in every race or nationality their are useless, ignorant people. Yes even in thw white race also. Now being I grew up in miami I've seen some of the problems more than any of you have. Meaning poverty hate crimes etc.... Now if their were anybody that should be racist it's me I grew up with a man that was active in the KKK. But I myself have what you guys say "a good head on my shoulders", and see past all of the racist bull cuckolds brownie.
Posts: 49
One other thing remember that the word nigger itself just means an ignorant permister.
Posts: 225
#27 · Edited by: bigblackmaster9
I agree with Riven, and Motomike96 if you have more than one screen name and your on this site just to try to change horny white people who love big black dick, into hate filled grudge fuckers? YOUR SICK!!! Most of the black people and white people that I know, know that the hate that some people preach to their kids, wives, and girlfriends. Only creates the temptation to experiment sexually with the ones they hate most. Most of the biggest NIGGER loving sluts in the world had parents with hatred for NIGGERS. So please don't stop the hate because I just got a call from a KKK members wife... She wants all nine black inches, and I get to cum on the burning cross tattoo on her ass. She says that her husband always loves to kiss it before they fuck. lol
Posts: 1096
Oh sure, you just got a call from a KKK member's wife that she wants all 9 inches of your black cock. I'm sure they call you all the time and you have them lined up outside your door, right?
And your next brillant thought is that for people to repeat statistical information about blacks to their loved ones only serves to cause them to seek you out for sex.
Realizing, accepting that certain groups of individuals are more prone to violence and slovenly behavior does not make one a hater. It makes one a realist.
Permisterally, I don't hate blacks at all but I'm very much aware of the fact that over 66% of them will end up in primister at least once in their lives and that over 70% are born out of wedlock and paid for by welfare.
Does saying that make me a 'hater'?
And are my wives, girlfriends, and youngren going to call you for sex now?
What a mentality you have.
Posts: 159
lol u rock james
Posts: 225
#30 · Edited by: bigblackmaster9
Yeah James you rock! US ALL TO SLEEP... For someone who thinks he knows it all, you sure don't. 70% of the news that we all take in from t.v. and news papers is under police, and or other private control. If you think that your knowlege is without tampering your just another sad sheep. It's a very easy sell to the insecure white people of the world. Fear sells James! Out of all the black people I know, no one has gone out to buy a gun, changed adress, or bought an alarm system because they were afraid of some white guy breaking in and *******ing them. We don't buy into what they say about the modern day whiteman. That you are more prone to serial *******ing sprees and such. So why do you spend so much of your time looking for things that separate people insted of looking at the beautiful things we all have in common. Like cramming big black cock in your wife's mouth for example. I'm sure that your wife gets real wet thinking of those big black Jail birds, and I'm sure that she would be more than willing to fuck at least 40% of the 66% to get the white man's money back for us finding a way to get around a system that uses our beautiful black faces to inspire rich white people to run out and spend money to feel a little safer. Here's another thought from a man who can't spell on a mature level...Get all your white friends together and pitch in money to have better public schools built, and you won't have to worry about the crime rate because the brothers can go out and get a good job when they grow up. OH SHIT! I forgot who I was typing to! Your the type that wouldn't want black, and white kids in the same school anyway would you? "Just as well" If they where working they wouldn't have time to come to your house and fuck your wife while you beat off in the closet now would they. What a mentality you have James.  By the way, that KKK pussy was just O.K. for me, I've had better black.