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We are new but here's an email from my wife

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No-one is objecting to you using the 'N' word in a fantasy situation. We are objecting to you using it while claiming that all black people are as 'dumb as doorknobs' and comparing them to naturals.


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"slavelow" go away. Stop stirring the pot.
Your rants just make you sound irrational and stupid.


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what a joke you guys are. Now, you're changing it.


Why don't you go back and READ what he wrote. HUH? He did NOT claim that all black people were dumb as doorknobs. He said that the ones that he's had to deal with responding to their ads were dumb as doorknobs.

And then he wrote that his wife got turned on by the blacks more because it's like fucking an natural.

HEY THAT'S REALITY. Deal with it.

People should not have to walk on eggshells when they post or speak their minds because it might hurt some blacks feelings. Enough of this PC cuckolds brownie. They should get insulted and bashed around just like everybody else. Now that's equality.

I could even point out that blacks are physically more similiar to apes, would you like me to prove that? Smaller ears, higher up on head, nose bone fused together, longer arms, skull angled 10 degrees more similiar to ape, etc. etc. Their brains are 15% smaller, they even lack the gene: FYA that all other races have. Any doctor out of their first year in med school can tell the difference between a white skull and a black skull. Are they all racists?

And you want to pretend there are no differences?


If you want a PC cause to fight on the internet. Why don't you shut down this guy:

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Actually James, My wife loves Spring Thomas. She definitley gets what she wants. I think my wife and I will discuss this new variation of cuckolding tonight. I'll bet she can come up with a really hot idea for the weekend!!!


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Just enough time to log out then log back in as your alter ego James. I'd have thought you would have given it a bit longer to post in order to discredit my theory that you're one and the same permister but I guess you really aren't up to that.

This is exactly what happened the time before with all that black supremacy crap you were spouting.

And James you haven't thought up a reamister for why your alter ego is called 'Hotwife4fun' and calls me 'Hun' while claiming to have a wife?

Speak to you soon


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I have never claimed that we are all the same just that we are equal.

And again you start branding me 'pc' which, as everyone knows, is just a term that racists use to hide behind. Trying to deflect criticism from them, trying to suggest that people offended by racism are the problem. Fuck off to storm front.


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As has been said many times over in this meandering post, this is a fantasy site. I have enjoyed the pics and stories posted over the time I have been here.

As a 'NIGGER' myself I do not take objection to the term. In my use of white wives and wimps I have used the term myself.

The only obejectionable things james has said are generalizing terms such as ALL.

Whereas I'm sure the black men he has come in contact with may not have been the most intelligent, he should remember that all they did was answer an email, and that doesn't take a genius level.

To James:

If you have been disappointed in the past, try giving more specific criteria in your requests for a bull. That should weed out the doorknobs and flakes.

To slavelow:

Shut the hell up bitch! Your paranoid missives are annoying and waste valuable bandwidth on this site. Bandwidth that could be put to much better use with pics and stories for all of us to enjoy.

That's all I'm going to say folks.

Now lets get back to fantasy and hotwives and their bulls


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Not paranoid. Anyone who had read those original posts way back when would recognise the exact same thing happening here.

If you are so fed up with people using up the bandwidth with discussions like this then help get James kicked out and we could all go back to the cuckold fantasy/reality. I'm not the flamer here!


Posts: 1096
#39 · Edited by: jamesriske
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A modular home is not a manufactured home or mobile home.


Posts: 173
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Still talking to yourself James?


Posts: 1096
#41 · Edited by: jamesriske
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You post doesn't make much sense. Of course there are more similiarities than differences, we are human beings of course. I've traveled the world over and it's damn silly to pretend that some people, races and cultures do things differently. It's a FACT. If you read his posts, he only uses the nigger word as part of their fantasy play and he said that the blacks responding to his ad are dumb as doorknobs. Well I agree. I've been in the military and dealt with all kinds of people and I find that to be true too. So go flame me too. I don't care.

And to the guy thinking that I'm James, you're all wet. I'm in Germany. Here's my IP:



Posts: 575
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CMU: What makes nigger ok, but ladyfucker is not? What's your standard in determining which terms are ok and which are not?


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Well said JockBull!
Now everyone, can we all go back to enjoying our sick and twisted little lives???
Maybe someday we will call Jamesriskeand his wife revolutionaries for taking this cuckoldry thing one step further. Who knows?
All I know is my wife got pretty turned on when I explained about this whole "nigger-pet" controversy!!! She wants two.


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Cleanmeup you need to go sit down somewhere and put a wet cloth on your forehead. Some of the things you are typing don't make any sense and you are taking things out of context. If you want to be involved in a discussion try and fully understand what people are taking about.
You need to relax and go do something that makes YOU happy.
As for going to harlem... maybe YOU should, you need to get laid.


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We've got lots of sarcasm here, CMU. We just aren't pontificators.


Posts: 161
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this is a message board where we regularly talk about men slurping large amounts of other guys' cum out of their wife's vagina...

I think due to the nature of the message board, noone here really has any right to ever get offended by ANYTHING.

Seriously, don't you realize how blatantly offensive any of these discussions are to people who do not share our common fetish? This should be a place where I can come and talk about all the things that freak everyone else out.


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Well said Kali.

This is a total no holds barred fetish forum and a couple people are upset that their feelings are hurt because someone used the "N" word?


Cleanmeup, there's a difference between an obvious typo and you not making sense. Enough said. Your babbling only serves to reinpower the feelings of the real racists who may be lurking on here who think that 'niggers' have an IQ 20 points lower than all other races.

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Let's hope that they don't latch onto this discussion and capitalize on your nonsensical babbling.

There's no doubt that racial slurs are part of the GAME of cuckolding. if you can't handle that, either shut up or find another thread.

Please James, go ahead with your stories and postings and DO NOT CENSOR YOURSELF or the messages from your wife.

You're one of the few on here who are REAL and we'd like to hear it.




Posts: 15
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If you'd like a 'shopping' tip...look for them in Harlem, New York. Yell loudly into the streets that you are looking for two pet niggers for your wife. They'll take GOOD care of you, I'm sure!

Let's see you go stand in front of your White bosses and tell them you want them to clean your cum out of their wives' pussies and see how they will 'take GOOD care of you' too.

The fact is that this is a fantasy forum that we all share and probably NONE of what we talk about here would be accepted by anyone outside of us; white or black.

So who are you to threaten us with physical violence for expressing our fantasies? And to think just a few messages ago, you were the one calling for James to be kicked out of here. Sound to me like YOU are the outsider.

After 15 years in the Marines and dealing with all races in combat, I'm sure I won't have any problem saying anything I want in Harlem. The MYTH that blacks are tough or good in combat is just that: A MYTH.

Name one sub Saharan African nation controlled and dominated by blacks that has any significant military or military victories.

Put the name of it here: ______________________


That explains it all.


Posts: 173
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And to the guy thinking that I'm James, you're all wet. I'm in Germany. Here's my IP:


Username TomDavis
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Latest replies posted Training your cuck to be a black cock-loving slut.
We are new but here's an email from my wife

Your registration tells a different story.


Posts: 173
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How many times do we have to explain that in the context of fantasy sex play use of the 'n' word is not objecionable but when you come on here and start comparing black people to naturals and proclaiming that they are all as dumb as doorknobs while using the 'n' word, that is offensive. It's really very simple.


Posts: 1096
#52 · Edited by: jamesriske
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I know, it's all so surreal.


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"""""""The Zulu 'nation', springs to mind...but yes, I would have to cheat, and look up other examples...but I know I would find them!!!"""""

Yeah, those spears sure are scary ! RTFLMWAO !

James- Stationed in Germany but in Iraq the last few months off and on since the beginning. LOVE it. Can't say what I fly or where at exactly. Have a home in Florida.

Good luck to you. Sounds like a numbers game.



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I'm a black man of 35yrs. and I am from North Carolina. There are plenty of rednecks here, and I don't mean farmers. I mean cross burners. I have found that some of my best wood comes from letters on this site about a white woman, taking on big black nigger dick!!! I wish a white woman would let me fuck her in front of her husband saying things like, "Fuck me with that big nigger cock!" "That nigger dick feels sooo good!" "Cum in me nigger!" I would probably break my fuckin' big black dick off in that bitch, and love every minute of it. I'm sure she would too! I don't use words like honky, whitey, or cracker. I try to treat people like I want to be treated. But on the fantasy, frustrated black man tip. I would break that redneck pussy in GOOD! Every time she came on me I think that I would look over at her husband like, "Yeah, you know who got this pussy nuttin' now don't you?" You may hate my skin, but your wife loves my big, hard black dick. HA!- HA! HELL YEAH! You cannot stop people from thinking what ever they want, but when you catch a sweet kink ride it for all it's worth.


Posts: 1096
#55 · Edited by: jamesriske
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One egg a day is enough for me.


Posts: 225
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I understand James. I'm a bull, and a cuckold hubby. I'm new to the cuckold lifestyle. Some people let the fear of the unknown freak them out. Instead of it being a good thing that a total stranger is going to let you treat his wife like your own permisteral fuck doll. They put too much pressure on the situation which screws up your whole night. My advice is to get your wife to find a black man that she likes, and flirt with him for a couple of weeks. If you ever meet him, make sure that he does not like you so much that he starts to feel guilty about fucking her...I've been there, and let me tell you that it is the worst waist of time. Let them go at it alone but on video. The video will be "off the chain." Pinned up desire is a powerful tool, so use it to your advantage. Then you have something to excite all the other black bulls that come after. It will double your pleasure, you know how we men love watching. Good hunting James! ;)


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I've never heard that advice before. Are you saying for the cuckold to not spend much time with the bull because the bull might start feeling guilty? That's great advice.

Instead of videotaping, how about if the cuckold hides in the closet and watches? Only the wife would know he's there. That way, the bull can fuck away and not feel restrained or guilty.



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I really got the idea from hundreds of one on one talks with friends, family and customers in the four adult video stores I've worked in over the years. It seems to be, that there are fewer men that feel comfortable fucking with other men watching them than the men that want to watch.
The lookers out number the performers. So if you find a bull that can block you out, and totally focus on the wife or truely enjoy breaking your wife in in front of you. "Your golden." That goes without saying I guess. But the little games that make it easier to condition this bull for a good wife banging can be lot's of fun. Here is one that I have heard about. You mension to him in private that you are cheating, and looking for someone to keep her company while you go get your rocks off. He will probably think that your a dirty dog, and he will have no problem fucking your wife later when she makes her advances. You invite him to your house, or motel "what ever" and you let him know that your going to do that something, and duck out. Have your wife drive him to the store for takes or something. This will allow you time to get back into your hideing spot. Don't be a dick and park the car where they will see it when they get back. Get in and get into your hideing spot. Have fun. If anybody has before, or trys this after reading this let me know. Oh, Tom I almost forgot! Look up Hannabal, he was a blackman with a kick-ass army back when there where no bullets.


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Oh, Tom I almost forgot! Look up Hannabal, he was a blackman with a kick-ass army back when there where no bullets.

Oh gee, bigblackmaster, for a moment there I thought you were serious.

I guess you just forgot about the lawsuit against the L.A. County Schoolboard to power them to stop depicting Hannibal as a black man, right?

I have the complete files but I think this should do with a little of your own research on the subject. Here's a pic of the Hannibal that was presented in text books to black kids and underneath are pictures of the REAL Hannibal taken from coins and busts where he was the actual model.

Does he really look like a black man? Of course not. And the L.A. jury agreed.

I don't mean to turn this into a racial argument here but I just couldn't let anyone smear the name of Hannibal by incorrectly portraying him as a black man.

Do your own research. Compare the coins OF HIS DAY and the busts and paintings made of him DURING HIS DAY while HE posted for them and tell me in all seriousness that he was a black man.

He wasn't.

How pathetic that a race has to take on and assume the achivements of another race in order to prove something. How sad.


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I have the entire court case on file.

Email me if you need the sworn statements from the historians.

Have a nice day.

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We are new but here's an email from my wife
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