Posts: 16
A bunch of beta males that want to listen to size queens talk about the myth the black people have big dicks? I don't get it. You run a website that has threads talking about eliminating certain races, basically genocide, but I can't say **** without it being censored? Everything in this backwards website is just that... absolutely and completely backwards. How did I even end up here?
Posts: 1132
It is a bizarre place, isn't it?
cuckold pantyslave
Posts: 1051
I'm about ready to leave...
Posts: 6951
I love the site, I hate the ******** censorship. Why is it there? Treat us like adults for fucks' sake!
Posts: 6951
I can't even say E-N-F-O-R-C-E-D ! 'nuff said!
Posts: 417
Posts: 1132
#7 · Edited by: ptah
It bothers me that the word s-h-i-t gets changed to " **** ", that many of my posts (which people seemed to enjoy and which contained no themes other than cuckolding) are randomly deleted, and yet we have a thread on this forum which openly discusses **********.
Edit: since that last word was censored, it refers to the practice of having sex with persons under the legal age of consent.
Posts: 187601
that was the whole point I was trying to make yesterday....... but so many "suckups' gave it bad rating and would not listen.... it started a while back when someone wanted to post a "scat" pic or vid or something like that... it was removed because so many didn't like it...... CENSORSHIP.... then it moved to words... stupid words so I believe that someone has no idea what they are doing... CENSORSHIP again.... then I had some pics removed........ more CENSORSHIP.... this is a porn site!.... where does this end.. someone comes along and says they are a cuckold and doesn't like all the references used on this site..... far fetched.. but when you open that door where does it stop?
Posts: 7
Honestly ?
It's called 'adult entertainment'.
If you're offended, you have the right to log off.
Posts: 91
ptah I have never seen such a thread on here (the one you are referring to) as far as I know such topics are banned on here.
Posts: 319
I can understand why. Law enforcement scans the Internet 24/7 searching for key words, among other things. It just isn't worth it for the website owner to draw undue attention to themselves. I've never seen posts here about ******** stuff, it would really dumb to not delete that...very few want to read that but, if it was left on, every one of those "very few" on the Internet would be coming here. Once a red flag goes up, who knows who and what will get scrutinized and for how long.
I don't see what the big deal is about words...if it gets censored, just go back and edit this, sh*t. What's the big deal. Why take the chance of trying to decide which words are getting searched.
Adult website owners aren't interested in becoming advocates for free speech, unless they've already gotten themselves on some authority's sh*t list that could make problems that multiply...forever too. It's really for every members protection and it's usually easy enough to still express yourself with some common sense.
Posts: 1132
Here is the p-a-e-d-o thread: suggested it should be taken down, but that fell on deaf ears. Meanwhile, you can't say "s-l-e-e-p-i-n-g".
Posts: 187601
.. DaniSubTV...........................congratulations... you just proved my point about having plenty of suckups around!..... In case you are not familiar with the freedom of speech part.... once you start limiting what people say and do... where does it stop?...... Like I said before.... this board got along just fine for many years with whatever words someone wanted to type.... I NEVER saw any **** of that............. as for pics I am now having pics deleted... the same pics I posted a year ago and were fine then.... but not now!. 2 kids kissing is considered ***** porn?.... I can under stand not wanting the ***** porn and some of the other... it doesn't fit in with this board anyway.... it is about cuckolding.... but when you start censorship it can go where ever and apply to whatever............. the words they censor here make no sense at all........ and from what I have seen the people making that call do not even speak English that well...... so I am sure since they don't know the language how in the hell can they decide what words are bad and what aren't!...... But my point is this board got along ju8st fine for several years without the censorship.... why is it needed all of a sudden.... and who is making the call?
Posts: 187601
what is next.... someone looks at a pic and it is their call... they are to young looking better delete. as for stories ... you should be able to read the story without having to try and figure out what was said... it is a story not a puzzle!. and with this over careful society anymore what if someone decides this board is promoting promiscuity... or someone stumbles in and is offended by cuckolding or offended by IR sex.. censorship covers a lot! and we don't need it other that a little self censorship on our own.... like every thing else any more it is going overboard and if we all stuck together........ it is OUR board really... yes it has a MOD and has to have one to run....... but we supply the input and the comments and etc. by our participation!
Posts: 111
It's a pity this had to come from the tweak character with the overload of interracial hatred but in the context of censorship I agree with the sentiments expressed from him and other forum contributors - particularly worthy of noting is ptah's comments considering the excellent and prolific contributions ptah has made to this forum!
I read the thread you suggested ptah, it makes a total mockery of the unreasoned censorship that is happening here. This censorship is entirely independent of the word / language context that the word is being used in a sentence and so is running foul of brute ***** word censorship. So ptah complains about the u nder a ge and ch il dren thread and in attempting to use the those words to draw attention to it in his post on the thread it is 'asterixed' out whilst ppl on there are talking openly about 13 and 14 year olds!
I suspect there are a number of people who are more familiar with English Language and its word contextual use whom Mr Bigcuckold could call on to drive admin censorship more appropriately? Here's hoping......
On a anti-censorship point I would draw peoples attention to a quote from Voltaire 'I disagree with everything you say except your right to say it' - something that appears to be disappearing in our modern world!
Posts: 187601
hephaestus.......hey very well put.... I am not for the chi*ld stuff myself although I posted some JUST KISSING and thought that was just.... cute I guess.... but I suppose there are those that could consider it something else. but anyway you put the censorship very well!. as for the mod checking with or doing something about..... there have been a lot of complaints.... and NOTHING... so I don't see him really doing anything.. to bad this used to be a great board... and still is a pretty good one!... I just see things starting to slide and kind of wonder where we are headed here
Posts: 319
Who's making the call? The government is, it's all over the news. Like you said, this is a cuckolding site, if you want to make a political statement, this isn't the right place. If you want to have fun here now, you have to put with some slight inconveniences.
Posts: 319
Let me make sure you understand what I'm saying, I don't think you're being censored because of complaints from other members. It's to avoid government scrutiny. Two years ago no one realized the level at which the public is being recorded and then we found out about things like what the NSA is doing. Understand?
Posts: 1289
I understand your point, DaniSubTV, I just don't think it is very convincing. You write of "the government" "driving this." Cuckoldplace operates out of the Czech Republic, the domain ownership is Latvian, the site is owned by a holding company operated out of a P.O. Box in Louisiana. So, what government, which government, whose government?
You reference the U.S. National Security Agency, so I assume you mean the U.S. Government, but that is absurd to me. In the first place, the NSA is concerned with national defense and terrorism. The only interest they would have in this little hobby community would be if the site was being used as a "drop box" for espionage or terrorism. In the second place, the lack of coordination between the secretive NSA and law enforcement agencies is legendary. In the third place, there is nothing that runs afoul of U.S. law in what CP does. Pornography - including racist, sexist, violent pornography dealing with illegal activities - is not illegal in the U.S. It is illegal to involve minors in porn, or to send certain materials through the U.S. Mail, among other sensible exceptions. But by and large adults writing about things on the Internet is neither prosecutable or even deemed troublesome by the law. Certainly using words like s-l-e-e-p or a-l-c-o-h-o-l doesn't alarm anyone.
Personally, I have chosen to refrain from speculation about the owners motives in instituting this broad censorship of the site, confining my comments to the observable negative impact on the site. Perhaps the owners have a good reason for this unfortunate and destructive course of action. I assume they have a reason that seems good to them. But one thing I think is very clear is that they are not being compelled to this course by U.S. law or "government."
That just doesn't fly. Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.
Posts: 187601
MrsBlackBlowupDoll............ Very Good!
3 cheers for you!. I wish more and more importantly the people who count. would listen! (p.s.) I kind of knew it wasn't run from the U.S.... are you sure about your location?... not that it matters you made the point very well!
Posts: 111
Danisubtv this isn't a 'political' point beyond respect and acknowledgment of freedom and our freedoms we have come to enjoy on the internet.
I think Blackblowupdoll makes their points well though assuming the NSA and others wouldn't seek wider and wider agendas considering their en-mass surveillance is difficult to comprehend considering the data they are collecting 'at our expense'. However I think we must carry on in such a fashion that whilst we take steps to maintain our safety we remain brave in the face of the paranoia of censorship. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. Edmund Burke
There is such an air of tyranny we now see with the likes of NSA and GCHQ and others now admitting to some degree of their unlawful, undemocratic, antiprivacy stance because of the exposure by Edward Snowden.
If people buckle under with extreme self censorship and the brute fo rced word censorship then we will already have lost those freedoms we have come to love and enjoy.
subhub never saw the pic, but can imagine similar I have seen on facebook with a adoration of IR at the heart of it.
Posts: 1132
I wonder whether the word-censorship is a short cut made in place of appointing more moderators? That would explain why really nasty stuff (like the c-h-i-l-d sex thread) remains up and open.
Whatever the reasons, it isn't working.
Posts: 187601
who knows... I think MrsBlackBlowupdoll....... summed it up pretty well... I think someone is worried about... who knows what and thought they needed to start censoring.... but since they know nothing about it.... have things really fucked up.... I noticed that (james risks] who complained about my pic of 2 IR kids kissing miss spelled the word c*h*I*l*d*r*e*n...................... like it is spelled in foreign countries and when the mod said he would remove the word he spelled it the same way.... told me they are not from the usa! which tells me they have no idea of what they are doing.... what really pissed me off was every month when I would post kissing pics I used that pic or one of a couple others that are similar to start the thread.... did that for a couple of years..... and now it is obscene?.................... plus the word thing you try to read a story here now and sometimes it is like a guessing game as to what was said............ fucking ridiculous!
Posts: 111
#24 · Edited by: hephaestus
Ptah that's what I thinks going on here - I'm wondering if there's any moderators at all!
Sorry subhub just seen your post after I was posting this - I should have added a comment previously when I was talking about prolific postings to ptah's excellent postings.
You both contribute a lot of time energy and creativity to the board - not really the kind of contributors you'd think any forum could afford to lose....
Posts: 187601
I have been checking periodically to see if I can catch the james risks on here... would really love to have a little chit chat.... and never see him on here or signed in.... and since he has mentioned more than once about something being removed... I wonder if maybe he isn't some kind of censor guy?