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I find myself having been divorced for a few years now and starting to date a little more.  It took me quite a while to get over my divorce. 

(please don't respond by saying you wish your wife would leave you, I've seen that on this site a few times, I was devastated by my divorce)

I joined a dating site and have been stunned by the response I've received.

I'm a good, nice permister, with a good job. I've had women tell me I'm very good looking. One woman told me i was stunning.   (Wow!)  I'm mid- forties and have always treated women extremely well.

I have women crawling out of the wood work contacting me. 

Many write how they are looking for a good decent man, and they are sick of the assholes who treat them like crap,

Many of these women would not have given me the time of day in my teens, 20's and early 30's

Part of me wants to tell these mid 40's women (many with kids) whatever they want to hear. Part of me wants to fuck them and use them and throw them away and make up for all the times I didn't get laid.

Where we're they when I was younger and single?  Out screwing the assholes that treated them like crap while nice guys like me could not get a date.

Part if me wants to find a nice, sweet woman and just be happy again.

But the cuckold in me has discovered a new fantasy that I cannot get out of my mind !!

I'm finding that many of these single moms put pictures of themselves and their kids online. 

I'm surprised at how many have mixed race kids. I've written to a few. No, their ex doesn't pay young support and have nothing to do with their kids. (really - no kidding, a black man not taking care of his kids ?!   Lol)

Yeah, some black guy knocked up a white woman and dumped them,

I can see myself in a relationship with one of these women who have obviously had relationships with black men in the past.

Part of me can see myself marrying one of these women and raising a black man's kid. (I don't have kids)

I think of myself out in public, and the looks that I would receive with a mixed race young. I think of my racist brother asking me what the hell is wrong with me having anything to do with a woman who fucked a black guy. Or showing up at family reunions with the black young I'm raising.

I can see myself telling her after 6 months of dating that I am 100% addicted to interracial porn, and if she wants to see a black man while we are dating I'm okay with it.

I'm not sure what kind of reaction I'd get, but I'm may as well start living out some of my fantasies of watching a wife or girlfriend with a black man.

Nothing to lose right?

Opinions ????


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i am assuming you are sincere so i'll give you my thoughts. i understand the difficulty getting over a relationship, especially one where there are still good things about it and the other permister. everyone has to provide for their own happiness. yours now , or at least you believe, includes some amount of what brings so many folks to this site. i know many many black men that are not only intelligent and powerful but wonderful providers for their families. but many men (of all colors) cannot or do not break out of the roles under which their were raised. and so there are many women with youngren of color and no resident man.
so yes, for now if you are finding women to date and have fun, what's to loose. make up for all those times you weren't getting laid. my advice, for what it's worth, is you don't have to use a woman to have fun with her. be upfront and honest about what you are looking for and what you are willing to provide in return and go for it.
i think your plan of starting with women with mixed race youngren could be good, but i think you should be careful about your intentions towards those youngren. kids are not toys and they are not tools for you getting your rocks off. you have an opportunity to set an example of a good caring man if you choose. maybe not best for them if they just see you come over fuck mom and leave, you know?

so now to a question. what site are you using to find all these women?


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I'm quite sincere. And in fact very interested in one woman.

Black young, but I didn't even know that til after we had messages each other for a few days.

The website I'm on is The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!


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You are playing with fire and setting yourself up for more grief. By all means have a relationship with a cuckoldess and get it out of your system but don't expect it to be long term and don't marry her
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