Posts: 1096
#1 · Edited by: jamesriske
Posts: 159
if youre not bullcuckolds brownieting, that is awesome dude. if my girlfriend wrote back to a white guy that she only plays with black guys i would probly cream myself accidentally...lol. would u be able to post a very PG pic of ur girl?? just to back up that she is "amazingly attractive" ??
Posts: 1096
#3 · Edited by: jamesriske
Posts: 159
thats a wig?? looks good...she should use it during sex!!! mix things up a bit u know...but im sure you've been there done that. LOL but hey she is a hottie for sure man! You will be one lucky fucker if she gets hooked on superior black men and you get to watch the magic happen. Good luck but make sure she doesnt run away with any of them!
Posts: 1096
#5 · Edited by: jamesriske
that's the way it should be.
Posts: 744
" Blacks are not superior, they are only good for sex and she's not going to run off with them. They are all dumb as doorknobs, that's for sure. It's purely sexual, that's the way it should be. "
" ALL DUMB AS DOORKNOBS " ? Tell that to the next black guy you run into and wtach him ram his huge fist down your throat .
Posts: 1096
#7 · Edited by: jamesriske
I'll be long gone.
True...so true.
Posts: 1
LMAO...this idiot comes here slating black men and yet he's so desperate for them to fuck his wife while he's jerking in a corner some where...Oh the irony!
Posts: 233
Gee, I wish I was dumb enough to get to screw other men's wifes while they looked on with pleasure!!!
Posts: 1096
#11 · Edited by: jamesriske
Wrong on all counts.
Posts: 526
I gaze into my magic mirror and see:
Posts: 159
to be fair to James, i think it should be purely sexual as well! the whole idea of a white mans wife making him a sex slave and servant to the black man and letting the wife breed black is a bit much. In fantasy thats one thing but reality is that white women are far more beautiful and intelligent than "sistahs" and it would be to the worlds detriment if they didnt have white babies anymore. As for white men Vs black men, black men are SEXUALY superior on AVERAGE because of cocksize and experience however their attitude and recklessness in life prevents them from settling down/attracting decent white women (aka non-sluts) on a long term basis. James is on the right path...his woman and him have a good relationship, but he enjoys her with black men sexualy for some erotic fun.
Posts: 173
What a load of racist crap. You should be ashamed of yourselves for spouting this drivel. I think it should be made a rule by the moderator that anyone found seriously espousing white supremacy or any kind of supremacy theory (other than erotic fantasy) should be banned.
Fuck off to stormfront you Nazi cunts.
Posts: 744
weakwhiteboy ...
whether or not it should be purely sexual is the prerogative of the participants ...but jamesriske make an outrageously bigoted remark with his blanket statement calling all blacks as dumb as doorknobs . he ought to be locked in a cage , naked , with three , horny male gorillas on LSD .
Posts: 1096
#16 · Edited by: jamesriske
I like eggs, especially in themorning
Posts: 140
bravo. I am a 28 yr old white FEMALE who has sex with blacks for fun. its NASTY and WRONG. THATS the turn on for me and also for my hubby he loves to watch me be a slut with blacks. But you know its so funny how the black males are really believing that they are superior or sexy or hot or whatever they really think we want them for those reamisters WRONG. They all try to be romeos,players,thugs etc . Another thing that is funny is how some of you white guys really believe that they are superior to you or that they are tougher etc. and dick size? cmon ive had some big and some little just like white guys.You white guys are believing all this tougher,superior,big dick cuckolds brownie well its not true.Blacks fight in groups(like most naturals) hardly ever do they fight one on one unless they are far bigger,or have a gun. lovers? lousy they fuck and only fuck ,no s******* no love making etc(we dont want that from them anyway) dick size? its a gamble but so what it is the same with white guys. Also why does every black guy always refer to himself as a sexy,hung,stud? cmon get real. always saying i last for hours,will make you cum,whatever. WE DONT CARE. dont try to talk us into it, we are gonna fuck you BECAUSE its NASTY PERIOD!!! get it? and yes most are dumb as a door knob(not all)
Phoenix MWF Carmen
Posts: 48
I am a 28 yr old white FEMALE who has sex with blacks for fun. its NASTY and WRONG.
 It is not nasty, nor is it wrong!
You have to realize the temperment of society still today in regards to interracial issues, expecially sexual interracial issues. I would bet that there is a myth size thing in the back of a woman's head at all times, but more important, if is the "if Daddy could see me now thing", and the instant demoralization of our husbands.
I have been in a very loving, adoring and nurishing marital environment for over 15 years, and 12 of those years, have been having MY WAY with well endowed black lovers. Yes, my husband is a cuckold, cleans the pie, sucks a cock for my entertainment from time to time and even every once in a while will take it up the ass for me to see him squirm while he gives me oral attention.
I will not do another white guy, regardless of size. With married white women who have extramarital relations with black men, it is a WANT, not a need. I screen my lovers very carefully and not all black guys fashion themselves as pimp like characters. Those are the ones that we reject!
For me, it is the POWER EXCHANGE! For you guys posting as women, it is the Mary Palm and her 5 Sisters! 
Posts: 1096
#19 · Edited by: jamesriske
You will attract bees if you eat butter outside.
Posts: 159
we can all learn cuckolds brownie from each other...thats why none of this should be censored. but back to people being racist....james is CORRECT! black men are referred to as "superior" but if a white guy was labeled that he would be racist. its a total double standard and any race baiters in here should be slapped upside the head for being fucking dipcuckolds brownies. its all just erotic fun for white girls getting with black men, SO FUCKING CHILL PEOPLE. And its great seeing some mwf 's actually giving some input on the subject 
Posts: 744
James said ALL blacks were " as dumb as doorknobs " . That is the only contentious point I have with him . Otherwise , we're in harmony .
Posts: 173
Yet we never heard a peep out of you when others post 'superior black man', 'superior black seed', 'worshipping the superior black man', etc.
Not a peep.
You obviously have a double standard.
Permisterally, I'm not offended when people write that their wives' are sexual to 'superior black men' and the like. Doesn't bother me at all. People are allowed to have their opinions and relate their experiences as they see them.
What I'm saying is that I've had to deal with about a hundred black guys who answered our ad, try line up meetings with about 20 of them, and actually meet 5 so far and call it racist or not; every damn one of them has been dumb as a doorknob with the emotional level of an 11 year old.
That's my permisteral experience, that's my reality, and for you to call me names for relating my permisteral experiences and calling for censorship of me for relating TRUE stories of my cuckold relationship and experiences on a cuckold forum is utterly ridiculous. We are all adults here and there's no reamister for anyone to alter, censor, or be called names for relating stories and experiences that they've had.
I don't do PC. I do reality.
You idiot. Whenever black supremacy has been mentioned I have often been the first to denounce it as stupid, narrowminded and wrong. The problem is, and this is the reamister that I believe you to be the pathetic flamer who was posting black supremacy nonsense a while ago, that all those posts have been deleted on the request of the permister who started that topic, however here is the only evidence left : -
The other reamister that I believe you to be that prick is because you registered only a few days ago, just like all your other creations, and then posted almost immediately (in the same forum) and you are now trying to end the conversation while retaining the moral highground just like you did before. You've just got a little wiser because of all our objections last time.
Of course I have absolutely no objections to you writing about your experiences - (the problem is you probably haven't had any). I do have objections when you start making generalisation of any kind, whether positive or negative about a whole race.
No doubt you'll invent a whole rostrum of imaginary characters to back up your point who will miraculously join this site just when your argument starts to get into trouble and is denounced by everyone to back you up. After your imaginary friends have helped or tried to help your dying argument we will never hear a peep out of them again.
Not a peep.
I'm not for censorship but when it comes to the integrity of this site and in order to keep it free from this kind of spam I think it's worth banning imbeciles like this.
P.S. I'll speak to you in a few days time when you invent another alter ego to flame with.