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Interracial Cuckold /

Interracial Hypno (Kinda)

Rating: 18


Posts: 87
#1 · Edited by: hoburgh
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Longtime lurker here at CuckoldPlace, and a first time poster. Hey.

Welp, I've got this weird deal where I fantasize about my white wife fucking black guys. Evidently it's a kink I share with maybe one or two of y'all? Alas, to this point my wife hasn't especially responded to that particular fantasy, but I keep working on her in various ways, including sometimes playing IR porn for us/her to look at while she uses her marital aid of choice. Problem is it's tough for me to find porn (of *any* genre) that doesn't take her out of the moment for any number of tiny reamisters: dumb or haveged-up sounding actor(s), weird accents, tin-eared dialogue, way-too-extreme stuff... whatever it is, it often ends up resulting in my wife losing the mood and not mentally drifting off to blackcockland (which, for me, is the whole point in the first place).

It's for that reamister that I recently decided to just permisterally create an interracial video to show to my white wife. And you all can show it to your respective wives as well, if you want to. You'll find the video The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!.

You'll see that it's got "magic" in the title, but that's admittedly misleading as this is not-so-much a legitimate magic video as it is a sequence/progression of hot interracial images designed to (hopefully) steer a white wife’s thoughts toward, y’know, black cock. Because it’s intended for white women (like, again, my own wife) who are not yet immersed in the ir kink, the imagery in this montage begins on the decidedly gentle side, and then gets increasingly harder over the course of the video, in a sort of a building ebb-and-flow pattern. The montage contains no harsh offense themes, sissification, degrading bondage, or any other extreme stuff that might potentially turn off a new-to-this white wife (like, again, my own wife).

This is the very first time I've ever done any sort of DIY porn, and it'll almost certainly be the very last, but I really wanted to share it with you CuckoldPlace folks as meager thanks for the several years' worth of wonderful lurking stimulation I've received from this website.

In any event, if you watch, I hope you like.


Posts: 381
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Watched it! Great! I especially love the kissing pictures. All very nice, romantic pictures, they gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. My wife is going to LOVE this!!! (She has ALWAYS been attracted to black men anyway.) Thanks!


Posts: 129
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AWESOME! The pictures were great, the soundtrack was great, and the messages were great. I know you said you didn't plan on making any more, but here's hoping you change your mind...


Posts: 652
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This is one of the most well done pieces I've ever seen. The picture selection was first rate and well arranged and although I don't normally appreciate this kind of music, it fit very well with the vid and was an excellent choice.

"The montage contains no harsh offense themes, sissification, degrading bondage, or any other extreme stuff..." Thank God, because that would have ruined it for me. I know there are some who like that, but I think most guys who are into this are like you and I, we don't want to be made the fool, we just like to see other men, especially black, fuck our wives. You casually slipped in a short segment about her fucking his friends, is this something you're hoping to achieve?

Have you shown this to your wife yet? If this doesn't work I don't think anything will. I hope you keep us informed on her reaction and your progress with her. Do you have a specifc black man in mind for her, say a friend or coworker or will you go for the stranger thing?


Posts: 87
#5 · Edited by: hoburgh
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Have you shown this to your wife yet?

Not yet. Stuff like this I save for special occasions, when she's more prone to indulge me my fantasies and play along a little. So... Father's Day.

I hope you keep us informed on her reaction and your progress with her.

Okay, will do.

Do you have a specifc black man in mind for her, say a friend or coworker or will you go for the stranger thing?

I'm sure this makes me kinda boring, but I've got no present intent to see this into actual, honest fruition (i.e., my wife actually fucking actual other [black] guys). My main intent is to get her to be as genuinely excited by the interracial fantasy as I am... and that's alot! Right now, when my wife plays along (fantasy role play in our bedroom, typically) it's on special occasions (which, again, tend to coincide with the Father's Days and my-birthdays of the calendar), and it's not something that she's doing because ir sex "does" anything for her, but rather because she knows I'm so very very into it. She knows it makes me granite-hard, so she rolls her eyes and gives me a few minutes of fantasy ir talk, as a kindness more than anything. God bless her for that, I love her so much, but what I want more than a trillion dollars and world peace is for her to ACTUALLY, GENUINELY be turned on by thoughts of black cock, and to embed those images further and further into her brain whenever her orgasm comes knocking.

This video is intended to hopefully nudge her just a few millimeters further down that road.

As for what I'd like to see my wife actually do with a black guy(s) in the actual, three-dimensional world: I'd really love for her to dress more provocatively and allow a big black stud to dance with her in a hip-hop club. It'd be cool if a little rubbing-up took place. And then she and I can run right home and fuck like squirrels.

Doing much more than that with a stranger in the real world would, in my own permisteral view, be handling our marriage a bit too cavalierly than I truly wish to. Again, maybe I'm just a pussy, but I don't really wanna roll the dice with my family and my life in that way. I'd be cool with me and her keeping this kink primarily up in our brains, where we can use it to make our just-the-two-of-us sex all the hotter.

Anyway, thanks for your questions and I'm glad you dug the montage.
joe appleby


Posts: 175
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Very nice, lots of great pics.


Posts: 160 Pictures: 7 
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VERY NICE!!! can u upload it to a file share place so we can download it?


Posts: 652
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I understand your position and feelings, you don't ever want to do something that would cause either one of you to question the value of your marriage. You love the thrill of this, but I'm guessing you two have never done anything along the hotwife vein, so it's scary. It sounds like you have to ease into this also and that's ok. If you ever do this it's highly likely you'll have guilt and regets afterwards. That's very common, but the feeling will come back and you'll want to do it again.

You realize one of the most important things here -- you want your wife to be turned on by this and be something she wants to do instead of just going along to make you happy. Do you think she would be any more open to experimenting with a white guy first and then try to transition to black men?

If your vid will get her to want to dress to impress blacks in a club and perhaps dance in a provocative manner with one or more I'd consider that the first step to getting her to want what you want.

In any event, I am very curious about her reaction. I hope instead of eye rolling you get "Oh, my God!", along with heavy breathing!


Posts: 245
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Oh my goodness, hoburgh!! that's about as good as I've seen anywhere. It's plain to see that you put considerable thought into this. I'm dying to follow the continuation of your effort. Please keep us informed.


Posts: 87
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VERY NICE!!! can u upload it to a file share place so we can download it?

After all the spankworthy stuff you've posted over the past year or so, I hold your compliment in very high esteem, okhotwife! And sure, I'd be happy to upload the file as you request, only I've never actually done that before, so I'm wondering if you've got any suggestions as to where/how.

Do you think she would be any more open to experimenting with a white guy first and then try to transition to black men?

If we ever actually got to that point (and, again, it's not on our immediate agenda), latin guys are her thing. So, yeah, that'd probably be the right way to go about it.

In any event, I am very curious about her reaction. I hope instead of eye rolling you get "Oh, my God!", along with heavy breathing!

You and me both, man!


Posts: 160 Pictures: 7 
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i am going to upload again. collecting stuff for now and still deciding on the best file hosting site...

oron and deposit files seem to be the flavor for most folks right now...


Posts: 561
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Just watched it. Very erotic indeed!


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don't see the link?


Posts: 98
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I don't see a link too
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


Posts: 245
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Check the first post, third paragraph, last letter "here" in blue. You'll be glad you did.


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I was really glad


Posts: 87
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Welp, sadly, the video was just not my wife's cup of tea, as the fantasy itself is not. It's a bummer that a fantasy so strongly provocative to one permister in a marriage can be just the opposite to the other (bordering on being actively repellent), but what're ya gonna do? I love her for lots of other stuff, so I guess I'm just gonna have to be a big boy about this particular thing.

Anyway, I just wanted to present the coda to my little foray into amateur pornography.

Hope you all are well.


Posts: 245
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Well, semi-sad ending but you have a great wife and lifestyle. Few could ask for more........


Posts: 245
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Forgot to add........Thanks for the terrific video!


Posts: 225 Pictures: 1 
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Amazing, Thanks!


Posts: 87
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Thanks, guys. Thanks, cuckbob.


Posts: 652
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Just wondering if the passage of time and her thinking about it has changed anything.
Rating: 18, 6 votes.
Interracial Cuckold / Interracial Cuckold /
Interracial Hypno (Kinda)
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