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Subconscious Stimulation

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Hi, SquirtKing.

Good to see you here and hoping we can get your girlfriend to the ultimate prize!

For folks that don't know, SquirtKing comes to you via the other forum that I stopped visiting because their rules and format disallowed resubmitting the PDF link in thread and led to constant problems with folks not finding the link and the site not allowing a legitimate link that was only necessary because it would not handle MB PDF files on site.
Though as previously explained in the thread earlier I myself did go through a passive stage of involvement with the other site and thread because of my wifes injury.

Welcome Squirtking and hoping we can get this thread rocking. Thanks though has got to go to swhwwfubbbd who directed me here after starting it himself.


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Do these techniques work? I dont think I have read or heard any that have yet.

SquirtKing I will be interested to hear how it goes with your GF


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Well it's a slow process and most of these guys have just started. But some of them have at least seen changes in their wives that show signs of progress.


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Brainbox, there is growing evidence that these techniques do help elicit changes in our wives behaviors but it does not mean your wife will begin relaxing with other men. My understanding of LW is that it is another tool we can use to help create an environment conducive our end goals. Myself, I'm beginning to realize that LW is akin to planting a seed. We have to give it an environment to grow. I think I started out too quickly and too often. If you plant another seed on to of the one you planted yesterday and keep doing this every day, the seed never gets time to stew in the nutrients and take root. Much of the success will come from the dreamy thoughts she will have while shes awake. She will ultimately have to construct the network that will allow her to change her mind. Hopefully someday using LW our ladies will be able to take the next step. I still firmly believe in LW, but I caution you not to rush it. Best of Luck


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Thank you all! As I told you I've restarted the engines I have to say we work both very much, I most times 6 days a week and also after work I'm member of the board of a large countrywide association. If I count all the hours I spend on that I think it will be 100 hours a week totall.

Back to LW. In some previous sessions my gf started to use the BBC dildo and I think, if I didn't stop, the start of the IR lifestyle would be nearby.

At this moment I'm writing all the progress in a document to see what happens. Copy/ paste of it below:

Date Day How long Results
29-3-2012 Thursday to Friday 35 minutes A little bit horny
31-3-2012 Saturday to Sunday 0 minutes She woke up
2-4-2012 Monday to Tuesday 15 minutes Very low volume while whispering, the day after she was showing herself in lingerie

This evening I'm planning another session. I've learned to make very very low babysteps. To test she's in relax I say first "I love you" and wait a few seconds between the repeating of this test whisper.

Also when I'm started with the real LW, I will observe after a few repeats if she's still in relax. I learned from previous mistakes. As you can see, previous night it went almost wrong. I even don't know if she heard me in her subconscious mind because I didn't use much volume. Nevertheless I think it could be because she was dancing this morning in lingerie near my bed She woke up earlier in case of work.

Keep you posted about the further progress. Please be aware that I'm not English so I can make some mistakes in writing here. Please bear with me.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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Update of tonight:

3-4-2012 Tuesday to Wednesday 15 minutes A little bit more volume but after approx 15 minutes she started to move a little bit.

Because LW is a very delicate thing I stop immediately when I think she isn't in a deep relax. I don't take any risk anymore.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


Posts: 157
#187 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
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Hi squirtking,

I'd say welcome but I realise from seeing your previous posts on another forum that your not new to LW.
In effect you have probably been doing this longer than I have so it's a privilege to have you posting here.

So a permisteral hello to you.

I know from reading that you have taken timeout because of the pressures for both you and your gf of work and the time it has taken up.
I know this is something that is a undoubted issue for many people past and present and seeing peoples permisteral circumstances impacting on LW.

I wonder what yardstick you'd measure success by because you seem completely ignorant of the many changes people notice in their wives or girlfriends that couldn't be accounted for without LW.
There will never be seen to be a direct causal link, how could that be possible without our wives or girlfriends being consciously aware of what we are doing. That being the case would mean it was no longer LW dropping suggestion below the conscious radar.
I have seen so many changes in my own wife, using this method myself. Do you have to wait to see others having success, what is the benchmark you have in mind of what that success is meant to be for you. And what would it take for you to start using LW? I'd permisterally not rely on anyone elses 'success' but doing it for myself gives me the ability to hone my own s*******s to improve and advance! Why wait for others experiments and work your own experiments. See what you can replicate.
I took a gamble in putting the method here for others to use after seeing it was working for me and it took a lot of time contacting Hepheastus to come here and casting his invaluable knowledge on the thread.


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Thanks. Nevertheless I'm not completely new into this, I have to learn from day to day. It is standup and fall, standup and fall. Like a young that learns to walk.

I don't know but I hope 15 minutes is enough to trigger her mind with the LW. Probably hep can answer this question.

I also learned that you have to listen during the LW session. How does she respond. Is she in the same breath-rythm, is she starting to breath deeper? Or in the worst case; does she move or start to breath less deep. That could be a sign she's in a light relax.

I am convinced that this is THE way to give your gf's mind a new dimension. It gives her the opportunity to give her sexlife a boost.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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I will do a next LW session on sunday to monday because I couldn't get in relax myself so my gf was restless too. Again with very very small steps.

@hep is 15 minutes enough to trigger the subconscious mind?
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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Yes I see no reamister why not. As long as you were doing it consistently over the week. It seems to me that it's taking a route of making sure it's long enough a time to getting her imagining the black man (alpha/bull etc.) in her mind and directing the idea of a black man (alpha/bull etc.) long enough in a particular direction of sex to getting her running with those dreams. Though this isn't just about the dreams themselves and is also about implanting whatever triggers you want to activate when she's in a awake state.

However specifically to you Squirtking as you are doing this again almost from scratch then yes just using the introductory thoughts is appropriate before later thinking of moving on to triggers etc.


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Many thanks. I have to say, it isn't easy because of the pressure of work. Nevertheless I will take small steps.

About the trigger, in fact all words you're repeating are triggers, isn't it?
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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Well there's the visual triggers which are when you see a black man ( alpha etc) you become very aroused......

But the word triggers is choosing a certain word that you suggest in relax which will bring black men to her mind in a normal everyday conversation when it's dropped in. Ones from past have been dropping in the name of a club and finding out if she suddenly has a urge to go there. Or driving past it and have her suggest going there or suggesting the particular club and getting the favourable answer. I seem to remember mikewhitey did the bar or club suggestion and then drive past it a number of times and his wife suggesting she' d like to go in and explore the club and then had the urge to dance where upon the black guys mikewhitey knew hung there started dancing with his wife.... But remember SquirtKing that was his final push and had gone through so much else before that. This is why I say that your probably not yet back in that kind of position with her yet.


Posts: 200
#193 · Edited by: LesM
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A word of caution: this is a very powerful method. You must be careful with it. Don't make the same mistake I did.

My wife was so responsive; more amorous and interested in bbc; I decided it could be put to other uses. Our dog had a bad habit of "going" inside on the carpet. I made a set encouraging him to go outside and do his business. Unfortunately, one night I was takes and got the recordings mixed-up. The next day the dog was very affectionate to black guys and my wife took a crap on the lawn.

I'm just sayin.....


Posts: 157
#194 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
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This is why I'm against the idea of using recordings LesM LOL,
Thank you for your insight!


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Some recent advances: She will now talk about old bfs while I'm in her. Also she now will tell me how I don't fill her the way her toy does, again while I'm fucking her. She does this with some hesitation as though she wants to make sure she doesn't hurt my feelings, but the point is that she's doing it. I think as she feels me grow harder when she does this, she will lose the hesitation.

As for lw, after a strong month, I chilled for the next month only doing a couple sessions. I've gotten back to basics. I'm putting the words out there and will let her construct the story.


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I don't know what happens a few minutes ago but she convinced that she likes men with big cocks. Not BBC named yet but this didn't happen before!

The next 2 weeks I have my brother in house because he's visiting our family so I hope I can keep on going the LW sessions.

Summary of the steps:
1. LW about the fantasy so she will get dreams about it
2. Introduce a triggerword

Please be aware Hep that Mikewhity noticed some difficulties to get in here. Probably you can help him.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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Squirt, that's great news!

Any desire for her to pursue your brother? It would be an interesting experiment if you lw'd something about your brother being well hung and maybe how he wants her. Then observe her behavior around him. It would be a fun way to gauge the effectiveness of your whispers.


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Definitely no. I will never involve him. Why should I, I have already seen some small things that confirms it works.

Today I asked her about her confession she does like big cocks; she confirmed again. I can ensure you this isn't something she would ever had done before. She even should think about it to tell this.

I will plan a next session later this week, probably tomorrownight otherwise one night later.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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Lw for almost the entire night last night. I'd doze off for a bit and then get back to it. Lots of interracial stuff. Super tired today. Several times she would breathe progressively harder in line with the scene I was laying out. She moaned multiple times on cue with the climax of the story. I find I'm getting better at recognizing her breathing patterns.


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Just a note to encourage you all. I keep following this thread and occasionally do something with it myself.

I had an interesting experience a while back. I probably didn't do enough of the "I love you" stuff to start. We had a big fight, which seemed to come out of nowhere. But after some adjustment, things are going great. Well, other than she's still to busy to do any dating. But I'm patient about things like that.

There are other plausible reamisters for why things are going so well between us, but for now, I'll just wait and see.



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Tonight I did again a LW session of approx 20 minutes. Unfortunatly it wasn't easy. There was quite much background noice so I had to suspend my whispers sometimes for 30 seconds or so. There was some noice of airplanes and rain. Nonetheless she told me she didn't heard any airplane or rain. Hopefully this didn't influence the whispers.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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I've Followed this thread all along and confess I'm very tempted to try it. My main problem is I'm terrified she will discover what I'm doing and never trust me again.

If any of you have read my posts before you know my wife and I used to be in the lifestyle for a brief while. During that time I had the exquisite pleasure of watching her being pounded by strange men with cocks TWICE my size- including black men.

The PROBLEM is that she has lost all interest in sex- including with ME!

I Love the idea of this new technique but concerned with risks.
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Tiny, I know there is more to a relationship than just sex, but if she isn't giving you any now, at the very least it can't get any worse from a sexual perspective anyway.

I do suspect there is something more going on with her if she doesn't like sex at all anymore. You know her best. Use that to help root out whatever is stopping her.


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One hint.. Go slow..observe her relaxing for a couple of hours. You'll begin to notice patterns in breathing etc. then when you start to whisper, start by whispering so quiet that she wouldnt hear you even if she were awake. Progress slowly a bit louder after a few sentences. You'll get more comfortable as you go along. Also I do mine laying flat on my back. If she stirs, I dont have to move. I close my eyes and sometimes I'll pretend to mumble in my relax.


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I try to do at least 3 sessions a week. Approx once in 2 days. Mosttimes these sessions are 20 minutes long.

But the most important thing is the babysteps. Be always carefull. Always listen.

For example;
1st exhale: I say: from now on...
2nd exhale: waiting to listen
3th exhale: you will dream...
4th exhale: waiting to listen
5th exhale: about BBC's

I understood that the subconscious mind is able to connect these words to one line.

Hep can explain this better then I can.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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had an interesting one last night.

she had been arelax for a good hour and half when i started and to be fair for a good hour i went at it. although i do wonder if i talk to quite sometimes, love to be a fly on the wall watching.. they must think we are mad

anyway, i had just started thankfully bringing the conversation down a peg so stuff like, you want it, you need it etc when she jolts and says why are you whispering to me

so i ignored her for about 20 secs to make it look like i was arelax and then said, what? she then said it again and i said no idea honey what was i saying? she said she can't remember..

anyway at this point enough was enough so i turned over and went to relax.

this morning she comes in and gives me a kiss and says you were whispering in your relax last night, again i said about what and she says she can't remember. im sure if she caught anything dodgy she would have told me..

so i know she was arelax as her breathing was so deep etc..

just wondered what everyone thinks, i do love this and i can say over the last 1year or so of doing this i have deff seen a difference, i so think the key is patience and allow time for it to sink in...


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Puda, glad to hear you're getting some results.

You may want to try shortening your times a bit. Would you like to be lectured to for an hour at a time?

Anyhow, good luck and keep us posted.




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I would like to advice to be carefull. Do you, before you start, some tests by whispering "I love you" for a few times? This is my way to ensure she's in relax. Even when I start I will wait a few in & exhales before I process my LW.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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I usually wait until my GF is snoring lightly before I do anything, and if she stops doing that, then I do too.




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I experienced that that isn't a guarantee she's relaxing.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene
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Subconscious Stimulation
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