Posts: 885
Don't fight her desire for him, you're trying to row upstream. LW to her that she gets to star in a love scene with that actor she loves, Huge Blackman... Remember, "dreams" are weird. "Honey I had this dream I did a love scene with Hugh Jackman, but it was odd, because he was black..." fender
Posts: 157
Not sure I'm fighting desire just twisting it lol but I do like the Hugh Jackman / Huge Black Man idea anyway  will certainly have to think of the best way of planting that. fender412002: tried something new last night before bed. I made a recording to help relax/magictize myself. I started out with typical relaxation stuff for about 3 minutes counting down and progressing from feet to head I have used self magicsis audio before and know it definately works on me. I have read in Heps PDF about a link to recordings on The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! which I have looked at but haven't used any though some look interesting. There was one on there for orgasm denial which I'd be interested in attempting. I suppose having used self magicsis on myself gave me the confidence to consider using LW on the wife. Its funny how these things only occur sometime after and realising the route I took was influenced by those earlier experiments. BTW if any one has any further ideas about Hugh Jackman please do and also I'm still thinking on my own faked Pan dream with my wife as the powerful female power and where to go with that. I think I'll suggest some symbolism and may be me dropping to my knees before them both and handing out a new ring to each of us - each ring in the shape of a circle and triangle. To that end HEP I remember either your PDF or the other more recent posts on that other forum mentioning about some work you'd done for a already cuckolded committed couple about reaffirming their commitment to each other in their 'triangular marriage' what was that about and is there anything I can use myself for my faked dream that might involve some symbolism my wife can pick up on and suggest back to me that I'm giving her a green light for fucking other men? http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 141
update.....missed one night of LW but still seeing some good benefit. I have been after her about not wearing underwear and she did it again yesterday. Even out to dinner but pants no skirt. This is totally out of context.
Had great sex last night. She started out hot as hell and then I introduced the dildo. We are traveling so I think it shocked her that I had it. Things actually cooled a little bit with the dildo. I do not think she is into it as much and may be too big. Called an audible and lost it then moved into some dirty talk. Asked about men feeling her up in public now that she is not wearing underwear. She acted like she was playing along to make me happy. However, just her responding was a big change. I finally mounted her in missionary and started pounding away. Started asking her things like "you want big cock don't you", you like to be fucked hard by big cock", and then even "you want me to watch you fuck other men". She was really hot and saying yes to it all. Had a great long orgasm.
3:30 to almost 5:00 am I LW. Good breathing and some murmuring.
Posts: 157
#154 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
Mmmm thats hot JB, it's great that youre seeing so many changes in her, love it!
I thought I'd put a note here for the newbie LW'ers.
We've talked a lot on here about doing this during their/ her dreaming but wanted to make it clear that when your using the LW on her that just the act of doing the whispers seems to me that you can bring them into that dreamy state! So that you don't have to start with thinking she must be dreaming before you do LW because you can put them in it by starting whispering. Now I think that may be because we are bringing our good wives out of the deep relax meaning they are on some level becoming more aware in a *** way and bringing about the change to lighter relax and whatever brain wave state that is conducive.
On a evolutionary / survival level we can understand how and why this could be the reamister because in a deep relax everything is shutdown and on minimum power and as sounds occur in the environment the *** must begin to go into more awareness mode to be able to assess if the permister needs to be alerted to wake because there's a panther on the prowl or remain arelax because it's the movement and actions of a mate. So having more awakened the *** to these sounds we have set it in a alert state without it feeling the need to take it to the next level of waking up the conscious and critical faculties.
Just my thoughts and ready for you all to blow them out of the water and put me back in my place. http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 111
swhwwfubbbd: my own faked Pan dream with my wife as the powerful female power and where to go with that. I think I'll suggest some symbolism and may be me dropping to my knees before them both and handing out a new ring to each of us - each ring in the shape of a circle and triangle. To that end HEP I remember either your PDF or the other more recent posts on that other forum mentioning about some work you'd done for a already cuckolded committed couple about reaffirming their commitment to each other in their 'triangular marriage' what was that about and is there anything I can use myself for my faked dream that might involve some symbolism my wife can pick up on and suggest back to me that I'm giving her a green light for fucking other men? Just noticed your questions to me SWH, Yep I did do a audio magicsis recording for a married - committed cuckolding couple where she was totally aware of the intended suggestion. They did get to use and hopefully did benefit from the reaffirmation - I know their still together and still in the 'lifestyle' and know them, in some ways probably know her better to the point we still chat by voice and occasionally on the dreaded Facebook. Very hot lady very upfront. That was introducing 'The 4 Laws of Triangular Marriage' (completed with very specific caveats to them as a couple) into her mind and was conceived to help sustain their marriage and still get to enjoy the pleasures of other men - it was as much as anything designed to help her husband feel some level of safety that he wasn't going to lose her. I know she does still use it especially where she has been having very torrid sex with particular guys shes especially been attracted to. He had particular worries she wanted to overcome and so allow her unprecedented freedom to explore in her marriage. His concerns mainly came from the understanding of how powerful orgasm is in the female mind and how it can make them emotionally blind to previous lovers and hub in effect was the previous lover. Oxytocin is washed over the brain during orgasm and has the support role of fading previous lovers into the background. Anyway that aside and getting back to the symbolism - I did play with the 'fire of desire triangular marriage' as a suggestion which draws on the 'fire triangle' where you need oxygen, heat and fuel to make a fire. I conceived oxygen as being the cuck hub, fuel as being the wife and heat as being the lover. All 3 being necessary to create that 'Fire'. So yes play with the idea of the ring that has a triangle built into it and offering out that ring to each of you. Perhaps you can play with the 'fire of desire triangle' in some way? As to deeper symbolism on the subject of your faked dream may be take a look at 'The Golden Bough' for ideas and / or some greek mythology. My own ID on the internet is the crippled greek god (physically ugly)- Hephaestus who was cuckolded by Athrodite in some stories and Charis in others. Still you have already brought Pan into your faked dream so you must already be aware of his supposed 'sexual powers' and probably need to expand his role with your wife. You seem in some ways to be depicting your wife as a all powerful figure like 'She'. I doubt I have helped you much but I think you'll find having come this far with your on the spot faked dream that you'll get the further answers you need coming to you with that creative mind! https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 111
Getting back to something I wrote about on here previously is the 'catch 22' scenario. Where you are using relatively simple and circular circuiting to ratchet up ideas in your wives minds. hephaestus: “notice other Alpha Mens attributes that match and mirror (CELEB) – these are the attributes that make a Alpha Man so hot, so appealing, so desired by you. You can find the (CELEB) in many Alpha Men and need to experience powerfully pleasurable sex with Alpha Men. Having sex with these Alpha Men will then connect you with (CELEB). This becomes circular in her mind – having to have sex with Alpha Men to connect her with her desire for that CELEB. One of the things I really love about Loving Whispers is that it can be applied in so many different ways and we are only limited by our own imagination in relation to creating new and more successful strategies and routines. To all readers on a general note – creating these circular (might say catch 22) situations helps to ratchet up the desire in her mind. Heres a example that might be of help - there'd be countless that one could create no doubt "the more you love me your husband (name) the more you will lust after big black men with big black cocks - the more you lust after big black men..... the more you will love your husband (name)" https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 157
hephaestus Thanks Hep for all that... Mm think I'd love to voice chat with her too! Was her hub one of those earlier ones that manipulated her using LW?
Well LWs all going really well and had some great sessions and some great sex following although I really go for getting her to sit on my face and I pleasure her with a black dildo. And then I got back eating her. I do everything I can to avoid putting my cock in her. Shes verbalised stronger than ever during sex about those BBC and as yet I haven't pushed questioning her about the direction she seems to be going. So my intention is for me to bring up a further faked dream about this Pan figure and my wife and me of course and do enough with that to give her the best opportunity to tell me what she thinks it means... http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 111
swhwwfubbbd Alternatively perhaps it's best keeping it no more complex than it is already. Other than introducing the ring and getting them together in the fake dream! There's a lot to be said for KIS Keep it Simple. If you add in too much new symbolism she might not pick up on your meaning!
Re the ladies hub you refer to above. The answer is yes and if you supply me with a working email I'll see if she'll talk to you about it. Shes not at all phased by discussing how she got to doing black men! She's really comfortable to talk with. Though you'll find she will insist on you both using voice because she hates typing and says its way too impermisteral. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 885
#159 · Edited by: fender412002
lllllllllllllll fender
Posts: 141
I would agree with Fender that I could use the support of the group on simple sentences that have maximum impact. I have been working the same material although I should not complain since it has been so effective. She has not had underwear on for several days.
Posts: 381
this really works, my wife just committed to being a bbc's boyfriend which she says is only the first step, loving it and will continue to do such things to succeed totally in what I want.
Posts: 111
#162 · Edited by: hephaestus
Congratulations to whitewife4u. Great to read here that this has worked for you! Can you give the guys some more details https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 157
#163 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
Good to hear whitewife4u, if you can tell us some of your experiences using it here with us. I know sometimes ppl don't always want to give too much away in case of their wife seeing it. But you'd really be helping other ppl in gaining the understanding that it really does work for ppl.
fender412002 jbbarrow2000us I don't know if I can help you because we all seem to be on par. But if I can I will. What kind of things do you both want to see now? Her verbalising her need? What if this comes from a natural extension of everything we're doing here already. An emergence of her new found desire peppered with continuing suggestion. May be a change in making a point of not fucking her and only going down on her. Building some frustration in and hitting her with a fake dream like I have? I think you can just change the angle of attack now perhaps to getting them going out and may be dancing and such things. How about getting them to start ascting different and obvious around black men like getting obviously aroused and getting clumsy and getting them to stare down at 'the area' on black guys
hephaestus Thanks very much. I had a very intresting voice conversation with your friend Gabby! I suggested she should come pay us a visit here on this thread but she said she's constrained by the having to pay to get in? I didn't realise that was the case. I think if she was here it would make things even more intresting because she is so cool and says her hub admitted a little while ago that he had used the Loving Whispers on her to relax her into thinking about black men and her in her marriage. She wasn't in the least bit angry about it, says she would have been had she known before she was seeing black men but once she started the whole cuckoldry thing for real she just looks back on it and thinks it was funny what he was doing to suggest black men to her. It was a real privilege speaking to her! http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 111
Swh glad you got to speak with Gabby. Did she give permission to tell us all on this open thread? I'm maybe a little over protective of Gabby especially as she doesn't have her own voice on this forum. Just hope you did seek her permission. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 2117
Tell us more whitewife
Posts: 157
What brainbox1 says, Please please whitewife4u tell us more!
hephaestus It's ok she said she would tell us herself about what her hub did with LW but she can't log in as a member to post.... So I said I'd leave a comment about it for her. She's one saucy lil devil for sure though she says that prior to being with black men she wasn't at all like it and suggested that she even has bi tendencies she's exploring because of the suggestions of black men.
She also said that she is more than willing to voice chat with anyone should they be up for it and they should contact us for her details. http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 157
Hi subt,
Well you know what I hadn't even noticed it until you said so did document search and found pendulum game right at end of document (page 43-45) must have seen it before but didn't register it!
So thanks I'll be taking a read of that too!
BTW welcome subt and here's hoping you can make the changes needed for this new kind if bliss you want to see too. The thing I like about this method is that there's no suggestion you have to just use this and can explore the other more conventional routes to getting a dear wife blacked / cuckolding you.
Seems to me this is another tool in the workshop for broadening a wifes' sexuality. A certainly a very necessary one in getting my wife all the way. http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 157
For a long while and in first instance I was using her seeing black men out and about as a trigger. So in whispers I'd say "when you see a big black man in the shops/ mall out and about you will automatically start feeling aroused, your clit will tingle and you will have a feeling of a ache to be filled in your pussy by BBC. You will seek out their cocks through their trousers and will flush with excitement". Now I have no way of telling if it worked except thatvI did notice my wife getting flustered and clumsy in the supermarket around one particular black man who had a huge smirk on his face when I past him to give her some vegetables. http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 141
Still having some great results. Had a great session last Friday night. I really want her to verbalize. I got her to respond positively when I ask her things when I am fucking her especially when she is getting close to cumming. I ask her if she wants it deep and if she likes big cocks. She is saying and grunting yes. As you can imagine it is hard to hold out. Hit LW that night after she went to relax
Saturday morning we had sex again. Had a little family fire drill that I thought might derail it, However, she came back to bed and was wet. This is not the norm!
She started her period on Sunday and we have overnight guests all week. No sex so far but hitting LW every night HARD. I can get her moaning and murmuring and even thrashing around. I am actually loving the fact that we are not having sex to see if the building of desire coupled with LW has any effect.
Posts: 157
Hi JB good to see your getting great responses. Have you had any more thoughts about the next step? May be outline some things and see if Hep has any ideas?
I love LW because of how different it makes her respond and I just love going down on her and eating her knowing her thoughts are racing with black men and get enjoyment from my frustration that I'm not going to fuck her and just keep eating and playing with her and using that dildo on her.
Few months ago none of this was possible and now she's happily taking the black dildo and engaging in fantasy of the big black stranger. Never thought I'd see this. Just the mention of using a dildo let alone a black one was just too much for her. She was always showing a little disgust and telling me she just wanted me in her. But now with LW she's feels happy to deny my white worm and lives me going down on her as per the LW suggestion. Now a black dildo and some verbalisation of that big black stranger.
Obviously I'm intending to get her all the way but got to say I'm do loving this stage / process. http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 141
swhwwfubbbd......I am hoping to get to where you are in the near future. I would love to get her verbalizing and roleplaying with me. Hit it for about an hour between 4:30 and 5:30. Got lots of response. She was murmuring and thrashing around. Even responded to her name when I start the chant.
Posts: 49
#172 · Edited by: genemos
Well, for a small update I can say that yesterday we had a very intense session, she came first with me licking and sucking her pussy while fucking her with the dildo, she was taking it deep and strong, I could barely hold the dildo as it was buried deep in her hole, I had to hold it with the tip of my fingers, which were also inside pratically inside her too... After that I started fucking her pussy, and then some anal with the dildo in her pussy, that made her cum two times in a row...
the night before that I went to relax some hour and a half after her and did some LW, I had done that before but just using cute romantic phrases, to test and feel how she responded... the problem is she has a heavy relax, but she´s able to answer to me in a very "lucid wake-up alike" way... Sometimes during these test whispers I asked her if she was awake and she answered yes, but in the following morning doesn´t remenber anything at all... She also moves like she´s very conscious of my presence, ie. holds my hand, hugs me, etc, but she is completely and deep arelax for sure... So I did some LW with some pussy rubbing using some dirty words and encouragement do cum a lot, to fuck a lot, very deep, etc et al; she didn´t remenber anything in the morning, when I asked if she had any nasty dreams. ( I usualy ask this, she has very kinky ones and tells me, I don´t even have to ask) I can´t say if last night session was a result of this because she´s very horny normally, but I will continue to do it and try to seek some results and do some more objective whispering.
Cheers to you all...
Posts: 885
#173 · Edited by: fender412002
lllllllllllll fender
Posts: 141
update.....had sex last night and started to introduce the big black cock to my dirty talking. Did not go as well as hoped. She has been responsive to when I ask about her wanting big cock, but when I asked her what type last night she said white. I asked if she was sure about that and she started to get mad. Then she got somewhat sarcastic about the roleplay and we actually stopped having sex. The only positive thing was that she used my LW words of "big black cock" when she was sarcastic.
Extremely happy with my LW results but it is not always a yellow brick road to the prize. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
Posts: 885
#175 · Edited by: fender412002
lllllllllllllllll fender
Posts: 157
#176 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
genemosDon't know what Hep would say on the subject of your wifes responses but from what I've read here and on PDF she must be one of the very suggestive types who could be very easily magictised, let alone suggestible using Loving Whispers. I've had funny occurrences of responses from my wife in normal relax (without the aid of her relaxing tablets) which have almost freaked me out at the time and she has no knowledge of later on waking. Since doing the Loving Whispers I have begun reading a lot more on the subject of psychology and the *** and magicsis. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. Having seen such weird and startling results from Loving Whispers has really fuelled my quest for this kind of knowledge. jbbarrow2000usAgree with Fender, sound advice. Keep what you want 'under the radar'.  that's what Loving Whispers is all about anyway moving them in the direction we want subtly. http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 885
#177 · Edited by: fender412002
iiiiiii fender
Posts: 111
SWH yep I think I'd agree.
GENEMOS hi again keep at it, I think you'll find some really good results with your lady
Fender, JB remember things are moving the right way so just keep at it.
JB remember that you got to keep at it in a subtle way to avoid her fully conscious critical faculties from trying to derail both your needs. Have you considered connecting her with some words in everyday conversation now?
Guys let me know if you need a little help and that includes the mass of non contributors that view this thread. If you need some help as for it here and just give us enough information to consider the issue. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 98
I'm in too. I've to restart the engines again. I've so busy job that I'm very very tired. Last weekend the clock went one hour back in case of stupid summertime. Thanks Hep to directing me to this forum. Wishing my gf into the IR scene
Posts: 98
Update: engines are restarted  Previous evening late when my gf started to relax, I waited and listend to her breathing. When I was sure she was in relax I waited again a few minutes. I started first with "I love you". When she didn't respond, I was sure she was in relax. I started to wispher: [gf nickname]When I say [triggerword] you want to f**k a BBC. I repeated for several times and several minutes. I mixed this later with talk how she will enjoy the long long fucksession. After approx 30 minutes I stopped. From time to time during this session hear breathing was heavier and some little moanings wear hearable. Wishing my gf into the IR scene