Posts: 885
#121 · Edited by: fender412002
lllllllllllllllll fender
Posts: 157
Yeh erection whilst practising the LW for her sweet ears know that one. I find your updates heart warming Fender because it's good to know its helping make changes in your lives together as a couple. I can't imagine the effect I would have had on my wife had I just blurted this all out to her and in someways I think the loving whispers have reaffirmed and reenergised me as much as making the significant changes in her which have been copious. I know my eventual goal is to get her with other men and like you I find we are much more loving as a couple maybe with these same thoughts now in both out minds? Nevertheless I think the love is more strongly mutual and is independant of where I hope we can take her.
I do wonder how many other ppl are using this now from cuckoldplace, I'd like to think there is plenty here who are but wonder how many are so tied to just the fantasy. I noted a comment right at end of page 4 which I missed before where guy is asking about telepathy as he's too scared of whispering though recounts it as talking. I have no belief in telepathy but wish him luck.
Atlbbc4mw: how about just concentrating on purely making nonsense talk in the short term to get her used to hearing your voice in that capacity. I did use that for a week or so just to start with and then started dropping in distinguishable words before moving into Fenders type of thing but firstly with just: I love you so much I love you so deeply I understand and accept your need for you to explore sexually in our marriage with me and exploring your sexuality with other people in our marriage and accepting our love can only grow more deeply for each other as you explore sexually with other people becoming freer to explore more sexually and sexually more free to explore.
Like you say atlbbc4mw 'baby steps' http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 3899
<< Yeh erection whilst practising the LW for her sweet ears know that one. >> That is certainly true for me. I can only manage a couple of minutes before I have to stop.  xoxoxo Christine
Posts: 111
Keep the same 'tack' going for the moment and build her desire - have you considered denying her at all and building some frustration into attempting increasing that level of desire (it can be awkward as she may get crabby with you). Also have you put yourself down in loving whispers so that you start asking her to compare your cock with a real dom / alpha black mans cock and asking her to want to deny your cock in preference for licking her pussy and using a black dildo but not allowing you in her because she feels more and more the desire for a black man to fill her? These are all just thoughts that are interchangeable, convertible or easily discarded. Think on your thoughts that come to you because you can be surprised how often the answers are already there inside. It’s also surprising just in the course of a conversation like this thread how many new things suddenly come to light and can be worked into a increasing approach. For instance SWH reworking of the ‘I had a dream’ idea came from my initial idea about finding out if a wife was starting having erotic dreams by drawing her out with telling her some dream. SWH *** reworked the idea ‘on the spot’ by coming out with a dream that can certainly suggest some interesting thoughts to his wife about what’s going on inside his head in a *** manner which she can then pick up on and become comfortable knowing that these are not just ‘surface’ thoughts and desires but run deeper and can suggest future hope for her new desires to blossom. I have found this myself with having so many different emails from guys in the past asking for specific help with specific scenarios that these helped increase my own ideas and advances for the Loving Whispers method.
Fender, bpop I think that every woman on the planet has natural sexual desires that society has constrained with religious and family dogmas particularly concerning SIN and depending on the mental barrier around any particular woman is dependent on how hard she has been worked on to constrain that true nature. Now some women rebel against this and in doing so some end up with doing the deed then feeling awful afterwards from a sense of that social shaming from the past and present. Some rebel and don’t seem to have this hangup at all or work it into the sex they are having to fuck it out. In many ways the whole black man – white woman thing is a play on working out social constraints and the sex can play out with him wanting her to call him ‘nigger’, ‘natural’ etc and other racially charged language whilst he may say how he’s going to fuck her tight white pussy and make her useless for any white boi. Some black guys love to play on the ‘she despises and hates me and doesn’t consider me human and I’m going to show her what a natural I am’. For someone not to feel sexual desire would suggest they are dead or in the case of psychopathology require so much stimulation that they can only achieve it in the most disturbing ways. So I think in women in using loving whispers there is a level of sexual desire though not necessarily expressed can be exploited and reworked, refashioned into new thoughts and desires. The only thing then remains is can some of those knots be loosened enough to bring it out into the open? Now as folks join this thread and express their specific circumstances I will be willing to offer them practical advice and should they have a particular problem around a wife hating black men I think I can offer specifics though untested loving whispers suggestions that might help diminish these issues in her mind – again though these are untested but probably worth attempting in a situation that seems so impossible to turn around any other way. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 111
one more thing forgot...
SWH you got anymore update on ideas of intending to go with your faked dream? https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 141
Good session last night that was cut short but may work out better than I had thought. She came after me again (hard to believe) and I started the "you want to fuck black men" about half way through. She said "don't go there" although it seemed like she was still somewhat into it. I disengaged and told her we can try it later. She slept naked all night and I fought the urge to wake her up. Instead went right into LW. Had her talking in her relax several times and stayed after it for about 1.5 hours.
When the alarm went off we had very limited time but she came after me anyway. I through some pillows under her stomach and fucked her hard from behind. Even spanked her ass a few times and she did not complain (she does not normally like this). Great orgasm for both of us.
LW is really working well but need to figure out how to get over the role play hurdle. Once she will role play with black men during sex I will have lots of fun and she will be very close.
Posts: 49
I find this thread and technique very interesting...
Now I am togheter with a very sexual girl, for almost a year now, so I don´t really feel an urge to make her more horny than she is... but when we´re fucking we communicate a lot, and usually I am whispering to her lots of nasty things [sugestions and commands], like: I know you like it deep, to ask for more, for rougher, deeper, etc...
We have a dildo that´s just 5.5, the size of my dick, the other day she wanted to compare... maybe we should get a bigger one! But the dildo is a regular part, usually we start with me licking and sucking her while fucking with the dildo and when she´s soaking or alredy came I fuck her, or we do dps, that get´s her completely insane... she screams big time!
I am very lucky as she´s very horny and liberal, she says she wants to fulfill all my fantasies, as I pleasure her so much! :D
I am thinking anbout using LW to have her to want me to photograph her and this kind of stuff! I will report when I try, and after some result.
It´s great to read about your experiences... !
Posts: 885
#128 · Edited by: fender412002
llllllllllllll fender
Posts: 141
No sex last night. We were both too tired since we have been working hard and hitting it most nights. Did not wake up during the night but did about 7:00 am about an hour before she woke. Hit LW for about 30 minutes. Stayed with a very basic theme. You want black cock. It's OK to fuck black cock. I want you to fuck black cock. You need to fuck black cock. You must fuck black cock. Put big and nigger in from time to time. Her breathing was very erratic and making some sounds.
I have been doing a little reading and some think that there are times when the relaxing brain is more susceptible to suggestions. At the beginning of relax and towards the waking time. researchers say you need to presence of Alpha waves (dreaming). With out them the suggestions are useless. I have spent a lot of time in the middle of the night and seems to be working. I am guessing you are going in and out of dream state throughout the night. Breathing is my indicator of how things are being received.
Any thoughts?
Posts: 885
#130 · Edited by: fender412002
llllllllllllllll fender
Posts: 3899
My GF has dated a black guy for a while in the past, before I met her. Ironically though, just speaking for myself, the IR aspect of it is not all that important.
Go figure. LOL
Posts: 885
#132 · Edited by: fender412002
llllllllllllll fender
Posts: 141
Fender.....congrats. Do you tell the stories in a straight line fashion or do you repeat and reinpower. I have not tried the trigger or a story yet. Been sticking with a basic messages repeated over and over. I did read on a sight that it is important to use the trigger to gauge the effectiveness of the process. There is no question in my mind that progress is being made but want to take it to the next level.
Posts: 885
#134 · Edited by: fender412002
llllllllllllll fender
Posts: 111
genemos: I am thinking anbout using LW to have her to want me to photograph her and this kind of stuff! I will report when I try, and after some result. So many posts here, wish I could devote more time.... genemos ask her in a Loving Whispers session 'you are beginning to find the idea of using a camera during sex a new and exciting turn on - you will find that just having the camera around and 'in play' will begin hightening your arousal and will feel the need to perform more erotically and sexually focused with the use of a camera in mind' Just a suggestion of the kind of thing.... SWH you invited me here to give my 10 pence worth and I'm happy to do it but you do need to have more of a handle on your thread and participate more as I'll be adding in the iloveir thread to PDF for download from 4 shared. jbbarrow2000us not sure you saw my last remarks to you. Re-trigger. These can be anything as long as you refrain from using something so common that you say it too often and not so uncommon that it sticks out like a sore thumb. It can be a string of words rather than one. Not so long thats its easily forgotten or cumbersome. The trigger can be the evoking of a particular place, the name of a club. The CELEB that Fenderr was working on or just seeing nice big black men out and about can be used as the trigger device. The use of the trigger is on one level to gauge whether its hitting the mark but also more importantly to evoke those thought you are attaching to this word / celeb / object / people / permister / even a camera as in the case of genemos. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 7
sorry but relax learning has been proven not to work:
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Posts: 885
#137 · Edited by: fender412002
lllllllllllllllllllllllll fender
Posts: 7
sorry fender if i missed the point of this thread, as I genuinely am seeking a method that works. I wish all the best luck to everyone in this community.
Posts: 885
#139 · Edited by: fender412002
llllllllllllllllll fender
Posts: 111
#140 · Edited by: hephaestus
Oh dear Alan truly misses the point that this is not learning in the context of hard facts as suggested by relax 'learning' this connecting and evoking sexual thoughts and feelings in our ladies. If you say you are looking for a method that will convince your wife isn't it worth giving loving whispers a go? What would you have to lose if you do it quietly consistently. As Fender and JB have both suggested this is best done when the brain in going through cycles of dream state. The method draws on the same principle of someone bringing in external sounds and sensations and working in to a dream.... Or would some people deny this too as a fact.
If you decide it doesn't work based on a wiki entry or research into 'relax learning' then you have not only missed the point completely but are attempting whether purposely or otherwise to undermine others giving it a go. The best thing I have that tells me Loving Whispers works in the context of this sexual nudging is I've seen it with my own eyes just as many many people who have used this idea to create change in their own wives and girlfriends.
Once again this is not a whole series of learning tapes played or talked to the relaxing subject on language learning or physics or anything else requiring fully conscious grasping of reality but is simple repetitive words and evoking sex stories into the mind of our dear lady folk.
Your 'just saying' nothing in relation to Loving Whispers and everything in relation to Sleep Learning. The two different things have nothing to do with each other at all! Still thanks for the opportunity of that realisation helping to make the obvious as clear and as obvious to any one using Loving Whispers and begins reading a wiki entry on what is obviously relax learning. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 144
Alan, I believe there are quite a few that would disagree with your assumption that it doesn't work and I will lead that pack because I know that it does work. Besides, I wouldn't knock it till I tried it.
Posts: 157
#142 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
Sorry Hep was busy with work stuff, appreciate all you and all the other meaningful contributors are doing to make this thread work here.
Got some further advances myself on the wife beginning to verbalise some desires in normal everyday conversation, all tentative stuff designed to feel me out because following telling her my dream she seems to have relaxed down in someway. I'm currently thinking on where to go next with my dream as a way to offer her a understanding that her new desire and verbalising about being with a hung black man in normal conversation as she says "I wonder what that would be really like... I imagine it would be very intense like my dream wouldn't it?" So I got to get thinking about where I can go next with my own faked dream that will help mirror some of her new desire in a suggestive way.
Frankly what was written before by this ignorant pornking on this thread I'm not going to respond to as he hasn't realised that his thing about relax learning is all about ppl learning masses of detailed and technical info on any subject and not simplified suggestive "you want big black cock" and the other blossoming suggestions which have worked for me beyond a shadow of fucking doubt! http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 885
#143 · Edited by: fender412002
llllllllllll fender
Posts: 141
I had a very long session on Wed night (2 hours) in the middle of the night. I feel the same way as Fender in that certain times (relax cycles) do not have much affect in breathing. Last night she mentioned having sex and I just kind of ignored it. Was very tired anyway (due to long night of LW) but also thinking about building the desire. Woke up this morning and started right in. She was definitely REMing. She was making noises that I seemed to be invoking.
She seemed to be on the edge of relax towards the end and I was taking some big chances trying to get the message planted when she might be the most susceptible. I am guessing we will have sex tonight and will have an update.
Posts: 13
hi All, i used to follow this back on NW and although i never have managed to continue as i should, mainly due to tiredness with work etc, some subtle changes have for sure happened. I am going to pick this up again and see how we get on. One of the things i always found that helped was backgroung noise like a tv radio etc even the window open, and i felt easier that hopefully she wouldn't wake. so has anyone thought about recording stuff on an iphone or dicatphone and just playing back at a very low volume? half my problem is i don't really talk quite if i do i tend to mumble, this way i can get a nice message across which is the same each time. or we could get a script going on here which we follow and just add our wifes names in.. so for 4 weeks we do script 1 then move onto the script 2.. best will in the world some of us are no story tellers and some of the crap i have come out with is laughable at times  what do you think?
Posts: 885
#146 · Edited by: fender412002
llllllllllll fender
Posts: 141
Fruits of my labor last night. Busy day yesterday but towards the late afternoon we were out on the deck and I told her to take off her panties. She had a skirt on and although she acted like she was put out by my request she actually did it and handed them too me. First time ever and she cooked dinner and spent the rest of the evening like this. I would of course play grab ass from time to time.
Sex was great and when she came to bed she was already soaking wet. I fucked her hard and in several diffrent positions. Decided to skip the black dirty talk. She had her legs much higher trying to get my cock in deeper. She was yelping to the touch. I told her I was available later if she wanted and she slept naked (very rare).
I woke up at about 5:30 and started to think about LW and said her name. She popped up and went to the bathroom and came back for more. Soaking wet again and nipples hard before she even toucarbonsmudged me. More orgasms and we fucked like naturals
Something is happening here and I believe it is the LW. I have been keeping it consistant, simple and repetitive.
Posts: 157
Puda: One of the things i always found that helped was backgroung noise like a tv radio etc even the window open, and i felt easier that hopefully she wouldn't wake. so has anyone thought about recording stuff on an iphone or dicatphone and just playing back at a very low volume? half my problem is i don't really talk quite if i do i tend to mumble, this way i can get a nice message across which is the same each time. or we could get a script going on here which we follow and just add our wifes names in.. so for 4 weeks we do script 1 then move onto the script 2.. best will in the world some of us are no story tellers and some of the crap i have come out with is laughable at times I think I gave my own opinion before about the idea of playing a recording. It would certainly work in the ideal world where wives don't wake and your not quick enough to drop the volume or press stop on your iphone or mp3 player, just unforunate that it might throw up too many problems. What happens if you fell arelax whilst playing it to her and she wakes to hear a interesting recording? Might be worth having an attempt I guess, a trial perhaps in your own situation Puda perhaps it is a option. In principle of her absorbing such a recording there can be no doubt that it would work as per us whispering it. Might be worth a whisper recording so that it isn't so harsh to her *** that it attracts so much notice that she wakes. If you do it though start with the same kind of gente suggestions of "I love you so much" etc. I suppose the other thing you could do is use it in conjunction with her taking relaxing tablets. But I don't know if you could get her taking relax tablets and again for such a extended time. I've used the whispering over TV before and haven't had any problems with that. Fender & Jbarrow, you guys are doing so well http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 885
#149 · Edited by: fender412002
lllllllllllllllll fender
Posts: 157
Hugh Jackman the actor has been popping up in my wifes chat lately because we watched Real Steel and she's always had a thing for him. Always pissed me off because if there were more black actors given more prominent roles it would probably help us out! Any way I decided may be it was time to put Hugh in his place! May be make a beta male out of him. Frankly I suspect this any way or at least in comparimister with the kind of guys I'd like to see dominating my good wife. So just at the moment Hugh is being encouraged into her dreams but only so he can get pushed around by a big black guy and exposed for having a SWC in contrast to the BBC that wins my wife and fucks her in ways Hugh can't even begin to imagine. Lol have no idea if it'll play out but here's hoping!
Anyone think of any extra ways of humiliating and down grading Hugh's interest in my wifes mind?
May be I should tie Hughs image to my own making then interchangeable too? http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html