Posts: 885
#91 · Edited by: fender412002
lllllllllllllll fender
Posts: 3899
I've been slowly starting to work on this with my GF. Not much has been happening, but last night, when I said that I wanted her to have all the sexual freedom she wants, she seemed to react to it. Her breathing changed and she moved around some.
I waited a while (maybe 15 minutes or more) and tried with the same thing again. (It's something she has always said appeals to her.) Same result the second time.
Probably not accidental, but of course it will require more times to see if that keeps happening. ;)
Christine (a sissy)
Posts: 885
#93 · Edited by: fender412002
llllllllllllll fender
Posts: 157
Can't believe it. My main pc that I've been typing up my progress on has had a major fail and won't restart keeps just beeping at me. I spent ages typing my progress out Grrrrr.
Hi to bpop good to see you
And it's great to see others progress though knowing what I now know about LW it's not a surprise!
Looks like its going to be minor amounts of text for near future with me and hope I can find a solution to pc failure. http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 885
Best of luck swhww... I look forward to reading your posts. fender
Posts: 111
Just carbonsmudgecking in. There's so much going on here right now - good choice of site SWH. I was looking forward to hearing your latest LW session. Hope you can get your PC up and running soon..
Looking good Fender and Jbbarrow.
Hello to our newest contributor, Bpop https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 111
Just carbonsmudgecking in. There's so much going on here right now - good choice of site SWH. I was looking forward to hearing your latest LW session. Hope you can get your PC up and running soon..
Looking good Fender and Jbbarrow.
Hello to our newest contributor, Bpop https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 885
#98 · Edited by: fender412002
lllllllllllllll fender
Posts: 141
Great session last night. LW for about an hour and 15 minutes. I slept for about an hour and then woke up. Started rubbing her and when she woke she went to the bathroom and came back and took her shirt and panties off. I ate her soaking pussy unil she came (not necessarily normal) and she actually screamed out when she orgasmed (LOUD). She pulled me on top of her and I started to fuck her very wet pussy. I told her that it felt like someone had been in her before. Although she did not start cheering my fantasy she went along with it.
She is very tired tonight so I will hit some LW and call it a night.
Posts: 885
#100 · Edited by: fender412002
llllllllllllll fender
Posts: 157
#101 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
jbbarrow2000us Wow that's some hot update, love it. Nothing better than hearing them verbalise with the intensity of natural passion which is really my number one reamister for wanting to get mine cuckolding me with a black man with the right attributes. Jb what kind of suggestion are you giving your wife?
fender412002 Hot stuff fender mmm love the ideas your getting her to explore in her mind.
I'll have the chance to get on with fixing PC tonight as wife will be back on another night shift. Then I can carry on with my update.
Interested to know out of the many viewings of this thread how many people are giving loving whispers a go... These silent majority wish you'd post. I always wonder what's stopping you? What do you feel to stop you? Is there some kind of fears? http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 141
Just a short session of about 20 minutes last night. Lack of relax caught up with me. I have been just keeping with very basic statements. Big black cock. You want to fuck big black cock. You want to suck big black cock. I intermix nigger cock into the sentences. I use various combinations of thick, long, deep, wet, fast, etc. I have talked about her becoming horny everytime she sees a black man. You want to fuck black men.
So far I have relied on duration, consistancy, and rhythem. I am pretty positive that the technique is working. We have had some very hot sex too many times in a row to be a coincidence and I have noticed that she SEEMS to have a little more awareness of interracial situations on TV. Even the HBO/Showtime shows with nudity and extreme profanity seem to catch her attention more. The nice thing is during the past couple of weeks it seems like everytime I turn on the television it has something to do with interracial.
I notice some of the guys on the forum are using eloborate story lines and I wonder if those work better or if hte message gets lost. I keep thinking that I am trying to implant the idea and let her mind create the scenerio. Probalby no right or wrong way.
I would be interested in starting to work towards a trigger word. More to come
Posts: 157
JB you must be hitting the right spot to be getting that kind of feedback. Though my suggestion can be quite extensive now, it wasn't at the start. So her mind may be has become used to the wanting to suck and fuck big black cock and moved on - though at the end of the day that's still the central message. http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 21
I'm going to try this on my wife, but I'm not sure it will work. She is very vanilla when it comes to sex. She has mentioned before that she has opened up sexually with me. Even with that, she is still not wild. It's only when she's takes that she gets a little slutty with me.
The times she takes at night and gets takes, she will almost always want to watch a porno with me.
A few weeks ago we were watching a porn I had dvr'd on Comcast & it was a blonde girl (like her) getting fucked roughly by two black guys. I definitely noticed her get very excited, but she didn't cum. She abruptly stopped and demanded I fuck her. I asked her why she stopped if she was so excited. And she said "You know I don't like black guys." And I said, "well they sure got you excited. To which she answered, it wasn't the black guys that got me excited, it was the way the fucked her.
She has mentioned many times, that she doesn't like black men sexually. So I don't know if this will work on her.
God, what I would do to see her take a huge black cock.
Any advice?
Posts: 885
#105 · Edited by: fender412002
llllllllllllllll fender
Posts: 157
Firstly, thank you to atlbbc4mw for the help getting my main PC up and running and allowing me access back to my update.
Following on from my last update.....
Well she admitted she had some incredibly lucid dreams but can’t remember everything and she said they were about black men. Now whats got to be understood is I have never mentioned my own desire to see her with black men and have made this all using LW and making it her own fantasy which I’m playing along with for her.
We have been doing awake fantasy play about her and a black lover and this has all been her using the black lover as the object of fantasy (yes this was suggested to her using LW and I had suggested rough hot nasty sex with a nigga) and it's all been relatively tame stuff, but enared me to buy a nice big black dildo for her. I haven't been powering anything through awake fantasy sex play about the hardcore stuff I want, its all been her direction and she has verbalised some of the things I’ve suggested to her about her wanting a much bigger cock in her and being used by black men roughly and stretched out...
So then she says "I’ve had some of the most amazing powerful dreams today"... "Whys that then baby, what wickedness have you been up to in your mind..." tease, tease “Well the dreams were just so lucid, so real, SO REAL I’m sure I came several times its really taken me by surprise….." “Its OK sweetie its all good, you can't control your dreams, they just are and we shouldn’t be shocked by them because they are part of who we are.........”. Nothing much forthcoming at this moment, I’m feeling a sense of hesitation and fear from her to really tell me so I followed up with, “I have been having a dream just recently about being locked up in a confined space. It was so scary and real. I could hear screams above me and around me. I could hear others crying and pleading in other cells and some creature kept coming backwards and forwards past the cell and tormenting the other primisterers I could hear its breathing and then it pausing outside my cell and then moving on again. It was just so real..." (In a different Universe I’d be tempted to say I think it's your lady) So she starts asking me about my dream...was it below or above ground, was it in a castle or house, did I recognize anything from my normal life.... I'm thinking "fuck this isn’t the direction I want to go, I want to hear hers but I'm thinking Id better give her something so she can feel I shared and then feel she'd better.... So I say "well it's difficult to know though there was a lot of echo so it must be stone and not soil and err yes the walls inside the cell were stone with a old style thick wooden door all bolted through". I’m thinking on my feet, making this stuff up "What else..." "Then I see a light around and under the door suddenly appear. It was such a powerful light and felt warm like someone had suddenly ripped open this building and a midday sun was streaming right in. Next thing I am blinded as the door is ripped and pulled away from its frame. I'm expecting to see something all powerful and next thing I'm feeling your warm hand, friendly and open face and then seeing you standing there with one arm out towards me extending and offering your hand and your totally naked and glowing looking so natural you hairs all splayed out like your on some kind of modelling photo shoot and their using a fan to blast your face. And your just there so natural, so womanly, so open and I get the sense of a natural power is radiating from you, and at the same time I'm seeing that it's almost like there’s a large beast like figure standing behind you and their keeping hold of you as your helping to pull me out…..". My minds lit now with the possibilities I have just stumred on. Maybe this was my own *** need I just verbalised because I don’t think I could have thought of anything half as good even if I’d planned it! I can see where her questioning is going next but I head her off because I could see she’s going to directly ask “who is behind her”. “You tell me you too were being held in a cell but have found your way to escape by calling on some natural powerful power from the earth who has come to you in the shape of Pan.” “What’s Pan look like?” “Well I haven’t seen him for myself yet as this is what your telling me in the dream but when I do see him as I focus past you and he’s some distance away considering he was giving you a hand to help me he’s not so close to us. He’s a real beast of a man but covered in the earth and rather than two horns on his head has one very large horn and his lower half looks real thick not so much like a goat but more like a bulls powerful legs, buttocks and hooves… Didn’t see any Pan pipes though,” I say playing along with the ‘Pan’ theme. I continue, “We’re both in the process of thanking him when I wake up.” She suddenly just sits right down, real silent now and I’m thinking on the inside “fuck it I have truly over played my hand” outwardly I’m trying for a poker face But I don’t say a word and I can see her mind playing over what I have just told her and she’s looking down in both directions looking up and across and back down like thoughts and feelings are all mingling together. I was fucking terrified by this time. I think I may even have started sweating my fucking heart rate is going crazy. I’m sure I was flushed. However, I stay silent. Just like I’ve read on Heps PDF about ‘just shutting the fuck up’ and allowing her full access to connect with the LW suggestion and think on what has been going on through her mind. This felt like some kind of epiphany moment where what she has been thinking has connected with what I’ve been saying. BUT my fear right here was her connection had backfired on me realising that I was responsible for manipulating her and my recounting a fake dream had blown it and she’d realised that!
I was now ready for the worst and am thinking “I’d better say something even if it’s a lame, are you ok”. This pause had gone on for over a minute and it was like she was now realising I was in the room and expecting I’d want some kind of reply yet there was nothing I could see that showed anger in her face or actions if she had busted me. I have never sighed more deeply than that moment.
“Wow!” she sighs too, “well let me tell you my dreams or some of it as far as I can remember. You’ll be really shocked at some of it because it certainly shocked me and well it was just so real you know”. I sat next to her and held her hands, “Baby there is nothing you can tell me that will shock me how you’re thinking about your dream because I know that whatever it was the dream belongs to you and can only help understand who you are.” “Ok, here goes. So first thing I remember is us both meeting a black guy and he is just so gorgeous looking, his features are so manly, his attitude so strong, cool and dominant. I just melt into his arms within seconds of meeting him, you’re there just telling me ‘everything’s ok and just go with it and enjoy the experience’ and then you’re rubbing my back and me and him are kissing away and I can even feel his breath and I can smell his musky manliness and I really mean I could literally remember smelling him and remember that smell now. It was so intense...” I’m getting a boner now remembering her telling me this and I know I had a bigger boner then. “He is all over me, touching me everywhere and then he just slings me onto a bed and you come over smiling and he just moves in on me teasing me how much I want his big black cock and I’m looking at you and you just seem so content and I’m beginning to beg him and he’s getting nasty with me. Getting me to tell him what I need him to do. He’s telling me what you going to do for me and then he brings out this huge cock and with heavy full balls and next thing I’m just sucking on each ball and licking his huge cock and trying to get it in my mouth. But all the time I’m doing this your there and I feel like I’m enjoying you being there watching me with this big black man. And all the time I can smell him and I mean really smell him, his like musky powerful odour. And I’m loving that, that he is so different to anything I’ve ever been used to. I’m pretty sure I came at that point and he isn’t even doing anything to me because I’m there sucking his big black cock and using both hands to work him rigid. That when I notice you’re up behind me eating me and I’m just so loving both. I’m telling you that you aren’t going to get into me as I need this black man in me. All the time this black guy is telling me to call him a dirty big black nigga(DBBN) and how much I want this DBBN. Then he’s spinning me right around and flipping me like it’s the easiest thing in the world because he’s so strong and next thing he’s pushing into me and I’m screaming with pleasure and pain and gasping and moaning and all the time I’m watching you watching me and then I’m just there with him and your image is all dulled like the rest of the room and I’m seeing him so clearly. I’m coming again by this time and I really felt like I came. I could feel his sweat on his back and his buttocks I could smell his odour and I could feel him fucking me furiously”. “Then at some point I remember him and me both cumming together and then next thing I know is he’s gone and we’re cuddling together and kissing and you don’t care that his saliva is on my lips and we’re kissing deeply and emotionally we are both sobbing it seems we’re both just so emotional and then you’re eating my pussy again. And all the time I can smell him now, smell him on me. It was so intense. There was other dreams after this which I can’t fully remember.“
So thats how her lucid dream story finished and I’m wondering is she playing me every bit as much as I’m playing her. Except there is no way through the cloud of temazepam that she’d remember my whispers and frankly I’m certain she’d be fucking mad if she thought it was me that was manipulating her to think fantasy with other men / black men.
So I cuddled her and said “Wow that was a truly erotic dream baby, to feel that so intensely must have been so great. I’m really surprised some of the direction your dream took and got to wonder how I’d feel to be there seeing and feeling what you felt. I think that it would be a real intense experience, wouldn’t it to be there for real. Got to say I’d not ever considered these things like this, certainly we have done your fantasy of the dark stranger taking you before and that was real hot too, really enjoyed seeing you enjoying that fantasy using the dildo on you. Very interesting and enjoyable thanks for sharing that. I love you so much baby and love you even more knowing you can share such intimate moments with me because there isn’t anything that can shock me with your sexuality you know I just love your exploring like this. I think we are much closer now as a couple with this fantasy play aren’t we and that can only be a good thing. We did plenty of kissing and cuddling after this.
NOTES: Since my fake dream of accidental good fortune I’ve thought that this same dream could come back for further exploring with her in future conversations. I’m thinking I could much more deepen the cuckolding angle with things like noticing she is wearing a ring that has a triangle moulded to the outside of the circle and may be carry the dream further along from thanking him to walking with him etc. The reamister for this is that I can then introduce my own desire to her in the form of the dream and get her to point out to me what this dream might mean in the context of what she has now expressed about her dreams. http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 111
#107 · Edited by: hephaestus
Fender makes good sense and questions worthy of answering.
Hi pleeeezu. Welcome to open participation on the thread. Now I think it may be a good idea to have some more back ground on your Wife. Is there any specific reamisters she has given for not liking black men in particular. I hope it's possible for us to be able to communicate through the thread as this will allow others with similar problems to also hopefully join in and also gain insights into their own issues.
It is interesting that when her consciousness is lowered and she is more relaxed that black men may be less of a issue considering her initial reaction to the IR porn. She enjoyed the 'way they used the white girl' without enjoying they were black. Yet how many folks have it in mind that it's the very way that black guys use white women that is the core component of enjoying that. I'm not saying either way on that - reserving judgement -just noting.
My biggest advice right now is don't put any pressure on her consciously about why she doesn't like black men. I think this is a barrier that needs maintaining in the short term for possible gains in the long term and I'd suggest that you not play her anymore IR scenes. This way if you decide to take up using LW in relation to black men we can begin noticing if she begins having new feelings independent of your preference.
Hephaestus (Tony Burlton)
SWH WOW also! That is some amazing work and really interested in the way you used the 'I had a dream' myself route. That has opened up some ideas that hadn't occured to me for using and rebounding on them. Very creative. Pan covered in mud with a big horn and bulls buttocks and legs. I'd love to see where your heading next with that faked dream for the wife to mull on!! THANKS TO ATLBBC for helping SWH with the computer problem. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 141
Once again it really works.....my wife came to bed last night and stripped her cloths off before practically attacking me. Seemed to be very interested in my cock. When I reached between her legs she was soaked. This is not the norm. She was very responsive and was at one point humping my face. I put her in the missionary position and began pounding her hard. She was really fucking me back and quite loud. I decided to give the next level a try and started to ask her if she wanted to be FUCKED hard and if she likes it deep. She kept saying yes. This is also not the norm since she is not typically into dirty talking or profanity. Very powerful orgasm.
I woke up early this morning and worked on some more LW. Spent about an hour and kept it simple. She was moving around a lot and mummuring. May be unrelated and I wanted to be careful so I would take short breaks and let her breathing get back in sync. Towards the end I believe I may have been a factor. I could change her breathing with the phrase "big black nigger cock". Keep you posted but seems very poisitve.
Posts: 157
Powerful stuff JB, there's a unique magic in this method that I'd never thought possible.
Hep, yes inadvertently I've given myself a further direction to explore using my fake dream as a start of her exploring consciously my own desire that funnily enough might begin to mirror her currently trending desire! I really did think I'd gone too far with my fake dream but my thinking is that I really have had the bizarrest dreams in the past so knowing that now its no giant leap to making cuckolds brownie up and putting it to use! http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 885
#110 · Edited by: fender412002
lllllllllllll fender
Posts: 111
It's a fucking pain when you put the work in to have it setback by ass holes. Give me a full figured woman every time. Black Men in general know where it's at - it's more unusual to find black men into stick insects. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 885
#112 · Edited by: fender412002
lllllllllllllllll fender
Posts: 2
Does anyone believe that this could work thru a telepathy rather than talking? Talking seems um shall we say dangerous 
Posts: 111
#114 · Edited by: hephaestus
Hi Fender, bit delayed in answering. I had some untested ideas for protection against problems and also the kind of scenario your wife told you about yesterday which upset her. I did also have untested LW ideas for ppl dealing with the 'wife who hates black men' which someone said was a issue recently but I need more back ground to target the LW suggestion in specifically individualised ways - though the principle will then be available for folks to play with and perhaps ask for further tweaks.
THE FOLLOWING IS FOR CREATING EMOTIONAL DETACHMENT ONLY IN FENDERS TYPE SITUATION So anyway without the specifics I will offer this idea - which is one of several untested ideas that are entirely inspired by NLP and this one seems apt for use in offering a proofing against family strife and also against the 'jerk guy'. FAMILY STRIFE: During a LW session ask her *** to create a trigger response to the family strife by beginning to imagine that as soon as a situation looks emotionally harmful she will create a invisible bullet proof barrier that will protect her against emotions and deal with those other peoples emotions more clinically.
'JERK GUY': When you meet a guy who is unable to accept your beauty your hotness your womanliness you will create a trigger response creating a invisible bullet proof barrier against the jerk guy and a image of a tiny cock and inadequacy will flash directly in front of him because you realise there must be something very lacking in him that he is unable to chat up grown women and so must be too immature and weak inside.
Just some UNTESTED ideas there Fender. I do have some other thoughts in a similar vein but these look pretty straight forward.
If guys want me working on the 'my wife hates black men' problem or any other problems that seem to be getting right in the way of reaching that prize they'd better start joining in the thread and asking for help and laying down specifics. Because theres people here and on other forums in the past that are going out of their way and went out of their way to join in and make this a fun and vibrant thread
I am way past contacting anonymous or the overly secretive wannabes. You are more than welcome to jump in, even dip you toe in but its going to take communicating here with us. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyayecsve06192n/nwo_3tc_loving_whispers.pdf
Posts: 141
Huge progress was made last night and even shocked myself. She came to bed with the idea that she was tired and probably going to go to relax. I was a little disappointed but figured that we had had a great session the night before and I would work some LW. I had brought a dildo to bed and was going to try to take it to the next level.
After about five minutes she says we should have sex and peels her clothes off. She is very passionate and is soaking wet. I announce that I have the dildo (she has had mixed emotions on this in the past) and she balks for a second. Things get moving again and she is like an natural. Very vocal and I am sending her over the edge with my tongue. I start to slowly push in the large Cyberskin dildo and after a short while I start to fuck her with it. She starts to go wild and I decide to go for broke and start verbalizing. "You love to fuck a big cock don't you"? "I want you to fuck another man"? Etc, Etc. She is along for the ride and is answering yes. She cannot get enough of the dildo and I am burying it in her. She has a HUGE.....orgasm and still wants more. I am still dirty talking her when I mount her and soon blow my load. It took her awhile to settle down.
THIS IS NOT THE NORM! I went ahead and hit some LW at about 4:30 this morning for about an hour. It appeared that I was inside her mind and was certainly affecting her breathing and was (maybe) getting some verbal reactions.
We will see how it goes tonight but the best results in 25 years!
Posts: 157
I'm really happy for your success JB. It's so good to see your getting results that have until been impossible! This is what I've seen with my wife. Things have so changed that there is no going back to that past life and just moving forward with a greater depth and vibrancy to our love and life and opens possibilities that I want to see and can see happening now. http://www.cuckoldplace.com/10_77714_1.html
Posts: 141
Thanks swhwwubbbd. Hard to believe but another good session last night. She is so horny and so wet. She is wet like a 20 year old but she is in her late forties. May have hit a world record of orgasms last night.
She went through a period similar to this a few years ago but without LW. No question that she is reacting beyond any expectations. Did have a few set backs. Dildo play was not working real well and when I introduced the dirty talk about other men she balked a little. I did talk about big black cock a few times. First time in a while and first time since starting LW. It was towards the end of the session and I believe she got much wetter again.
To weigh in on a few previous posts my roadblocks have been the same as most: 1. She loves her husband and does not believe in cheating. 2. Not overly fond of black men on a day to day basis. (racial bias) 3. Wants to be a good girl (younghood training).
I have been keeping it simple with my LW. Obviously, I am thrilled with my initial results for only being a few weeks in. Looking for ideas on taking it too the next level but remember the old saying that if it ain't broke don't fix it. I have not introduced a trigger word yet. Although I have told her that she gets horny when she sees a black man (over and over again).
45 minutes this morning with noticeable changes in breathing and movement.
Posts: 17
Keeping it simple - please provide examples:
My wife relaxs lightly - so my time has been very limited. I have only been able to do a few very short "you love BBC" etc.
Again - what are you using?
Posts: 885
#119 · Edited by: fender412002
llllllllllllll fender
Posts: 3899
fender412002: << I think a lot of women want to go for that sexual freedom but are afraid to take the first steps. >>
I'm sure that's very true. As you said, men do have some encouragement, though some more than others. But women are almost always told not to do that. If anything, other women tend to keep them in line. The worst thing for many women is to be called a "slut."
<< For me at least, that's why I'm willing to be faithful to my wife and yet am willing to allow her to pursue other sexual partners. >>
If that would do it for her, I would gladly agree to that. However, in the case of my GF, it seems to encourage her to be active if I am interested in other people. She is more inclined to be comfortable, knowing that I won't be judgemental of her.
<< I hope your gal starts to open up too. As they have said on this thread, it doesn't make the women do things they didn't want to do, it helps them actualize some of the things they've always wanted to do but haven't. >>
I think she may, as her work situation starts to settle down. I'm sure you're right about it in terms of not getting them to do things they wouldn't otherwise do. It's a form of subliminal suggestion, and all I've heard about that says that it's effective for motivating people for things they're already inclined toward. People wonder why they thought of something at the time that they did. And she has said in the past that the reamister she doesn't is because of being pre-occupied with other issues.