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My update is fairly encouraging out of the gate. I worked the LW two nights in a row this week and on the third my wife proactively asked for sex. She is on her period and is very rare that she would initiate during this time. Very good sexual energy and toward the end I was fucking her missionary and asking her if she like big cock going deep and she murmured yes. She is not all that excited about dirty talking so that seemed positive.

Great orgasm and I skipped LW that night. Hit it again last night right after she fell arelax. She had some VERY deep rythmic breathing going and I fell into the rythem with her. I was able to speak quite loudly for about 45 minutes. Staying with the fucking and sucking big black cock basics. Hit it again about 5:00 a.m. off and on for about an hour. Breathing was very shallow and I needed to be more careful. More to come.


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I remember the LW posted on the NW forum sometime back and briefed myself on the PDF you posted; this is definitely a good basis on how this may work. I did try a few LW a while back but didn't keep up with it so not much came out of it.

A lot of information is laid out and although all this is a good read, I haven't seen the "definitive list" of steps -- So following is what I have gleaned out of all this. I would appreciate you look over this and correct as needed – questions that come up will be placed in [brackets]. Sorry, but I am one of those people that work best when all of the directions (at least for reference) are laid out in front of me:

General Guidelines:

1. Baby steps - don't attempt to gain too much too quickly. Start with something simple (change of dress?) and gauge its effectiveness before moving to other more complicated items.
2. Build on previous "ideas" (after success guideline 1). So perhaps BS1 (baby step 1) is have the wife/gf start wearing more dresses and skirts - BS2: Get the wife/gf to go without panties while wearing dresses and skirts; BS3 – have the wife/gf start thinking black guys are sexy and strong; etc.
[Is this a better approach or is going for the whole enchilada just as effective?]
3. LW - repeat, repeat, repeat. If this can be done every night - great. If LW is stopped, the *** mind "forgets" what you have been training/telling it.
4. Best to perform the session just after falling arelax or just before waking; although anytime during the night is better than nothing.
5. LW can be enhanced if the wife/gf takes a relaxing med - after she falls arelax, wake her some and then proceed.
6. Keep LW and daily conversations separate; the possibility of the wife/gf becoming aware on some level that something isn’t right may occur if a discussion is engaged that mirrors some of the memories that LW may produce.
7. Use of a trigger word (keyword) could be used to trigger thoughts during the day implanted by LW. This could also be used to gauge the effectiveness of the LW; watching (passively) the way your wife/gf reacts when the trigger word is used. This word should be something that when used normally would not arouse suspicion but unusual enough that it could be used judiciously without raising suspicion. [Can the keyword be over used?]


LW Steps -reposted/formatted- slight rewording:

1. After your wife/gf falls arelax at night and not just tonight but from now until eternity, whisper/talk depending how deep of a relax she is in (deeper relax allows for a slightly louder/powerful tone).
2. Listening to the depth and rhythm of her breathing, pace your speech with the rate of her breathing.
3. Start out speaking low, (i.e. whisper first check she is arelax) and increase the volume and powerfulness to accommodate the likely hood of it sticking in her *** mind whilst maintaining her relax.
4. Start the LW process -planting suggestions- examples:
(NAME), you can begin enjoying big black nigger cock with my permission.
( NAME), you want to have big black nigger cock NOW.
GET CREATIVE -build a story for her to follow for her to dream about. Use positive reinpowerment- stating that she enjoys it etc.
Remember to name her directly first to attract her *** mind to your communication.

The methods behind this are simple - the *** - the thing that really goes to town on ideas and changes in the psyche is the one thing that NEVER shuts down unless YOU’RE DEAD. The conscious mind will and I mean will because it’s the ego and the I will center function of our minds that tries to stop changes in current habits and belief. So that's why doing this can help the *** mind to pick up on the changes YOU want for her and deal with them in a much more relaxed way, now I hope you can understand that.

These techniques are part and parcel with magicsis; and every ITU / ICU unit in a hospital can tell you stories about patients waking from accident induced comas or purposely made chemical / pharmacological induced comas with the knowledge of some staff member having called them a big tub of lard (fat) etc. This is also why patient’s relatives are encouraged to speak and play music to patients in these states.

What I'd add is this - attempt to create a trigger word of your choosing to tie to the suggestions you are giving, so that by using a certain word - you can trigger memories and thoughts of this in a conscious state - saying BIG BLACK COCK itself is too cumbersome for a trigger word and would create a question from your wife/gf or girlfriend for you to answer. So pick something you can throw into an everyday conversation but making sure it is not a word that would normally be used in general conversation.

Now these techniques are sound in magicsis and I have not tried anything like this in relax states myself before now, and I too am trying this now as a further reinpowerment.

IF ONLY 10% of all the guys trying this had success in increasing the change and level of interest then it’s a technique worth using and I can see value in that, can't you?

And remember, a far higher number level of people are considered moderately to very susceptible to magicsis so this is something well worth using and enjoying as a bit of fun or may be even just making yourself comfortable with starting to talk to your wife/gf about her enjoying the pleasuring of black men.


With that said, here is a post I picked up talking more along the lines of magicsis; perhaps a hybrid between the two methods:

o On entering the room where your relaxing subject is, you will need to establish a rapport with them. You can do this by sitting quietly by their bedside and watching their breathing. By matching your own breathing to that of your subject for a few minutes they will become receptive to you on an *** level.
o Gradually, change your own breathing by deliberately slowing it down - your subject should soon follow suit - don't worry if it doesn't happen instantly - they will eventually follow.
o The next stage is to gently stroke one of your subject's fingers - keeping this in time with your breathing. Avoid any abrupt movements as this will disturb your subject - after a few minutes you can commence by saying:
o [name] This is [name/ your relationship] - you can hear me - but you won't wake up - you can hear me - but you won't wake up.
o Repeat this sentence several times. Your subject may move but even if they verbally respond at this stage it is unlikely that they are awake.
o Follow this through with:
o When the very deepest part of your mind is listening to me - you can let me know by moving this (index or whichever) finger - and you can still hear me - but you won't wake up.
o Again, you may need to do this several times.
o When you get the response you're looking for, you can continue with suggestions such as:
o You can talk, but you won't wake up. The very deepest part of your mind knows what your problem is and can help us to find the solution.
o -or- you can give direct suggestions for whatever you're trying to achieve. But - remember - this must always be something that is in the subject's best interests - because even in this level of somnambulist magicsis they will not take on board suggestions that are against their own moral judgment.
o When you've finished with therapy you can give the subject suggestions to return to a peaceful relax, having beautiful dreams, and awaken at their usual waking up time, feeling refreshed and alert.
o One, two, three, four, five.

Hope this helps


Posts: 885
#63 · Edited by: fender412002
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Last night 1.5 hours after she went to relax. Almost the entire time in the heavy breathing groove. Another 45 minutes around 5 am. A little intermiittent stuff before she woke up.


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Last night 1.5 hours after she went to relax. Almost the entire time in the heavy breathing groove. Another 45 minutes around 5 am. A little intermiittent stuff before she woke up.


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Hey Guys,
It is sure sounding like some progress is being made here and that is great. The more progress you see taking place the more you will feel confident that this really does work. After that confidence builds up to a firm to assured feeling that these methods are certainly the ticket for the desired change I advise letting other disgruntled white husbands know about it and its success.

I know there are many and plenty of guys that want this very thing for their wives or girlfriends but are afraid or reluctant to pursuit any action towards a reality result. Many have never even mentioned it to their wives in fear of being shot down and grilled about it. These situations are where LW becomes a true jewel. They can use the methods to ease their wives sub-conscience into a more accepting frame of mind to at least listen first and then develop an interest.

Once an interest is developed then the desire can be worked on achieving. Once a desire has been developed then talking about it and everything else becomes much easier. The desire is the last step before reality can take place. The ultimate joy of reality is the main goal of the process and is something that many want but figure will never happen.

It's these guys that would benefit the most and be ever so thankful from discovering LW through friendly advice from those in the know about its success. I feel sure that Hep would agree since he is the actual brain behind the entire process.


Posts: 111
#67 · Edited by: hephaestus
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The problem with guidelines is they are entirely dependent on any guys individual wife and how he thinks he can progress. For instance one might think yep get her to dress sexy to start with, another may think I need to just build on her self esteem to get her anywhere near to where she'll wear a sexy dress. There is no hard and fast rules you can apply without being on the ground and knowing what angle to begin approaching and doing and testing. Also one mans interest is not anothers - so getting your wife without panties may not be something that wets your appetite to bother doing for someone else. The baby steps comes in forms of noticing small changes and building on them. She starts saying she's having sex filled dreams and you decide well’ll keep adding to the nastiness of those dreams. She may suddenly start getting clumsy round the store because she's noticed a big black man (at your LW suggestions) who funnily enough has also started noticing her because of her reaction and arousal to his presence. (Permisterally I think this is probably the best first approach using a 'visual trigger' getting her to respond to black men in public and on the TV and thereby her beginning noticing her arousal this way).

Make your own guidelines based around your own needs - sure - please do

Appreciate you want it in black and white but what’s on offer here is a methodology and not a program. You can build your own routines out of the methodology - picking up things you need and leaving others behind. The amount of re-editing we would need to do to keep pace with the too many varied needs is too much work for me without enough time and reward. I guess if I'd ever offered this stuff for a price and was living off the back of it I'd be thinking of doing a ever expanding guideline. What occurred from the first post on the PDF to the last post on here is a natural evolution - re-edit - refocus. I could be doing a Kingbull and rehashing NLP and speed seduction etc for reworking for cuck wanabes or working out a '7' step program or whatever else but I have a life and a job - so being able to help direct people individually through a board like this is going to be best for me and enable other folks to pick up and use as they read.

But what LW is not is magicsis or the lifted text regarding the stage of magicsis at the end of your post.

LW uses principles of working with the *** in relax where the *** is in control and starts to become aware of your suggestions.
Hypnosis starts with a fully aware 'subject' and you tell that subject what you intend to do as you begin sending them into a magictised state.
The magicsis you mention above suggests the permister is already in relax and yet if this was a normal relax the subject would jump out of their skin when someone comes into the room and starts touching them.
For that to work as described in the end lifted text is that the permister has already been magictised. And we aren't doing that powerful approach with Loving Whispers because we already know WE CAN'T - firstly we don't want our wives to know the intended direction because they'd freak - realise what you want and call you a fucking sick perv. Secondly because to acquire all the s*******s you need to magictise and know that you've done so to such a degree that she won't remember what you said would take a very good few years of practise.
Loving Whispers gets round this huge obstacle by just going to work on her when she relaxs. If we throw in relaxing tablets here again the requirement beyond knowing what to say in this relax does away with any need for magicsis techniques.
You could not do what your end of post-lifted text suggests on a relaxing permister without them being magictised so the relax they talk about must be the magictised state that some people sadly describe as relax when they mean the magictised state.

I really was hoping to avoid this bringing in magicsis into the thread because Loving Whispers does not need and could not use magicsis to achieve the end result. It takes some principles just like NLP has taken principles of magicsis and NLP has fashioned it into awakened state confusion followed by suggestion. There are also principles of NLP that are principles of magicsis that are at work with Loving Whispers and knowing how and why magicsis and NLP work is good background but a very long read indeed.

The lifted text at the end is not a hybrid - it is a section of what you can do in magicsis when the subject is already magictised. The best way to know that attbbc4mw is to try that method without first having magictised someone unsuspecting walking in the room - touching them and start suggesting anything.

I really don't have enough time to have to keep countering why magicsis methods cannot work in the Loving Whispers method only to keep saying that there is no need to bring magicsis into this method because it will confuse and detract from what is too different to want, need or be able to fuse. The fusion already took place and is already there in Loving Whispers. I'm not saying magicsis isn't the greatest tool for exploring and working with the ***, believe me I am very aware of how well magicsis works - it’s just in this thread for these reamisters it is redundant. If we start mixing two threads in one by bringing in magicsis as I've seen before it will just put everyone off because the natural understandable confusion it will cause.

Sadly when I had at my command being both a mod and admin I had a entire sub-forum devoted to what was going to be a string of these methods including magicsis on separate threads as well as NLP audio subliminal suggestion BUT well you and I know both know how went down and I can't add all this into one thread without folks just getting too confused.

Seriously, atlbbc4mw I value your input and your idea to create guidelines is a noble idea I just don't have the time to do much more than give folks necessary pointers. Please though do us both a favour and stop using magicsis information on this thread.


Posts: 111
#68 · Edited by: hephaestus
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I love this thread. Aside from the subconscious stimulation, it helps me pay more attention to my wife in general. I hope I continue to see progress. who here has had a wife go all the way to taking other cock? What were the signs right before she did?

Generally it seemed to be getting your wife to admit her 'new found' desire and then progressing on the 'normal' route - though I did suggest folks did do things like suggesting a particular club and getting them dancing with guys and it then progressing naturally that way - mikewhitey used that. My own route was getting her to admit she wanted black men and working on it from there. My problem was we ran into a huge problem as she had her back severely damaged which curtailed all our plans.

Last night 1.5 hours after she went to relax. Almost the entire time in the heavy breathing groove. Another 45 minutes around 5 am. A little intermittent stuff before she woke up.

All good jbbarrow. That's quite a session!

atlbbc4mw asked about what would be considered acceptable pause before the mind diminishes the thoughts and desires and this is dependent on what kind of stage your at. At the initial stage I think leaving 1 week between sessions would fade effects. On the other hand every night isn't necessary either and somewhere in region of 30mins to 1 hour per night is more than acceptable - for instance if you did it for just 10 minutes every night may be good enough but I don't know anyone that tried that. Also if you can create those heavy breathing moments seem to be very beneficial. Ultimately if your wife is taking relaxing tablets - well thats like the 'holy grail' of Loving Whispers!

Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement had_blackINme - its heart warming all round and seeing all the positives folks are putting out increases everyones 'esprit de corp'.


Posts: 17
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Thanks for the comments and you explain nicely why magicsis shouldn't be brought into this. Hopefully now comers that read through the thread will now have all the answers they need visa-vi magicsis and why not. Enough said on that.

It is agreed that each situation is different and please remember that everyone appreciates your insight and thoughtful replies with regards to each situation (at least I do).

Well off to start the system (again).


Posts: 885
#70 · Edited by: fender412002
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Thanks atlbbc4mw I appreciate your passion and would happily direct anyone to further reading on this immense subject.

Once again if anyone has any specific direction they want to take wife/girlfriend or use LW in anyother way then please drop a question here and I'll run through different ideas for using the method in relation to their new / permisteral direction.


Posts: 157
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I think I may be addicted to this method and this thread!


Posts: 885
#73 · Edited by: fender412002
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I think your wife maybe addicted as well swh

Great post, good work. I'll be interested to see her latest reactions on waking from this marathon three hour session!


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I had bought it for her in the past once when she was sick but she said it is too full of sex stuff. Well there she is last night reading it and yes, on the cover every other teaser was about some article that had to do with this or that aspect of sex. Basically the word sex appeared 5 or 6 times on the cover alone.

in any event as she went to relax i began with I love you, I'll never leave you etc.

i moved on to you deserve to be happy, you deserve the best life has to offer etc.

then it was you should be proud of your sexuality, it is nothing to be ashamed of

onward to I want you all the time, then men want you all the time

then its ok to share yourself with men, its ok to enjoy other men

you crave big dick, you want a big cock in you, imagine a big hard penis slowly sliding into you.

imagine fucking a well hung stud and cumming all over his cock, then you come home and tell me all about it

you love big cock, you want to suck a big black cock and take him all the way down your throat,

It was when I got to the sucking part that she moaned. Each of these sentences was started with her first name in a low voice and was usually repeated 3-4 times. i chop up the sentences so i can say them slowly in between breaths. Now I was getting so horny I waited a few minutes and then tried to wake her for some fun. She promptly said she was tired and rolled over... I guess this is the life of a cuck at times. Anyway, I went back to LW for another half hour or so before i fell arelax.

Good work Fender.

Just a thought and maybe should have suggested it earlier though it probably doesn't matter even a bit.
Wondering if framing some of the suggestions more positively maybe of help.


"never leave you" might be "I'll always be here for you", better still use both to reaffirm in her *** mind start with the (-) and end with the (+)

"it is nothing to be ashamed of" reaffirmed directly with "it is something to be celebrated"?

Just ideas that you can throw away directly.


Posts: 885
#76 · Edited by: fender412002
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Glad I found this thread


Posts: 111
#78 · Edited by: hephaestus
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Hi to flyboyp38, good to see you here, jump in with any thoughts when you feel ready.

Fender I dunno should I tell you I'm a limey, argh I guess it's best out there!
As to wife well we were doing so well up until some total dumb ass (arse) damaged her back. I'd put in all the night hours, done all the suggestion - got her to think it's all her own idea that ho hum I'd go along with and then decided I'd like, picked out a few different potential fuck buddies, organised a hotel, organised tester first meets in London - far enough away from our neighbo(u)rhood all backed up with huge doses of Loving Whispers for engaging her mind for the coming event.... ..I won't go into specifics how her back was injured for her as anyone who know us might put two and two together.

To say I was disappointed .... well I was fucking livid because of her back being hurt L4-L5 prolapsed disc injury with sciatica, caused her problems at work and at home and *******ed IR fun dead! So over a year down the line and there’s been marked improvements but nowhere near good enough for what I'd like to see her doing and only just good enough for her work. But when her back was injured and she came home - I saw a real look of total disappointment thinking she wouldn’t be well enough to go to London - she looked like she was grieving and had experienced a loss!
This was before realising how serious her back was and how the initial injury continued to worsen after that initial day. I am still amazed just how much she was disappointed over not getting the pounding she was so looking forward- it did make me realise that the idea really had become as much her idea as it was originally mine. What really got me was that we'd already agreed prior that we'd only look at this properly once the kids were old enough and ugly enough to look after themselves and so I'd already experienced a few years delay between my first suggestion taking root and then having to redo much of my original suggestion to get her back on desire. Only to have some fuckwit do what he did.
Anyway I mustn't dwell on it and just look to a new future where she will regain enough fitness that we can do all the things we want to do.

As to Loving Whispers - I had a thread on another forum and because of her injury I did start letting my input slide there. I know it's wrong of me but I kind of resented other people getting the breakthroughs and then clearing off the threads and out of contact from my email (I had been giving a lot of private tuition - which was stupid as it then didn't reach the general users eye). I suppose it just got me down every time I had to relive thinking about just how close I’d come and seeing others using Loving Whispers to have achieved that same desire. I did ask people on there to start propagating the idea out to other forums and connecting with Loving Whisper virgins so that it would take the burden of responsibility for it off my shoulders as frankly I started feeling I’d created a monster that was too big for just me to go spouting about its potential.


Posts: 885
#79 · Edited by: fender412002
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I would agree that if your wife actually knew what you were up to, she would either catch you while you were doing LW or just be plain pissed off with you.

I did get caught once doing LW (a while ago) - I just kept quiet and my wife didn't say anything in the morning nor ever... and she is the kind of permister that reminds someone of mistakes that have been made.

But if it were me, I would put a little time between LW sessions, just to prevent her from looking for it.


Posts: 141
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Had some great sex and did not LW on Friday night. She is finishing up her period and that is twice this week with her initiating. Not a normal action. We traveled yesterday and she was beat. Spent about an hour and 15 minutes and got some very good rythimic breathing and a few moans. Not sure if it is a coincidence or not.

It has been about a week on very intensive LW. I had done it a little earlier in the month. I have noticed she is more affectionate during the day (touching more) and the initiating of the sex during a period. We have been traveling so it will be interesting to see what happens now that we are back home.


Posts: 111
#82 · Edited by: hephaestus
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I think you'll find in a general way she knows your previous intent and is now feeling you out about where you / she should go from here. You've sexually engaged her mind opening it to possibilities so if anything if she hints again or even if she doesn't it maybe the right time to begin feeling her out about what she means?
I'd be surprised if it was anything more only thing is make sure you don't get a look of horror coming across your face when she says such things because she'll think your look is down to you not wanting her to explore when your look of horror might be you thinking you've been rumred. So my advice is brazen it out and enquire interestedly and curiously what she means and with the same plenty of reassurance as you've been doing anyway in your loving whispers sessions Fender.


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jb this is looking good, moving forward in a positive progression


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#84 · Edited by: fender412002
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Lol she is becoming dominate! I think she must feel extremely horny so something must be happening - I reckon a few more pushes and she will go black


Posts: 885
#86 · Edited by: fender412002
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Posts: 157
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I only got a good look at the board just now and seeing all the new posts I feel I need to respond to plenty of people about different things like Fenders; believe me you ain't the only mixed up perv around here Fender.

Great new advances going on all over and I haven't got enough time to respond; she's got night off before she goes back on nights again tomorrow! crazy shifts but there we go, so its given me another opportunity to hammer things home though not with same power tonight as Im pretty certain she won't take one of her last relaxing tablets.

I got plenty to report about what she said following my 3 hour session and it's all good but lol I couldn't help second questioning myself over some of the things she came out with and I did wonder at the time if Id over stepped the mark with what I used to get her to bring what she'd been dreaming about!

I got to get up to bed right now for that session with her and I will finish off the notes ive made about what came out of last night.

All take care and catch you all little later.


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SWHWWFUBBED....looking forward to your update. I am headed up for a session also. She asked for sex tonight. Unfortunately she is still spotting alittle which will curtail some activities. I will also update.


Posts: 885
#89 · Edited by: fender412002
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NO works. Last night she was hornier than I have seen her in years. Went right after it, great blowjob, playing with herself, actually humping the air at one point. I was very light on the verbal this time trying to let her be more comfortable with her agressive sexual attitude.

I have been skipping LW on nights we have had sex, but hit it for about 15 minutes this morning with some good breathing.
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