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Subconscious Stimulation

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Sounds great! Tell us more about the cuckolding?


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Further to: What I intended to include was this: I wasn't comfortable with using night whispers to bend her will to do something that she didn't know about; and certainly not something she didn't want to do. So I only started using NW after we'd discussed IR sex, cuckolding, bulls, etc. Then I scripted whispers that ********** the things she'd indicated interest in, and that subtly pressed her on things she was jut "okay" with. I didn't ever try whispers with things she was (for the moment) opposed to; such as anal.

And, contrary to something I read somewhere on this thread, I let her read the NW scripts. I do some captioning here on this site, and made sure she knew how to find the captions. And we played a little game: I dared her to figure out which captions were written specifically with her and her NW scripts in mind. I even told her there was a graphic "tell" in all the captions I'd done just for her that, if she figured it out, would identify all of them for her fairly quickly (there wasn't;but it had her looking at the pictures and captions over-and-over again, and really studying them).

I told her about and let her read the scripts, but not ~all~ of the scripts. This, to my mind, cemented in her conscious that I was constructively engaging her sub-conscious, and gave her "excuses" or reasons for new behaviors. Whether the NWs prompted the new behaviors, or whether having the excuse available just allowed her to be less inhibited; either way we both win!

We're in a good place with all this. She knows I support her finding Bulls outside of our marriage. She knows I'm a bit kinky in this regard. She knows I've used night whispers, and that they've had positive affects on her confidence, discipline, and fitness. She suspects but doesn't "know" how the night whispers have affected her sexual tastes, appetites, and interests.


Posts: 101
#603 · Edited by: rain_maker1963
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For those who're interested.

So I've toyed with what y'all call "loving whispers" and I call "night whispers" off-and-on for several years. Overseas duty has sometimes interrupted this; as have other real-life dramas (like preparing for overseas duty, returning from overseas duty, etc). But I've used the technique for quite a while, and am fairly convinced that - specifically in our case - it works.

I'm a scientist/engineer by training, so validating practices interests me. For my LWs related to cuckolding, I developed about 8 main scripts that I used off-and-on over the years. That way I reinforce the same words and common themes. But I also interspersed among them other scripts dealing with self-esteem, fitness, discipline, etc. But for cuckolding, it was the same 8 scripts, saying the same basic things in different ways.

To see if the scripts were "moving" her at all, I identified several themes common to the cuckolding scripts: Would I have unrestricted access to her mouth? Her Pussy? Would I get to know about her dates? Select who she dates? Watch them have sex? Would I be expected to clean her pussy with my tongue? Would she go "black cock only" for periods of time? And, as something of a "control question," Would I have access to her ass (this as a control because she's hard-over adamant that anal sex won't happen; so that variable shouldn't change).

I wrote a really simple "survey monkey" app for her phone that used a variety of 60 questions (not all the questions every time) to elicit changes in the themes noted above. And I slipped into her NWs a suggestion that she would enjoy giving me glimpses of her opinions on cuckolding now and again. the app would ping her a couple of times a day for input. And it would aggregate the input to the 8 themes being tested. So that, essentially, I have data for every day (sometimes twice or even three times in one day) illustrating what, if any, changes there have been with respect to her perspectives.

These "spider charts" are a simple way to illustrate the data. There are four charts: One representing a "baseline," taken after just about a week of night whispers. Then "Round One" represents data taken on a single day (averaged where necessary) about a month later. Rounds Two and Three were each also taken about a month after the previous snapshot. I used the data from other intervening days to look for sudden points of discontinuity; and there were a few. She almost had a D/s relationship with a black guy she met at the gym, for example. During that period of time her perspectives on "BCO" and self confidence moved quite dramatically. After the "romance" petered-out, her perspectives returned to almost where they were before the event (but not quite; the experience did shift her perceptions more than just the night whispers alone were doing).

Any way; the graphic below shows that, in this completely unscientific, unreplicable study, my wife's perceptions WERE modified quite significantly by night whispers. I should note that she was a knowing participant (she knew that I used NWs, but didn't know when, or the specifics, unless/until I shared scripts with her); she was already a "hot wife," and was willing to consider the things I was encouraging her to do (with the exception of anal); and she's naturally submissive (and suggestible).

Separately, a year or so later, I did a similar experiment over several months where I used night whispers to try and change the color of nail polish she used. I thought this would be an easy way to see if the technique worked. If I could get her to use a certain nail polish using NWs, I'd have strong support for the technique. I'm sad to say, that experiment didn't work as well. I did get some changes in color and behavior (I suggested she re-color just her fingers or just her toes), but it didn't correlate particularly well with the whispers I'd been giving her. When, after the experiment ended, I shared the results with her, she responded "Silly boy: I'm not going to change something as important to who I am as nail polish on a whispered whim!"

~grin~ So that shows how women equate sex vs nail polish!



Posts: 1
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Great research hotcplindc!

I'm not doing loving whispers myself (yet), but I thorougly love reading any updates from others that do use!
J Jones


Posts: 10
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I have been using the method of whispering for two years on and off. My wife now responds positively when I tell her to imagine she is having sex with a black guy. I give her an instruction to lift and wiggle her ass if she wants a blackcock. This she does. I don't know what to do next. Any suggestions?


Posts: 54
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i restarted in these Holidays.. anyone progressed?


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To make things happen.
The suggestion should be along the line of.

You know it it is invitation to get fucked but you can not stop doing it.
When you see a BLACK MAN you have look him in the eye.
Then you have to look at his crotch.
Then you have to look him in the eye again and smile.
You know you will have to deal with MAN you gave permission to fuck you.


Posts: 885
#609 · Edited by: fender412002
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Posts: 33
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Has anyone tried mixing suggestions into some of your wife's music and re-uploading it to her phone/mp3 player? It wouldn't be that hard to do using Audacity.
Confused Cuckold


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What happened to this thread? Is anyone still doing this?


Posts: 98
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What happened to this thread? Is anyone still doing this?

I'm still following this thread from time to time. Unfortunately due personal circumstances unable to do LW. Hope you are fine!
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


Posts: 3899 Pictures: 1 
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I'm still following this one too!




Posts: 157
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Haven't been around here for a long time.

Well using LW I got my wife into fucking black men.

I took it some interesting places and now we've both made the decision to stop.

Prompted mainly by me.

We kept running into more and more guys that seem to be triggered by a whole load of social misconstruction's of the SOROS kind like BLM attitudes and frankly is completely turned us off to what was once a very enjoyable kink.

I've spent longer now weaning her back off black men using LW and the same process that got us into this!


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What exactly were those guys doing?



Posts: 54
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Anyone progress with this method?


Posts: 3899 Pictures: 1 
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Gosh, I'm sure glad to see this old thread get revived!

I'd love to see an update from anyone.




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Posts: 3899 Pictures: 1 
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I'm so glad to see that someone else still has an interest in this topic!




Posts: 93
#620 · Edited by: subwimpwm
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I started dating Gemma the third week of college, and we didn't break up till I was in my late twenties. I don't think we'd have lasted a year if it wasn't for hy pno si s.

We had a great time together outside of the bedroom but our sex life sucked. After a few months we had an open, adult conversation about it and worked out why: we were both subs. Anyone who regularly loses tupperware lids knows it's hard to keep things fresh with a pair of bottoms*. Neither of us were opposed to the idea of domming, we just weren't much good at it. I think it was Gemma first suggested using hi[pnosis/guided meditation to get over our psychological barriers and fuck one another like sadistic tyrants.

Gemma's initial approach worked really well: she talked to me about how various stages of subbing felt for her, how I could tell I'd triggered them (she certainly suggested putting her in deep subspace was something I'd successfully done in the past without realising, though now I wonder if that was wishful thinking on her part) and how this would make me feel stronger, more confident, sexier, more powerful... ready to push her deeper. It felt like all the bits of wire had been lying around in my brain, and she just connected the circuit. What did I want to do? Pleasure my gf. How could I do that? By being attentively selfish *in a fairly specific way* - i.e. bottoming from the top, lol. Once I'd enjoyed myself once I felt genuinely confident and began experimenting the second time. It was certainly thrilling doing stuff without permission (not without consent, obviously, which I always left room for. Recklessly fucking Gemma's mouth like a pussy while she rubbed her clit, watching her nearly pass out from pleasure, was and is one of my favourite sexual experiences and the highlight of my domming career. It was also the end of it.

It was my turn to hip no tize Gemma. Instead of focusing on how I'd be feeling if she did X or Y, I talked at length about Gemma's clit. I told her how it was growing bigger and bigger, in both of our minds. How she was realizing it was important. Very important. A centre of need that had received insufficient attention. It was more important, bigger than, my cock. In fact, she was beginning to feel angry that we'd spent so much more time - that society spent so much more time - focused on cock, when clits, big, swollen clits like hers are more sensitive and capable of bigger, more important orgasms.

I went on in this fashion for about twenty minutes. My reward was being aggressively clitfucked in the mouth. I don't mean I ate her pussy, or even that she sat on my face. Nor do I mean the way that women often rub themselves against your face as they near orgasm (which is also a lot of fun). This was intense and deliberately aggressive, like she was marking my face as her territory. I felt used and I loved it. At one point I reformed the shape of my mouth and tongue to one I expected she would prefer. I was promptly flipped over and spanked for my troubles by a woman who was clearly and genuinely angry that I had not asked permission to change the expression on my own face. I won't say I fell in love with Gemma that day - I am certain I had already fallen - but I knew then that I wanted to be with her forever.

Perhaps getting off on another person's sexy selfishness is a bit of a blind alley. It was incredibly hot for a while, but at some point she went from fucking me to using me to have a wank with (which was also hot for a bit, before it got a bit sad and alienating). By this point we'd dropped the hipno. Gemma had tried using my script back on me, telling me how big and important my cock was etc., and it had repeatedly gone badly. I have a slightly below average, if quite girthy, cock. I'd never had any complaints about it (more's the pity, I love SPH). Like many men with slightly below average cocks partners are broadly satisfied with, I'm obsessed with it being tiny. Her talking about it being bigger than her and the most important thing etc. sounded sarcastic. By the time we found a way for me to tap into my selfish side, we had discovered it was not something Gemma really wanted. She liked topping from bottom and topping from top, but bottoming from the bottom was something she largely endured, unless i happened to get lucky and find the exact thing she wanted me to do. At which point you're not just being topped from the bottom, you're also playing a sexualised cross between Sherades and 20 Questions.

Gemma enjoyed degrading me. Problem is, once you've degraded someone enough, they are degraded. It's been done. A lot of spark goes away from sex when you've not just explored each others boundaries but set up a bureau de change on the border. Gemma confessed one day she'd rather I didn't 'keep trying' to Dom her, which was all the confidence adjustment I needed to never ask anyone to call me Daddy again. Naturally, I got off on the hughmilliation of this somewhat, the rejection, the vague feeling of feminization that went with, in some sense, being the girl in bed. Not a bad ending: our sex life went from virtually non-existent, to something we enjoyed , to fucking amazing and then to pretty good, rising to brilliant on occasions when we stumbled across a new shared toy or fantasy and, at worst, declining to mediocre. I wish I had pushed for us to give hip no another go (we never tried hip no tizing the submissive on the pair, which I imagine is proper fireworks when you get it right), but I suspect there was something inherently unstable in the odd BDSM ouroboros we'd built. Nevertheless, I would recommend it to anyone (I'm afraid I share some of the same ethical misgivings others have mentioned in regards to secret "LWs". Gemma expressed an interest in cuckolding me some time later, but it was spectacularly poorly timed (through no fault of her own) and contributed to the already teetering relationship's downfall. I think her desire to cuck me came from that same pandora's box of dominant self-actualisation that we smashed open the night she clitfucked my mouth - so definitely something to consider for the submissive cucks out there.

* I wrote another version of this gag: Sex is like the Ice Cream Factory - fun in principle, but pretty lame if there's no topping. Two bad jokes for the price of none.
james jones


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Always been my fantasy ro see my conservative wife go black . when on vacation in Gambia we got very friendly with the black waiter who attended our table , the night before we went home i asked him for a pic with my wife he put his black arm around my wifes bare white shoulder and it looked so sexy . I kept that pic and would often look at it and let my mind wonder. During foreplay i always tell my wife a story about her having sex with another man < never a black man, and we both enjoyed our fantasy. last year on vacation we were getting ready for some bedroom fun and i said to her that guy we both fantasise about i have a pic of him she said really can i see it so i showed her the Gambia pic with her and the black waiter, she looked and said with a sexy smile well what can i say. so we got down to it and i exchanged the faceless guy in our fantasy for the black Gambian waiter , wow she loved it and we both climaxed like never before. after a few months i got the courage to introduce an interracial video with a well hung black guy, i asked her would she like to see it not knowing her reaction. she said reluctantly ok , as we were watching it afrer about 5 mins watching her sucking his huge black dick and hlm licking her she put her hand under the sheet and carressed my balls and playing with my dick i returned the favour and i have never known her to be so wet and we had great sex , she only ever cums once but she came at least 3 times we watch I R vids all the time now and we both love it.
james jones


Posts: 18
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Always been my fantasy ro see my conservative wife go black . when on vacation in Gambia we got very friendly with the black waiter who attended our table , the night before we went home i asked him for a pic with my wife he put his black arm around my wifes bare white shoulder and it looked so sexy . I kept that pic and would often look at it and let my mind wonder. During foreplay i always tell my wife a story about her having sex with another man < never a black man, and we both enjoyed our fantasy. last year on vacation we were getting ready for some bedroom fun and i said to her that guy we both fantasise about i have a pic of him she said really can i see it so i showed her the Gambia pic with her and the black waiter, she looked and said with a sexy smile well what can i say. so we got down to it and i exchanged the faceless guy in our fantasy for the black Gambian waiter , wow she loved it and we both climaxed like never before. after a few months i got the courage to introduce an interracial video with a well hung black guy, i asked her would she like to see it not knowing her reaction. she said reluctantly ok , as we were watching it afrer about 5 mins watching her sucking his huge black dick and hlm licking her she put her hand under the sheet and carressed my balls and playing with my dick i returned the favour and i have never known her to be so wet and we had great sex , she only ever cums once but she came at least 3 times we watch I R vids all the time now and we both love it.


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james jones
You're on your way, buddy. Just don't rush her, she's already mentally fucking your Gambian waiter, a good first step.


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That's excellent news! Keep it at the fantasy level for a while, and maybe she'll be the one to tell you when it's time.




Posts: 98
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I restarted again. Yesterday night the 3th session in one week. She was lying on her side. After a few minutes she turned lying on her back spreading her legs. This was amazing, especially because it was the thirth session. Hopefully I can keep on going LW.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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I restarted again.

I restarted again recently also. Along with some conscious discussions about supporting her being a separate person, and supporting the desire that she occasionally has for sex with men.

This morning, I looked up from my phone and saw her rubbing her hand between her legs.

Related? Possibly. About every couple of months, she gets horny enough to ask me to perform orally on her.


Christine (a sissy cuckold)
Peter C


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You're on your way, buddy. Just don't rush her, she's already mentally fucking your Gambian waiter, a good first step.

My girlfriend has been exchanging so far innocent direct messages on Instagram with a black DJ for some time now. She's quite open about it and I'm letting her see that I'm not jealous by being as subtle as possible to gently encourage her to carry on. She obviously fancies him and I'm wondering what she'd do if he actually makes a move on her.
Peter C


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Kennyboy82's account seems to be closed...does anyone know what has happened to him? He was a great contributor to this site!



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I can't get the link to work. Does anyone know where else I can find it so I can use it on my girl?


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#630 · Edited by: atlbbc4mw 
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I have the original thread in a PDF - but cannot upload that to this board.
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Subconscious Stimulation
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