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Subconscious Stimulation

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Posts: 157
#571 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
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That's the problem 'just for fun' you didn't check breathing patterns or consider your movement and environment! Moving in to whisper is crazy! However it's also possible your wife is exceptionally lite s l e e p e r. This in itself can be due to trust issues and can be from past / c h I l d h o o d a b u s e. That or she's sadly just a lite s l e e p e r and so the method isn't for you / her.


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It's my belief that you can whisper to anyone without waking them. One of the things that concerned me before I got started on this is that my wife is a very light s l e e p e r. But I read and double read everything I could and then started slowly. Start by spending a few hours over the course of several days just listening to her breathing. Wait until she's been a s l e e p for at least 2 hours and then start listening. After a few nights you'll start to recognize patterns.

When you first whisper keep it very quiet and low monotone and stick to vanilla comments (the chocolate will cum later😂😂😂). Things like I love you or people are attracted to you. I speak between breaths in a slow choppy but consistent pattern that matches the pauses between breaths.

Over time I think my wife has subc o n s c I o u s l y gotten used to "that little voice in her head" while she's ********. For example if she seems to be having trouble getting into a rythmic breathing sometimes I'll start anyways. Now when she hears my voice, she almost instantly falls into a rythmic pattern of breathing as though she's been waiting for me to get started.

Keep it up and remain patient and deliberate .


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My point being the moving in to whisper not the whispering itself / still maintain this isn't for everybody Fender as not everyone has the perseverance and the common sense.


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I see. Good point.


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Went at it last night telling her she is a whore and a slut for black cock. Had her imagine scenarios and the like for maybe 45 minutes before I had to get up. When I got up she rolled over and grabbed me saying she wanted me to fuck her with her big dildo. I asked her if she wanted to watch porn and she said she would if I wanted her to. (She's usually too shy to ask so she likes to make it appear that I want her to watch it. I put on one of those blacked videos I started fucking her with her 8"(insertable) by 2" dildo. I also stuck my middle finger up her ass. She came in less than a minute. She actually laughed because she came so quickly. Good way to start the day


Posts: 157
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Great stuff Fender, love it! If I hadn't got this method working for my wife I just can't imagine what we would have done, where we'd even be in terms of sex, marriage and certainly getting her blacked would still be the unobtainable mystery and forever secret longing.


Posts: 98
#577 · Edited by: SquirtKing
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We both are still together and occasionally I did a LW. Both we are very busy with our carreer and my hours for ***** are low. So LW isn't easy.

I'm very happy to read that some of you still succeed! A few questions:

1. I'm struggling with the volume of whispering? Wat volume is right and how can you notice your volume of LW is right.
2. You're writing you start after 2 hours she's a *****. How do you do that? If I go to bed, I will fell in ***** and will awake the next morning.
3. Do you whisper always the same sentence or is it more a story about your fantasy?
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


Posts: 98
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Already an instand update. This week I did one LW session. I waited to start for half an hour after she started to sl eep.

I LW: "[gf name]From now on you start to dream about BBC" and so on.

The next day I was watching IR porn on my PC and she said: "hey, that BBC doesn't wear a condom and she was looking what happend". I can ensure you all that she would never say that normally!

Today I have a late shift and she will be go to bed when I come home. So perfect moment for a LW.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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Whats loud enough whats quiet enough - as far as I can tell if its loud enough for her unc onscious to pick up on - if its load enough for you to hear yourself then almost certainly she will hear it on the unc onscious level


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SquirtKing: Sounds like great progress. Hopefully, your gf will go black soon


Posts: 98
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Hope so too

2. You're writing you start after 2 hours she's a *****. How do you do that? If I go to bed, I will fell in ***** and will awake the next morning.
3. Do you whisper always the same sentence or is it more a story about your fantasy?


About my other 2 questions. Do you have some advice please?

2. You're writing you start after 2 hours she's a *****. How do you do that? If I go to bed, I will fell in ***** and will awake the next morning. Are you going to bed after 2 hours she's going to *****?
3. Do you whisper always the same sentence or is it more a story about your fantasy?

Many thanks!
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


Posts: 157
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Squirt King the weird auto banning of certain words took its toll on your questions.

If you can break up the 'offending' words so I can read it - I'll be happy to reply.


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s so

Lol The word that's hidden behind the * is "s l e e p".
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


Posts: 157
#584 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
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Squirt King thanks.

Often I have stayed up later than her , so she has already gone to bed with me following a little later. As long as she has gone off and has a rhythm of heavier breathing I'd launch into everything from mantra style slogan - big black cock, big black cock fucking you deep and wide, stretching you out deep inside, making you come again and again on the end of big black n igg a cock. then padding that out more with scenarios - two at a time gang bang - etc adding more detail about what will happen, and with me watching and enjoying, to eating her pussy after she has been fucked and used and *a*b*u*s*e*d etc etc. Just play with the words in the way you;d like to see her experiencing big black n cock!


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This seems to be working. My wife is losing her inhibitions one by one. A few weeks ago she admitted to watching porn on her own. Then a few days ago she blew me away askin me to take pictures of her in bed. She let me take pics of the creampie I left in her and of me fucking her with her much bigger dildo. Both of these things are big moves for her. She commented that it was me that helped bring her out of her shell. I'm hoping there's more to come...


Posts: 780
#586 · Edited by: dickles
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Some are worried about the loud you can be.

If you are awake and want to start first just start talking in a low voice about your day.

If it wakes her up keep going until she tries to wake you up. Then you can say you were dreaming.

After a few nights it will be common for her to just go back to s l e e p, and think nothing of your talking in your s l e e p.

It is a fact that strange things wake some one up. Things that always happen are ignored and the person s l e e ps on.


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The censorship application is really bent. The word s l e e p is censored


Posts: 98
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@fender How many time do you spend on LW per night?

Finally I have a new job what isn't very more easy than all other jobs I had. So I'm not tired anymore after work like I was with all other jobs. So I can plan some more LW sessions from now.
Wishing my gf into the IR scene


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I have used some of your recommendations to excellent result but for me it isn't so much about IR. But I am dying to know if there were any additional posts by dwm_Wants2Obey_BM_WF regarding his wives experience with her two female black co-workers. Thank you so much


Hey Guys,
Thought I would chime in with another update. I have now got her going braless more than I could or would have ever imagined and I am loving it. This stuff can work on lots of things. It's almost like the sky is the limit. My fantasies of what I have wanted for quite a while are suddenly happening, or at least I am seeing progress towards them happening.

She is noticing black guys more and more and she is even making comments at certain times that I never thought I would hear her say. My list continues to grow on different things I want to implement with these procedures. I definitely want her to become more dominant to me while also nudging her towards complete presentation to black men but I want to make sure she remains safe by using trigger words that come from me.

Just to experiment some I used LW for a few sessions about black women to look for any reactions from her. I haven't really pushed this much yet nor spent the required time on it to see much reaction but I did see a flutter from her on it just yesterday while we were out together. I used the trigger words black car while using LW that when she hears the words black car she will have the desire for an attractive black woman. While we were out I was on the hunt for a black female and a black car close together. I was beginning to lose faith that I was going to see this when we rounded a corner and lo and behold there they were. A black woman was unlocking the door on a black car about to get in when I said this dude at work just bought a black car just like that one. She said I like her outfit. I wonder where she got it. I said you want to ask her? She said mmm, no but I might have if I would have been walking by her or something.

This stuff is great.



tnblackstallion, actually there was no indication that ever surfaced with her about other women and that is the reamister I was so shocked and pleased that this is even working on that. In just the last few hours I have pushed buttons and got responses from her. I tell you this is fantastic.

You really have no clue how bad I have wanted to see her dominated by an attractive black female and from what I have seen so far I really think this can happen. There is one scenario right now that can fit right into this with her. She has a little part time job that she works at mostly as a hobby more than the money. She makes good money at her regular job and actually doesn't do bad with the part time one. It's a rather small outfit with about ten employees and there are a couple of younger than her black gals that work there as full time workers so they are both over Julie with time and rank so to speak.

I have heard her talk about them both before and this is actually what got me turned on about it. Julie has been working more hours at this part time job lately mainly because the two black gals have been having her come in more. OK, I confess, I did talk to them both recently while Julie was at her regular job and I told them how much Julie likes this part time job and I told them that she really feels like she owes something to them as black females but she can't put her finger on why she feels that way.

The conversation seemed to interest them the more I talked about Julie and what she says about them. I made it clear that I thought she felt compelled to sort of do whatever she was told because at her regular job she is pretty much in control of others and she has mentioned that it is nice to be told what to do for a change instead of vice versa and I thought this would work out real nice and fit right in with the plan. I even told them that they might enjoy having authority over an older white female that is normally in charge and they both seemed to agree. They are both about late twenties close to thirty I think.

Anyway, when I have more time I will talk more about this but I need to run for now.

Let me say though to stay at it guys. It definitely works so don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen as fast as you would like. But you will get there.



Hey Guys,

When I use LW I more or less tell her that when she hears the trigger word or words that she will be wanting whatever I am pushing such as the black gal scenario that I have recently been working into the mix. I used the word desiring instead of like wanting. I think I said something like you will have the desire to see, touch, taste her black pussy.

The trigger words I used was black car and luckily that one black gal was unlocking her car door on her black car and I immediately said that this dude at work bought a black car just like that one and Julies response was she liked the outfit that the black lady was wearing. Coincidence? Possible, but I don't think so. She might have been thinking that she liked what was on the inside of that outfit. I think it works best when you use trigger words that would be used in the particular situations of when and where your girl would have the best possibility of being around black at that time but that is just my take on it.

When I was talking to the two black females at Julies part time job I sort of worked the subject of sex into the conversation with them. I told them that she might bring up conversations about sex sometimes because she seems to be going through an exploration phase I guess you could call it and if they were not interested in discussing stuff with her if she did bring it up for them not to hold it against her or think bad of her.

I said you ladies could even have some fun with it pretty easy if you wanted and then I backed off hoping they would inquire more elaboration on it. To my relief one said how you mean have fun with it? I said you know fun. It could be whatever you wanted it to be really because Julie has already mentioned to me that she feels more at ease here and is ready to obey instead of command or to do whatever you tell her to do. So you could make her do whatever. Then I kind of winked and put my hands over my mouth while laughing and whispered make her strip and work naked. Then I immediately squinted my eyes and shook my head and said did I just say that? Luckily they both laughed and one said yeah, you said that. Then I said you ladies probably think I am crazy by now and I guess maybe I am a little but you only live once I reckon. That softened them up a little so I sort of laid it a little thicker as I went hoping I didn't run out of luck or stir up a wasp nest.

I told them I don't know how many chances they normally get, if any at all, to have control over a white lady that usually has the control over most others and I just thought this might be an opportunity for them to enjoy the advantage and enjoy themselves with it. I am a gambler from way back anyway and this was a gamble by even bringing up a sexual conversation with them or discussing it with them period. But I have always had a knack for looking at folks and being able to distinguish what type of attitude they would bring to the table in a conversation. These two black gals just looked the part to me in that they would be the type to take an advantage if one surfaced.

I said don't get me wrong here and think I am prying into your business or your private lives. But I am one that likes to try and help people enjoy life while they can and I just thought you ladies seemed to me to be the type that knows what they want and how to get it and I admire that and also enjoy doing what I can to help. If you think maybe I am off base or stepping on any toes here then I will be the first one out the door never to return but on the other hand if you want my help for anything then I am on it for you.

I give them my number and said if I can ever do anything for you ladies I am just a few pushed buttons away and may I ask that you don't tell Julie that I spoke with you ladies. I would much rather have her telling me about stuff she did instead of asking me questions about stuff I did, if you know what I mean.

I got on out of there after that. I figured I laid down somewhat of a foundation for a new road there and maybe these two fine ladies will pave the way from there.

I will post more soon on this developing situation. Julie might just get blacked for the first time with some black pussy juice instead of a black mans cum but I haven't, and won't give up there either. I wish I could LW the black gals and nudge them towards having their black boyfriends give Julie her first black dick, ha.



Posts: 885
#590 · Edited by: fender412002
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When I do it I usually go for 45 minutes to an hour. I like to go 2-3 nights in a row and then give it a rest. It does seem to cause her to have more restless s l e e p and I want her to be well rested. I introduced some lesbian scenarios and recently she brought up the lesbian fantasy during sex. She has ALWAYS proclaimed to be straight but little clues throughout our years together have made me wonder. When we started talking about it she said that every woman has lesbian fantasies sometimes. I think watching some lesbian porn is in our future😀
J Jones


Posts: 10
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I have been using many of the methods mentioned here. And have had a good response. When having sex I openly now introduce the scenario that a black man is filling her. I ask her to lift her ass if she wants a black cock to take her doggy. And she does. When I have expressed my wish for her in reality to meet up with a black guy, she firmly replies no. Yet she clearly enjoys the thought of sex with a black guy. Any suggestions on what to do next? I have spoken to her about arranging to meet up with a guy. She says no.


Posts: 54
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Hi J, do you watch IR amateur videos with bbc pounding well white wifes? Search a woman in IR amateur video that is similar to your wife and see it together or u lick her pussy while she's seeing it....


Posts: 885
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J, don't make the mistake I did and bring it up outside of the bedroom while she's excited. Let her enjoy the fantasy. Don't rush or get greedy because she will sense it, maybe only subco n s c I o u s l y and will pull back. Let her get good and primed.


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Just watched a video that talked about 5 words that speak directly to the sub c o n s c I o u s.

They are: you, free, more, imagine, and your own name.

May be wise to incorporate those into LW...?


Posts: 200
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Sounds good.

Also include the words: big-black-dingus


Posts: 780
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for J Jones

Start a routine where when ever she meets a BLACK MAN or WOMAN she gets a tingle on her clit.

To get the BLACK MEN to hit on her train her with a need to check out the cock and look then look up at HIM and smile.


Posts: 157
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To J Jones "expressed my wish in reality (meaning whilst in that wide awake state) " we enter in and out of different 'states' all the time.. and realising that can help us to see 'the others' (in particular - our wives) states and their changing nature. Now you can see how the sub con whispering has helped enhance her fantasy / sexual state.. arousal isn't you everyday normal awake state is it - that state is concerned with day to day life / work / safety.
More loving whispers with comfort and security of you needing her to fuck black men leads to greater levels of comfort and safety because it helps you being more comfortable and safe with her.. her comfort and safety of being aroused by black men leads to more comfort and safety in you and her together and more you are together with the comfort of black men the more you reach the highest levels of comfort and safety in your relationship.. happy.. content and free to freely explore this new found comfort.

I'm cycling and building.

You may decide to infrequently and may be only one or two short sessions throw in the negative consequences on your future relationship together IF THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN. (Accompanied with a hiatus in sex and love from you)

Then go back to the safety and comfort of your relationship and your sex fantasy play.

I put my wife in the mood by whispering to go out dancing and going to a particular place to meet black men and with everything I'd done with whispering worked and nature finally took it's rightful course!


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with everything I'd done with whispering worked and nature finally took it's rightful course!

I think it would be nice if you'd tell us what happened in that regard.




Posts: 885
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Has anyone noticed that your wife is very tired the next day after an intense session? Since we're aiming for R.E.M. I wonder if we're preventing the restorative aspect of R.E.M. It makes me think that consecutive nights might not be a good idea. Then again with s l e e p deprivation maybe the mind becomes more malleable. Any thoughts?


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So I found this thread several years ago, and have used it off-and-on ever since. It corresponds with experiences I've had in the personal trainer world; where suggestions can be used to overcome mental reservations and enhance performance. So I was comfortable with the science behind it.

I was less comfortable with the ethics of using it to - for example - encourage my wife to have sex with other men. But, over time, I was able to confirm through (normal) conversations that the idea was sort of sexy and appealing to her; but that she was far too shy and far too conventional to do something like that. I was much more comfortable using what I called "night whispers" to help her overcome those barriers.

So my wife is 14 years younger than me; and at a petite 5', looks even younger when she wants to (as a
professional woman, she usually doesn't). She's very sweet, shy, and submissive.

She's a deep *******, and actually takes a pain med, Gabepentin, which makes her ***** even deeper. I've used NWs with her to boost confidence; to help her with the discipline to get up early and work out; and to de-stress.

I also used night whispers to help her connect with her inner slut.

I used a lot of the techniques and suggestions from this thread. Beginning with her name; speaking quietly, monotonically, reassuringly. And I wrote-out a script; so that I used the exact same words everytime.

I also wanted to try and see if the NWs were working; were sinking-into her subconscious, and having an effect on her behavior. From the non-sexual examples cited above, I was pretty sure that they were: But I wasn't sure that the success would carry-over to the more erotic and potentially more "troubling" behaviors I wanted to evoke.

So one of the scripts I used fairly early on involved the following sentence: "Becky, your husband loves you; and he wants to know when you see a man that's attractive. So when you see a man you think is attractive, you will say to your husband "Look at that stud!" " The phrase was innocuous enough, but also not something she would usually say.

She said it; multiple times.

So, convinced that this would work, I began planting suggestions related to cuckolding. I always referred to myself as "your husband." And I interspersed cuckold whispers with reassuring ones. But never more than one cuckolding script per night. I'm neither small-dicked or Beta, so my narratives focused on the excitement of a new man; the adventure; the nastiness; and the good fuck she'd enjoy when I reclaimed her.

She's cuckolded me three times; all after rounds of whispers.

I just thought I'd share with y'all; In my circumstances, and for my wife, and for these specific behaviors, I am certain that this technique works. Different behaviors, different wife... it might not work.
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Subconscious Stimulation
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