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Subconscious Stimulation

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#31 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
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on her about getting some black female cum in her to go along with some regular black cum. I just have to be careful not to overload her too early. Not that I wouldn't love to see her overloaded with both versions of black cum real soon.

I really like those vids with the black couple controlling a white female. A statement of dominance is made early when they have the white girl completely naked while they are still fully clothed. Especially when the black female starts talking cuckolds brownie and telling her what to do, even making her go down there and get to work on making her cum without the black gal doing anything in return. It's like they make her do all the work to get them off and then they are through with her...for now anyway. But like I say that is a little ways off just yet but it is fun to think about. So far there isn't a doubt in my mind that these procedures will work to drive her right on down that highway.


These are great s*******ful moves dwm_wants2obey your moving at the speed thats right for you and her totally appreciate why your taking your time - this is the kind of chess playing at that slow rate of change - piece by piece thats going to pay dividends.
I think many guys get too concerned about making too many changes too quickly and can end up faltering. And I know why we all want this for our wives and girlfriends and because of that we need to sometimes step back from it and look at exactly what we think that next move should be. I also appreciate that when people are up close and permisteral to their delectable wives with all those feelings and desires going round and round that feeling the need for instant change and the frustration with not getting that quick response they have started to succomb to drastic and unreamistered response.
So I say to all - give yourselves the breathers and step back - take stock stop and take advice.

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Friday evening I came back from work. My wife got one day off. Later that evening I asked her: did you play with yourself? She said yes, with bunny. Later that evening I said: you don't have to lie that you used the BBC dildo instead of the bunny... She said, how did you know that?! I said: I didn't know... I wast just gambling about it....

Yesterday... I don't know how it happens but she said. Once a week a black man is shopping in our store. She said he is looking good.

I swear: this is the first time in my life she said such things out of herself. I am almost sure that it couldn't take more than a year before she will fuck like a whore on a bbc

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Wow I havent been in here for 6 days and then I look again and the threads grown like a Black Mans cock.

You guys are inspirational. I feel like were part of some brotherhood of cucks though also notice tnblackstallion has got a good NONCUCK use for getting his wife interested in other women.

What an idea guys the world over turning girlfriends and wives into the sluts they can be.

I guess this stuff could be used for any use including suggesting givin up smoking that I used for selfhelp mp3s.

Taken a copy of those selfhelp magicsis files. Hep you ever thought about putting in some extra BBC suggestion in files like that?



Looking good SquirtKing.

Yes mikewhitey I have thought about it. Not convinced by the whole subliminal suggestion where its hidden away so well that its inaudible. Hence why I haven't dropped any suggestion into the back ground of self help audios because as far as I can tell you have to be able to hear it to be able to change and since someone could come out of trance whilst listening to these and then go "WTF am I being told to fuck big black men" by a self help audio.....
In my opinion its much safer to just build audible suggestions into LW and doing that at night to make the changes at the pace and safety that's appropriate to you and bringing in triggers for awakening those thoughts during the day.

I did do something based around a bit of music BUT people soon get fed up with listening to just one album so the effectiveness just drops to zero. So my opinion is that its too costly in time to make these subliminal suggestions covertly in audio files for no return and with the thought they may not be effective in that format.
I say this because I know someone that did a psychological experiment at University where he encouraged people to listen to relaxation music and sounds having dumped hidden subliminals with all kinds of depressing and nasty suggestions to keep them awake and agitated etc. They mainly concluded that they were great relaxation audio files. Again he'd hidden the suggestion so well behind the other sounds that they were for all purposes inaudible to the human ear. The conclusion is that if the sub / *** can't hear it then it didn't happen and isn't going to happen this way.

LW has your own editorial control built in and the ability to self modify volume and a great stop button which is just the opposite that can be imagined of audio files where things could get out of hand.
LW bypasses having to put anyone into a altered *** state because there already there in it and the *** has already been freed up to just lay there and listen and listen as we know it will!
Audio hynosis files do have a place and use and the effective and audible ones can only be used with that forewarned knowledge and conscious compliance by the listener accepting the suggestions and commands once they've wittingly gone into that magictised sub / uncon state.

Anyway it's late and my wife is upstairs tired and ready for some Loving Whispers.

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Hey Guys,
Thought I would chime in with another update. I have now got her going braless more than I could or would have ever imagined and I am loving it. This stuff can work on lots of things. It's almost like the sky is the limit. My fantasies of what I have wanted for quite a while are suddenly happening, or at least I am seeing progress towards them happening.

She is noticing black guys more and more and she is even making comments at certain times that I never thought I would hear her say. My list continues to grow on different things I want to implement with these procedures. I definitely want her to become more dominant to me while also nudging her towards complete presentation to black men but I want to make sure she remains safe by using trigger words that come from me.

Just to experiment some I used LW for a few sessions about black women to look for any reactions from her. I haven't really pushed this much yet nor spent the required time on it to see much reaction but I did see a flutter from her on it just yesterday while we were out together. I used the trigger words black car while using LW that when she hears the words black car she will have the desire for an attractive black woman. While we were out I was on the hunt for a black female and a black car close together. I was beginning to lose faith that I was going to see this when we rounded a corner and lo and behold there they were. A black woman was unlocking the door on a black car about to get in when I said this dude at work just bought a black car just like that one. She said I like her outfit. I wonder where she got it. I said you want to ask her? She said mmm, no but I might have if I would have been walking by her or something.

This stuff is great.



tnblackstallion, actually there was no indication that ever surfaced with her about other women and that is the reamister I was so shocked and pleased that this is even working on that. In just the last few hours I have pushed buttons and got responses from her. I tell you this is fantastic.

You really have no clue how bad I have wanted to see her dominated by an attractive black female and from what I have seen so far I really think this can happen. There is one scenario right now that can fit right into this with her. She has a little part time job that she works at mostly as a hobby more than the money. She makes good money at her regular job and actually doesn't do bad with the part time one. It's a rather small outfit with about ten employees and there are a couple of younger than her black gals that work there as full time workers so they are both over Julie with time and rank so to speak.

I have heard her talk about them both before and this is actually what got me turned on about it. Julie has been working more hours at this part time job lately mainly because the two black gals have been having her come in more. OK, I confess, I did talk to them both recently while Julie was at her regular job and I told them how much Julie likes this part time job and I told them that she really feels like she owes something to them as black females but she can't put her finger on why she feels that way.

The conversation seemed to interest them the more I talked about Julie and what she says about them. I made it clear that I thought she felt compelled to sort of do whatever she was told because at her regular job she is pretty much in control of others and she has mentioned that it is nice to be told what to do for a change instead of vice versa and I thought this would work out real nice and fit right in with the plan. I even told them that they might enjoy having authority over an older white female that is normally in charge and they both seemed to agree. They are both about late twenties close to thirty I think.

Anyway, when I have more time I will talk more about this but I need to run for now.

Let me say though to stay at it guys. It definitely works so don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen as fast as you would like. But you will get there.



Hey Guys,

When I use LW I more or less tell her that when she hears the trigger word or words that she will be wanting whatever I am pushing such as the black gal scenario that I have recently been working into the mix. I used the word desiring instead of like wanting. I think I said something like you will have the desire to see, touch, taste her black pussy.

The trigger words I used was black car and luckily that one black gal was unlocking her car door on her black car and I immediately said that this dude at work bought a black car just like that one and Julies response was she liked the outfit that the black lady was wearing. Coincidence? Possible, but I don't think so. She might have been thinking that she liked what was on the inside of that outfit. I think it works best when you use trigger words that would be used in the particular situations of when and where your girl would have the best possibility of being around black at that time but that is just my take on it.

When I was talking to the two black females at Julies part time job I sort of worked the subject of sex into the conversation with them. I told them that she might bring up conversations about sex sometimes because she seems to be going through an exploration phase I guess you could call it and if they were not interested in discussing stuff with her if she did bring it up for them not to hold it against her or think bad of her.

I said you ladies could even have some fun with it pretty easy if you wanted and then I backed off hoping they would inquire more elaboration on it. To my relief one said how you mean have fun with it? I said you know fun. It could be whatever you wanted it to be really because Julie has already mentioned to me that she feels more at ease here and is ready to obey instead of command or to do whatever you tell her to do. So you could make her do whatever. Then I kind of winked and put my hands over my mouth while laughing and whispered make her strip and work naked. Then I immediately squinted my eyes and shook my head and said did I just say that? Luckily they both laughed and one said yeah, you said that. Then I said you ladies probably think I am crazy by now and I guess maybe I am a little but you only live once I reckon. That softened them up a little so I sort of laid it a little thicker as I went hoping I didn't run out of luck or stir up a wasp nest.

I told them I don't know how many chances they normally get, if any at all, to have control over a white lady that usually has the control over most others and I just thought this might be an opportunity for them to enjoy the advantage and enjoy themselves with it. I am a gambler from way back anyway and this was a gamble by even bringing up a sexual conversation with them or discussing it with them period. But I have always had a knack for looking at folks and being able to distinguish what type of attitude they would bring to the table in a conversation. These two black gals just looked the part to me in that they would be the type to take an advantage if one surfaced.

I said don't get me wrong here and think I am prying into your business or your private lives. But I am one that likes to try and help people enjoy life while they can and I just thought you ladies seemed to me to be the type that knows what they want and how to get it and I admire that and also enjoy doing what I can to help. If you think maybe I am off base or stepping on any toes here then I will be the first one out the door never to return but on the other hand if you want my help for anything then I am on it for you.

I give them my number and said if I can ever do anything for you ladies I am just a few pushed buttons away and may I ask that you don't tell Julie that I spoke with you ladies. I would much rather have her telling me about stuff she did instead of asking me questions about stuff I did, if you know what I mean.

I got on out of there after that. I figured I laid down somewhat of a foundation for a new road there and maybe these two fine ladies will pave the way from there.

I will post more soon on this developing situation. Julie might just get blacked for the first time with some black pussy juice instead of a black mans cum but I haven't, and won't give up there either. I wish I could LW the black gals and nudge them towards having their black boyfriends give Julie her first black dick, ha.


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I'm using this to try to encourage my wife to go farther with a guy she's already talking to. He makes suggestions, and she laughs them off, or changes the subject, but he's persistent. So I'm using LW to try to get her to realize that if she wants to continue to be his close friend, she's going to have to accept the sexual part of the friendship. I whisper "Jane, you want John, you have to tell him you want him. You will email him, and tell him you want to relax with him." I keep repeatiing things like that- but I just started a few days ago, and I don't have any success to report yet.

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I have begun whispering (2nd time) and last night I think I may have had a breakthrough. I spent about 30 minutes whispering to her. Suggestive thoughts about her desire to have big cocks and having sex with big black men, needing black men and being with multiple black cocks, dreaming about big dicks, swallowing black mens semen and being a total slut whore in general.

When she awoke this morning, she told me that she awoke very wet and sore. She said she must have had some sort of orgasm. I said well you were really loud last night and it kept me up. I played stupid as when I was whispering to her, she half awoke asked if I had said something. I said NO. She immediately fell back into a deep relax.

So, this morning, I pulled out a very large wht dildo we have. I am trying to get her primed for a BBC. She hates this thing. Its about 10 inches long and as wide as a tree trunk. In the past, she said it was too large and was painful for her. We have not used it in over a year. I left this magnificent dick under the covers, next to her pillow as I left for work. She was heading back to bed for another hour or so. I am interested to see if she used it and what her reaction was to the huge dildo.

I am not suggesting the whispering works. I am saying that something really strange is happening. She was wearing a see through shirt this morning. She has amazing tits and huge nipples. Her frame is tight and her natural tits are amazing. She always wears tshirts and covers up. She was very touchie feelie this morning. Usually, a bitch. She asked if I would stay home and go in late and have some coffee with her. She has no interest in my staying home. All of this is unusual behavior. This whispering stuff may be a goldmine. I am going to keep at it and see where this takes us.

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After a few nights whispering she woke up and started to wearing a short skirt. It isn't the best weather for it so I can confirm some strange things happens.

A question for the specialists: how many things can you whisper to her?



Building off a small number of triggers.
I think its important to follow the rule of keeping it simple and by this I mean don't try too many at the same time - but over time use the trigger to build more onto what started as something else - for instance the trigger originally used for just getting her to use a dildo once having become a habit / routine can then be reused for advancing other areas of opening her up to that IR / bi / slut or whatever other experience is wanted. Because as one thing becomes a habit having her familiar with that word to do with advancing her IR / bi / slut experience is going to be easier to attach to the new stuff.

If you have too many triggers for too many different things - its going to get confusing for you and possibly her own sub / ***.

As in everything there is exceptions to every rule and by this you may want a trigger to encompass a particular place like a particular bar where black people are known to hang out or a particular permister is hanging out and then using that as the trigger word itself to get her to go there by associating that name with the enjoyable suggestions you have been whispering at night about her "when I say the name ........... you are so curious to visit there wanting to visit there, needing to visit there. and suddenly you will feel compelled to go there and hang out enjoying the company of the ........... there"

I ask you to notice my chunking up and building on suggestion from the "wanting" to the "compelled" - this is just an example and so you can remember to change and words to suit YOU.

This can be applied all the way along any LW session.

Remember every session will benefit greatly from starting with just a simple "I love you very much" - this creates two things of importance allowing the *** to relax and 'testing the water' to make sure she is deep enough to not waking.

This can then be followed with "You are going deeper and deeper into relax just listening to the sound of my voice taking you deeper and deeper just listening to the sound of my voice taking you deeper and deeper down...... all the way down just listening to my voice and obeying just listening to my voice and obeying everything I say taking you deeper and deeper down ....all the way down liste


Posts: 157
#32 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
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and obeying my voice. Your going all the way down listening and obeying me and reaching deep into your core values and beliefs and opening the box of that natural slut the slut that's always been there waiting to be allowed out to play. Now listen and obey my voice as I tell you to......................"

Again this is a working example BUT change anything to suit YOU.

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I get back from work and she tells me that she used the extra lg dildo. Remember, thats the one she hated. I asker what she did with it? She said she was so excited she could not last more than a minute?

Help me understand that one. She would not use it and now so excited, she cannot last more than a minute.

Something to this...............



Congratulations Jacko1, it would seem your girl is taking the nudge and progressing towards your goal for her. If she went from hating it to using it on her own then you can't argue with that as progress.

One thing I have found that I believe has to help her want more than she is getting is doing your best to refrain from having sex with her. I know this is difficult but not impossible. As she begins progressing towards the desire for more and better sex without actually getting sex at all then that itch grows bigger. We all know what happens when an itch grows without a scratch for it. The desire for that scratch grows bigger than the itch and that means more progress.

Some may disagree with this but I like to stick with what works and this has proven to be effective for me.

Update on Julies part time work situation that I have been spending some LW time on. I posted earlier about having a discussion with the two black gals that she works with part time. Her boss just got a contract to set up a system for a company in another state and he is taking six people with him for a week to go up and do this setup.

Lisa and Whitney, the two black gals are staying here to keep the wheels rolling on the work here and they have told Julie that they need her to plan on working all weekend. The boss told them that he will be paying double overtime for this week. With them being full time they already make more than Julie does as part time so she will be working at her regular pay while Lisa and Whitney will be making nearly three times more than Julie. I figure they will make Julie do three times more work than they will too and who knows what else she will have to do for them.(wink).

I have until Saturday to work more LW on Julie to not only do what she is told but to also want to do it for them. To be their weekend slave and do whatever pleases them. To wonder what they have between their legs and the desire to find out. I would never have tried this without the little meeting I had with the two and without being comfortable with the outcome of that little meeting with them.

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LWs working for me

Well I've turned a conservative wife into a woman that now enjoys black dildo with IR fantasy play using LW and am still getting more and more out of her. I permisterally use it on her whilst I get her to explore the black men on white women fantasy and some allusions to other women with her. This whole mustnt have sex with her is something I dont use though encouraging her in LW to use the dildo and then for her to do this is better than me using my white dick. Interestingly though to use the black dildo and then get the chance to put my white dick in and then almost instantly blow my load just draws attention to the size difference anyway.
Something odds definitely happening and I think admitting this LW stuff is the cause is a forgone conclusion but be nice to read in posts rather than taking it for granted.
Its good to hear of all your successes because it spurs me on too and just so alls clear to you all I think we owe Hep a very big debt of thanks and we arent going to take that for granted.
I know im scratching the surface of this LW subconscious stimulation and have been reading up heavily on the magicsis trance inductions since being pointed in the right direction by Hep.
I used to be a member on cuckoldsforum where this guy who runs it offers a ebook ultimate cuckold manual which was $30.00 or something doesnt include this LW.
So heres this LW method given away free and the fucking thing works! Hey I dont want Hep to start charging but like tnblackstallion says this kind of thing people would pay for!

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Well I've been working on this for quite awhile now & i can say that I'm having to work through some things with her.

First is the notion that sex is dirty & not to be talked about. She was taught this growing up, & I see now how deep rooted younghood lesmisters can effect people.

Second, she tells me "size dosent matter to me". (I know she is saying this because she does not want to hurt me) We have been using a 10" dildo about once a month for about a year. At first her attitude was, "I'm doing this only because YOU like it" but in time, she has gotten to the point where she has really violent orgasms when we play like this & now she LOVES doing it. I recognize that she is TELLING me one thing, ("Size Dont matter") not wanting to hurt me, but her body is telling a completly different story.(Wanting a bigger cock) She absolutely loves getting it deep & hard and begs for it deeper while I lick her pussy. I know her well enough to know that once I get her here, she will love being fucked hard by a big black cock & its my hope to someday have her a regular "Friend" she can count on to fuck her in a way I cant. The key for her is going to be making it HER idea. To answer your question hep, no, no habit of "Zoning out" Sorry about rambling, just thought I'd give a little background info.



Durfer yes working through this kind of thing is hard going - my wife had religious based issues around this kind of thing that you've experienced.

Consider subverting that energy of shame and channeling it through LW with the use of acknowledging her past by whispering to her that she knows and accepts the faults of her imposed past and the unhealthy shame she was made to feel then and as she loves you accepts the need in her the deep down needing to be a naturally submissive slut. Now accepting she can be a naturally submissive slut.

(being made to feel she can be the submissive slut allows her to giving permission to herself to being 'taken' - to accept she is not in control and therefore can accept what happens is outside of the needing of that pasts attempt at control through shame - so in a sense is not her responsibility) This is part of a much larger desensitization program where you deepen desire, bring out fantasy play and using dildo on her. All that time edging her inevitably towards the goal - BUT it might take you longer than others.

I'd serious;y consider that using LW you may need to free up her past by working on this sense of shame she has.
I'd like you to notice that shame is different from guilt - shame is a outside psychological power imposed by others onto a permister and that guilt is a sense of knowing when we've done something wrong from within a result of our 'moral' compass.

On one level size probably doesn't matter that much BUT when seen in the light of the imposition of shame on her suggests this is more to do with that same early teaching of sex is dirty so that we can infer that the larger the cock is the more dirty it will be, the more pleasure it could give the more dirty it will be - seen in the context of the warped teaching of sex is dirty we can see how this again holds a certain idiotic ideological hold. Thats not to mean your wife is anything other than intelligent BUT shes just had a heap of cuckolds brownie to deal with from her past!
The fact that she gets off on that is a GOOD SIGN and shows her rebellion against that old BS by quietly reworking it into sexplay!

I was interested in knowing about whether she had day dreams because of what you said earlier makes me think she may have particularly strong susceptibility to LW and 'proper' magicsis.

I'll happily chat by pm or email much more if wishing to offer further insight.

Hephaestus, Tony.



Yeah, I dont really have that to worry about (getting caught) as my girl already knows how much I would love to see her on her hands & knees getting her pussy and/or mouth filled with a 10" black cock. I have told her as much. She says no, as most women usually do, asks why I would want to share her, (dont you love me?) ect., I have told her repeatedly that the biggest turn on for me in this is watching the expression on her face, listening to the sound of her purring (as I call it) voice as she is being streched & touched in places she has never felt before (places I just physically cannot go) & that its not about the permister she is with, but its ALL about her enjoyment. Seeing her being satisfied is what gets me off.
Hep, I know you are exactly right in that this will take more time than most, but I honestly believe I can & will get her there as I firmly believe (after knowing her for 25 years), that deep in her heart she would love this & wants it. She just cant seem to bring herself to admit it to herself. Once that happens, and whenever it happens, I think the whole thing will progress easier & faster. She is already refering to "black" things with an Impish grin if you know what I mean. your observation on "The bigger the cock the more dirty it is I think is spot on. Also your shame versus guilt is a point i have not thought about. All I know is that the only thing i care most about is getting her released from her inhabitions. You are also correct in that i have had a plethera of cuckolds brownie to work through with this girl as her parents really screwed her up as a young.



Hi Durfer,

I feel for you with the screwed up cuckolds brownie; mine falls in the same category too. Making for some real past pain with getting her to think about anything to do with other men.

Interestingly it doesnt seem to have ultimately inhibited her with this LW stuff as it worked under the surface and brought out that slut despite her past hangups. In someways it seems to have enhanced the dirty slut aspect for her and I think Heps got it right about this becoming a way for her to bypass responsibility by surrendering to the idea of being a submissive slut. We re still at the dildo and fantasy IR play stage but I can see this going all the way to her really enjoying herself with the real thing. I am using a inflatable black dildo on her to keep her cunt beyond the capacity of my cock for the few occasions she now lets me in and I have taken to telling her to refuse my white cock in preference for accepting the real black superior cock and the black dildo with me only being allowed to lick her cunt to prepare her for sex sessions.

Tnblackstallion sorry to hear your problems . All I can say is that LW worked and works for me but my wife is a relatively good night relaxer. If it wasnt for LW I wouldnt be where I am now with what Ive acheved using it. Id still be as fucking frustrated as I ever had been with getting no where with no idea and knowing she wouldnt even think about using any kind of dildo or talk about ANYTHING to do with sex. This has been a 100% turn around and I wont ever let up on it and my wife has no idea that I wanted this I just couldnt bridge the subject with her and now its her idea her IR fantasy and her desire to being filled up and telling me she loves the feeling of being stretched out with that big black inflatable dildo and goes into fantasy talk with me going through scenes of black men wanting her taking her and using her sub slut white body. Thats in the space of 2 months . My advice is if shes a real light relaxer forget it to anyone with the idea. But I tell you I wont be forgetting the idea this year next year or ever. LW ROCKS!!!!!!!!



I'm not making light of it and being serious I think there's a lot of us out there with wives and girlfriends that have more than their share of sex hangups from warped authority figures. We've got a support group going right here and didn't even really know it. I guess if our girls had a entirely healthy outlook on sex we probably wouldn't be here using this Loving Whispers to freeing them up and yeah I totally agree and finding myself nodding Durfer about everything your saying. I know people from the outside might find what we say odd about really loving our wives so much that we want to bring out that best in them that beautiful slutty nature that as far as I'm concerned is every womans birth right!

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Here are some of the main keys to success with this system.

Preparation: You must have the preparation complete on your part to have different plans for different situations already thought up and be ready to use them. Think about the different things that could possibly go wrong and have a plan ready in case it does.

Testing The Waters: Experiments that can be utilized to test the situation for a safe venture is important. Her relaxing habits are one area. Before doing any whispers of conversion on her try some whispers of a different style first to see if she responds. You can use whatever you like first that wouldn't raise a flag if she did wake up. Maybe, Honey, Sarah called you today and I forgot to tell you. That is safe and will test her alertness.

The Main Plans And Their Backup Options: Do some thinking on these. Have a main plan of action then a backup plan or option in case of trouble. I can't really stress this enough.If you try something and it backfires on you then not having that second option to switch to can leave you hung out there to dry. Not a good feeling. This will work for you if you have it in your mind what to do and are able to do it quickly to steer the situation away from trouble if need be.

Guys, you must be ready to counter any problems that may arise and your mind is waiting to go to work for you in finding these different options. So put it to work for you and you will be pleasantly surprised at what you can come up with and even more so at the results if and when you have to use them.

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I know from reading your posts that 2 to 4 weeks is the average time to start seeing any real results, also, I know you say that more often is better, so I was wondering, how long should the LW "sessions" Be? I've been anywhere from an hour to 2 hours depending on how it goes. still havnt tried the triggerword yet as I want to see a little more evidence that its working. I believe it is, I'd just like to see some more proof before pressing on. Mikey, I would like your thoughts on this as well. Thanks guys. I really appreciate having someone to talk to that fully understands why this is subject is such a turn on to me.



My whisper sessions are approx 10 minutes till 30 minutes, depending on how it goes.



See Squirtkings replied and is good. It can be any length of time you want and feel comfortable. Longer sessions such as 30 mins plus and yes you could go on for several hours as I have and remember on such long sessions remembering that repetition of limiting commands are still better than long winded and intricate but any length of time from even as little as 5 minutes is going to help and varying the length and starting with short lengths to gradually increasing the length of time.
And always remembering for long sessions that needing a tired or quietd spouse should she be taking night quiet. A average session of magicsis when actually the client is under is generally 30 minutes but this is because altering states during daytime are more easily awakened because of noise light and the awareness and suspicions of clients is on the whole generally greater than the relaxing spouse.

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Completely agree with Mikey. This cuckolds brownie works!!!

I don't whisper unless I know she is in a deep deep relax. The rhythm has to be consistent. No chances of getting busted!!

She seems to go into a deeper breathing pattern when I whisper now. Thats no bullcuckolds brownie. Not sure why but she goes deeper.

She seems to be responding to the whispering. She does not take wine but had 2 evenings this week with wine? Coincidence? Sorry guys, but she is f**ing hot on holy water. Split permisterality. She suggested trying some new wines last night?

I am suggesting consistent themes and building on them. Too soon to see if it gets into her subconcsious but I am convinced there is something to this effort. Typically 20 minute sessions a few times a night a few times a week.

If all goes well, she will be sucking my cock full time and taking some bigger cock shortly.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------


Diving In
I feel that I should interject something here that "we" all might be over looking.
First, let me fill you in on my experiences. I seem to be in the same boat with how far I'm getting.
I read the old NW blog and Hep's advice a couple of years ago.
We had been to a party and there was a good looking black guy there. I noticed how she acted and sort of back off and observed when see had the chance to speak to him. The body language was unmistakable.
We got pretty lit and she was zonked in bed right after we got home.

I thought I'd give what we're now calling LW a whirl. When I got close to her she reached for my cock as if we were going to fool around but she fell arelax with my cock in her hand. Okay, i thought, Ill just wait untill she falls arelax more. 15 minutes went by and her breathing was heavy and almost snoring (not typical). Her hand had slipped off my cock but was still down there.
My heart was racing (how loud should I be? What the hell am I going to say? What if she wakes up??)
So I started - "What a cute black guy. So cute. Cute black guy. mmmmm, what a nice big black cock." Her hand went for my dick. My brain was zinging. "Big black cock. So big mmmmm. I want to stroke it mmmm". I'm getting a short stroke, light touch, slow mo thing happening. My heart is going to bust! Her head is on my shoulder and she thinks she's strokin' a black cock!
I kept it up for maybe 10 minutes. I was talking a little hotter and she "woke" with a startle. I kissed her and told her not to stop while I grabbed her hand to keep it on my cock. She layed there for a few seconds.
Now, after reading what has transpired in the forum and some digging on my own, I figure that she really wasn't awake after all.
My kissing her and grabbing probably woke her. Now, I think she was gathering up her thoughts.
Needless to say I got one of the sloppiest and hottest blow jobs I've had in ages.

So it's been a couple of years. I got a big black dildo and she enjoys that if I'm not pushy. I have gotten some interracial movies. They make her hot and wet but the unprofessional professionalism turns her off. I've collected up some amature vids but the time it


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takes to edit/make them unnoticed makes it tough.

After following you guys I thought I'd give it a try again.

First off, Thank you Hep and every one here for the inspiration.

Last week i started again.
Waiting for the breathing etc. This time I was going to be a little hotter.
We had sex and played with the dildo just before she fell arelax. I had acknowledged "him" as a friend during our lovemaking.
"mmmm Big black friend - beautiful body what a big black cock. You love big black cock. mmmmm . pause... What a nice butt you just want to squeeze that butt. mmmm. Suck on that big black cock while you squeeze that butt. mmmm" Her legs moved and she turned to lay on her stomach. "mmm climb on top and make him cum. mmmm. Climb on top. mmmm Make him cum mmmmm. (she loves being on top) Her breathing got more heavy and rapid.
I figured I'd leave it at that but the heavy breathing went on for a few minutes.
Hep had said to suggest something that she wouldn't do necessarily...
"Lick his balls - those silky balls mmmm. Lick his balls then kiss me with a big sloppy wet kiss mmmm. Her breathing got faster an she "woke" and turned over again. I let it ride and called it a night.
She told me the next morning that she had a weird dream and woke with her heart racing.
I said the she rolled over and hugged me. Kind of a half smile then perplexed look on her face.

The reamister why I'm posting is because of this morning. I presented our friend and while I was pumping her I put his balls near her face. She reached for them with her tongue! I let her suck on his balls for awhile and then she slobbered a big one on me in a hotter fashion than I'm used to. Needless to say that was the end for me. I couldn't hold back anymore.

It's working. No doubt, It's working.

Something we seem to be overlooking in these posts.
This process is really a cog in the wheel of multiple approaches to an end.
One of the things that have to be addressed are the insecurities that married women face when confronted with this option. That she may feel sub-consciously, this is being "pushed' on her..

"Does that mean he's looking for an excuse to cheat on me" etc etc. Other forums have covered this.

Maye LW could be used to alleviate those natural fears.
You could then reinpower those comforts in the waking moments when the time is right.
I see first hand the power of suggestion the LW can have.
Shouldn't it be used as a constructive adjunct to the relationship?

---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

I think thats enough for now. I hope this hasn't disrupted our own growing thread!!


Posts: 885
#34 · Edited by: fender412002
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Posts: 111
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Hi Fender,

Good progress, have you considered where you will head with the Man Celeb in relation to a wider strategy?

Of course I don't mean this second, minute or hour but where you intend linking him into the cuckold desire?

Assuming you want her to seek out the attributes of the guy - his Manliness his Alpha status and linking these features to the 'big swinging dick'.

I have some thoughts on this for your future development which is may be more specific to someone not attempting the 'black' IR thang - and using your celeb routine as the base line for linking. These are just thoughts as I've only been concerned with the IR direction.
Though frankly if using LW, folks should be attempting linking in the routines to other new routines or extensions of a routine.
I'll take your Celeb routine as the basis for a example which might help in future thoughts for linking.

I'm assuming you don't want just this one Celeb so centred in her mind that she puts his desired features up on some pedestal that she then couldn't project onto other Alpha Men. Because I'm assuming you don't just want her setting some shrine up in the house and her running off looking for him at different celeb hotspots.
Don't worry youve not got her there anywhere near that but you could imagine how that might become a issue over time.
So what I'd consider is telling her to project his essence of manliness onto other Alpha Men of worth that she sees on a daily basis 'out and about' in the street. Describe those particular desired features you think she should pick out and run with in her mind including may be getting her to check out his crouch for size needs. Getting her to focus there will make it in her mind her idea so that when she begins doing this and she will then notices herself doing this that she only had 1 reamister for starring down there which was making sure he has enough to satisfy her. You might want to encourage her in whispers to feel the need for something bigger longer thicker than your own?

Just a few ideas and remember your the guy on the ground and know more about your wife than anyone will ever know so please feel free to ignore everything I just wrote.

thanks for the writing from the other forum thread. There were a couple of controversies that you've not added which occured over this time. One was from a black guy that wanted to use it on his wife for getting her to introduce other women into their lovemaking which he then fucked up by speaking rather than whispering and not checking enough in a typical Alpha way that got him busted. The other was fingerleker attempting to introduce magicsis and magicsis terminology with wholesale cut and pastes into LovingWhispers in such a crude way that it just confused the fuck out of everyone reading and frankly would have undermined the Loving Whispers thread had I not jumped in. I think that it's important for folks to read those or at least the 'getting busted' issues so they can know how to avoid it - also ill come back to the ' getting busted' issue here in a break down of over coming this difficulty. I prefer a 'warts and all' approach so folks can learn not just from their own mistakes but better still from others mistakes so avoiding making similar mistakes themselves.


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I'll get back onto it over next few days. It might have been better to do another PDF like you did with the original info but I don't seem to have the necessary conversion facilities on my system right now.


Posts: 885
#37 · Edited by: fender412002
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Posts: 111
#38 · Edited by: hephaestus
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Hi Fender,
Looks good as a opener and comforter to her beginning this process.

Yes getting a link in from the Celeb to the Alpha Man – I’d suggest asking her to:
“notice other Alpha Mens attributes that match and mirror (CELEB) – these are the attributes that make a Alpha Man so hot, so appealing, so desired by you. You can find the (CELEB) in many Alpha Men and need to experience powerfully pleasurable sex with Alpha Men. Having sex with these Alpha Men will then connect you with (CELEB).

This becomes circular in her mind – having to have sex with Alpha Men to connect her with her desire for that CELEB.

One of the things I really love about Loving Whispers is that it can be applied in so many different ways and we are only limited by our own imagination in relation to creating new and more successful strategies and routines.

To all readers on a general note – creating these circular (might say catch 22) situations helps to ratchet up the desire in her mind.
Remember that as far as her mind will know as she becomes aware of these desires in awakened states / during the day. She will not think to herself “What a silly notion someone has implanted in my head” – no way – it will be “what interesting thoughts and desires I am thinking about – which I must need and want on some level”.

And what happens when she starts dreaming of these things? Dreams are so powerful in all our minds BUT to women they seem to be much more readily absorbed because they operate on a much more gut response – more intuitively / feelings driven than us guys ever will be!

All of Loving Whispers is about making it their idea and it being their idea is vital to any long term success. Not something that is being imposed from a ‘silly’ or ‘sick’ little Husband or boyfriend.

Don’t really want to equate Wives with horses but what is it they say about “you can lead a horse to water”.........


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This post is reenergizing my efforts. Been working on it the past week. Tried this morning about 5:30 am. She was on the edge of waking and was stirring alot.


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Jbbarrow, have you seen any results yet?


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Give her an ambian, then after she drifts off, wake her a bit and start suggesting. Works surprisingly well....


Posts: 144 Pictures: 1 
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Hey Guys,
Thought I would check in here and see how this thread is going. I am sure glad to see more are giving this method a try and seeing some success with it. That is one reamister I supported it so in an earlier post because I know it works.

I am also glad to see Hephaestus has chimed in offering his excellent insight on it all. The sky really can be the limit with this if applied with caution and good preparation. And I still say that if you are not serious about getting your wife some black dick then this method is NOT for you because it will work if given the proper time and execution.

And for those that are serious about it and really and truly do want some black dick in their wives then using this method will get you closer to your goals than anything else I could ever see doing it for you. Patience and consistent application will pay off for you.


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Haven't yet got round to pasting more of the other forum info.
It might make this thread a bit too disjointed if I add in too much and make this thread unreadable?
Would really value putting the other forum thread in another PDF for downloading?
What do ppl think? Hep?


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Just updating my progress. Spent several hours working the program last night between 1:30 and 3:30 am. I was woke up with her trying to talk and almost having a nightmare. I went right to work and inserted the black cock whisper. She quited down and I stayed after it and noticed that I seem to be able to affadt her breathing. She was talking again about an hour later but could not tell what and may be unrelated. She did mention this morning proactively that she had some dreams but said they were scary. I asked if she had sex dreams and she said no. However, she might not tell me anyway. A bonus was that we were having a black workman over in the morning. I did bring him up during the quite whisper some. We needed to pay him some money and I asked her if she would work it off. She said very funny......somewhat sarcastically. Will keep you posted.


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Interseting post! Love to hear if this works


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#46 · Edited by: fender412002
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Not getting much relax but had another couple hour round last night. Started around 3am for about an hour...dozed and hit it again for about half hour around 5am. NO QUESTION that I can affect her breathing. Hard to tell if making progress....some mumbling during but not sure. I stayed with the simple stuff around fucking and sucking black cock. Have not started trigger word yet. Asked her this morning if she had nightmares again and she said no. I asked (playfully) how about sex dreams and she was really quick to say no.


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It would be great if you could put the info into a PDF....Thanks


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Well I figure it is time to put my two cents in. First my apologies to swhwwfubbbd, I thought you were a quack job and thought right what's the catch. Lol!!

But now to my own permisteral experience after seeing the amount of posting going on here. I began using the technique over the weekend for about 15 minutes to a half hour. In that time which I tried 3 times since Friday I have noticed the breathing patterns begin to fluctuate to the rhythm of my whispered words and then actually her waking up startled a couple times which in all honesty but me on the defensive waiting to hear what a pig I was or something to that effect. Needless to say I am seeing slight and subtle changes. I know nothing earth shattering but changes just the same.

Let's see what happens from here and thanks for showing us all what we can accomplish if we keep being patient and persistent in it.


Posts: 157
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Well I figure it is time to put my two cents in. First my apologies to swhwwfubbbd, I thought you were a quack job and thought right what's the catch. Lol!!

But now to my own permisteral experience after seeing the amount of posting going on here. I began using the technique over the weekend for about 15 minutes to a half hour. In that time which I tried 3 times since Friday I have noticed the breathing patterns begin to fluctuate to the rhythm of my whispered words and then actually her waking up startled a couple times which in all honesty but me on the defensive waiting to hear what a pig I was or something to that effect. Needless to say I am seeing slight and subtle changes. I know nothing earth shattering but changes just the same.

Let's see what happens from here and thanks for showing us all what we can accomplish if we keep being patient and persistent in it.

I guess I should say thanks cocacolakid! I saw this on another forum and after I gave it a go for a little while I saw the changes it was making that I'd not been able to do in 10 years. Realising it was having a profound change in her I just thought I had to bring it to more ppls attention. It looked like Hephaestus had ducked out of the scene though it turns out he was pleased to see it getting a rebirth here and I'm really thankful to him for giving insight here and adding in many ways because I'd not taken any notice of the relaxing tablet effect on her before seeing it in this thread though reading back through the other forum thread see he had mentioned it there.

There is no doubt in my mind that the loving whispers has made real shifts in her libido, her desire, her wanting big black cock in fantasy and I've noted those same shifts in her breathing that you and others are noticing now and others on the other forum noted for themselves too.
It is so weird that I'm not surprised you and probably the majority have been thinking 'nutter', quack job' and looney etc etc lol. I suppose cocacolakid you have become another one of us looneys!

Anyway this looney is off to bed to continue suggestively seducing his wife into cuckolding me with black men with BBC.


Posts: 157
#51 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
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Well I got news to report on last nights loving whispers sessions. I appear to be able to wake up on cue to my wife going through periods of heavy breathing. Now I've got her doing this myself with whispers and sending her into these periods of loud relax. I got no way of telling if she is dreaming during these periods. I know dreams are meant to have something to do with the rem periods of relax when eyes are going all over place under closed eye lids. And as I'm purposely doing whispers generally with my eyes shut and going entirely by her regularity and depth of breathing that I don't notice her eyes especially during the early hours when it's too dark anyway.
When I do the loving whispers I regulate my whisper level to her level of breathing and also try to fit it in the troughs too. Leaving my eyes shut and going entirely by breathing offers me a let out clause in case she wakes or stirs because as and when she does I become unintelligible in speech talking gibberish but making the words sound similar enough to my real whispers that she can read my gibberish into her loving whispers and assume she's been feeding off my gibberish to what she thinks I may have said. Sneaky hey. So anyway so far doing this I've not been caught out. I guess if I watched her whilst I spoke I might spend too much attention watching her features and not enough concentrating on her breathing. And If her eyes opened and found me staring at her she's more likely to think something purposeful had taken place.

Anyway I digress because what I found last night was that I woke in tune with when she was breathing heavy and allowed me a better fuller whispering in tune with her breathing. Two sessions occured in the small hours and I played like mad with my cock but edging enough that I was awake enough to whisper properly and not cumming leaving me with enough desire to continue in line with these loud breathing occasions. Now I've never done this 3x in a night ever! But it seems to have been pretty untiring considering. The last session was about 0730 am and I carried on in similar vein to previous whispers. With a fair dose of reminding her to watch black guys when she's out and about and to seek out their cocks through their trousers and become aroused thinking about being fucked and filled by well hung black men as she looks at them she will become noticeably aroused and flush and blush with excitement her clit will become erect and aroused tingling with anticipation and her pussy will ache to be filled becoming so wet thinking about these big black men as she watches them she will feel like she needs to touch herself and masturbate if she can. I go into more detail about beig submissive knowing her body is made for dominate hung black men and denying any white cock in her as she is going to be a married white slut for big black men's use only. She will want to sit on my face and power me to eat her used stretched pussy and deny my white cock in her. I load as much as I can into these sessions and am still sticking with what I see as a visual trigger of seeing big black men and responding to them.

So the last session ended just before 0800 and she woke up about 10 minutes later after a continuation of deep breathing and a little murmuring. And wow was she randy! So I go to finger her and she starts pushing my head down! So there I am eating what seems to be a very wet cunt until one of our dogs hears us and jumps the stair barricade. This puts a stop to me getting to penetrating her, not that she really showed any interest as she was away in her own world with me eating her. I didn't push any remarks about what she was thinking about, hope it was fantasy thoughts about black men. So she says that's going to leave her all frustrated for the day.
And I'm thinking GREAT as she is going out into town whilst I'm at work. By this time I'm making a scramble for door as in going to be late. Now spending lunch break recounting events and wondering what my lil' slut to be is thinking and doing with her day out.


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Nice update swhw. It seems like you're headed in the right direction.


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#53 · Edited by: fender412002
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#54 · Edited by: fender412002
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Posts: 561
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Some brands of bath crystals can work wonders, too. Especially those with the "not for human consumption" sign.


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My view is don't second guess your success based on what others may regard as coincidence Fender. You know your wife better than any other guy on the planet! Just as I know my own wife.
That's so hot by the way, unseamisteral wardrobe choice short skirt and leaving her ring on the dresser. Mmm that's hot as hell! Damn I might have to suggest to mine about taking her wedding ring off when she goes out. Might spark some interesting thoughts going through her head about why she would do such a thing.


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She did mention this morning proactively that she had some dreams but said they were scary. I asked if she had sex dreams and she said no. However, she might not tell me anyway. A bonus was that we were having a black workman over in the morning. I did bring him up during the quite whisper some. We needed to pay him some money and I asked her if she would work it off. She said very funny......somewhat sarcastically. Will keep you posted.

Asked her this morning if she had nightmares again and she said no. I asked (playfully) how about sex dreams and she was really quick to say no.

jbbarrow word to the wise, be a little careful about re-asking her about sex dreams at moment because she may consciously put two and two together about how you'd know she has been having sex dreams. (we're assuming she has and if she has you'd have to put yourself in her shoes and wonder how you knew this) - unless your willing to work something in like "I've noticed when you relax at the moment that your giving a lot of aroused signals in your relax, moans, groans and even what sounded like panting so it seems obvious to me your having some really great dreams. Anyway if it's dreams - now we all have erotic dreams once in a while, don't we. I mean just the other night I woke up finding myself murmuring to myself....."

I don't know how far you want to push her awareness of herself or just leaving it as it is as it really is early days. It's just if you are pushing to find out have some fall back positions to turn to cover your tracks and your intent.

If you start talking about some funny or even funny / erotic dream you've been having lately and make something up just as a way of getting her to share something with you without pushing so hard that that female intuition comes into play.


Posts: 111
#58 · Edited by: hephaestus
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I have noticed the breathing patterns begin to fluctuate to the rhythm of my whispered words and then actually her waking up startled a couple times which in all honesty but me on the defensive waiting to hear what a pig I was or something to that effect. Needless to say I am seeing slight and subtle changes. I know nothing earth shattering but changes just the same.

Let's see what happens from here and thanks for showing us all what we can accomplish if we keep being patient and persistent in it.

Welcome to Cocacolakid. Goodluck on your journey and remember we're here to help.

Oh yeah almost forgot and can I have your credit card details lol


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I loving whispered for about an hour last night. I hadn't planned on reporting because not much happened aside from some relax gibberish which I believe she does normally. I pretty much stuck to affirming her want/need for big cock. I told her to imagine the tip of a large erect penis as it first touches the outside of her pussy. I told her to think of the feeling out would make pushing into her wet pussy. I let her know it was ok to seek out guys with big dicks etc.

When I woke her up this morning, again, there was no indication I had done anything. She takes a shower and I went downstairs. When she came down, bam! Shes wearing an unseamisterably short skirt that she hasn't worn in years. She is always fashionable, but dresses conservatively and always appropriate for the seamister. I told her she looks hot. She rolled her eyes at me like usual, but I could tell she liked hearing it................

.........I know dressing sexy can just be a coincidence, but I should also mention that she left her wedding ring on the dresser when she left the house today.

Looking good to me Fender.

swhwwfubbbd thats interesting that you managed to tune your *** to listening out for load breathing moments and responding by waking and acting on them. Very impressive, but I guess thats the whole point about the *** is just how impressive it is and how it can be used so impressively. I really do marvel at it and find myself astounded by its possibilities.


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#60 · Edited by: fender412002 
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