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Subconscious Stimulation

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I found this on another forum *((iloveIr)a real crap forum compared with here)* and have been following, using these methods to manipulate my wife. They are definitely working on her as she was fairly conservative and wouldn't even use a dildo. Now I got her cumming on a nice big black dildo and I'm certain it's down to this...

Please note this doesn't take you to another forum it takes you to 4shared where the PDF is held for download.

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

Has anyone else seen this or tried it or done this in the flesh?


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Been following the examples on the pdf for a number of weeks now and there are definate changes in her behaviour with regards to sex.
She is very aroused now then I say about big black men in fantasy play. Never seen her cum so hard and want to use the black dildo so long as this. I am slowly introducing black men images and am looking for some mild black man on white woman porn.


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Here's something to show her that should help ease her into it.



Posts: 144 Pictures: 1 
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I have heard of the Loving Whispers technique working very well through sub conscious manipulation. I have chatted with several white husbands who have used this technique on their conservative white wives and had great results in their quests to get her blacked.

I think it is a great piece of work that would be well worth the time for many white husbands to pick up and put it to work for them.I wouldn't recommend it for the fantasy seekers or the jealous types because this is some powerful stuff that works and if they really don't want their wives getting a black dick slid in her then this program should be avoided.

But for those white boys that are serious about it and do want their woman to get some black dick then by all means this will be more help than really anything I have ever seen come close to matching its success rate in converting *** white wives into willing white wives who have had black dick.


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Would like to know how this turns out - keep us updated


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It took me lots of encouraging (bringing home magazines portraying almost only blacks, watching NBA, accessing interracial sites and leaving the IP addresses there for my wife to find them, taking her to interracial parties in nightclubs and even suggesting trips to Caribbe and Africa) before she decided to 'cooperate' (lol). Now that she does, enthusiastically, I feel a little jealous sometimes.


Posts: 157
#7 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
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This is definitely working! She's been telling me all the things she wants black men to do to her, telling me she wants to be used and used and stretched out. Told me my useless little white dick isn't enough and that she wants a real man a dominate big black man with thick and long shaft and low hangin big balls.

PPl might say to that well she's getting into fantasy but these are my own suggestions I've been saying to her late at night when she's arelax and I've never ever ever heard my wife say these kind of things ever before.
She's definitely gone from little miss prim and proper to something else.

Like blackinme suggests only use this if you want to see real changes in your wife.

And you do have to be careful about making sure she's gone off to relax and there's a lot of warnings about that on the PDF. But it's working for me in ways I never thought possible.


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Last night I went at it pretty hard. Laying there I started the session describing a big black man dominant powerful with big black thick cock and low hanging big balls full of potent cum. Then I launched unto him touching her with his big black hands etc etc went into full detail about getting her to do everything and her being so submissive to him telling her she is made for big dominant black men with big black cocks to use and use her... Over and over I said these things and all the time her breathing got deeper and heavier and she even moaned. Of course I finished myself off and went to relax. So this morning she says to me "I had the most amazing dream. So hot and erotic, so powerful", so I said " well cant been about me then!". She laughs and says "No silly of course not , it was all about a big black man", so funnily enough acting unshocked I casually ask "sounds good, tell me more about it!" . She then describes the wonderful things that this guy did and how he just took her and used her how he needed. It was very erotic and I really wished I didn't have to go into work. So I said well may be you should start using that black dildo now even when I'm not around and she says "I think if much prefer the real thing".

I am amazed how quickly this is going in and the reaction it's having on her and it's especially good that it's all coming back from her in a positive way so it must have been there on her in the first place just buried deep down out of sight!


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how long have you been using the technique?


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Just under 3 months.

I used to go on the original site and kick myself for missing this freakin technique.

If I'd found this some years back I think I'd already be enjoying seeing my wife with other men.

You ever done this 1secret7 ?


Posts: 336
#11 · Edited by: hornylynne
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Dont open link in new window just click it.


Posts: 44
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this is excactly what i've been looking for for years! can this technique be recorded and played at nite while relaxing and how?


Posts: 141
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I used it last night also. No signifcant results yet. The problem for me is consistancy. How long are most of you whispering? Are you telling stories or reinpowering the same message over and over? Thanks


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Any more success with these techniques?


Posts: 44
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hi all
can anyone explain this to me and how to use it. you would be helping me out greatly. thanks


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Don't expect instant results after a few days. I did this for 1.5 months before I really started getting those initial horny responses from her. And then introduced black dildo and fantasy play.
I read the PDF from start to finish. It's long because it's in a forum thread post format. All I know is it was worth the read! I know what it's like you get the box home and you just want to get it together and fuck the instruction manuel but this is something worth the effort of a read or at least it is for me!


Posts: 141
Up to the first message Down to the last message did you work the trigger word...not sure i understand how to insert it.


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I probably will use a trigger word at some point when I get her to think about going to a specific club for dancing but at the moment my trigger has been more of trigger images. When she sees big black men on TV or when out and about she will become very aroused and she will have the sensations of her clit being stimulated as she begins thinking about big black cock and she will feel a ache of needing to be filled. When she sees big black men at the store she will radiate her need for big black cock as she becomes wet thinking about being fucked by big black cock she will flush with excitement.

This may be a little too specific I don't know but I'm working by trial and error like anyone else in this situation. I also vary my loving whispers but always with a big black cock theme.
I might try and message the guy who came up with this stuff as I know he is occasionally on that other forum and see if we can get him to visit here and offer advice.

I sure as hell can't be the only one that's done this before now. According to the PDF and the other forum that's certainly not the case but why can we find so few people that have done this.

As to recording it I don't know but not sure I'd want to try that one because there might be a lack of control over doing it quiet enough if she became more awake and what would happen if she woke and you weren't quick enough with stop button as well as what might happen if you fell arelax as you were playing it and she woke up!


Posts: 885
#19 · Edited by: fender412002
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#20 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd
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I have messaged the Hephaestus guy in hopes he'll come here and give us some advice.

Fender what I've read on the PDF suggests you might have one of those very susceptible to magicsis 'types' (lucky devil!) in this situation being more suggestible.

There's some further advice he offers at the very end of that other forums thread which isn't listed on the PDF and I'll head back to iloveir forum to cut and paste to ours here. I permisterally have more interest myself in pursuing a thread here because I think this place is more bouyant and engaging with more committed ppl and a much better admin ( shameless sucking up to mr big cuckold I know)

It's good to know this is filtering beyond just the IR cuckold community, to me so far it's already been hugely successful in my and my wife's sex life! Even though the results I've obtained have been slower coming than Fenders incredibly good fortune!


Posts: 885
#21 · Edited by: fender412002
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my brain says to hold off a few nights so as to not get greedy. In the past she had agreed to try another man but it was during sex. I stupidly brought it up outside the bedroom and she shunned the idea. That was over a year ago. I wonder/hope this will help.

Feels to me like a good idea Fender, like the PDF suggests small steps, baby steps are the way to go.

Here goes for the cut and paste on the added extra he didn't put in the PDF:

11-16-2011, 10:55 PM
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back for a moment

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The added extra enhancement is really simple (it has been previously vaguely alluded to by me but not put in its proper context) and tracking backwards to magicsis takes its inspiration from the very earliest mesmerism. Hypnosis distanced itself from mesmerism on the basis of Mesmers obsession with what he termed 'natural magnetism' which was his theory of the induced trance in humans.

With Mesmer the trance state was induced by continually touching and stroking the 'patient' / stage participant to the point that they 'went off'.

Now for a caveat here - **After continually stroking her back at bed time make sure your wife / gf is definitely drifting off** before starting to begin the normal loving whispers but at the same time continuing stroking. Make up and down stroking in time to saying "Big black cock" is a good way to begin the whispers.


The point with this methods is that by continually keeping moving contact and in such a rhythmic way helps induce that subconscious state where those areas of the brain that remain aware and receptive to suggestion remain active and ready for OUR needs.

OK now thats off my chest and out the way I've also got some ideas for introducing the Very conservative and or may be the women who have had some experiences that have framed black men negatively.

I'll save these ideas, and these are ideas which are UNTESTED theoretical in the LW field for a near future continuation.

Haven't had a chance to setup anything seperate from here as yet and I am in two minds about continuing my knowledge transference in general.

Really like it if people started taking on and evolving these concepts and adding them here or there and informing me where they link to in case they want my 10 cents worth!


Posts: 885
#23 · Edited by: fender412002
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Oh damn!
I think I've magictized myself!


Quick, somebody snap their fingers!


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No problem Fender as I'm glad I can help out as much as this Loving Whispers has helped me so far!

I've had some very horny sessions with my wife after doing this stuff . It's made a huge difference to her libido in relation to me and better still fantasy play about black men


Posts: 885
#26 · Edited by: fender412002
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Posts: 111
#27 · Edited by: hephaestus
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Hi to all, got your message swhwwfubbbd - Good to see people are taking up the method here.

Before I begin getting heavily involved, which in many ways isn't as necessary as some may think, because whilst the PDF is relatively long it does answer the beginners questions in a forum thread approach.

So I hope those interested will take the time to read through the Loving Whispers PDF.

Fender, great to hear of your success so quickly and yes I'd say she is one of those most susceptible to subconscious stimulation, manipulation, suggestion. So she would be almost certainly be very susceptible to magicsis.

I hope we can remain relatively free of BS comments about magicsis because although this uses methods directly from magicsis this isn’t magicsis in any standard or hardcore form. It WILL NOT make people do anything so quickly.

Loving whispers is a very gentle method that picks at social knots in the mind and takes the permister to areas of desire that are naturally there. Now whether this can make a difference to someone that appears totally frigid, conservative, repressed is a matter of great contention and I do have some untested ideas on this area which would have to approach these issues in a much more convoluted way than to just start suggesting “sucking big black cock” etc.

I can’t burden myself expounding these as yet as I do have a lot on my plate.

Rule of thumb with any and all of this is go easy, take your time – make those baby steps! Create – evolve – refine your own approach and remember that all of this is transferable to uniquely different situations.

BUT NOW I WILL OFFER A WARNING – DO NOT PUSH SO HARD FAST AND LOUD that YOU GET CAUGHT OUT –as the damage could be severe depending on you and your WIFE / Girlfriends permisteral circumstance.
There may be situations where she does become more awake and playing dumb / arelax / appearing to murmur in relax or even continuing talking but indistinct will save you much fear.

I may put many off with all of this but it needs to be in the open and the original PDF does offer this advice.

To swhwwfubbbd I’d be grateful if you keep me abreast of the situation here and I will return as and when I can and I think we’d all be grateful if you could transfer much of the thread or at least in its main points of interest from that other site to here?

To the moralisers – who somehow found their way to a cuckold porn site of all places and will scream that this is manipulation – it is counter to a permisters will.
It isn’t anymore manipulative than ADVERTISING is. Anymore seductive than the words of a winning candidate for any election or other sales permister. Every time we as humans open our mouths it is a attempt to persuade cajole manipulate others into changing a position and giving up their view. Now I don’t suggest like advertisers that advertising doesn’t actually work as they do to the public as they take millions from companies whilst telling them with a wink and a nod that it does.
Loving Whispers will go to work on the mind and it acts on a permisters present but hidden desires and may bring those out into the open. Thinking how controlled women have been throughout history to even now and how hidden and deep they have had to bury their desires it isn’t surprising that there is a deep well of lust to yet be explored, is it.


Goodluck to you all on your journey and especially those embarking on ‘LovingWhispers’

Oops there was just one more thing. To Mr Big Cuckold, thank you so much for affording us all this opportunity to exploring these concepts here and a permisteral thank you for allowing me here.


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Ok, either my wife is very suceptable to subconscious manipulation or she busted me on the first night I tried it.

I waited until she fell arelax. Her breathing fell into that rhythmic relax pattern. she even started her little snores she does every once in a while. Using the techniques, I said her name in a low quiet voice when she exhaled. I would only say a few words at a time and only when she exhaled. I'm trying to get her to hook up with other guys. I started out with I love you. Then moved on to telling her she should enjoy the physical company of other men. She should enjoy the big dicks they have to offer. I said these a few times each time starting with her name. Then I told her to have a dream about a celeb she thinks is hot. It is rumored that he is well hung. I told her I would always love her and then quit. Seriously like a minute or two later she taps me on the chest and tells me she wants me. I didn't bring up anything I had referenced. I made it about us, but she got off much stronger than usual. Then this morning as I'm waking her up for work, she said she had a dream about the celeb. I smiled and asked if it was a sexy dream. She replied "no we were just talking" with a wink and a smile.

Now if she had outright heard me and was playing me I would have expected her to wait longer before tapping me for sex. Also I would have figured she'd be upset at me for trying this. Any thoughts

Fender, this is a good and normal response for someone who is very susceptible and have experienced this appearing to wake during a session playfully hitting me on the shoulder and giving a dirty sly look before falling back into relax AND being totally unaware of her actions in the morning. I have emails from others to the same effect - but to many others they will not get this kind of response.
Also with regard her remembering and being angry - you above anyone are likely to know the reaction of your wife should this awareness have happened and are best placed to judge for your situation.

At some level the LW listener *** begins to form bridges between what is buried deep down as fantasy/ hidden desire and forming a bridge to your desired position and as you follow the PDF and brouch some triggers and make her aware of her new awakened position the self cycling spiralling position builds to higher levels of arousal and possibilities open and present themselves.


Posts: 157
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Hi Hephaestus, I remember you as admin from the original NW.COM site. Sad to have seen that original forum go. Got to say though I never saw this thread on the site!
Wished I'd seen back then and saved my wife a few years of sexual starvation!

More than happy to do some leg work on getting the posts from the forum I saw your stuff on. I'd noticed you weren't on there much to chat with but really happy your here to keep us on point!


Posts: 157
#30 · Edited by: swhwwfubbbd 
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Following are posts from the other mentioned forum, I've missed out a large number of thank you its working posts and hope this doesn't destroy the continuity of our own thread.....

08-13-2010, 11:26 PM

Finding same advances

I have only been doing this since finding the file here and with encourgement from my online buddy who told me this stuff works after using it himself on his wife!
Just like you SquirtKing I have noticed very definitive changes like my buddy said I would.
Unlike yours mine has NEVER been with anyone but me, shes shy a little reserved . All of a sudden I'm seeing her looking at black guys on the sly and when we're playing in bed suddenly she's getting passionate and I don't think shes thinking of me. I played with the "going black to what I said last night thing" and she seemed to clear off into her own little world for a minute and was completely oblivus of me. I've been saying and following the pdf and using triggers to drop her into sex states. Over roughly 2 weeks my sex has increased from before 2 x 2 weeks to 7 x 2 weeks. I'm a little frightened by how succesfull this is being so far! If you want to use this thing people might really consider wether they want this for their wives and girlfriends. I really could have done with this LW and other stuff at least 10 years ago or more. Hephaestus I thank you sincerly your a god among white bois.
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Originally Posted by SquirtKing

Many thanks. Unfortunately I am unable to lovewhisper every night but I do what I can. As it seems it works after a few times whispering, I will go on.
Doing it a few times a week is probably good enough - more often the better BUT one can get fatigued that way! You may have noticed that the pdf thread relates situations where wife/gf is particularly tired after a hard days work or night work, and / or if shes taking relaxing tablets for what ever assortment of reamisters - these are the cream times for implanting desired suggestion and can carry much deeper into the core of *** thoughts and on the same basis can be said much more loudly and with power.

and again saying this stuff at anytime that you feel safe and recognizing her breathing patterns and accommodating the volume of your voice to accommodate. Just after (10 minutes approx) shes dropped off to relax is good and for different reamisters before that period shes liable to be waking is good to connect her mind with some very erotic dreams in the REM period of relax. Waking horny is a great way to start the day and if shes had some of the best BBC dreams its really going to get her thinking too.
Sometimes it can be good to test her by asking "hey baby, what was that hot dream your were having this morning, WOW you were muttering something about......" you fill in the spaces with what you thinks appropriate.

Again just to reiterate - ALL of these techniques and everything else your doing will all reinpower where you need to go forward so that there's many method - all methods for awakening the natural slut in our ladies. The bigger and better our armory and imagination and creativity to exploiting each and every situation to our advantage the better we'll be for connecting all the dots until we've got from one stepping stone to another and crossed the river and looking back and feeling that sense of accomplishment then now seeing our newly reborn natural slutty wives in the arms of black lovers and feeling that desire in our loins growing stronger for this new happy sexually fulfilled woman.
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still working

My wife is a light relaxer so I have to be cafeful that she is arelax, but when I can LW she will wake up wet and ready, but she claims not to know why. Will continue LW eventually will suggest a black cock when she is wet and ready.
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My wife discovered some interracial porn pictures on my PC. I didn't push the pictures in a hidden map because I don't want to have secrets for her.

She asked me a few days ago: you like IRsex? I was a little bit shocked. Yesterday I tolked about it and she didn't mind that I like it. I asked her if she would like to use a bbc dildo and she said yes.

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Talking Softly is good if u can do it and it's all about what you think you can get away with by slowly testing during a LW session. The better the volume without her waking the better but as long as her *** / subconscious is able to pick it up then this is all that's needed. Rememberng how tired has she been before going to bed. Has she been takeing that evening, has she taken relaxing tablets, does she have any hearing deficit in a particular ear, which way is she laying, is she laying flat, does she have covers up close to her head, is she breathing loudly.
Apply the principles adjust to responses for instance if her breathing suddenly quietens this may be a raising of her consciousness but as in all methods knowing your wifes breathing pattern is something you can know and anyone else can only guess at.
Taking what can be described as a base reading before you start a LW session is a good idea.
You all seem to be doing pretty well which is expected , as to light relaxing snuggums that's unfortunate for really being able to let the LW taking hold BUT seems like your getting some great desired effects!

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Its all good

After following your PDF and the Loving Whispers at night and asking my wife to tell me she wants me to use a big black vibrator on her with me licking her clit my wife is now using a delicious black vibro / dildo with a inflatable girth (my addition) to slowly pump it up to increase the stretching effect on her as I lick her clit and taste her pussy as I work the big black vibro in and out of her. this new direction and Loving Whispers directing her desire is sending her ultra horny and wants the big black vibro and my tongue ALL THE TIME. Shes now exploring black men fantasy with my helping mind and hand THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING STUFF HEP, I REALY WISH ID FOUND THIS STUFF MUCH EARLIER. SIMPLE SO SIMPLE AND SO EFFECTIVE!

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Originally Posted by tincanman

My wife usually goes to bed after many red wines. Will this interfere or help with the whisper suggestions?
tincanman there isn't a reamister in the world why this won't strengthen the response - with this effect you can expect to go in much sooner and with power / sound volume of LW methods. Same thing goes for relaxing tablets and the depressive effect on the nervous system giving a clear and open ride straight to the *** / subconscious

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Originally Posted by SquirtKing

I am back from a few days abroad. The first day (sunday) my gf was laying down on her stomach with her legs a little bit wide. I layed next to her and stroked the 8" bbc dildo on her legs, closer and closer to her pussy. Later she put her ass a little bit up so I could caress the dildo around her wet lips. I asked her if she would like it inside; she agreed. First slowly, and in a few minutes it slides completely in her pussy. I fucked her hard with the dildo while she was moaning. In a few minutes I even couldn't see if it was a black dildo or a white dildo because she was creaming as hell
During our stay abroad I couldn't whisper because she wasn't relaxing deep. Today I will start again.
Beautiful stuff SquirtKing delicious - were you doing fantasy IR talk too - or is this still to come? All good.

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Hello all.

I decided to go ahead and post on this after spending much time reading, learning and experimenting with these procedures on my girlfriend. She is one of those rather faithful to one man types with no visible desire to change that. Until now anyway.

I started out rather slow on this because I didn't want to alert her about what I was doing. The longer I went soft voicing her during relax the more I was noticing that she was responding to it and the happier I was becoming because of it.

This is amazing the way it works. Recently I tried a little test on her while we were in the car. I seen a black guy waiting to cross the road as we pulled closer to him. I said, easy there pencil dick. Don't walk across there yet and she said pencil dick? Why would you say that? I said I don't know, that's probably what he is. She said ha, I doubt it. You maybe but I doubt he is.

I was surprised at what I just heard and she actually caught me by surprise so much that I wanted to keep the conversation going but I drew a blank on what to say. But I do know that she would never had said that without these procedures and it is only just beginning.

It does work and it gives many of us the snowballs chance that we never before thought we had. I am truly enjoying this as I try new things to test her to see what type of reactions she has. I will update soon on this and thanks a bunch for this invaluable info.

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Lifted below 3x posts from another forum and think it offers people some general and useful advice that I think are useful and run along side the LW methods.
It has some insights that really mirror your pdf.

How It’s Done

More and more the question arises: “How do I turn my wife into a slut for black cock?”

I suppose it’s not unexpected on a site devoted to interracial sex between white women and black men and certainly, as one who has some experience in the matter, it’s only natural it would often be directed towards me. And yet, before I began this little hobby (for lack of a better word) I would never have realized just how many other guys like me there were out there. I suppose all of us, when this temptation first arises, wonder if we are “weird” or “perverted” - probably, we are. But if there is anything we are discovering in the age of internet sexuality, it’s that a lot more of us (men AND women) are sexual deviants than anyone would have guessed.

What can explain a white man’s desire to see his sweet and loving wife, especially if she’s a very conservative “good girl”, turn into a total slut who’s addicted to sex with well hung black guys? Certainly, some men have a submissive bent and they find there thrill in all the practices that are associated lately with the term “cuckold” - denial of the wife’s affection or sex with her, offense and ridicule, even sissyfication. But those activities are a clear minority among the men who have the fetish. Most of us guys who are turned on by watching their wife go slut are not at all into the notion of being thought of, or treated as, a lesser man. So what is it? I don’t think there is any one answer. One common theme is the idea of seeing a woman revel in her sexuality the way a man does by nature. Another popular aspect is that nothing appeals to a latently dominate man like watching the ultimate presentation of a white woman to a powerful man.

In any case, it is not my purpose, in these articles, to explain why the fetish seems to be exploding in popularity (except as it relates to methodology), rather, my purpose is to provide a how-to guide for the man who wants to do what I did - take a good girl and turn her into a total slut.

Let me first look at some very preliminary, foundational, considerations. First, if you think your wife would be shocked, outraged, and disgusted by the idea - don’t be so sure. Certainly if you are ham-fisted in introducing the idea you may get a strong negative reaction. But I have found, the longer I have investigated this fetish, that women in general are far more open to both interracial sex, and to seriously liberalizing there sexuality, then most husbands imagine.

Second, you are far better off, at least initially, if you are dealing with a woman with submissive tendencies. It’s not necessary that she be aware that she is a natural sub, but women who are naturally submissive are strongly attracted to the mythos of the dominate, aggressive, black male. This can only work to the advantage of a man trying to make the conversion.

Third, if you are reading this and saying “I don’t really want her to be a slut, I’d just like to see her explore a bit on the side” - my advice to you is: be VERY careful! I admit I have no scientific survey to rely on, but it has been my observation that MOST women DON’T just “get a little” and say “that was nice”. Rather, the great majority of them find they have boarded a runaway train in which her desires, and her experiences, carry her away to places she would never have thought she’d go. Once you get her started, you may totally lose control of the situation. Women, if you are reading this, the same applies. I would never ever want to discourage a woman who wanted to go black - but it’s only fair to warn you that for some women, especially sub women, this hobby can quickly turn into a real addiction which takes you to places you never thought you’d go. I, like most all men in this lifestyle, sincerely hope you go there anyway. I think all women should give in to the opportunity to become sluts.- but you have been fairly warned.

Fourth, and deriving from that, guys - take this to heart: be very sure this is what you want. There is literally NO predicting where this road will take your good girl. Depending on her appearance, her opportunities, and the dominance of the man or men she hooks up with, almost nothing is off the table. Can you imagine your wife being picked up by a stranger in a bar, or being gang banged? I’m sure you can. But can you imagine that stranger keeping her all weekend and dropping her off Sunday in full view of the neighbors? Can you imagine that gang bang being thugs who get her high gift her with a nice obvious spade tat to “mark her”? Can you imagine her stripping? Or floating around the net in an amateur porn video? Can you imagine her so excited she would give in to her lovers desire to make her pregnant with a black baby or even whore her out? Some guys find these possibilities exciting, others find them terrifying, but be warned - they ARE possibilities. The nature of porn, and sexuality in general, for many people, is that of a progressive addiction.
Just as some people can smoke pot and never want a better high, while others are in a constant escalation looking for the “more and better” thrill. . . .just as some can gamble a few dollars on the weekend ball game or the occasional lottery ticket and be content while others crave the “high” of greater and greater risk. . . even so for many women and couples, this lifestyle is one of constantly seeking the more extreme experience. And as with haves, or gambling, or any other potentially addictive activity - you cannot know ahead of time whether you, or her, are one of those people. Look in the mirror and face up to this possibility: you may get more than you bargained for. If you can’t handle that risk, don’t do it.

Fifth, and finally, recognize this for what it is, do not practice self deception. This is manipulation, at the least, brainwashing at worst. I have concluded, in my own heart, that manipulating my wife into being that which will give her more happiness and satisfaction, and make our marriage even stronger (and it has done all of these) is not immoral. I am, in a sense, manipulating her into recognizing and accepting her true nature - even though she did not recognize it was there. But it IS manipulation, and the more effort it takes to bring out the slut in your woman, the more you are manipulating her. Some of the more extreme techniques are, for all intents and purposes, brainwashing. If you are going to do this, you might as well be honest with yourself about what you are doing.

In part two, I’ll look at laying the groundwork for the mission you have before you.

There are some things that, in my opinion, make it easier to steer your woman into a receptive state of mind concerning becoming a slut for BBC. Part of it is natural temptation, part of it is the attraction of the “taboo”, part of it is the undeniable desire to feel sexy, attractive, and desired. There is also the issue of trust and security.

To emphasize any one of these while neglecting the other could have less than desirable results. To take them in reverse order, you can’t do anything in this area unless your woman trusts you implicitly. Her first instinct is going to be to assume you are looking for a loophole to have an affair of your own, she’s going to question your loyalty to her and for any woman, but especially a sub, that’s going to threaten her feeling of security. You will be wise to give a great deal of attention to reassuring her in this area. This goes hand in hand with framing your hints toward the idea of swinging in terms which play to anyone’s natural desire to be found attractive. I know in our situation, more ground was covered when she became willing to believe that she really was sexy and desirable - hot - than by any other single factor. It’s more important to make her feel hot than almost anything else that will be suggested to you henceforth. Once you have that pair of factors firmly in place, and this should be done as much as is possible BEFORE you ever approach the idea of swinging or IR activity, THEN you can begin to execute the more direct program.

What you will do, from now on, is to identify, help her to recognize, and feed her desire to break free from the limitations that society has placed on her and experience the height of sexuality. The breaking of societal rules (in its various forms) is the natural excitement of challenging “taboos”. Whether it’s public nudity, bisexuality, or any of a hundred other “kinks” - among which IR sex, and promiscuity are certainly listed - all of us, male or female, find a certain thrill in defying those limits. Your job is to develop a hunger in your woman to free herself from that bondage. Further, you have to channel that broad desire in the direction of fucking black men, if that’s what you desire to see her do.

In part three, I’ll finally get down to the brass tacks of methodology that has worked for many husbands before you.

Okay then, this one will probably be brief because most of it is stating the obvious. You lay the groundwork on this subtly, At first you do it just a little at a time. First of all, if you do not talk during foreplay - shame on you! Get started. Whenever your mouth is not in action on some part of her body, by manipulating her mind. Tell her how hot and sexy she is, how every man would love the chance to fuck her (if course language shocks her, use some euphemism to start (do NOT say “make love”....that’s what people IN love do). Say “get with you” or some such to start but you want to move her towards the coarser stuff. Remember, a key element here is to play to her ego. The more you can get her to see herself as a sexually deliverable permister, the better. If you can get her to respond vocally, that’s a very good, but not essential, element. Get her to the point wher
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